import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib as tf_contrib
from common import config
class Model():
def __init__(self):
# set the initializer of conv_weight and conv_bias
self.weight_init = tf_contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer(factor=1.0,
mode='FAN_IN', uniform=False)
self.bias_init = tf.zeros_initializer()
self.reg = tf_contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(config.weight_decay)
def _conv_layer(self, name, inp, kernel_shape, stride, padding='SAME',is_training=False):
with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
conv_filter = tf.get_variable(name='filter', shape=kernel_shape,
initializer=self.weight_init, regularizer=self.reg)
conv_bias = tf.get_variable(name='bias', shape=kernel_shape[-1],
x = tf.nn.conv2d(inp, conv_filter, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1],
padding=padding, data_format='NHWC')
x = tf.nn.bias_add(x, conv_bias, data_format='NHWC')
x = tf.layers.batch_normalization(x, axis=3, training=is_training)
x = tf.nn.relu(x)
return x
def _pool_layer(self, name, inp, ksize, stride, padding='SAME', mode='MAX'):
assert mode in ['MAX', 'AVG'], 'the mode of pool must be MAX or AVG'
if mode == 'MAX':
x = tf.nn.max_pool(inp, ksize=[1, ksize, ksize, 1], strides=[1, stride, stride, 1],
padding=padding, name=name, data_format='NHWC')
elif mode == 'AVG':
x = tf.nn.avg_pool(inp, ksize=[1, ksize, ksize, 1], strides=[1, stride, stride, 1],
padding=padding, name=name, data_format='NHWC')
return x
def _fc_layer(self, name, inp, units, dropout=0.5):
with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
shape = inp.get_shape().as_list()
dim = 1
for d in shape[1:]:
dim *= d
x = tf.reshape(inp, [-1, dim]) # flatten
if dropout > 0:
x = tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob=dropout, name='dropout')
x = tf.layers.dense(x, units, kernel_initializer=self.weight_init,
bias_initializer=self.bias_init, kernel_regularizer=self.reg)
return x
#def _softmax_layer(self, name, inp):
# x = tf.nn.softmax(inp, name=name)
# return x
def build(self):
data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None,)+config.image_shape+(config.nr_channel,),
label = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name='label')
# convert the format of label to one-hot
label_onehot = tf.one_hot(label, config.nr_class, dtype=tf.int32)
# a setting for bn
is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_training')
# conv1
x = self._conv_layer(name='conv1', inp=data,
kernel_shape=[3, 3, config.nr_channel, 16], stride=1,
is_training=is_training) # Nx32x32x32
x = self._pool_layer(name='pool1', inp=x, ksize=2, stride=2, mode='MAX') # Nx16x16x16
# conv2
x = self._conv_layer(name='conv21', inp=x, kernel_shape=[3, 3, 16, 32],
stride=1, is_training=is_training)
x = self._conv_layer(name='conv22', inp=x, kernel_shape=[3, 3, 32, 32],
stride=1, is_training=is_training)
x = self._pool_layer(name='pool2', inp=x, ksize=2, stride=2, mode='MAX') # Nx8x8x32
# conv3
x = self._conv_layer(name='conv31', inp=x, kernel_shape=[3, 3, 32, 64],
stride=1, is_training=is_training)
x = self._conv_layer(name='conv32', inp=x, kernel_shape=[3, 3, 64, 64],
stride=1, is_training=is_training)
x = self._pool_layer(name='pool3', inp=x, ksize=2, stride=2, mode='MAX') # Nx4x4x64
# conv4
x = self._conv_layer(name='conv41', inp=x, kernel_shape=[3, 3, 64, 128],
stride=1, is_training=is_training)
x = self._conv_layer(name='conv42', inp=x, kernel_shape=[3, 3, 128, 128],
stride=1, is_training=is_training)
x = self._pool_layer(name='pool4', inp=x, ksize=4, stride=4, mode='AVG') # Nx1x1x128
# fc1
logits = self._fc_layer(name='fc1', inp=x, units=config.nr_class, dropout=0)
placeholders = {
'data': data,
'label': label,
'is_training': is_training,
return placeholders, label_onehot, logits