

I won an Apple WWDC Scholarship back in 2017. With that, I got to experience the keynote firsthand, get the yearly jacket (Levi’s in my year), and attend the after-conference bash.

我早在2017年就获得了Apple WWDC奖学金。有了这笔钱,我就亲身体验了主题演讲,获得了年度外套(我那年是李维斯),并参加了会后庆典。

Recently rebranded as the Swift Student Challenge, the WWDC Scholarship is a yearly scholarship given out to roughly 350 students (from elementary school to university). The scholarship affords you the opportunity to get to go to San Jose and attend WWDC in person without having to pay for a ticket. Lodging and meals are also provided to scholars.

WWDC奖学金最近更名为“ Swift学生挑战赛”,是一项年度奖学金,每年颁发给大约350名学生(从小学到大学)。 奖学金使您有机会亲自前往圣何塞并亲自参加WWDC,而无需付费。 旅馆还提供住宿和膳食。

For the last few years, the requirements for winning have been being a student and submitting a visually interactive Swift playground.


From talking to other scholars and reflecting on the components of my successful entry, I’ve come up with three key tips to ensure a successful application process.


1.确保您的声音闪闪发光 (1. Make Sure Your Voice Shines Through)

This isn’t set up to be a tough coding challenge — it’s best to treat it as such.


In contrast to coding competitions and interviews that require rigorous practice and a heavy focus on algorithms and implementation, the Swift Student Challenge is about showcasing your ability in an interactive and creative format.

与需要严格练习并重点关注算法和实现的编码竞赛和面试相反,Swift Student Challenge旨在以交互和创造性的方式展示您的能力。

While you do have to know Swift and Swift Playgrounds development well, don’t stress too much about implementation. In my accepted submission, the very first line of my playground was //DOES NOt WOrk (with improper capitalization and all). Now, my playground did in fact work, but this just goes to show the playfulness of the challenge. It’s about having fun with playgrounds and making something that an engineer at Apple would consider cool.

尽管您确实必须很好地了解Swift和Swift Playgrounds的开发,但是不要过多地强调实现。 在我接受的意见//DOES NOt WOrk ,我的游乐场的第一行是//DOES NOt WOrk (大小写不正确)。 现在,我的操场实际上已经工作了,但这只是显示了挑战的趣味性。 这是关于在操场上玩,并使Apple的工程师认为很酷的事情。

Apple also wants to get to know you through your playground. Make sure your voice doesn't get muddled through all the code you are writing.

苹果还希望通过您的游乐场认识您。 确保您的声音不会被所编写的所有代码弄糊涂。

My submission to WWDC was a math quiz game, and as you answered questions, information about me started to animate in. I still had a working quiz game in SpriteKit and animations I built with Core Animation, but it didn’t water down what I was going for.

我向WWDC提交的内容是一个数学测验游戏,当您回答问题时,有关我的信息开始活跃起来。我在SpriteKit和我使用Core Animation制作的动画中仍然可以使用测验游戏,但是它并没有降低我的学习能力。正要去。

My playground wasn’t a math game — it was a showcase of who I was and why I was applying.


2.创意>复杂性 (2. Creativity > Complexity)

In other words, when it’s better to have a nice animation than a complicated algorithm.


As I stated above, you should focus on showing your voice rather than having the most technically complex submission. Using the wwdc GitHub account, you can view other students’ submissions going back to 2014. One thing I’ve noticed is there really isn’t a correlation between how technically complex a project is or how many libraries it uses and the chance it was selected. If you take a look for yourself, a lot of the successful submissions only have one library they listed as used.

如上所述,您应该专注于显示自己的声音,而不是进行技术上最复杂的提交。 使用wwdc GitHub帐户 ,您可以查看其他学生的回溯到2014年的论文。我注意到的一件事是,项目在技术上的复杂程度或使用的库数与机会之间确实没有关联。已选择。 如果您自己看看,许多成功提交的文件只有一个被列为已使用的库。

However, I do believe there’s a direct correlation between how creative and unique your project is and how likely it is to get selected. When talking to other scholars back in 2017, I was always impressed with how cool each person’s submission was. Though considered a childish word, I think cool is a really apt description in this case.

但是,我确实相信您的项目的创意和独特性与被选中的可能性之间存在直接的关联。 早在2017年与其他学者交谈时,每个人提交的论文多么 ,总是让我印象深刻。 尽管被认为是一个幼稚的词,但我认为在这种情况下,“ cool”是一个非常恰当的描述。

Each winning project was unique. Each winning project implemented something no one else really thought of implementing. Each winning project was creative. Each project was cool.

每个获奖项目都是独一无二的。 每个获胜的项目都实施了其他人没有真正想到要实施的东西。 每个获奖项目都是富有创造力的。 每个项目都很酷

Two of the coolest projects I remember from my scholarship year are a visually interactive 3D solar system and a remake of MacOS classic that supported dragging other people’s playgrounds into it. Your project definitely doesn't have to be as technically challenging as either of those — mine wasn’t and neither were my friends’ — but it does have to be as creative, as different, and as cool.

我从奖学金年度起就记得过的两个最酷的项目是视觉交互式3D太阳系和MacOS classic翻拍版,该版本支持将其他人的游乐场拖入其中。 您的项目绝对不必像任何一个项目那样在技术上都具有挑战性-我的不是,我的朋友也不是-但它必须具有创造力,与众不同且非常

3.尽早开始(真的很早) (3. Start Early (Really Early))

WWDC is held around early June every year. It logically follows that the submission system for scholars opens up around the same time and the deadline closes around the same time. Plan around this.

WWDC每年大约在六月初举行。 从逻辑上讲,学者的投稿系统大约在同一时间开放,截止日期大约在同一时间关闭。 为此计划。

One of the best things you can do to improve your chances is to start brainstorming ideas well before the submission system opens up. Since this is as much a creativity challenge as it is a test of your coding ability, coming up with a unique and creative idea will be one of your hardest challenges. Figuring out that creative idea well beforehand will help to ensure you still have enough time to implement it and the idea is fully fleshed out.

要提高机会,最好的办法之一就是在提交系统开放之前就开始集思广益。 由于这既是对创造力的挑战,又是对编码能力的考验,因此提出一个独特而富有创意的想法将是您最艰巨的挑战之一。 事先弄清楚该创意的想法将有助于确保您仍有足够的时间来实施它,并且该创意已被充实。

When I applied to WWDC18, the main reason I believe I didn’t get in was that I waited too long to come up with my idea. As a result, I felt rushed to choose the first idea that popped into my head (never a good strategy) and went right into implementing it. Had I picked a more creative idea beforehand, I wouldn't have been as rushed to implement it and my idea could've been improved and iterated upon.

当我申请WWDC18时,我认为我没有加入的主要原因是我等了太久才提出我的想法。 结果,我急于选择一个突然浮现在脑海的想法(从来都不是一个好的策略),然后马上去实施它。 如果我事先选择了一个更具创意的想法,那么我就不会急于实现它,而我的想法也可以得到改进和迭代。

If you’re really a go-getter, you can even start researching how you are going to implement your idea or even start implementing before the challenge begins. Since the submission guidelines haven't changed in a few years (it’s routinely been submitting a visually interactive Swift playground), it’s safe to assume it’ll be something like that for the years to come. So you can start fleshing out how you are going to structure your Swift playground and start coding a week or two before the submission comes out.

如果您确实是一个必修课,您甚至可以开始研究如何实现您的想法,甚至可以在挑战开始之前就开始执行。 由于提交指南在几年内没有发生变化(通常是提交视觉交互的Swift游乐场),因此可以放心地假设在未来的几年中会是类似的事情。 因此,您可以开始充实如何构造Swift游乐场,并在提交结果之前一两个星期开始编码。

With that in mind, I would not recommend starting months in advance. If you do so, chances are you’ll make something much too complicated and not suitable for this competition. You’ll also stress yourself out with what's supposed to be a fun, relatively quick challenge.

考虑到这一点,我不会 建议提前几个月开始。 如果这样做,您可能会使事情变得过于复杂,不适合本次比赛。 您还将面临一个有趣而相对快速的挑战,让自己感到压力。

在Swift学生挑战赛中取得成功 (Having Success in the Swift Student Challenge)

If you keep in mind that this is a fun challenge meant to showcase not only your coding ability but also your ability to create unique experiences for the judges, you’ll be fine.


Take your time with your submission and remember to make it unique! Maybe I’ll see you there in years to come!

花点时间处理提交的内容,并记住要使其与众不同! 也许未来几年我会在那儿见到你!

Image for post
Me at Dub Dub 17!
我在Dub Dub 17!

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-keys-to-a-successful-wwdc-scholarship-submission-8cbbf5eb2281






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