
If you’ve always desired to write Android apps, but don’t have much experience with programming, Google wants to make things a little easier for you. The company’s new online course, Android Basics in Kotlin, could give you the crucial knowledge necessary to put your very own apps together.

如果您一直想编写Android应用程序,但没有太多编程经验,那么Google希望为您提供一些便利。 该公司新开设的在线课程,即Kotlin的Android基础知识 ,可以为您提供将自己的应用组合在一起的关键知识。

This isn’t Google’s first attempt to bring deeper knowledge of Kotlin (and Android app building) to the masses. Four years ago, it launched the Android Basics curriculum, which walked students through Android Studio and other tools, as well as the fundamentals of building user interfaces, working with databases, and squishing some simple bugs. This latest coursework is an attempt to have new developers embrace Kotlin, which Google named a first-class language for Android development.

这不是Google首次尝试将更深入的Kotlin知识(和Android应用程序构建)带给大众。 四年前,它推出了Android基础课程 ,引导学生学习Android Studio和其他工具,以及构建用户界面,使用数据库和解决一些简单错误的基础知识。 最新的课程是尝试让新开发者接受Kotlin,Google将Kotlin称为Android开发的一流语言。

“To build your confidence, the Android Basics in Kotlin course offers step-by-step instructions on how to use Android Studio to build apps, as well as how to run them on an Android device (or virtual device),” reads Google’s official blog posting on the matter. “The goal is to expose you to the tools and resources that professional Android developers use. With hands-on practice, you learn the fundamentals of programming. By the end of the course, you will have completed a collection of Android apps to start building a portfolio.”

“为了树立信心, KotlinAndroid基础课程提供了有关如何使用Android Studio来构建应用以及如何在Android设备(或虚拟设备)上运行它们的分步说明,” Google 官方表示。关于此事的博客发布 。 “目标是向您展示专业Android开发人员使用的工具和资源。 通过动手实践,您将学习编程的基础知识。 在课程结束时,您将完成一系列Android应用程序,开始构建产品组合。”

For those interested in expanding their Kotlin knowledge even further, Google offers additional courses in the language, including Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers, Android Kotlin Fundamentals, and, for those with a bit more experience, Advanced Android in Kotlin.

对于那些有兴趣进一步扩展Kotlin知识的人,Google提供了该语言的其他课程,包括面向程序员的Kotlin BootcampAndroid Kotlin基础知识 ,以及对于那些有更多经验的人,提供了Kotlin Advanced Android

It’s clear that Google is trying to shift more of its internal coding work over to Kotlin, as well. For example, a new postingon Google’s Android Developer portal describes how the Google Home team has been weaving Kotlin into the digital assistant’s codebase, resulting in a significant reduction in the amount of required code compared to Java, the original language for Android:

显然,Google也在尝试将其更多的内部编码工作转移到Kotlin。 例如,在Google的Android开发人员门户网站上的新帖子描述了Google Home团队如何将Kotlin编织到数字助理的代码库中,与Java 的原始语言(相比,Android的原始语言)相比,所需的代码量大大减少了:

“One example is the use of data classes and the Parcelize plugin: a class which was 126 hand-written lines in Java can now be represented in just 23 lines in Kotlin — an 80% reduction. Additionally, equality and parcelizing methods can be automatically generated and kept up to date. Many nested loops and filtering checks were also simplified using the functional methods available in Kotlin.”

“一个例子是数据类和Parcelize插件的使用: 在Java中是126条手写行的类现在可以在Kotlin中仅用23行表示,减少了80%。 此外,平等和分割方法可以自动生成并保持最新状态。 使用Kotlin中可用的功能方法,还简化了许多嵌套循环和过滤检查。”

According to HackerRank’s 2020 Developer Skills Report, which collects and analyzes survey responses from 116,000 developers worldwide, Kotlin was third among programming languages that developers were planning on learning next. Although Kotlin isn’t nearly as ubiquitous as languages such as Python or JavaScript, Google’s seal of approval has given it a heady dose of momentum among software developers and engineers. Many suspect that Google’s support for Kotlin is not unrelated to the little spat with Oracle over Java API copyright and Android; whatever the broader reasons for trying to leave Java behind, though, it’s clear that Google wants those new to Android to treat Kotlin as the primary language for the platform.

根据HackerRank的2020年开发人员技能报告 ,该报告收集并分析了来自全球116,000名开发人员的调查反馈,在开发人员接下来计划学习的编程语言中,Kotlin名列第三。 尽管Kotlin并不像Python或JavaScript这样的语言普遍存在,但Google的认可印章使它在软件开发人员和工程师中产生了巨大的动力。 许多人怀疑Google对Kotlin的支持与Oracle 在Java API版权和Android方面的争执不无关系。 但是,不管试图将Java抛在后面的更广泛原因是什么,很明显Google都希望Android的新手将Kotlin视为该平台的主要语言。

翻译自: https://medium.com/dice-insights/android-basics-in-kotlin-googles-new-beginner-course-384cada7ed13





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