

In Android 11, we’re making Android more people-centric and expressive, reimagining the way we have conversations on our phones, and building an OS that can recognize and prioritize the most important people in your life. As part of that experience, conversation notifications in Android 11 appear in a dedicated section at the top of the shade, with a people-forward design and conversation specific actions, such as opening the conversation as a bubble, creating a conversation shortcut on the home screen, or setting a reminder.

Android 11中 ,我们使Android更加以人为本和更具表现力,重新想象了我们在手机上进行对话的方式,并构建了一个可以识别并确定生活中最重要人物的优先级的OS。 作为这种体验的一部分,Android 11中的对话通知会显示在阴影顶部的专用区域中,具有人性化的设计和特定于对话的操作,例如以气泡形式打开对话,在家庭中创建对话快捷方式屏幕或设置提醒。

This post takes a look a number of factors which can affect a notification’s ranking to help you understand how the notifications your app sends might be prioritized for your users.


什么是通知? (What is a notification?)

Notifications are signals in the UI that convey some sort of information to the user, such as news alerts, a chat message from a friend, or a reminder about an upcoming event.


There are different types of notifications, but in this blog post we will focus on people notifications as they play a critical role in the way we use our phones and are one of the core functionalities and usages of mobile devices today.


人物通知 (People notifications)

People notifications are messages that have a person or persons(s) in context. Since Android 8 (Oreo), people notifications have received elevated treatment in the visual hierarchy of notifications in the drawer, prioritized after ongoing or critical/major notifications. Within people notifications, the ranking of your notification is higher when a notification has a person context and a contact URI assigned.

人员通知是在上下文中包含一个或多个人员的消息。 自Android 8(Oreo)以来,人员通知在抽屉式通知的视觉层次结构中得到了提升的处理,在进行中或重要/重大通知之后将其优先处理。 在人员通知中,当通知具有人员上下文分配的联系人URI时,通知的排名会更高。

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Notification drawer visual hierarchy

As an app developer, it is important to ensure that you use notifications for the right purpose, and that you don’t misuse a space which is not meant for your particular notification. For example, a notification about an upcoming event on a calendar app should not appear as an urgent notification in the conversation space. Although Android empowers its users, via notification channels, to configure the frequency, visibility, and importance of a notification, violating good practices takes away from the value and credibility of your app, and can negatively impact your standing in the Play Store.

作为应用程序开发人员,重要的是要确保您将通知用于正确的目的,并且不要滥用不适合您的特定通知的空间。 例如,有关日历应用程序中即将发生的事件的通知不应在对话空间中显示为紧急通知。 尽管Android通过通知渠道授权用户配置通知的频率,可见性和重要性,但违反良好做法会损害应用程序的价值和信誉,并可能会对您在Play商店中的地位产生负面影响。

通知排名 (Notification ranking)

For those interested in the details of ranking or how notifications are ordered, prioritized, and sorted, the Notification Record is worth noting. It contains all the relevant information used to rank a notification and where ranking calculations occur. Notifications are ranked based on various factors: channel settings (priority for pre-channel notifications, pre Android 8.0), noisiness, freshness, and context. To see the various criteria that determine a ranking, look into all the classes that implement the NotificationSignalExtractor.

对于那些对排名或通知的排序,优先级和排序方式的细节感兴趣的人, 通知记录是值得注意的。 它包含用于对通知进行排名以及排名计算发生位置的所有相关信息。 通知会根据各种因素进行排名:渠道设置(渠道前通知的优先级,Android 8.0之前的版本),噪音,新鲜度和上下文。 要查看确定排名的各种条件,请查看实现NotificationSignalExtractor的所有类。

The ValidateNotificationPeople extractor is worth noting as it relates to people. Following through the validatePeople method call, it sets an affinity bit as the criteria to sort notifications by importance.

ValidateNotificationPeople提取器与人有关,因此值得注意。 在通过validatePeople方法调用之后,它将亲和力位设置为按重要性对通知进行排序的标准。

private RankingReconsideration validatePeople(Context context, final NotificationRecord record) {...final PeopleRankingReconsideration rr = validatePeople(context, key, extras, record.getPeopleOverride(), affinityOut);final float affinity = affinityOut[0];record.setContactAffinity(affinity);...return rr;}

The affinity increases based on the following: if the notification is a valid contact, if the valid contact is from the user’s contacts and if the contact is starred or a favorite.


Android 11和对话 (Android 11 and Conversations)

In Android 11, there are changes further highlighting the importance of people related functionality. Messaging style notifications now have a dedicated section in the drawer/shade.

在Android 11中,所做的更改进一步突出了与人相关的功能的重要性。 消息样式通知现在在抽屉/阴影中有一个专用部分。

In addition to the new conversation space, Bubbles, which were previewed in Android 10, are built on top of notifications, and allow for easy linking to your conversations from a floating overlay.

除了新的对话空间外,在通知10的基础上还构建了在Android 10中预览的Bubbles ,可轻松地从浮动叠加层链接到您的对话。

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The dedicated conversation space and bubbles elevates the people focus experience

If you take a look at the publishing of shortcuts in the Conversation APIs, conversations can also be surfaced throughout various parts of the system by following certain guidelines; facilitating sharing and allowing for certain actions with a person in context.

如果您查看对话API中快捷方式的发布,则遵循某些准则,对话也可以在系统的各个部分中浮出水面。 促进共享并允许在上下文中与某人进行某些操作。

以人为本 (People first)

These changes in Android 11 signify the platform’s direction in further investing in and improving people communication. For more information about these changes in Android 11 and API guidance, please check out conversations in the Android Developer docs.

Android 11中的这些变化标志着该平台在进一步投资和改善人员沟通方面的方向。 有关Android 11和API指南中这些更改的更多信息,请查看Android Developer文档中的对话

相关信息 (Relevant Information)



Android notifications


翻译自: https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/people-notifications-2a2e4fb6ee96


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