

If you are fresh to UX, nothing is more powerful than the “coffee chat”. Here is a strategic approach on how — and who — to ask for an informational interview, so you can move closer to your goals and make the most of everyone’s time.

如果您不熟悉UX,那么没有什么比“咖啡聊天”更强大了。 这是一种战略方法,用于确定如何以及由谁来进行信息采访,以便您可以更接近自己的目标并充分利用每个人的时间。

While it seems straightforward, I had some folks ask me for help on this topic so I made a quick guide to quell logistical fears and squash false narratives that keep you from reaching out and making fruitful connections.


When I was looking for my first UX position, I set the goal of having one informational interview per week, which meant I made multiple LinkedIn asks per week to get one on the books each week.

当我寻找自己的第一个UX职位时 ,我设定了每周进行一次信息面试的目标,这意味着我每周要发出多个LinkedIn请求,以便每周获得一次面试。

I’ve asked for — and graciously received — dozens of hours of other people’s time and wisdom. In the spirit of reciprocity, I regularly give a bit of my time to other new designers and design bootcamp students.

我已经请求-并亲切地接受了-数十个小时的他人的时间和智慧。 本着互惠互利的精神,我经常抽出时间给其他新设计师和设计训练营的学生。

Here is what I’ve learned to make your efforts more effective and more fun:


专注于建立人际关系。 (Focus on creating human connection.)

Informational interviews are powerful. You can potentially:

信息采访功能强大。 您可以:

  • garner experiential wisdom from someone who’s been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. You can get amazing advice or interesting feedback that makes you think differently.

    从曾经去过那里的人那里获得经验性的智慧,做到了,买了这件T恤。 您可以获得令人惊奇的建议或有趣的反馈,使您有不同的想法。
  • learn new ways to think and talk about UX processes and roles. You can start to have a more nuanced understanding of what you are looking for in your UX job search.

    学习思考和谈论UX流程和角色的新方法。 您可以开始对UX职位搜索中的内容有了更细微的了解。
  • meet mentors, future bosses, clients, collaborators, or lifelong friends.

  • create future possibilities or jobs through your extended network. People who know you are more likely to give you a chance.

    通过扩展网络创造未来的可能性或工作。 认识您的人更有可能给您机会。

The possibilities are exciting, but what you might receive should not be your end-goal.


Your end goal should be to forge a genuine connection with another human simply for the sake of it. Whatever comes with that is icing on the cake.

您的最终目标应该是仅仅为了与他人建立真正的联系。 随之而来的一切都锦上添花。

For a new UX designer, informational interviews can be a great way to build empathy and practice softer skills like active listening, building rapport, and learning to notice and follow when your curiosity is piqued.


从战略上选择您的受访者。 (Choose your interviewee strategically.)

If you are in a UX bootcamp, you do not need to talk to the Senior Product Designer at Netflix. I’m not saying you shouldn’t ever try, but you are much more likely to get a response from someone who is just one or two steps ahead of you professionally.

如果您在UX训练营中,则无需与Netflix的高级产品设计师联系。 我并不是说您永远不要尝试,但是您很有可能会得到专业上仅领先您一两步的人的回应。

Instead of going straight to the top, ask to meet with a designer who is in their first design role in your company of interest. Ask to meet with someone who has the position you want next. How did they get from point A to point B?

而不是直接进入高层,而是要与在您感兴趣的公司中担任第一设计职务的设计师会面。 要求与拥有下一个职位的人会面。 他们是如何从A点到达B点的?

This person is more likely to offer you more useful and more specific information to where you are right now in your career search.


在问之前,先做一下研究。 (Before you ask, do your research.)

In what roles and in what companies has the invitee worked? Which of their professional skills or transitions are interesting to you or similar to yours?

被邀请人以什么角色和在哪些公司工作? 您对他们感兴趣的或与您相似的专业技能或过渡中的哪些?

When you request to connect on LinkedIn, include a personalized note that states how you came across this person and why you would like to talk with them specifically. Make the note about them. By making your ask unique, you signal that you’ve done your research and you are respectful so the conversation will be worth their time.

当您请求在LinkedIn上建立联系时,请附上个性化的注释,其中说明您是如何遇到此人的,以及您为什么要特别与他们交谈。 记下有关它们的信息。 通过使您的提问变得独特,表示您已完成研究并且受到尊重,因此对话将值得他们度过。

直接问问并给他们一个答案。 (Ask directly and give them an out.)

This is how I roll on LinkedIn, when sending a connection request, which can be adapted for email:


“Hi, Lauren, I noticed that you’ve been working as a UX Designer at Lyft for the last year and that you used to be a fine dining server. I am making the transition from service industry to UX myself and I have a lot of interest in transit and logistics. I would love to hear your story. Could we meet sometime next week for coffee? I know you must be very busy, so no worries if you don’t have space in your current schedule. Thanks for your time, Elise.”

“嗨,劳伦,我注意到您去年一直在Lyft担任UX设计师,并且您曾经是一台精美的餐饮服务器。 我本人正在从服务行业向UX过渡,我对运输和物流非常感兴趣。 我很想听听你的故事。 我们下周可以见面喝咖啡吗? 我知道您一定很忙,所以如果您当前的日程安排中没有空间,请不要担心。 谢谢您的宝贵时间,Elise。”

In other words:


“Hi, person of interest, I noticed these thoughtful details about you and your experience and they resonate with my own thoughtful details about my goals and experience. You seem cool and busy. I would love to professionally hang out but no pressure. Gratitude, Elise.”

“嗨,有兴趣的人,我注意到了有关您和您的经历的这些深思熟虑的细节,它们引起了我对我的目标和经历的深思熟虑的共鸣。 您似乎很忙。 我很想专业地闲逛,但没有压力。 感谢Elise。”

他们说是:Rad! 现在考虑一下您的响应的用户体验。 (They said yes: Rad! Now think about the UX of your response.)

If they respond positively, think about how you can most easily facilitate the meeting. What can you do to reduce the time and effort of scheduling?

如果他们做出积极React,请考虑如何最轻松地促进会议。 您可以采取什么措施来减少安排时间和精力?

Suggest multiple and varied times that work for you. If the other person gives you a list of times upfront, perfect. Pick one, look up their email address on LinkedIn, set up a Zoom meeting (which has up to forty minutes free on their free-mium plan) and send a calendar invite for a thirty-minute meeting directly to their email with the Zoom link included.

建议适合您的多种多样的时间。 如果对方给您预先列出的时间清单,那就太完美了。 选择一个,在LinkedIn上查找他们的电子邮件地址,设置一次Zoom会议(免费计划最多可免费四十分钟),并通过Zoom链接直接向他们的电子邮件发送一个三十分钟会议的日历邀请包括在内。

Title your invitation something like “Lauren LaRen and Elise Entzenberger: UX coffee chat.”

给您的邀请加上标题,例如“ Lauren LaRen和Elise Entzenberger:UX咖啡聊天”。

Don’t make them do the heavy-lifting of scheduling, since they are already doing you a solid.


他们说不,也没有回答:这也很酷。 与你无关。 (They said no or didn’t answer: That’s cool too. It’s not about you.)

People are busy and overwhelmed, especially in these Troubled Times™. If your invitee declined, it means nothing about you. All it means is they can’t right now. Say thank you and move on.

人们忙碌而不知所措,尤其是在这些“动荡的时代”中。 如果您的被邀请者拒绝了,那对您来说就什么也没有。 这意味着他们现在不能。 说谢谢,然后继续。

No answer at all is more likely than an outright invitation decline. No answer also means nothing. When someone doesn’t answer, it means is that they are really busy right now, not currently active on LinkedIn, or they saw your message whilst waiting in the drive-thru and forgot to respond when their burger came.

没有任何答案比完全拒绝邀请更有可能。 没有答案也没有任何意义。 如果有人不回答,则意味着他们现在真的很忙,当前不在LinkedIn上活动,或者他们在等待直通车时看到了您的消息,却忘记了汉堡来时的回应。

You pushed out of your comfort zone. Now follow up the next week with an easy few lines:

您退出了舒适区。 现在,在下一周进行一些简单的跟踪:

“Hi, Lauren, I am following up on a possible coffee chat? Once again, no worries if you are busy right now. Thanks for your time, Elise.”

“嗨,劳伦,我正在跟进一次可能的咖啡聊天? 再一次,如果您现在很忙,请不要担心。 谢谢您的宝贵时间,Elise。”

为会议做准备:写下一些问题以供参考,但不要成为审问官。 (Prepare for your meeting: write out some questions to reference but don’t become the Inquisitor.)

I once got an informational interview with a UX Research Lead at a large and recognizable tech company by reaching out through a mutual friend. I had to follow up over a few weeks time.

我曾经通过一个共同的朋友与我联系,在一家知名的大型科技公司接受了UX研究主管的信息采访。 我不得不跟进几个星期的时间。

When I finally got her on the phone, she told to me she often turns down requests for coffee chats because design students will ask her questions that could easily be Googled like “How do I become a UX Researcher?” She said she was relieved when I showed up and asked her specific questions about her previous experience and current role. I also asked her about the structure of teams at her current company and what she thought were important qualities for success in the various roles around her.

当我终于打电话给她时,她告诉我她经常拒绝进行咖啡聊天的请求,因为设计专业的学生会问她一些很容易在Google上问到的问题,例如“我如何成为UX研究人员?”。 她说,当我出现并询问有关她以前的经历和当前角色的具体问题时,她感到放心。 我还询问了她当前公司的团队结构以及她认为在她周围的各种角色中取得成功的重要素质。

Here are some questions to consider, but make them your own:


  • What skills are most important to your current role?

  • What do you appreciate about your employer?

  • What are the strengths of your team? Where do you want to see improvement on your team?

    您的团队有哪些优势? 您想在哪里看到团队的进步?
  • What unexpected challenges do you face in your current role?

  • What is the relationship like between your role and another role (i.e. your role as a UX Designer and Engineers)?

  • What has helped you most with ___________? i.e. What has helped you most with managing stakeholder expectations?

    ___________对您有什么帮助? 即,在管理利益相关者的期望方面最大的帮助是什么?

Let the conversation unfold. Reference your questions don’t get stuck on your script. Respond based on what they are telling you in the moment. You are dancing with this person you just met, but instead of a dance floor, you are on Zoom and instead of dance moves, you banter and converse.

让对话展开。 引用您的问题不会卡在您的脚本上。 根据他们目前在告诉您的内容做出回应。 您正在和刚遇到的这个人跳舞,但是您不在Zoom舞池上,而是在Zoom上玩,而是开玩笑和交谈。

Smile and breathe. Take some notes. Keep listening. You are great.

微笑和呼吸。 做一些笔记。 继续听。 你很棒。

说谢谢。 (Say thank you.)

After the interview, follow up with a thank you note that includes any links or resources you might have talked about or wanted to share. Keep it simple and short:

采访结束后,请继续进行感谢信,其中包含您可能已经谈论或想要分享的所有链接或资源。 保持简短:

“Thanks again for meeting with me; I enjoyed our conversation about research and B2B products. Here is that article I referenced about site mapping. Let’s connect again sometime. Warmly, Elise.”

“再次感谢与我会面; 我喜欢我们有关研究和B2B产品的对话。 这是我引用的有关站点映射的文章。 让我们再次连接。 热烈,Elise。”

建立弹性。 (Build your resilience.)

Cold messaging can feel awkward initially, but it is great practice for getting out of your head, out of your comfort zone, and into a mindset of asking — out loud — for what you want and need.


Personal and professional growth does not have to be painful, but it can be uncomfortable as you stretch yourself beyond what you know right now and into something new.


Asking for coffee meetings was a challenge that helped me to gain confidence and improve my listening skills. Despite what the news says, I’ve found people, in general, are kind and generous.

要求参加咖啡会议是一个挑战,它帮助我获得了信心并提高了听力能力。 尽管有新闻报道,但总的来说,我发现人们都很友善和慷慨。

互惠是美丽的。 (Reciprocity is beautiful.)

Everything comes back around and smart people realize this; look for ways to add value to your interviewee’s experience after the fact.

一切都回来了,聪明的人意识到了这一点。 在事实发生后,寻找方法为您的受访者的体验增加价值。

For example, I was able to recommend one of my informational interviewees for a consulting gig that matched her expertise. She had been so generous the previous week to answer all my questions and share her experiences. Of course I was ready to advocate for her to get this position when it came up.

例如,我能够推荐一名信息面试对象参加与她的专业知识相匹配的咨询演出。 前一周她很慷慨地回答了我所有的问题并分享了她的经验。 当然,我准备为她提倡在这个职位出现时担任这个职位。

Down the road, when others ask for your time, say yes if you can.


Reciprocity is a beautiful flow that makes work and life more fulfilling and meaningful.








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