

Android开发 (Android Development)

通往编码世界学习者的诚实路线图。 (An honest route map to the learners in the world of coding.)

When I started learning android development, I was so confused. How do they do that? How can I crack that? Where can I learn that? Am I doing this right? All these baffling questions were running across in my mind. There is an infinite number of paths to becoming a developer. After researching the boundless information on the internet, I ran into many great resources through bloggers, YouTubers etc. So here I would be sharing my experiences and resources for helping you guys.

当我开始学习android开发时,我很困惑。 他们如何做到的? 我该如何破解? 我在哪里可以学到? 我这样做对吗? 所有这些令人困惑的问题都在我脑海中浮现。 成为开发人员的途径不胜枚举。 在研究了互联网上无穷无尽的信息之后,我通过博客,YouTuber等找到了很多很棒的资源。因此,在这里,我将分享我的经验和资源,以帮助您。

第一步-学习语言 (First Step — Learn a Language)

For Android development, you could go with Java or Kotlin. You must emphasize on learning the concepts, basic syntax and best practices.

对于Android开发,您可以使用Java或Kotlin。 您必须强调学习概念,基本语法和最佳实践。

Java: Java is a popular language used for android development. It has been the official language for a long time.

Java: Java是用于Android开发的流行语言。 长期以来,它一直是官方语言。

Pros -


  • Great community support, finding bugs and issues will be easier as chances are people have already encountered similar issues.

  • Abundant resources to learn. You can find many tutorials and guides in Java version rather than Kotlin (although it could change)

    学习资源丰富。 您可以找到许多Java版本而不是Kotlin的教程和指南(尽管可能会发生变化)
  • Java is widely used in the industry, not only in android development. So learning Java could help in getting other jobs too.

    Java在行业中不仅在android开发中被广泛使用。 因此学习Java也可以帮助获得其他工作。

Cons -


  • Too much boilerplate code. You might end up writing many lines just to set up classes.

    样板代码过多。 您可能最终为了建立类而写了许多行。
  • Lately, Android is narrowing its support to the Java language. It’s evident in their latest documentations. You might find that most of the new guides are in the Kotlin version.

    最近,Android正在将其支持范围缩小到Java语言。 在他们的最新文档中很明显。 您可能会发现大多数新指南都在Kotlin版本中。

Kotlin : Kotlin is a relatively new language. It is also an official language for android development.

Kotlin: Kotlin是一种相对较新的语言。 它也是android开发的官方语言。

Pros -


  • Kotlin’s language features make android development so easier, like coroutines, extension functions, just to name a few.

  • Concise- the amount of code written will be reduced.

  • Recommended by Google for Android development.


Cons -


  • Relatively new language.


I, personally, would recommend that you learn Java first and then move to Kotlin (If you don’t have any programming experience). But anyway it’s your choice.

我个人建议您先学习Java,然后再学习Kotlin(如果您没有任何编程经验)。 但是无论如何,这是您的选择。

建立开发环境 (Set up a development environment)

For starting development you will require to install Android Studio, JDK etc. You just have to follow the instructions in the Android developer site.

要开始开发,您将需要安装Android Studio,JDK等。您只需按照Android开发者网站中的说明进行操作即可。

潜水 (Diving-in)

You should know some of the key things in android development. Knowing these topics would help you to have a better understanding and control of the code you write.

您应该了解android开发中的一些关键事项。 了解这些主题将有助于您更好地理解和控制所编写的代码。

  • Android Project structure and source code

    Android Project的结构和源代码
  • Context

  • View, ViewGroups, Resources, Layouts

  • Activities and Fragments Lifecycle

  • Intents and Fragment transactions

  • Debugging using Debugger

  • Layout using Recycler views, List views etc.

  • Android Permissions

  • Android Architecture (MVC,MVP, MVVM,MVI)

  • Connecting app to Internet

  • Threads and Background services

  • Android Architecture Components

  • Unit testing


The above-mentioned are things you might want to put on your ‘Must-Do’ list. There are many more topics you should know, and there are plenty of insightful blogs and articles out there that detail on these topics. I have linked the articles which discuss these in detail.

以上是您可能想放入“必须做”列表中的事情。 您应该知道更多的主题,并且有很多有见地的博客和文章详细介绍了这些主题。 我链接了详细讨论这些文章的文章。

学习Android开发的最佳资源 (Best Resources to learn Android Development)

Although, all the resources you need to continuously teach yourself are out there, here are some of the best resources I found. Most of them are free. But they do have paid courses which are exceptional and are super supportive!

虽然,您可以不断地自学所需的所有资源都在那里,但这是我发现的一些最佳资源。 他们大多数都是免费的。 但他们确实提供了付费课程,这些课程非常出色,而且非常支持!



  • JournalDev : This website provides indexed topics of core concepts of Java which are explained well. This also has numerous great articles on other topics like Spring, Python, Android development, etc.

    JournalDev :该网站提供了Java核心概念的索引主题,这些主题都得到了很好的解释。 在其他主题(例如Spring,Python,Android开发等)上,也有许多精彩的文章。

  • Effective java by Joshua Block : This book is not exactly aimed at beginners. But I highly recommend reading this after you get a grasp of Java language. The book has comprehensive descriptions and explanations of best practices and patterns that one should use in Java.

    Joshua Block撰写的有效Java :本书并非完全针对初学者。 但是,我强烈建议您在掌握Java语言后阅读此书。 本书对Java应该使用的最佳实践和模式进行了全面的描述和解释。



  • Android Developer Codelabs: This would help the programmers to get an insight into Kotlin language. It has code snippets and examples with great explanations. It also includes homework assignments which are focused on improving you throughout.

    Android Developer Codelabs :这将有助于程序员深入了解Kotlin语言。 它包含代码片段和示例,并有很好的解释。 它还包括家庭作业,这些作业专注于改善您的整体能力。

Android Development Resources


Articles and Blogs :


YouTube channels :


Community Groups :


  • Android United [Slack Group]

    Android United [Slack Group]
  • AndroidDev [Discord Group]

    AndroidDev [Discord Group]
  • Android Discord [Discord Group]

    Android Discord [Discord Group]

Podcasts :


个人外卖 (Personal takeaways)

Using StackOverflow and Google search : Almost all developers use StackOverflow and google to find out issues in their code. Some might be tempted to copy the whole code they find without knowing what it’s for, Avoid that. Try to understand the code and how it works before you use it.

使用StackOverflow和Google搜索:几乎所有开发人员都使用StackOverflow和google来查找其代码中的问题。 有些人可能会很想复制他们发现的整个代码,却不知道它的用途,请避免这样做。 在使用它之前,请尝试理解该代码及其工作方式。

Sometimes the accepted answer on StackOverflow wouldn’t necessarily be the best solution for your problem. (It might be, for that question) You should go through the answers, analyze and understand them and choose one that works best for you. Take time in breaking down the problem in subparts, or functions, or modules. And always take a look back to check whether the code can be improved, or is there any other creative or an easy way to solve the problem.

有时,关于StackOverflow的公认答案不一定是解决您问题的最佳解决方案。 (可能是针对该问题的答案),您应该仔细阅读答案,进行分析和理解,然后选择最适合自己的答案。 请花一些时间在子部分,功能或模块中解决问题。 并总是回头查看是否可以改进代码,或者是否有其他创意或简单的方法来解决问题。

Use a design reference : In my opinion, you should always have some reference design for your application. Try to design your app in some prototyping tools such as Adobe XD, Figma etc. These tools have free plans and are very easy to get started.

使用设计参考:在我看来,您应该始终为您的应用程序提供一些参考设计。 尝试使用一些原型工具(例如Adobe XDFigma等)设计您的应用。这些工具有免费计划,并且非常容易上手。

Using a reference design while developing, you would definitely end up having a better idea of the navigation and the layouts of the application.


Go through source codes of Open Source Projects and Android Components: Reading through the source code of good open-source projects and android source code can help you understand how you can write better code. Read more. Try to understand how they write efficient, testable and readable code. Learn from these and apply these into your projects.

浏览开放源代码项目和Android组件的源代码仔细阅读优质开放源代码项目和android源代码的源代码可以帮助您了解如何编写更好的代码。 阅读更多。 尝试了解他们如何编写有效,可测试和可读的代码。 从中学习,并将其应用于您的项目。

Never stop learning : In the programming world, there is nothing like a perfect code and you can’t know everything. Anyone can still teach you something you don’t know anything about.

永不停止学习:在编程世界中,没有什么比完美的代码更重要的了。 任何人仍然可以教您一些您一无所知的知识。

A programmer is not a label — it’s a process. I have constantly become and am still becoming a better Programmer. What I am trying to put across is — Whenever any coding problem is given, by basic instincts most of the people follow some predefined steps which allows them to approach that problem effectively. Knowingly or unknowingly, even you might be following some of these steps when you are given any question.

程序员不是标签,而是一个过程。 我一直在成为并且仍然在成为一个更好的程序员。 我要说明的是-每当给出任何编码问题时,大多数人凭基本本能都遵循一些预定义的步骤,使他们可以有效地解决该问题。 在有任何疑问的情况下,即使您是有意或无意的,甚至您也可能会遵循其中一些步骤。

The problem-solving process is one of the hardest parts of the development cycle, but it also brings the most joy. This ubiquitous paradox keeps your fun alive while coding.

解决问题的过程是开发周期中最困难的部分之一,但同时也带来了最大的乐趣 。 这种无处不在的悖论使您在编码时仍充满乐趣。

As the saying goes: the more you know, the more you know how much you don’t know.


I’d just like to say I really enjoyed writing this, and it makes me really happy to have been finally able to give something back to the incredibly supportive programming community everywhere.


As some of you already noticed, this is my first blog post, but you can be sure I plan to write more.








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