

This piece is part of a series of articles by the Growth Consulting team at Google Play and focuses on increasing Google Play app performance by optimizing the user journey. (You can also catch up on our previous series about understanding KPIs for apps and games by reading the article series or watching previous webinars.)

这是Google Play成长咨询小组的一系列文章的一部分,重点在于通过优化用户体验来提高Google Play应用的性能。 (您也可以 通过 阅读 文章系列或 观看 以前的网络研讨会来 了解 我们以前关于 了解应用和游戏 KPI 的系列文章 。)

No app can achieve long-term success without an active user base. In order to build a robust and active user base, and keep people around and spending, it’s critical to understand users’ motivations and expectations.

没有活跃的用户群,任何应用都无法取得长期成功。 为了建立强大而活跃的用户基础,并吸引更多人和更多的钱,了解用户的动机和期望至关重要。

To better understand your users, you have to appreciate their journey through your app.


This article serves as an introduction to the app user journey and its various stages. It will answer questions like:

本文是对应用程序用户旅程及其各个阶段的介绍。 它将回答以下问题:

  • What are the different stages of user engagement and disengagement?

  • What criteria can be used to classify users as ‘committed’?

  • What are some things to keep in mind when reactivating users who have churned?


We’ll be following this article with more deep dives on each stage. Let’s get started!

我们将在每个阶段对本文进行深入探讨。 让我们开始吧!

用户的旅程,可视化 (The user’s journey, visualized)

From the time a user installs an app, every user goes through a journey. It is the goal of app developers to help users realize the value of an app as quickly as possible and to keep them engaged after they’ve found it. The series of steps each user takes along the way is referred to as the “user journey.” Mapping the user journey, including identifying its discrete stages, helps developers craft the most relevant experience and keep users sustainably engaged for the long term.

从用户安装应用程序开始,每个用户都要经历一段旅程。 应用程序开发人员的目标是帮助用户尽快实现应用程序的价值,并在找到应用程序后保持其参与度。 每个用户在此过程中采取的一系列步骤称为“用户旅程”。 绘制用户旅程图,包括确定其离散阶段,可帮助开发人员创造最相关的体验,并使用户长期保持可持续参与。

Here on the Google Play Growth Consulting team, we like to use the flow diagram below to depict the discrete stages of the user journey and the movement of users between them. This flowchart shows the major stages of an app user journey, beginning with installed, on the far left of the middle row.

在Google Play增长咨询团队的这里,我们喜欢使用以下流程图来描述用户旅程的离散阶段以及用户在他们之间的移动。 该流程图从中间行的最左侧开始显示了应用程序用户旅程的主要阶段,从安装开始。

The App User Journey
The App User Journey 应用程式使用者历程

Each box represents a stage in a user’s journey. A user enters a stage after they’ve completed that stage’s action or met certain usage criteria. For example, a user enters the installed stage after installing your app and enters the onboarded stage after completing the onboarding flow. A single user can only occupy one stage at any given point in time.

每个方框代表用户旅程中的一个阶段。 用户完成某个阶段的操作或满足某些使用条件后便进入该阶段。 例如,用户在安装您的应用程序后进入已安装阶段,并在完成入门流程后进入入门阶段。 单个用户在任何给定时间点只能占据一个阶段。

定义用户旅程的阶段 (Defining the stages of a user’s journey)

Installed and onboarded are both stages designed to educate the user. In the former, a user has decided to download and install your application; in the latter, a user has opened the app, been introduced to the UI and the core action of the app. The term ‘core action’ describes an app’s most important action. Here are some examples:

安装onboarded是旨在教育用户两个阶段。 在前者中,用户决定下载并安装您的应用程序; 在后者中,用户已打开该应用程序,并已被引入到UI和应用程序的核心操作中。 术语“核心动作”描述了应用最重要的动作。 这里有些例子:

  • In a ride hailing app, the core action would be completing a ride.

  • In a dating app, the core action would be swiping left or right on possible matches.

  • In a language learning app, the core action would be finishing a lesson.

  • In a farming game, the core action might be plowing a field, planting a crop or harvesting a vegetable.


Simply put, once you’ve identified your app’s core action, design the app’s onboarding to introduce the app’s core action as quickly as possible (we’ll dive deeper into this in the next article of this series).

简而言之,一旦您确定了应用程序的核心动作,就可以设计应用程序的入门功能,以尽快介绍该应用程序的核心动作 (我们将在本系列的下一篇文章中对此进行更深入的研究)。

Activated is a term we use to describe onboarded users who have interacted with the core action of your app enough to understand the app’s value proposition. Onboarding educates users about your app; activation is making sure they got it! Activation is key to all the other stages of the user journey. We’ll dive more into activation, but first let’s take a second to define the term ‘value proposition’ . A Value proposition is the proposed value that an app will deliver to its users, should they choose to use and pay for the product. A fitness app, for example, may offer a value proposition of getting in better shape by organizing health or diet information. You can tell if a user understands your app’s value proposition by how often she or he engages in its core action.

已激活是一个术语,我们用来描述已与应用程序的核心操作进行了充分交互以了解应用程序价值主张的入职用户。 入职可以使用户了解您的应用程序; 激活就是确保他们明白了! 激活是用户旅程的所有其他阶段的关键。 我们将深入研究激活,但是首先让我们花第二个时间来定义术语“价值主张”。 价值主张是应用程序将向用户提供的建议价值,如果他们选择使用并购买产品。 例如,健身应用可以通过组织健康或饮食信息来提供更好的身材的价值主张。 您可以通过用户参与应用程序的核心频率来判断用户是否了解您的应用程序的价值主张。

Committed users are your app’s most loyal users. They are among your most engaged and devoted users and have fully committed to the app’s value proposition. We differentiate between activated and committed because committed users are less likely to churn and are more likely to convert into paying users. How do you know if someone is committed? We’ve identified three qualifications to classify users as committed (you can customize these requirements based on your app or game’s design):

致力于用户应用的最忠实的用户。 他们是您最敬业,最忠诚的用户之一,并且完全致力于应用的价值主张。 我们区分激活用户和承诺用户因为承诺用户更不会流失,更可能转换为付费用户。 你怎么知道某人是否犯了罪? 我们已经确定了三种资格来将用户分类为“已落实”(您可以根据应用或游戏的设计自定义这些要求):

  1. Recency of use. We want to ensure that we only qualify users that have used your app recently as committed. For example, anyone who has completed a core action at least once in the last few days depending on your app’s designed usage (e.g. if your app is a daily, weekly or monthly destination).

    最近使用。 我们希望确保仅使最近使用过您的应用的用户符合承诺。 例如,根据应用程序的设计用途(例如,如果您的应用程序是每日,每周或每月的目的地),在过去几天中至少完成一次核心操作的任何人。

  2. Frequency of use. We also want to make sure that we include users that use the app at a frequency it’s intended to be used (e.g. daily, weekly or monthly destination).

    使用频率。 我们还希望确保我们包括以预期使用频率(例如每天,每周或每月的目的地)使用该应用程序的用户。

  3. Tenure. We recommend not including any users who have been using the app for less than a 30-day period as committed users. This will ensure that you are excluding newly installed users who typically have erratic engagement patterns.

    任期。 我们建议不将使用该应用程序少于30天的任何用户作为已提交用户。 这将确保您排除通常具有不稳定参与模式的新安装用户。

You and your team have the most visibility into your user base, so you should come up with a definition of each of these three qualifications that makes the most sense for your app. Identify and monitor your committed users, because they serve as the bedrock of your user base and community in the long term.

您和您的团队最了解您的用户群,因此您应该为这三个条件中的每一个定义一个最适合您的应用的定义。 识别并监视您的忠实用户,因为从长远来看,它们一直是您的用户群和社区的基础

Lapsed and churned are stages of user disengagement:


  • Lapsed users are those that show initial signs of disengagement such as not using your app at the same level of frequency.


  • Churned users are those that are no longer active users of your app as defined by an extended period of non-use.


Remember that it’s normal for lapsed and churned users to make up a large portion of your installed base, especially if your app has been live for a while. In fact, for a lot of apps on Play, reactivation is a big opportunity for growth; lapse and churn aren’t final, just normal stages in a user’s lifecycle. Users’ needs change over time, and that’s expected. (Perhaps a user churned but can be incentivized to come back later when the time is right.) Later in the series, we will dig into ways to segment your disengaged user base so you are targeting users who are likely to be ready to start using your app again.

请记住, 失职搅动的用户占您已安装用户群的很大一部分是正常的,特别是如果您的应用已启用了一段时间。 实际上,对于许多Play上的应用而言,重新激活是一个巨大的增长机会; 流失和流失不是最终的,只是用户生命周期中的正常阶段。 用户的需求会随着时间变化,这是可以预期的。 (也许某个用户搅动了,但是可以鼓励他们在适当的时候再回来。)在本系列的后面,我们将探讨细分细分的用户群的方法,以便您定位可能准备开始使用的用户。您的应用再次。

Uninstalled has probably the most straightforward of all stage definitions: when a user removes your app or game from their device. Note that if a user uninstalls your app, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are dissatisfied (for instance, uninstalls are more common on devices that have less storage space) so there is an opportunity a user will reinstall again.

卸载可能具有所有阶段定义中最直接的定义:当用户从其设备中删除您的应用或游戏时。 请注意,如果用户卸载了您的应用程序,并不一定意味着他们不满意(例如,在存储空间较小的设备上卸载更为常见),因此有机会用户重新安装。

Re-installed and re-onboarded serve similar purposes as installed and onboarded, respectively, although you may have slightly different experiences for returning users. For example, re-onboarded users could be subjected to unique messaging (e.g. “Welcome back!” instead of “Hello”), reminded about any recent updates (e.g. “Here’s what you missed”), or guided into their next action (e.g. “Let’s pick up where you left off”). Don’t forget to design this re-entry with the core action in mind so re-onboarded users can soon graduate back to the activated stage.

重新安装重新onboarded起到类似的目的,分别安装onboarded,尽管你可能对老用户稍有不同的体验。 例如,重新入职的用户可能会受到独特的消息传递(例如,“欢迎回来!”而不是“你好”),提醒任何最近的更新(例如,“这是您错过的内容”)或引导他们进行下一步操作(例如, “让我们在您离开的地方接机”)。 别忘了在设计重入游戏时要牢记核心动作,以便重新加入游戏的用户可以很快回到已激活的阶段。

Re-activated refers to users who have been resurrected after disengaging for a period of time. The goal would be to guide users back to activated and eventually to the commitment stage as efficiently and effectively as possible.

重新激活是指在脱离连接一段时间后已复活的用户。 目标是尽可能高效地引导用户回到激活状态,最终回到承诺阶段。

Now that we’ve defined the main stages, let’s return to the master flowchart for an App User Journey and look specifically at the directions in which users travel through them.

现在,我们已经定义了主要阶段,让我们回到App User Journey的主流程图,并专门查看用户在其中旅行的方向。

The App User Journey
The App User Journey 应用程式使用者历程

应用用户旅程阶段 (Applying user journey stages)

Here are a few additional reminders:


  • Your app should optimize UI/UX flows to graduate users to higher engagement stages (e.g. from installed to onboarded, from activation to commitment).

    您的应用程序应该优化UI / UX流程,以使研究生用户进入更高的参与度阶段(例如,从安装到启动,从激活到承诺)。
  • Once a user achieves commitment, the goal is to keep them engaged there.

  • There will be opportunities to win back some users and guide them back to commitment through targeted re-activation campaigns and optimized re-onboarding flows.


As stated earlier, understanding and studying your users’ journeys helps you craft targeted experiences that will keep your users engaged for the long term.


接下来是什么? (What next?)

Follow our Medium publication to catch future articles in this User Journey series:

关注我们的中型出版物 ,以了解此“用户之旅”系列中的后续文章:

  • The User Journey: Onboarding and Activation


  • The User Journey: Commitment


  • The User Journey: Disengagement and Reactivation


We’ll walk through how to optimize each of these stages, how to avoid common pitfalls, and also some interesting case studies from our developer community that we look forward to sharing with you!


What do you think?


What metrics are you most or least familiar with when analyzing app performance? Tweet using #AskPlayDev and we’ll reply from @GooglePlayDev, where we regularly share news and tips on how to be successful on Google Play.

分析应用程序性能时,您最或最不熟悉哪些指标? 使用 #AskPlayDev 进行 鸣叫 ,我们将通过 @GooglePlayDev进行 回复,我们会 在这里定期分享有关如何在Google Play上取得成功的新闻和提示。

翻译自: https://medium.com/googleplaydev/app-user-journey-draft-d4e5bdf253ee






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