

When the lootbox/gaming debate began to take off last year, several people in the industry tried to argue that lootboxes — or “surprise mechanics” — are just another form of progression in video games. In fact, one person even tried to convince me that the action RPG core gameplay loop (where the player acquires randomized loot) is the same as purchasing a lootbox. Recently, I’ve tested out this theory myself in an effort to verify it. Now I’m in a position to articulate why these two concepts are not the same.

w ^ 母鸡lootbox /游戏辩论去年开始起飞,一些业内人士试图辩称lootboxes -或“惊喜力学” -在视频游戏的进展只是另一种形式。 实际上,有人甚至试图说服我,动作RPG核心游戏循环(玩家获得随机战利品) 购买战利品盒相同 。 最近,我亲自测试了该理论以进行验证。 现在,我可以阐明为什么这两个概念相同。

什么是“ ARPG”循环? (What is the “ARPG” loop?)

Let me start by defining what I mean by “ARPG loop”. ARPGs are built on the following cycle:

让我首先定义“ ARPG循环”的含义。 ARPG建立在以下周期上:

  1. Fight enemies

  2. Get loot

  3. Grow stronger


ARPGs will always use some form of procedural generation (in other words, an algorithm) that pulls from a loot table and determines what gear is generated for the player. As a result, players won’t ever know exactly what loot is going to drop, although they may be aware of the preceding conditions that give rise to certain kinds of drops. Examples include: the player killing an elite monster, finding a treasure chest, or completing a quest.

ARPG将始终使用某种形式的程序生成(换句话说,一种算法),该程序从战利品表中提取并确定为玩家生成何种装备。 结果,尽管玩家可能知道导致某些种类掉落的前述条件,但他们永远不会确切知道将要掉落的战利品。 示例包括:玩家杀死一个精英怪物,找到一个宝藏箱或完成一个任务。

There is always a correlation between player progress on the one hand, and nabbing loot on the other. Loot tables are pegged against a player’s level (or equivalent). As a result, the player will progressively find better and better gear as they move through the game.

一方面,玩家的进步与另一方面,掠夺战利品之间总是存在关联。 战利品表与玩家的等级(或同等水平)挂钩。 结果,玩家将在游戏中逐步找到越来越好的装备。

Another important point is that loot represents only half of the player’s progression curve. The other element is levelling up the player character to unlock new abilities and skills — the best players will use this in concert with loot to create the most effective builds possible.

另一个重要的一点是,战利品仅代表玩家进度曲线的一半。 另一个要素是提高玩家角色的水平,以解锁新的能力和技能-最好的玩家将与战利品一起使用此角色,以创造尽可能最有效的版本。

Now that I’ve explained the ARPG loop, let’s take a look at lootbox progression. We can find a good example of this in the mobile space.

现在,我已经解释了ARPG循环,让我们看一下战利品的进展。 我们可以在移动领域找到一个很好的例子。

战利品竞赛 (Contest of lootboxes)

Marvel’s Contest of Champions is a light fighter/character collection game on mobile. It’s been out for a few years now and is considered one of the more popular takes on the Marvel IP.

漫威冠军大赛是一款轻型战斗机/角色收集游戏。 它已经问世几年了,被认为是Marvel IP最受欢迎的产品之一。

Characters in this game are categorized both by class (which determines strengths and weaknesses when compared with other classes) and star rarity. There are multiple variants of the different Marvel heroes and villains at different star levels: ranging from one to six.

此游戏中的角色按类别(与其他类别相比确定优缺点)和明星稀有度进行分类。 不同的Marvel英雄和反派有多种变体,星级不同:从1到6。

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Source: The Verge.

The higher the star level means that character will be stronger, and has a greater capacity for growth and strengthening them. By applying in-game currency in the form of Iso-8, you can level up a character. When that character is at max level, you can then rank them up by spending other in-game currency which allows you to level them higher. Characters also get a unique passive that can be acquired by pulling a copy of that character from a lootbox. All forms of progression of this kind also have in-game item skips that can be bought or acquired as well.

星星等级越高意味着角色会越强壮,并且具有更大的成长和加强能力。 通过应用Iso-8形式的游戏内货币,您可以升级角色。 当该角色处于最高级别时,您可以通过花费其他游戏货币来对它们进行排名,从而使他们的等级更高。 角色还可以通过从战利品箱中获取该角色的副本来获得唯一的被动角色。 所有这种形式的进度也都有可以购买或获取的游戏中道具跳跃。

To be fair to the game, even lower star versions of character still retain their usefulness in the in-game arena, where you can fight AI-controlled versions of other teams.


Now the kicker: all character unlocks in the game are defined by the RNG of lootboxes, and there are a lot of them. There are lootboxes for resources, lootboxes for gold, lootboxes for every rarity level, lootboxes for items of every rarity level, themed lootboxes, limited time only lootboxes; if there is something in this game, chances are there is a lootbox for it.

现在的关键是:游戏中的所有角色解锁都是由战利品箱的RNG定义的,并且其中很多。 有用于资源的战利品箱,用于黄金的战利品箱,用于每个稀有度的物品的战利品箱,用于每个稀有度的物品的战利品箱,主题战利品箱,限时特备战利品箱; 如果游戏中有东西,那么可能会有一个战利品箱。

Progress in the game is limited based on the luck that you have with the lootboxes.


And the chances to acquire champions reduce the higher the rarity goes. In a lootbox to acquire either a two- or four-star champion, I apparently had a three percent chance on a lucky pull if you believe the posted drop rates. There are lootboxes explicitly set up to drop a set rarity, but they are harder to find.

获得冠军的机会越少,稀有度就越高。 在战利品箱中获得两星级或四星级冠军的情况下,如果您相信发布的下降率,我显然有3%的机会幸运抽奖。 明确设置了战利品来丢弃一定数量的稀有物品,但很难找到它们。

Here’s another factor: when you decide to pull a lootbox, the game will randomly shuffle the possible rewards in it, as you can see by the scrolling roulette at the bottom of the screen, but the choice will be automatically determined without having to watch the slot machine; it is simply there to add excitement.

这是另一个因素:当您决定拉出一个战利品箱时,游戏会随机洗改其中的可能奖励,如您在屏幕底部的滚动轮盘所看到的那样,但选择该选项将自动确定,而无需观看老虎机; 它只是在那里增加兴奋。

Progress in the game is limited based on the luck that you have with the lootboxes. If you’re only pulling two- and three-star characters, the fixed power in place puts a cap on how far you can easily progress in the story. If you get stuck at a story mission, you can spend consumables for boosts, healing, and character revives; all costing the game’s premium resource.

游戏进度会因您获得战利品的运气而受到限制。 如果您仅拉扯两星级和三星级的角色,那么固定的功能将限制您可以轻松地在故事中取得多大的进步。 如果您被困在故事任务中,则可以花费一些消耗品来增强,恢复和恢复角色。 全部花费了游戏的高级资源。

As with other games of this type, a lucky pull can easily propel you through the game and make a lot of the content easier. With an early four-star champion, I manage to push through some of the early acts, but struggling to find better or equal champions.

与其他此类游戏一样,幸运抽奖可轻松推动您进入游戏并简化许多内容。 有了一个早期的四星级冠军,我设法完成了一些早期的举动,但努力寻找更好或更平等的冠军。

Player skill is a big part about Contest of Champions: someone who figures out the timings for attacking and defense can get further with weaker champions to a point. As with a lot of free to play/mobile games, the rewards and resources earned get better on the harder maps. Having access to higher rarity champions early on gives you a heads up on resource collection, and there are some champions who are flat out amazing regardless of their star rarity.

玩家技能约为冠军大赛的重要组成部分:人谁算出的时机与进攻和防守可以用较弱的冠军到一个点进一步得到。 与许多免费游戏/手机游戏一样,在较难的地图上获得的奖励和资源会越来越好。 尽早获得较高稀有度冠军的机会将使您对资源收集有所了解,并且有些冠军无论其明星稀有度都令人赞叹不已。

Both Contest of Champions and ARPGs make use of randomized progression elements, but there is a big difference in how ARPGs handle this.


玩家控制的进度 (Player-controlled progression)

Randomized progression has been a powerful motivator for players. That thrill of acquiring some new, powerful item has kept people playing many RPG-based games. However, randomized progression is not the same as player-controlled progression, which is present in ARPGs, but not in lootbox games.

随机进阶一直是玩家的强大动力。 购买一些功能强大的新物品的快感,使人们一直在玩很多基于RPG的游戏。 但是,随机进度与ARPG中的玩家控制进度不同,而在战利品游戏中则不同。

The problem with lootbox-focused games is that the lootboxes themselves drive all progression.


Playing an ARPG, the player is in control of their progression in several ways. By playing the game and leveling up, they are acquiring new skills and have complete control over how their character handles. At the end of the day, rare loot is not the same in terms of utility as a new skill.

玩ARPG时,玩家可以通过几种方式控制自己的进度。 通过玩游戏并进行升级,他们可以掌握新技能,并完全掌控角色的处理方式。 归根结底,罕见的掠夺在实用性方面与新技能并不相同。

Secondly, the player in a way does control how they get new loot and upgrades to show up. As I said earlier in reference to loot tables and design, ARPGs provide the player with clear events that signify the chance of great loot. There is that buildup of knowing that there is an epic enemy or rare chest, followed by the reveal of your reward.

其次,玩家在某种程度上可以控制他们如何获得新的战利品以及如何升级。 就像我之前提到的战利品表和设计一样,ARPG为玩家提供了清晰的事件,表明了大战的机会。 知道自己有一个史诗般的敌人或稀有的宝箱,然后是奖励的揭露。

The problem with lootbox-focused games is that the lootboxes themselves drive all progression. You could play a game like Contest of Champions for 24 hours and not find one meaningful upgrade to your team or champions, or you could play for one hour and get a lucky drop. The player does not have control over the progression in a loot box game.

以战利品为中心的游戏的问题在于战利品本身会推动所有进程。 您可以玩24小时的冠军竞赛之类的游戏,而找不到对您的团队或冠军的有意义的升级,或者您可以玩一小时并获得幸运的掉落。 玩家无法控制战利品盒游戏的进度。

Even though skill does matter in Contest, there is an explicit wall in the game in terms of getting champions that usefully drive progression forward. Later challenges introduce specific rules and modifiers designed to give the AI more advantages. These rules can boost their stats, punish you for using specific tactics or champions, and are designed as progression walls. When you get to this point, you must have champions who are able to counter them or there is no way without spending money to get past them.

即使技能在比赛中确实很重要,但在赢得冠军方面,游戏中仍有明显的障碍,可以有效地推动进步。 后来的挑战引入了特定的规则和修饰符,旨在赋予AI更多的优势。 这些规则可以提高其统计数据,惩罚您使用特定的战术或拥护者,并且被设计为进步墙。 当达到这一点时,您必须拥有能够对付他们的冠军,否则就不可能没有花费金钱来超越他们。

It’s also important to bring to everyone’s attention that loot in ARPG or gear-driven games is a secondary progression system. With lootbox titles, the items and drops from them is your primary progression system with skill being a distant second. ARPGs also feature additional systems and ways of acquiring gear in case you’re not getting lucky with drops. Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, and Diablo 3 all feature ways of buying or crafting gear that may not be as good as the finds in the field, but will allow players to at least be able to compete stat-wise with the enemies.

同样重要的是要引起所有人的注意,ARPG或装备驱动游戏中的战利品是辅助进步系统。 使用战利品标题,物品和物品掉落是您的主要进度系统,其技能排在第二位。 ARPG还具有其他系统和获取装备的方式,以防您因掉落而不走运。 《流亡之路》《黎明黎明 》和《 暗黑破坏神3》都具有购买或制作装备的方式,虽然可能不如在现场发现的那样好,但它们将使玩家至少能够与敌人进行统计学上的竞争。

战利品或运气 (Loot or luck)

Lootbox progression works, as evidenced by the numerous free-to-play titles (and even full-price games) that utilize it. But equating this progression system to more traditional player-driven systems is erroneous.

大量使用的免费游戏(甚至是全价游戏)证明了Lootbox的进步是可行的。 但是,将此进度系统等同于更传统的玩家驱动系统是错误的。

There are also important implications to consider for the longterm health of a game. Building an entire progression system on lootboxes alone does not motivate someone to play over the long run. There is always a downward pressure in unlocking progress with lootboxes the further someone plays. What always ends up happening is that there will come a time when only specific lootbox drops will help the player, and everything else will be worthless.

考虑游戏的长期健康状况也有重要的意义。 仅仅在战利品上建立一个完整的进度系统并不能激励某人从长远来看。 有人玩得越快,战利品箱解锁进度就总是会有向下的压力。 总会发生的情况是,有一段时间只有特定的战利品掉落会帮助玩家,而其他一切都一文不值。

Some will argue that milling systems (taking resources and being able to apply them somewhere else) is an option, but when the cost becomes so great, the player will not have that rush when it comes to opening up lootboxes anymore.


Good design allows players to progress through multiple means, and not force them down only one path. Lootboxes can serve a purpose, but do not try to convince someone they are the superior form of progression in any video game.

良好的设计可以使玩家通过多种方式前进,而不是迫使他们只走一条路。 战利品箱可以达到目的,但不要试图说服某人他们是任何电子游戏中进步的上乘形式。

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如果您喜欢我的文章,请考虑加入 Game-Wisdom Discord频道 它向所有人开放。

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The original version of this article appeared on Game-Wisdom. It has been revised and published at SUPERJUMP with permission. Cover image by Dan Dennis. Feature image by Dylan Nolte.
本文的原始版本出现在 Game-Wisdom上 。 经许可,已在SUPERJUMP上进行了修订和发布。 封面图片由 丹·丹尼斯 ( Dan Dennis)提供Dylan Nolte的专题图片。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/dispelling-the-lootbox-myth-4e5ba7f99653


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