学位类型 sql数据_我如何以艺术学位量身定制的方法进入数据科学领域

学位类型 sql数据

Previously, I walked through the 2 pillars of data science roles: statistics and programming knowledge, as well as how to prepare to enter the field based on your expertise in those 2 pillars. (Link on Medium Towards Data Science).

以前,我介绍了数据科学角色的两个Struts:统计和编程知识,以及如何根据您在这两个Struts中的专业知识准备进入该领域。 ( 有关媒介走向数据科学的链接 )。

Here, in this article, I’ll walk through what to expect, if you’ve received the good news that you’re getting an interview! This includes some time-saving tips for covering the huge variety of behavioral questions, how to make 10 minutes of research pay for itself many times over, and much more.

在这里,如果您收到了即将面试的好消息,那么我将在这篇文章中逐步介绍预期的结果! 其中包括一些省时的技巧,这些技巧涵盖了各种各样的行为问题,如何使10分钟的研究自己获得多次回报,等等。

第一个“大门”:人力资源或招聘人员的电话屏幕 (The first “gate”: HR or recruiter phone screen)

了解人力资源和招聘经理之间的区别 (Know the distinction between HR and hiring manager)

For mid to large sized companies, HR or non-technical recruiters (aka talent acquisition) usually do the initial filter of resumes, and then have a call with candidates that seem qualified. After the conversation, if they feel the candidate is a potential fit, they might pass it on to a hiring manager.

对于大中型公司,人力资源或非技术性招聘人员(又称人才培养)通常会对简历进行初始筛选,然后与看似合格的应聘者联系。 谈话后,如果他们认为候选人很适合,可以将其传递给招聘经理。

Back in 2017, I was confused as to the difference between HR and hiring manager. Now, I know that hiring managers are usually who you’ll really be working with, and report to, whereas the HR usually conducts initial screening and other types of administration such as coordinating interviews. Once again, this is assuming a mid to large sized company with established departments — I will not be going through startup specific information in this article, although most tips should still be applicable.

早在2017年,我就人力资源部和招聘经理之间的区别感到困惑。 现在,我知道招聘经理通常是您真正与之共事并向其报告的人,而人力资源部通常会进行初步筛选和其他类型的管理,例如协调面试。 再次假设这是一家拥有固定部门的中型公司—尽管大多数技巧仍然适用,但我不会在本文中介绍特定于启动的信息。

展示您的沟通技巧,以通过第一个“门” (Showcase your communication skills to pass the first “gate”)

Here is a general rundown of how the first HR or recruiter phone screen usually goes like:


  1. They ask you to introduce yourself

  2. They ask you about your experience in some technologies (they usually compare your answers against the job description or a list the hiring manager provided). Example: “Do you know how to use Tensorflow?”

    他们询问您在某些技术方面的经验(他们通常将您的答案与职位描述或招聘经理提供的列表进行比较)。 示例:“您知道如何使用Tensorflow吗?”
  3. They probe you on items on your resume. Example: “Tell me more about your Reddit scraping project.”

    他们会在您简历上的项目上对您进行调查。 示例:“告诉我有关您Reddit抓取项目的更多信息。”
  4. They ask you some behavioral interview questions. Example: “Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership.”

    他们问您一些行为面试问题 。 示例:“告诉我您表现出领导才能的时间。”

  5. They usually ask why you are interested in their company or this role.


Since the HR won’t be working with you in your day to day, what it takes to get past this first “gate” isn’t necessarily even technical skills, but rather, communication skills.


I wish I were kidding when I say people actually fail this round because of avoidable reasons such as being nervous, or being unable to articulate their answers with less technical jargon. This is because your recruiters may come from many types of educational backgrounds, so you need to be able to communicate at varying levels of technical detail. If you can convey, in a way that the HR or recruiter understands, just why your skills can be valuable, they will happily go to bat for you and recommend you to the hiring managers.

当我说人们由于可避免的原因,例如紧张或无法用较少的专业术语来表达他们的答案时,我实际上在这一回合中失败了,我希望自己在开玩笑。 这是因为您的招聘人员可能来自多种类型的教育背景,因此您需要能够在不同的技术细节水平上进行交流。 如果您能以人力资源或招聘人员所能理解的方式传达您的技能为何很有价值的原因,他们会很乐意为您服务,并推荐您给招聘经理。

量身定制的方法的完整指南,以清除手机屏幕 (Full guide of tailored approaches to clear the phone screen)

Introduction: “Tell me about yourself”


  • I prepared an “elevator pitch” for this question, which I reused for countless interviews. It includes a quick overview of my educational background, experience, and a sentence or two of why my experience can help me contribute to the company and role.

    我为这个问题准备了一个“电梯音调”,我将其重复用于无数次采访中 。 它简要概述了我的教育背景,经验,以及一两句话为什么我的经验可以帮助我为公司和职位做出贡献。

Experience in [technology], [machine learning technique] or [programming language]


  • Here, I usually prepared with the job description in hand. If the description lists something I have experience in (e.g. looking for a candidate skilled in SQL), I prepare a quick outline of what I have done before in SQL.

    在这里,我通常会准备好职位描述。 如果描述中列出了我经验丰富的内容(例如,寻找SQL熟练的候选人),那么我将简要概述一下我之前在SQL中所做的工作。
  • I also spent some time (10 minutes is enough) to brainstorm what type of projects the team might be working on, according to their industry. For example, for telecom, I asked around and discovered they are quite concerned about churn modelling (predicting which customers might leave). Personally, I did not have experience doing churn modelling, but could look up beforehand some examples or common techniques, so that I can connect that type of problem with my experience.

    根据他们的行业,我还花了一些时间(十分钟就足够了)来集思广益,团队可能正在从事哪种类型的项目。 例如,对于电信业,我四处询问,发现他们非常关注客户流失模型(预测哪些客户可能离开)。 就我个人而言,我没有进行客户流失建模的经验,但是可以事先查询一些示例或常用技术,以便将这种类型的问题与我的经验联系起来。

Probing about your experiences listed on resume


  • I prepared carefully to be able to describe any project I listed on my resume — this will pay off for the technical interview rounds as well. For the HR round, I focused on being able to describe the impact or results, in high-level language that non-technical folks can understand as well. However, if you can mention any jargon on the job description that the HR is listening for, that is great. Even better if you point it out (e.g. “I used gradient boosting techniques for this project, which is mentioned on the job description.”)

    我精心准备了能够描述我简历中列出的任何项目的知识-这也将在技术面试中获得回报。 在人力资源回合中,我致力于以非技术人员也可以理解的高级语言描述影响或结果。 但是,如果您可以在HR正在听的工作描述中提及任何行话,那就太好了。 如果您指出这一点,那就更好了(例如,“我在该项目中使用了梯度增强技术,这在职位描述中有所提及。”)

Behavioral interview questions


  • For these, I grabbed a list of questions online and made sure I could answer them verbally. Here are some examples. Every company and interviewer could ask drastically different questions, which makes it seem overwhelming to prepare for, but don’t worry — my time-saving tip is to prepare a handful of stories that can be used to answer a variety of questions.

    为此,我在线上获取了一系列问题,并确保可以口头回答。 这里有些例子。 每个公司和面试官都可以提出截然不同的问题,这使得准备工作似乎很繁琐,但是请不要担心-我节省时间的技巧是准备一些可以回答各种问题的故事。

  • For example, instead of 4 separate stories of how I demonstrated communication skills, leadership skills, initiative, or ownership, I prepared one single story that could be used to answer all of those 4 questions. You can modify what to emphasize on the fly: for example, if the question is on communication skills, you can drop some details about leadership, while using the same story. Using this method, you can be prepared for 99% of questions they can throw at you, with only a handful of stories!

    例如,我没有编写关于如何展示沟通技巧,领导才能,主动性或主人翁精神的4个单独的故事,而是准备了一个单一的故事来回答所有这4个问题 。 您可以即时修改要强调的内容:例如,如果问题是关于沟通技巧,则可以在使用相同故事的同时放弃一些有关领导力的细节。 使用这种方法,您只需准备几个故事,就可以准备解决99%的问题。

  • Use the STAR method so that your answers do convey crucial information. Before I knew of this way to structure my answers, I forgot to mention the results of my projects most of the time, which was actually what the interviewers were most curious about!

    使用STAR方法,以便您的答案确实传达关键信息。 在我不知道以这种方式来构造答案的方式之前,我大部分时间都忘记提及我的项目的结果,而这实际上正是面试官最好奇的地方!

Why are you interested in this company or role?


  • This is going to be pretty important to the HR, frankly. If you can show enthusiasm as well as understanding what the company does, it helps a lot for this round. It’s hard to be interested in a candidate that seems clueless about the products or services of the company. I usually browse the company’s website or social media for an overview, as well as the overall “mission” of the company, if possible. Are they B2B or B2C? If they’re some sort of web platform, are they more focused on the people who create content, or consume content, or both?

    坦率地说,这对人力资源部门将非常重要。 如果您能表现出热情并了解公司的工作,则对本轮工作有很大帮助。 对于似乎对公司的产品或服务一无所知的候选人来说,很难引起兴趣。 我通常会浏览公司的网站或社交媒体,以获取概述以及公司的总体“使命”(如果可能)。 他们是B2B还是B2C? 如果他们是某种Web平台,那么他们是否更专注于创建内容或使用内容的人,或两者兼而有之?
  • This research pays for itself many times over as you’ll be able to frame all your answers and stories around how you can help the company’s mission (e.g. “My educational background in [economic modelling] can help me create robust and accurate [churn models], so that we can proactively [save customers].”)

    这项研究可以使自己获得很多回报,因为您将能够围绕如何帮助公司的使命构想所有答案和故事(例如,“我在[经济建模]中的教育背景可以帮助我创建健壮而准确的[客户流失模型] ],这样我们就可以主动[保存客户]。”)

That’s a lot of information, as well as a lot to prepare for, but the good news is that the preparation in this round will pay for itself in future interview rounds. Though, if you don’t feel like you have time to prepare for all of those questions in detail, here are the time-saving methods that I found to greatly increase the odds of passing this round:

那是很多信息,还有很多需要准备的东西,但是好消息是,本轮准备工作将在以后的采访中收回成本。 不过,如果您觉得没有时间详细准备所有这些问题,可以使用以下省时的方法,这些方法大大增加了通过本轮调查的几率:

  • Spend 10 minutes quickly looking up the company, and their core mission (or guess what it could be). This pays for itself many times over to make your case as a compelling candidate

    花10分钟快速查找公司及其核心任务(或猜测可能是什么)。 这本身就可以使自己成为有说服力的人
  • Prepare a quick elevator pitch that outlines your experience and why you’re interested in the company, team, or role specifically

  • Prepare ~3 stories of your past experience to answer a variety of behavioral questions

  • e.g. 1 single story to answer anything about communication/ collaboration/ leadership, another story to cover time management/ adaptability, and so on, each story being able to cover a handful of traits


If possible, find a friend to practice with — I was lucky that my friends spared their time to hear my elevator pitch — you’d rather stutter in front of your friends first, than the interviewer!


与招聘经理和未来同事的技术/编码交流 (Technical/coding round(s) with hiring manager and future coworkers)

If you wowed the HR during the initial phone screen, in a mid or large-sized company, you’ll likely be invited to interview with the hiring manager afterwards. My preparation strategy for these further rounds involved much more technical detail, for example reviewing any statistical modelling I mentioned anywhere on my resume. Since many of those projects were done some months or years ago when I interviewed, it was only natural that I needed to spend time brushing up on details!

如果您是在中型或大型公司的初始电话屏幕中惊叹于人力资源部的,那么您之后很可能会被邀请采访招聘经理。 我为以后的回合做准备的策略涉及更多技术细节,例如,审查我在履历表中提到的任何统计模型。 由于其中许多项目是在几个月或几年前接受采访时完成的,因此很自然地需要花时间来整理细节!

The good news is, a lot of the preparation for the previous round can help you with this round as well. Some questions, especially the behavioral ones, might even be similar or identical, but the later rounds are a good time to toss in more technical details in your answers.

好消息是,上一轮的很多准备工作也可以为您提供帮助。 有些问题,尤其是行为问题,甚至可能相似或相同,但稍后的回合是您在答案中输入更多技术细节的好时机。

量身定制的招聘经理面试方法 (Tailored approach to hiring manager interviews)

Now, in my experience, I found that technical interview rounds had much more variation than the phone screens. This is because each company, or even the team itself, may focus on different types of data science. Hence, this is where the research you did about the company and team will also come in handy.

现在,根据我的经验,我发现技术面试回合比电话屏幕具有更多差异。 这是因为每个公司,甚至团队本身,都可能专注于不同类型的数据科学 。 因此,这就是您对公司和团队所做的研究也将派上用场的地方。

If the role is entry level or the description isn’t specific enough, it’s always a good bet to review some common algorithms like random forest, logistic regression, K-means clustering, etc. (In the interview for my current role, I did get asked to explain all those algorithms verbally).


In general, I prioritized theory and technical details of basic machine learning algorithms, and those used in projects I specifically had mentioned on my resume. If you mentioned using CNNs on a project you did on your resume, be prepared to explain your approach, and its pros and cons. Of course, if your job description literally says they’re looking for someone strong in NLP, you had better prepare for techniques in the specified topic too.

总的来说,我优先考虑基本机器学习算法的理论和技术细节,以及那些我在简历中特别提到的项目中使用的算法和技术细节。 如果您提到在简历中使用过的项目中使用了CNN,请准备好解释您的方法及其优缺点。 当然,如果您的职位描述确实说他们正在寻找NLP优秀的人才,那么您也最好为指定主题的技术做准备。

However, if no one has yet told you what fields the role focuses on, from the company’s mission or information about the hiring team, you can make educated guesses on what kind of algorithms to review. If this happens to be the case, I recommend asking the HR or hiring manager, with more details in the following section.

但是,如果没有人告诉您该职位所关注的领域,从公司的任务或有关招聘团队的信息,您就可以对要审查的算法做出有根据的猜测。 如果碰巧是这种情况,建议您咨询人力资源或招聘经理,以下部分会提供更多详细信息。

技术回合各不相同-收集尽可能多的信息 (Technical rounds vary wildly — gather as much information as you can)

Now, regarding coding interviews, I have heard wildly varying experiences. There are some that are 90% coding and 10% asking about past experience or algorithms; there are some interviews that are the opposite way around.

现在,关于编码面试,我听到了千差万别的经历。 其中有90%的编码和10%的询问过去的经验或算法。 有些采访则相反。

For example, my own experience interviewing candidates is that we’re looking more for problem solving skills and proficiency in Python, and we do not ask LeetCode style coding questions, which seem to have risen in popularity. Hence, I won’t comment on too much detail about coding portion preparation since it could vary too much role to role, and I don’t want to misguide anyone.

例如,根据我对面试候选人的经验,我们正在寻找更多的解决问题的技能和Python熟练程度,并且我们不问LeetCode风格的编码问题,这些问题似乎越来越流行。 因此,我不会对编码部分准备做过多的评论,因为它可能因角色而异,并且我不想误导任何人。

It is possible to make an educated guess from what you understand of the team’s day to day usage of the 2 pillars of data science: statistics and programming — if the team’s work relies more on statistics knowledge, it’s possible they ask more of the former, and vice versa. I elaborate more on the 2 pillars in part 1 of this series.

您可能会从您对团队日常使用数据科学的两个Struts(即统计和编程)的了解中得出有根据的猜测,如果团队的工作更多地依赖于统计知识,那么他们可能会要求更多的前者,反之亦然。 在本系列的第1部分中,我将详细阐述两个Struts。

I suggest you get as much information from the hiring manager as possible; if you don’t know who that will be at this stage, ask your HR or recruiter contact. If the HR doesn’t know, you can ask them to ask the hiring manager on your behalf. I found that the HR folks are very nice about this and do try to help you — part of their role is to give the candidate sufficient information, after all.

我建议您从招聘经理那里获得尽可能多的信息。 如果您不知道现阶段将是谁,请咨询您的人力资源或招聘人员联系人。 如果HR不知道,您可以请他们代表您询问招聘经理。 我发现人力资源人员对此非常好,并会尽力帮助您-毕竟,他们的部分职责是为应聘者提供足够的信息。

  • Review the technical details of projects you’ve mentioned on your resume — everything there is fair game to be asked, and it doesn’t look good if you can’t answer some detail about something you listed.

  • Depending on the role or job description, review families of algorithms you think might be applicable to the role.

  • Reach out to the hiring manager or HR to get as much detail about the technical rounds as possible, (within reason, of course).

  • If there are coding rounds, practice on LeetCode or review implementations of popular algorithms.


One last reminder, which I have mentioned before, but is worth repeating: I really suggest you frame your answers based on the company’s mission and what you know about the team. Think about it this way: if my team does machine learning for customer personalization, but nothing about the candidate’s experience seems to be able to contribute to our team’s mission or techniques we use day-to-day, it makes it harder to hire the candidate.

最后提醒,我之前已经提到过,但值得重复:我真的建议您根据公司的使命和对团队的了解来制定答案。 这样想:如果我的团队进行机器学习以实现客户个性化,但是候选人的经验似乎无济于事,无法为我们的团队使命或我们日常使用的技术做出贡献,那么招聘候选人就变得更加困难。

That’s why it pays off to tailor how you describe your experience to what you know of the interviewers, because they simply don’t know perfect information about the candidate. In reality, between two candidates with the exact same skill set, the one that can better make their case on how they can contribute to the team, will be much more attractive.

这就是为什么根据面试官的了解量身定制您如何描述自己的经历的原因,因为他们根本不了解有关候选人的完整信息。 实际上,在具有完全相同技能的两名候选人之间,能够更好地说明如何为团队做出贡献的候选人将更具吸引力。

摘要和即时面试准备步骤 (Summary and immediate interview preparation steps)

There is a large amount of resources online about the data science interview process, which can be overwhelming. I was also in that situation when I started the job search, and I definitely can relate — which is why I shared the above details and tips. I hope that all that I learned can help you!

在线上有大量有关数据科学采访过程的资源,这些资源可能不堪重负。 当我开始求职时,我也处于这种情况下,我肯定可以与他人联系-这就是为什么我分享了上述详细信息和提示。 希望我所学的知识能对您有所帮助!

If you have some time before the applications and interviews, as mentioned in the first part of this blog series — the key is to bring your machine learning theory and programming both to a baseline level. For example, if you have 0 knowledge if one of them, bring it up to a 2 or 3.

本系列博客的第一部分所述,如果您有一些时间来进行申请和面试,那么关键是使您的机器学习理论和编程都达到基线水平。 例如,如果您有0个知识(如果其中之一),则将其提高到2或3。

If you have interviews booked, the immediate actions are:


  1. Prepare your elevator pitch self-introduction

  2. Research the company and role

  3. Prepare a handful of stories that are each able to answer multiple behavioral questions

  4. Review technical details of your resume, and focus on skills that the team or role need

  5. Review code implementations of past projects or LeetCode


And that’s it for this blog series. I hope that it was helpful or interesting, whether you are job searching or not. If you happen to be going through interviews at this time, I wish you all the best!

这就是本博客系列的内容。 无论您是否在找工作,我都希望它会有所帮助或有趣。 如果您恰巧此时正在接受采访,祝您一切顺利!

Originally published at https://www.susanshu.com on March 29, 2020.

最初于 2020年3月29日 https://www.susanshu.com 发布

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-i-entered-the-data-science-field-with-an-arts-degree-tailored-approach-to-data-science-f54f3bb8e15a

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