

By Mark Sullivan

马克·沙利文(Mark Sullivan)

Imagine your smartphone morphing to wrap around your eyes. But instead of a dark black screen, now it’s see-through. Your apps can suddenly interact with the things you see in the real world in front of you.

想象一下,您的智能手机变形会缠绕在您的眼睛周围。 但是现在它是透明的,而不是深黑色的屏幕。 您的应用可以突然与您在现实世界中看到的事物进行交互。

Like many tech companies, Facebook believes that augmented reality (AR) glasses will eventually replace the smartphone as our primary personal computing device. It’s a tantalizing possibility for the social networking giant, which hopes to use AR to integrate its social apps and content with the world around us. With Facebook AR, the company hopes you’ll one day chat with a faraway friend’s avatar sitting across from you at your kitchen table, or see a stranger’s most recent Instagram post as they approach you on the street.

与许多科技公司一样,Facebook相信增强现实(AR)眼镜最终将取代智能手机成为我们的主要个​​人计算设备。 对于这家社交网络巨头来说,这是一个诱人的可能性,它希望使用AR将其社交应用程序和内容与我们周围的世界集成。 借助Facebook AR,该公司希望您有一天可以与一个遥远的朋友的化身聊天,这些化身坐在您的厨房桌子对面,或者希望他们在街上走近时看到陌生人的最新Instagram帖子。

Beyond providing a whole new mode of interaction between you and its social networking services, Facebook sees AR as a chance to control an entire hardware-software experience, something it hasn’t achieved before. In the hardware sense, it missed the mobile wave. When iPhones and Android phones came into being, Facebook was in no position to produce a smartphone of its own. Today, its apps are wildly popular but it must rely on hardware made by Apple, Google, and others to deliver them to users.

除了在您及其社交网络服务之间提供一种全新的交互方式之外,Facebook还将AR视为控制整个软硬件体验的机会,这是以前从未实现的。 从硬件的角度来看,它错过了移动潮流。 当iPhone和Android手机应运而生时,Facebook无法生产自己的智能手机。 如今,其应用程序已广受欢迎,但必须依靠Apple,Google和其他公司制造的硬件才能将其交付给用户。

As with its Oculus VR line, Facebook sees AR glasses providing an opportunity for the company to own the whole system and access the financial and performance benefits that come with that. The company, now with more than 2 billion users worldwide and loads of advertising money, is throwing lots of that cash, and a growing number of people, at creating its own AR glasses and the virtual experiences they’ll eventually deliver.

与Oculus VR系列产品一样,Facebook看到AR眼镜为公司提供了拥有整个系统并获得随之而来的财务和性能优势的机会。 该公司目前在全球拥有超过20亿用户,并投放大量广告资金,他们将大量现金和越来越多的人投入到创建自己的AR眼镜及其最终交付的虚拟体验中。

But while Apple has been very tight-lipped about the development of its augmented reality glasses, Facebook has decided to be open about how it is building its version of this futuristic device. Company representatives spoke plainly about the development of Facebook’s AR glasses at its Connect conference last week. I talked even more candidly on the subject with Michael Abrash, the chief scientist behind the project and a veteran of the personal computing era. Abrash spent much of his career developing games — including the first-person shooter game Quake for id Software in the 1990s. Getting Facebook’s AR glasses off the ground, along with an ecosystem of social AR experiences for Facebook users, may be the biggest challenge of his career.

但是,尽管苹果一直对增强现实眼镜的发展持谨慎态度,但Facebook决定对它如何构建这种未来派设备的版本持开放态度。 在上周的Connect会议上,公司代表就Facebook的AR眼镜的发展发表了明确的讲话。 我与项目背后的首席科学家,个人计算时代的资深人士迈克尔·阿布拉什(Michael Abrash)进行了坦率的交谈。 Abrash在职业生涯中花费了大量时间来开发游戏-包括1990年代第一人称射击游戏Quake for id Software。 让Facebook的AR眼镜动起来,以及为Facebook用户提供社交AR体验的生态系统,可能是他职业生涯中最大的挑战。

Abrash is quick to say that Facebook’s AR glasses are still years off. He talks about the breakthroughs that will be needed to build the displays for the glasses, the mapping system needed to create a common augmented world that people can share, novel new ways of controlling the device, deep artificial intelligence (AI) models that make sense of things the glasses see and hear, and tiny processors powerful enough to run it all. And all that must somehow fit into a pair of glasses svelte enough that people will wear them all day.

Abrash很快就说Facebook的AR眼镜还有几年的历史了。 他谈到了构建眼镜显示器所需的突破,创建人们可以共享的通用增强世界所需的映射系统,新颖的设备控制新方法,有意义的深度人工智能(AI)模型眼镜可以看到和听到的东西,以及足够强大的微型处理器来运行所有功能。 配戴一副眼镜所必需的所有东西都必须足够轻巧,以至于人们终日戴上。

There’s also the matter of getting people to trust a company like Facebook to store and protect the privacy of the extremely personal data that AR glasses will be capable of collecting. Though Facebook has all the money, resources, and big-name talent it needs to overcome the technical hurdles and eventually bring a pair of AR glasses to market, it will have to beat Apple. If its AR glasses do compete head-to-head with Apple’s, Facebook may find itself at a disadvantage. Once people understand the data-capturing capabilities of AR glasses, they may decide that Apple’s privacy record makes it an easier company to trust.

还存在使人们信任Facebook之类的公司来存储和保护AR眼镜能够收集的极其个人数据的隐私的问题。 尽管Facebook拥有所有的金钱,资源和知名人才,但它需要克服技术上的障碍并最终将一副AR眼镜推向市场,但它必须击败苹果。 如果其AR眼镜确实与Apple竞争,Facebook可能会发现自己处于劣势。 一旦人们了解了AR眼镜的数据捕获功能,他们可能会认为Apple的隐私记录使它成为一家更容易信任的公司。

Abrash spoke frankly about these problems, the long-term vision for the product, and how Facebook is going about realizing it. “I am very keenly aware of how far we’re going to go from where we are,” Abrash says.

Abrash坦率地谈到了这些问题,对该产品的长期愿景以及Facebook如何实现这一目标。 “我非常敏锐地意识到我们将要离开现在的位置,” Abrash说。

新的用户体验 (A New UX)

When full-fledged AR glasses do arrive, they’ll bring with them a very different graphical user interface than what we’re used to. The 3D user interface of AR glasses will seem larger and more immersive than the 2D screen and manual control paradigm used in everything from the first personal computer to the latest smartphone. With the displays of AR glasses so close to your eyes, it may seem like the user interface has been built around and within your entire visible world.

当成熟的AR眼镜问世时,它们将带来与我们以往完全不同的图形用户界面。 从第一台个人计算机到最新的智能手机,AR眼镜的3D用户界面似乎比2D屏幕和手动控制范式更大,更令人沉浸。 由于AR眼镜的显示非常靠近您的眼睛,因此似乎用户界面已建立在整个可见世界的周围和内部。

“All of a sudden, rather than being in a controlled environment with a controlled input, you’re in every environment . . . in your entire life,” Abrash says.

“突然之间,您处于每个环境中,而不是处于受控输入的受控环境中。 。 。 在您的整个生命中,” Abrash说。

Because of that immersion, and the idea that the user interface of your personal technology will move around with you in the world, Facebook believes wearers of AR glasses will be communicating with their personal tech in very different ways than they do now. Abrash says there will be times when you use your hands for gesturing (detected by hand-tracking cameras on the glasses), and other times when you can make commands by voice (picked up by a microphone array in the device).

由于这种沉浸感,以及您的个人技术的用户界面将在世界范围内与您一起移动的想法,Facebook认为,AR眼镜的佩戴者将以与现在不同的方式与他们的个人技术进行通信。 Abrash说,有时候您会用手势做手势(通过在眼镜上手动跟踪相机来检测),而有时则是可以通过语音发出命令(通过设备中的麦克风阵列拾取)。

“All of a sudden, rather than being in a controlled environment with a controlled input, you’re in every environment . . . in your entire life.”

“突然之间,您处于每个环境中,而不是处于受控输入的受控环境中。 。 。 在你的一生中。”

But, Abrash points out, those ways of controlling the technology may be awkward during some social situations. For example, if you’re talking to someone on the street you probably won’t want to make hand gestures or voice commands. The other person might think you’re crazy or, if they’re aware of the glasses, nervous that you may be pulling up information about them. You’ll need some more discreet way of controlling your glasses.

但是,阿布拉什(Abrash)指出,在某些社交场合中,那些控制技术的方法可能会很尴尬。 例如,如果您在街上与某人交谈,您可能不想做出手势或语音命令。 另一个人可能认为您疯了,或者,如果他们知道眼镜,您可能会担心您正在搜集有关眼镜的信息。 您将需要一些谨慎的方法来控制眼镜。

The eye-tracking technology in the glasses’ cameras might be more effective in such situations. You may be able to choose from items in a menu projected inside the glasses by resting your eyes on the thing you want. But even that might be noticed by a person standing in front of you.

在这种情况下,眼镜相机中的眼动追踪技术可能会更有效。 通过将眼睛放在想要的东西上,您也许可以从投影在眼镜内部的菜单中的项目中进行选择。 但是即使这样,站在您面前的人也会注意到。

Making small movements with your fingers might be even more discreet, Abrash says. He’s referring to a new input method called electromyography or EMG, which uses electrical signals from the brain to control the functions of a device.

阿布拉什说,用手指做些小动作可能会更加谨慎。 他指的是一种称为肌电图或EMG的新输入法,该方法使用来自大脑的电信号来控制设备的功能。

That technology is being developed by a company called CTRL-labs that Facebook acquired in 2019. CTRL-labs researchers have been testing the possibility of using a bracelet device to intercept signals from the brain sent down through the motor nerves on the wrist to control the movements of the fingers. They’ve had some success, as demonstrated in this video.

该技术由Facebook在2019年收购的一家名为CTRL-labs的公司开发。CTRL-labs的研究人员一直在测试使用手环设备拦截来自大脑的信号的可能性,该信号通过手腕上的运动神经向下传递,以控制手腕上的神经。手指的动作。 如本视频所示,他们取得了一些成功。

In theory, a person wearing such a bracelet could be taught to control aspects of the AR glasses’ user interface with certain finger movements. But the actual movements of the muscles in the fingers would be secondary: The bracelet would capture the electrical signals being sent from the brain before they even reach the fingers, and then translate those signals into inputs that the software could understand.

从理论上讲,佩戴此类手镯的人可以通过某些手指运动来控制AR眼镜用户界面的各个方面。 但是手指中肌肉的实际运动将是次要的:手镯会捕获从大脑发出的电信号,甚至到达手指之前,然后将这些信号转换为软件可以理解的输入。

“EMG can be made highly reliable, like a mouse click or key press,” Abrash said during his speech at the Connect conference, which was held virtually this year. “EMG will provide just one or two bits of what I’ll call neural-click, the equivalent of tapping on a button or pressing and then releasing it, but it will quickly progress to richer controls.”

Abrash在今年实际上举行的Connect大会上的演讲中说:“可以使EMG高度可靠,就像单击鼠标或按键一样。” “ EMG将只提供我称之为神经点击的一两个位,相当于点击按钮或按下然后释放它,但是它将Swift发展为更丰富的控件。”

Abrash says the brain’s signals are stronger and easier to read at the wrist, and far less ambiguous than when read using sensors on the head. As the technology advances, the bracelet may be able to capture just the intent of the user to move their finger, and actual physical movement would be unnecessary.

阿布拉什(Abrash)说,与使用头上的传感器进行读取相比,手腕上的大脑信号更强大,更容易读取,并且模棱两可。 随着技术的进步,手镯可能仅能捕获用户移动手指的意图,因此不需要实际的身体移动。

The technology isn’t exactly reading the user’s thoughts; it’s analyzing the electrical signals from the brain that are generated by their thoughts. But some may not make that distinction. When Abrash talked about EMG during his Connect keynote, several people watching the livestream noted in the comments section: “Facebook is reading my mind!”

该技术不能完全读懂用户的想法。 它正在分析他们的思想产生的来自大脑的电信号。 但有些人可能无法区分。 当Abrash在Connect主题演讲中谈论EMG时,有几位观看该直播的人在评论部分中指出:“ Facebook正在阅读我的想法!”

世界地图 (A Map of the World)

One of the toughest problems of creating AR experiences — especially social ones — is mapping a common 3D graphical world to the real world so that everybody can see the same AR content. Niantic used such a map in its 2016 Pokémon Go AR game to let all the players see the same Pokémon in the same physical places during game play.

创建AR体验(尤其是社交体验)的最棘手的问题之一是将一个普通的3D图形世界映射到现实世界,以便每个人都可以看到相同的AR内容。 Niantic在其2016年《神奇宝贝》中使用了这样的地图 进行AR游戏,让所有玩家在玩游戏时都可以在相同的物理位置看到相同的神奇宝贝。

Facebook’s map is called LiveMaps, and it will serve as a sort of superstructure from which all its AR experiences will be built.


On a more technical level, you need a map so that the glasses don’t have to work so hard to orient themselves. “You really want to reconstruct the space around you and retain it in what we’re calling LiveMaps, because then your glasses don’t constantly have to reconstruct it, which is very power intensive,” Abrash says. He says the glasses can use the map as cached location data, then all the device has to do is look for changes to the map and update them with new data.

从更高的技术层面上讲,您需要一张地图,以便眼镜不必费力地定向自己。 Abrash说:“您真的想重建周围的空间并将其保留在我们所说的LiveMaps中,因为那样您的眼镜就不必不断地重建它,这是非常耗能的。” 他说,眼镜可以将地图用作缓存的位置数据,然后设备要做的就是寻找对地图的更改,并使用新数据对其进行更新。

Abrash says LiveMaps will organize its data in three main layers: location, index, and content.


The location layer is a shared coordinate system of all the locations in the world where AR objects might be placed, or where virtual meetings with avatars might occur. This data allows for the placement of “persistent” 3D graphical objects, meaning objects that stay anchored to specific places in the physical world. For example, Google Maps is putting persistent digital direction pointers near streets and landmarks (viewed through a phone camera) to help people find their way.

位置层是世界上可能放置AR对象或可能发生具有化身的虚拟会议的所有位置的共享坐标系。 该数据允许放置“永久” 3D图形对象,这意味着这些对象将固定在物理世界中的特定位置。 例如,Google Maps在街道和地标(通过电话摄像头查看)附近放置了永久性的数字方向指示器,以帮助人们找到自己的路。

But LiveMaps must go much further than public spaces. It must also map any private places where you might wear your AR glasses, including the rooms of your home — anywhere you might place virtual objects or hold virtual hangouts with the avatars of your friends.

但是LiveMaps必须比公共空间走得更远。 它还必须标出您可能会戴上AR眼镜的任何私人场所,包括家中的房间,在可以放置虚拟对象或与朋友的化身一起举行虚拟视频群聊的任何地方。

The index layer in LiveMaps captures the properties of the physical objects in a space, along with a lot of other metadata, including what an object is used for, how it interacts with other objects, what it’s made of, and how it moves. Knowing all this is critical for placing AR objects in ways that look natural, and obey the laws of physics. The same data allows you to put your friend’s avatar across the table from you in your apartment without having their (virtual) body cut in half by the (real) tabletop, Abrash says. The index layer is being updated constantly. For instance, if you were wearing your AR glasses when you came home, the index layer might capture where the cameras saw you put down your keys.

LiveMaps中的索引层捕获空间中物理对象的属性,以及许多其他元数据,包括对象的用途,它与其他对象的交互方式,组成以及移动方式。 知道所有这些对于以看起来自然并遵守物理定律的方式放置AR对象至关重要。 相同的数据使您可以将朋友的化身放在公寓的桌子上,而他们的(虚拟)身体不会被(真实)桌面切成两半,Abrash说。 索引层正在不断更新。 例如,如果您回家时戴着AR眼镜,索引层可能会捕获相机看到您放下钥匙的位置。

The third layer, content, contains all the locations of the digital AR objects placed anywhere — public or private — in a user’s world. But, Abrash says, it’s really a lot more than that. This layer, he explains, stores the “relationships, histories, and predictions for the entities and events that matter personally to each of us, whether they’re anchored in the real world or not.” That means that this layer could capture anything from a virtual painting on your wall to a list of favorite restaurants to the details of an upcoming business trip. This layer also links to knowledge graphs that define the concepts of “painting,” “restaurant,” or “business trip,” Abrash says. “In short, it’s the set of concepts and categories, and their properties and the relations between them, that model your life to whatever extent you desire, and it can at any time surface the information that’s personally and contextually relevant to you.”

第三层,内容,包含放置在用户世界中任何地方(公共或私有)的数字AR对象的所有位置。 但是,阿布拉什(Abrash)说,它的意义远不止于此。 他解释说,这一层存储了“与我们每个人个人相关的实体和事件的关系,历史和预测,无论它们是否固定在现实世界中。” 这意味着该层可以捕获任何东西,从墙上的虚拟绘画到最喜欢的餐馆列表,再到即将到来的商务旅行的详细信息。 该层还链接到知识图,这些知识图定义了“绘画”,“餐厅”或“商务旅行”的概念,Abrash说。 “简而言之,就是概念和类别的集合,它们的属性以及它们之间的关系,以您想要的程度为您的生活建模,并且可以随时浮现与您个人和上下文相关的信息。”

As you can see, LiveMaps is really more like a map of your life. And it’s being updated constantly based on where you go and what you do.

如您所见,LiveMaps实际上更像是您的生活地图。 而且它会根据您去往和所从事的工作不断进行更新。

消息灵通的助手 (A Well-Informed Assistant)

The content layer in LiveMaps is built using all the information the cameras, sensors, and microphones on the AR glasses collect about you, your habits, and your relationships. That’s a mountain of data to give a company like Facebook, which doesn’t have a track record of protecting people’s privacy. But with the AR glasses, Facebook could offer a new and different service that’s built off all this data. It can all be fed into powerful AI models that can then make deep inferences about what information you might need or things you might want to do in various contexts. This makes possible a personal digital assistant that knows you, and what you might want, far better than any assistant you have now.

LiveMaps中的内容层是使用AR眼镜上的摄像头,传感器和麦克风收集的有关您,您的习惯和人际关系的所有信息构建的。 对于像Facebook这样的公司而言,这是无数的数据,而该公司没有保护人们隐私的良好记录。 但是借助AR眼镜,Facebook可以基于所有这些数据提供一项新的,不同的服务。 可以将其全部注入功能强大的AI模型中,然后可以对各种环境中可能需要的信息或想要做的事情进行深入推断。 这使认识您以及可能想要的个人数字助理变得比现在拥有的任何助理都要好得多。

“It’s like . . . a friend sitting on your shoulder that can see your life from your own egocentric view and help you,” Abrash says. “[It] sees your life from your perspective, so all of a sudden it can know the things that you would know if you were trying to help yourself.”

“就好像是 。 。 。 一位坐在您肩膀上的朋友可以从您的自我中心视角看到您的生活,并为您提供帮助。” Abrash说。 “ [它]从您的角度看待您的生活,因此突然之间,它可以知道您在尝试帮助自己时会知道的事情。”

For AR glasses, such an assistant may be vital. AR glasses are hands-free. You’ll be able to wear them while you’re doing other things, like working with your hands or talking to other people. You won’t have the time or attention needed to navigate through a lot of menus, or to type in or speak explicit instructions to the device.

对于AR眼镜,这样的助手可能至关重要。 AR眼镜是免提的。 您可以在做其他事情时佩戴它们,例如用手或与他人交谈。 您无需花费时间或精力来浏览许多菜单,也无需输入或向设备说清楚的说明。

That means AR glasses software will have to use what it knows about you, what you’re doing in the present, and the context in which you’re doing it to proactively display information you might need. Abrash gives the example of eye-tracking cameras detecting that your eyes have been resting on a certain kind of car for longer than a glance. Intuiting interest and intent, the glasses software might overlay information or graphics, such as data about its price or fuel economy.

这意味着AR眼镜软件将必须使用对您的了解,当前的工作以及所处的环境来主动显示您可能需要的信息。 Abrash举了一个眼动摄像机的示例,该摄像机检测到您的眼睛停留在某种汽车上的时间超过了视线。 出于兴趣和目的,眼镜软件可能会覆盖信息或图形,例如有关其价格或燃油经济性的数据。

Or it might offer a short list of options representing educated guesses of information you might want, or actions you might want to take, at that moment. You could then make a quick selection with a glance of an eye through an eye tracker or, better yet, with a twitch of the finger picked up by an EMG bracelet.

或者,它可能会提供一个简短的选项列表,代表当时您可能想要的有教养的信息猜测或可能要采取的行动。 然后,您可以通过眼动仪快速看一眼,或者用EMG手镯捡起一根手指来快速选择。

LiveMaps is really more like a map of your life.


“EMG is really the ideal AR core input because it can be completely low friction,” Abrash says. “You have this thing on and all you have to do is wiggle a finger a millimeter.”

“ EMG实际上是理想的AR内核输入,因为它可以完全降低摩擦,” Abrash说。 “你已经把这个东西戴上了,而你要做的就是把手指摆动一毫米。”

Such an assistant would also know a lot about your habits, tastes, and choices, or even how you interact with people in certain social situations, which would further inform the details it proactively displays or the options it suggests. The assistant, Abrash says, might even ask you what you think of the questions it asks you or the choices it’s proposed. These questions, too, could be answered with a very quick input.

这样的助手也会对您的习惯,品味和选择,甚至您在特定社交场合与人的互动方式有很多了解,这将进一步告知其主动显示的细节或建议的选项。 阿布拉什(Abrash)说,助理甚至可能会问您对它所问的问题或建议的选择有何看法。 这些问题也可以通过快速输入得到回答。

“So you’re now in the loop where you can be training it with very low friction,” Abrash says. “And because the interaction is much more frequent, you and the assistant can both get better at working together, which really can happen.”

“因此,您现在处于循环状态,可以以非常低的摩擦力对其进行训练,” Abrash说。 “而且由于互动更加频繁,因此您和助手都可以更好地合作,而这确实有可能发生。”

Abrash says that because the glasses are seeing and recording and understanding what you see and do all day long it can provide far more, and far better, data to an AI assistant than a smartphone that spends most of its time in your pocket. He says this is one aspect of AR glasses that puts them in a whole different paradigm from the smartphone.

Abrash说,由于眼镜整天都在观察,记录和理解您所看到的内容和所做的事情,因此与将大部分时间花在口袋里的智能手机相比,它可以为AI助手提供更多甚至更好的数据。 他说,这是AR眼镜的一个方面,使它们与智能手机完全不同。

That may offer powerful dividends in productivity and convenience, but the wealth of data about you and your life collected in LiveMaps is stored on a Facebook server somewhere. And Facebook is in the business of monetizing personal data.

这可能会在生产力和便利性方面带来可观的收益,但是LiveMaps中收集的有关您和您的生活的大量数据存储在Facebook服务器的某个位置。 Facebook正在通​​过个人数据获利。

Facebook says the personal data it captures today helps it personalize your experience on the social network. But the real reason it collects that data is so that it knows enough about you to fit you into narrowly defined audiences that advertisers can target. The sensors, microphones, and cameras on AR glasses might give Facebook a far more refined look at who you are and what you might buy. It might know you want some product or service even before you know it.

Facebook说,它今天捕获的个人数据有助于将您在社交网络上的体验个性化。 但是,它收集数据的真正原因是为了使它对您足够了解,从而使您适合广告客户可以定位的狭义受众。 AR眼镜上的传感器,麦克风和摄像头可以使Facebook更加精细地了解您的身份和购买的产品。 它可能在您不知道之前就知道您需要某些产品或服务。

That’s why I asked Andrew Bosworth, vice president and head of Facebook Reality Labs, about whether Facebook intends to use the highly detailed and personal data collected by AR glasses to target ads, on Facebook.com or within the glasses. He said the company has not started thinking about that issue yet.

这就是为什么我问Facebook现实实验室副总裁兼负责人安德鲁·博斯沃思(Andrew Bosworth)关于Facebook是否打算将AR眼镜收集的高度详细的个人数据用于Facebook.com或眼镜内部的广告目标。 他说,该公司尚未开始考虑这个问题。

学习需要什么 (Learning What It Takes)

Facebook still has a lot to learn about building the LiveMaps structure that will store this wealth of data. Abrash says it’s all about learning how to do the mapping and indexing of the world, and to “build semantics on top of that, to start to understand the objects around you.

Facebook仍需要学习很多有关构建LiveMaps结构的知识,该结构将存储大量数据。 Abrash说,这全都是关于学习如何进行世界的映射和索引,以及“在此之上构建语义,以开始了解您周围的对象”。

“To be able to build the capabilities for LiveMaps,” he adds, “[we need] to understand exactly what it is that we need to retain, how hard it is, what kinds of changes there are in the world . . . and how we can do the synchronization and keep things up to date.”

他补充说:“为了能够构建LiveMaps的功能,[我们需要]确切地了解我们需要保留什么,它有多难,世界上将发生什么变化。 。 。 以及我们如何进行同步并保持最新状态。”

That’s part of the reason why 100 or so Facebook employees will soon be wearing augmented reality research glasses at work, at home, and in public in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Seattle. The glasses have no displays and, Facebook says, are not prototypes of a future product. The employees participating in “Project Aria” will use their test glasses to capture video and audio from the wearer’s point of view while collecting data from the sensors in the glasses that track where the wearer’s eyes are going.

这就是为什么100名左右的Facebook员工很快将在旧金山湾区和西雅图的工作场所,家庭和公共场所佩戴增强现实研究眼镜的原因。 这些眼镜没有显示器,Facebook说,这不是未来产品的原型。 参加“ Project Aria项目的员工将使用他们的测试眼镜从佩戴者的角度捕捉视频和音频,同时从眼镜中的传感器收集数据,以跟踪佩戴者的眼睛去向。

“We’ve just got to get it out of the lab and get it into real-world conditions, in terms of [learning about] light, in terms of weather, and start seeing what that data looks like with the long-term goal of helping us inform [our product],” Bosworth says.


The data is also meant to help the engineers figure out how LiveMaps can enable the kind of AR experiences they want without requiring a ton of computing power in the AR device itself.


Facebook is creating LiveMaps from scratch. There is currently no data to inform or personalize any AR experiences. Eventually the data that populates the three layers of LiveMaps will be crowdsourced from users, and there will be tight controls on which parts of that data are public, which are private to the user, and which parts the user can choose to share with others (like friends and family). But for now, its up to Facebook to start generating a base set of data to work with.

Facebook正在从头开始创建LiveMap。 当前没有数据可以告知或个性化任何AR体验。 最终,构成LiveMap三层的数据将从用户中众包,并对这些数据的哪些部分是公开的,哪些是用户私有的以及用户可以选择与他人共享的部分进行严格控制(像朋友和家人一样)。 但就目前而言,由Facebook决定开始生成要使用的基本数据集。

“Initially there has to be [professional] data capture to bootstrap something like this,” Abrash says. “Because there’s a chicken and egg problem.” In other words, Facebook must start the process by collecting enough mapping and indexing data to create the initial experiences for users. Without those there will be no users to begin contributing to the data that makes up LiveMaps.

“起初必须(专业)捕获数据来引导类似的事情,”阿布拉什说。 “因为有鸡肉和鸡蛋的问题。” 换句话说,Facebook必须通过收集足够的映射和索引数据以为用户创建初始体验来启动该过程。 没有这些,就不会有用户开始为构成LiveMaps的数据做出贡献。

“Once people are wearing these glasses, crowdsourcing has to be the primary way that this works,” Abrash says. “There is no other way to scale.”

“一旦人们戴上了这些眼镜,众包就必须是这种工作的主要方式,”阿布拉什说。 “没有其他方法可以扩展。”

难题仍然存在 (Hard Problems Remain)

When it comes to hardware, some fundamental problems still need to be worked out before a fashionable pair of AR glasses are even possible.


Abrash says the biggest challenge in the hardware might be building a display system that enables killer 3D graphics while weighing very little and requiring only a small amount of power. It has to have enough brightness and contrast to display graphics that can compete with the natural light coming in from the outside world, he notes. It also must have a wide enough field of view to cover most or all of the user’s field of vision, something that’s not yet been seen in existing AR headsets or glasses.

Abrash说,硬件中最大的挑战可能是构建一个显示系统,该系统可实现重量级的3D图形,而重量却很小,并且只需要少量的电源。 他指出,它必须具有足够的亮度和对比度才能显示图形,才能与来自外界的自然光竞争。 它还必须具有足够宽的视野,才能覆盖用户的大部分或全部视野,而这在现有的AR头戴式受话器或眼镜中尚不可见。

“You’re looking through this little square hole,” Abrash says of the AR headsets now on the market, most of which are used in enterprise applications. “It doesn’t give you any sense of being in a world that has virtual objects in it.”

Abrash谈到目前市场上的AR头戴式耳机时说:“您正在寻找这个小方Kong。”大多数AR头戴式耳机用于企业应用中。 “它并没有给您任何一个拥有虚拟对象的世界的感觉。”

The sheer number of components needed to make AR glasses function will be hard to squeeze into a design that you wouldn’t mind wearing around all day. This includes cameras to pinpoint your physical location, cameras to track the movement of your eyes to see what you’re looking at, displays large enough to overlay the full breadth of your field of view, processors to power the displays and the computer vision AI that identifies objects, and a small and efficient power supply. The processors involved can generate a lot of heat on the head, too, and right now there’s no cooling mechanism light and efficient enough to cool everything down.

实现AR眼镜功能所需的组件数量之多,很难挤到您一整天都不愿意佩戴的设计中。 其中包括用于确定您的实际位置的摄像头,用于跟踪您的眼睛运动以查看您在看什么的摄像头,足够大的显示屏以覆盖整个视场,用于为显示屏供电的处理器和计算机视觉AI可以识别物体,以及小型高效的电源。 所涉及的处理器也会在头上产生大量热量,目前没有足够的散热机制来高效地冷却所有物体。

Everyone who is working on a real pair of AR glasses is trying to find ways of overcoming these challenges. One way may be to offload some of the processing power and power supply to an external device, like a smartphone or some other small, wearable, dedicated device (like Magic Leap’s “puck“). Facebook’s eventual AR glasses, which could be five years away, may ultimately consist of three pieces — the glasses themselves, an external device, and a bracelet for EMG.

每个正在制作一副真正的AR眼镜的人都在尝试找到克服这些挑战的方法。 一种方法可能是将一些处理能力和电源卸给外部设备,例如智能手机或其他一些小型,可穿戴的专用设备(例如Magic Leap的“冰球”)。 Facebook最终的AR眼镜可能要等5年了,最终可能由三部分组成-眼镜本身,外部设备和EMG手镯。

公开交谈 (Talking Openly)

There’s a good reason why Abrash and Bosworth are out speaking frankly about Facebook’s development of AR glasses. The company knows it must address data privacy questions early in the development process, and make sure the world knows it, if it’s to ever have a chance of selling tens of millions of the devices.

阿布拉什(Abrash)和博斯沃思(Bosworth)坦率地说Facebook关于AR眼镜的发展是有充分理由的。 该公司知道,它必须在开发过程的早期就解决数据隐私问题,并确保全世界都知道,以便有机会销售数千万种设备。

“It is critical that we set up this system so that there is very strong confidence that from the time photons hit sensors, [from] the time that data goes encrypted into the cloud, that privacy and security have been guaranteed,” Abrash says.


These concerns are warranted, because AR glasses have the potential to get into people’s personal space perhaps more than any consumer tech device we’ve seen (Google learned that the hard way with its Glass experiment in the 2010s). AR glasses can capture lots of data about the person wearing them, but also about the innocent bystanders observed and recorded by the device’s cameras and microphones.

这些担忧是有道理的,因为AR眼镜可能比我们所见过的任何消费类技术设备都更能进入人们的个人空间(Google知道在2010年代进行Glass实验是艰难的方式)。 增强现实眼镜可以捕获有关佩戴者的大量数据,还可以捕获有关设备的摄像头和麦克风观察并记录的无辜旁观者的数据。

“You know, most products historically have primarily been concerned with the person using it, but that’s not a luxury that augmented reality is going to have,” Bosworth tells me. AR glasses require a new level of conscientiousness about security and privacy from the company producing them.

“您知道,历史上大多数产品主要是与使用它的人有关的,但这并不是增强现实所具有的奢侈品,” Bosworth告诉我。 增强现实眼镜要求生产它们的公司对安全性和隐私性具有更高的认真程度。

Bosworth describes a set of “product innovation principles” that Facebook is releasing alongside its Project Aria research project and data collection. One of those principles is giving the people who encounter a Facebook employee wearing the research glasses the chance to complain about being captured by the device’s cameras. Another says Facebook shouldn’t build anything that will “surprise” people, and that it will always default to serving the good of the community when deciding whether to include this feature or that.

Bosworth描述了Facebook与Project Aria研究项目和数据收集一起发布的一组“产品创新原则”。 这些原则之一是让遇到戴着研究眼镜的Facebook员工的人们有机会抱怨被设备的相机捕获。 另一位用户说,Facebook不应建立任何能“让人”惊讶的东西,并且在决定是否包含此功能时,它将始终默认为社区的利益服务。

That’s just what I’d want to hear from any tech company developing AR glasses, but Facebook isn’t just any tech company. For the better part of its history Facebook has failed to understand and address the harmful side effects of its technology and business model. It’s famous for launching new features, talking a lot about their wonderful benefits to users, and directing attention away from the real cost of those features to users’ personal data privacy.

这就是我想从任何开发AR眼镜的科技公司那里听到的信息,但是Facebook不仅仅是任何科技公司。 在其历史的大部分时间里,Facebook未能理解并解决其技术和商业模式的有害副作用。 它以启动新功能,谈论其对用户的奇妙好处以及将注意力从这些功能的实际成本转移到用户的个人数据隐私上而闻名。

More recently, Facebook has been slow to manage toxic content like hate and disinformation that’s run rampant on its platform. As its platform has become increasingly weaponized, the company has backed away from taking responsibility for any social consequences. Historically, Facebook has been largely unwilling to understand potential harms from its products before exposing the public to them. As Abrash and Bosworth have hinted, that “move fast and break things” approach may continue with its AR glasses.

最近,Facebook缓慢地管理平台上猖manage的仇恨和虚假信息等有毒内容。 随着其平台变得越来越武器化,该公司已避免对任何社会后果承担责任。 从历史上看,Facebook一直不愿在向公众展示产品之前了解其产品的潜在危害。 正如Abrash和Bosworth所暗示的那样,“快速行动并打破事物”的方法可能会继续使用其AR眼镜。

“People will sometimes say, ‘Well, shouldn’t you figure out what’s good and bad here and then make sure the bad stuff never gets out?’” Abrash tells me. “I don’t feel like I should be making that decision for society. I feel like actually in a democratic society, you want it done through open, transparent discussion, legislation, regulation, and so on.

“人们有时会说,'好吧,难道你不应该弄清楚这里有什么好坏,然后确保坏东西永远不会消失吗?” Abrash告诉我。 “我觉得我不应该为社会做出这个决定。 我觉得实际上是在民主社会中,您希望它通过公开,透明的讨论,立法,法规等来完成。

“I don’t feel like I should be making that decision for society.”


“As you can see, we’re being pretty open about what we’re doing,” he adds. “The whole point is I want us as a society to think about what we want here.”

他补充说:“正如您所看到的,我们对所做的事情持开放态度。” “最重要的是,我希望我们这个社会思考我们在这里想要的东西。”

However, the question may be whether members of the public, let alone lawmakers, have a real chance to contribute to the privacy and acceptable use standards of Facebook’s AR glasses before the product is released. Even if Abrash has every intention of making sure that happens, there’s no guarantee that Facebook’s senior management and legions of ad-tech executives will play along.

但是,问题可能是,公众(更不用说立法者)发布该产品之前是否真的有机会为Facebook的AR眼镜的隐私和可接受的使用标准做出贡献。 即使Abrash千方百计确保做到这一点,也无法保证Facebook的高级管理层和众多广告技术高管会与时俱进。

As Abrash says, no matter which AR glasses emerge in the next 10 years, it’s a paradigm-shifting technology that’s likely to follow a long evolutionary arch far into the future. Once we start seeing realistic and useful AR graphics and avatars convincingly placed within our visible world, it’ll be easier to see where that path could lead. One day, our everyday reality may be half real and half digital — as long as companies like Facebook build technology in a thoughtful, inclusive, privacy-friendly way that everyone feels comfortable embracing.

正如Abrash所说,无论在未来10年出现哪种AR眼镜,它都是一种范式转换技术,很可能会在很长的发展过程中走到很远的将来。 一旦我们开始看到令人信服地放置在可见世界中的逼真的实用AR图形和化身,就会更容易看到该路径可能会引向何方。 有一天,我们的日常现实可能是一半真实,一半是数字-只要像Facebook这样的公司以周到,包容,隐私友好的方式构建技术,每个人都可以轻松拥抱。

翻译自: https://medium.com/fast-company/the-biggest-hurdle-to-facebooks-bold-vision-for-ar-glasses-is-trust-3b95a8847393


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