playstation 5价格发布日期更多游戏发布

After months of giving fans a frustratingly slow drip-feed of information, Sony finally let fly with a 40-minute live stream focused on all things PlayStation 5. We finally have a release date and price and got an eyeful of gaming goodness with several of the launch window titles we’ll have in our hands in the coming months.

给予球迷的信息令人沮丧的缓慢点滴压脚提升月,索尼终于让一个40分钟的现场直播飞专注于一切事物的PlayStation 5.我们终于有一个发布日期和价格,并得到了几个游戏善良满眼在接下来的几个月中,我们将掌握启动窗口中的标题。

If you missed the show, check it out here, then come back to discuss.


Right then, let’s get to it!


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PlayStation 5 price details. Source: Sony
PlayStation 5价格详细信息。 资料来源:索尼

价格和发布日期(Price and Release Date)

We’ll start here because it’s the thing fans were most anxious to see, and Sony didn’t disappoint. At the very end of the event (well, almost) Sony revealed that the digital version of the PlayStation 5 will cost $399 US and the disc-drive version will cost $499 US. The systems will launch in North America, Japan, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand, and South Korea on November 12th, with the rest of the world following suit a week later. It’s interesting to note that Sony had a disclaimer note at the bottom of the screen stating that the China release date is “still under exploration”, so we won’t know about that for a bit now.

我们从这里开始,因为这是球迷们最渴望看到的东西,而索尼没有让我们失望。 在活动结束时(差不多),索尼透露,数字版PlayStation 5的价格为399美元,而光驱版本的价格为499美元。 该系统将于11月12日在北美,日本,墨西哥,澳大利亚,新西兰和韩国启动,一周后将在世界其他地区启动。 有趣的是,索尼在屏幕底部有一个免责声明,指出中国的发布日期“仍在探索中”,所以我们暂时不会对此有所了解。

So digging in a bit, November 12th is just two days after Microsoft drops their new consoles to the world, making that one incredible week for gaming fans. The Xbox Series X and the disc-drive version of the PS5 will have the same price at $499. The disc-less PS5 will be $100 more than the Xbox Series S console but is much more powerful than Microsoft’s secondary entry for this generation. So it’s hard to compare apples on that level, as Sony isn’t playing quite the same game as Microsoft on that point. The Benjamin’s worth of difference for the digital version is sure to please lots of folks, but the true budget-minded gamer may be looking in Microsoft’s direction this time around. We will have to see how it goes, just one of the many things making this generation possibly the most intriguing one yet. UPDATE: Immediately following the show, which did not mention pre-orders at all, Sony tweeted out that pre-orders would start on Thursday 9/17. Geoff Keighley chimed in that some retailers might be going ahead early with them, and Twitter practically exploded with people posting that they had successfully, or unsuccessfully, tried to get it done at Walmart. It remains to see how this plays out, but it will likely be hard to get your hands on either of the PS5 models this holiday season.

因此,11月12日是微软将其新游戏机推向世界的第二天,这对于游戏迷来说是不可思议的一周。 Xbox Series X和PS5的光盘驱动器版本的价格相同,为499美元。 无盘PS5的价格将比Xbox Series S控制台高100美元,但比微软的第二代产品强大得多。 因此,很难在这个水平上比较苹果,因为索尼在那方面的表现与微软不同。 本杰明在数字版本方面的巨大差异肯定会令很多人满意,但这次真正精打细算的游戏玩家可能正在考虑微软的方向。 我们将不得不看看它的发展过程,这仅仅是使这一代人成为迄今为止最有趣的事情之一。 更新:紧随演出之后,根本没有提到预购,索尼在推特上说预购将从9/17星期四开始。 杰夫·基斯利(Geoff Keighley)吹嘘说,一些零售商可能会提早与他们合作,推特实际上爆炸了,人们发布了他们已经成功或失败地试图在沃尔玛完成交易的消息。 仍有待观察如何发挥作用,但在这个假期期间,可能很难尝试使用其中任何一款PS5机型。

Now we’ve got that properly situated, let’s start the show from the beginning just like Sony did. The curtain opened on a sizzle reel of the games we saw from the PlayStation 5’s first reveal event back in June. Once that was over, Sony fired up their first flex of the day, and it was as big as they get around these parts.

现在我们已经有了合适的位置,让我们像索尼一样从头开始表演。 六月初,我们从PlayStation 5的首个揭幕比赛中看到了一系列激动人心的游戏。 一旦结束,Sony便启动了当天的第一个功能,它与围绕这些部件的大小一样大。

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Final Fantasy XVI. Source: Square Enix.
最终幻想XVI。 资料来源:Square Enix。

最终幻想十六:觉醒 (Final Fantasy XVI: Awakening)

One of the biggest franchises in gaming is back, and to the relief of many die-hard fans, the newest iteration of the beloved series will be returning to its high fantasy roots. This appears to be a classic tale of war and the rulers that decide the fates of their people, and quite possibly a boy who turns into a giant fire monster thingy. The graphics look appropriately stunning and the combat is real-time with no apparent HUD on the screen from what was shown. It looks involving and fun, but there’s not enough here to know what kind of DNA it will share with Final Fantasy XV and the Final Fantasy VII Remake. I have no doubt that we will be seeing plenty more in the coming months.

游戏中最大的特许经营权之一又回来了,并且让许多顽固的粉丝松了一口气,这一备受喜爱的系列的最新版本将恢复到其高幻想根源。 这似乎是一个经典的战争故事,统治者决定了人们的命运,很有可能是一个男孩,后来变成了一个巨大的火怪物。 这些图形看起来相当惊艳,战斗是实时的,从显示的内容看,屏幕上没有明显的HUD。 它看起来既有趣又有趣,但是这里没有足够的信息知道它将与《最终幻想XV》和《最终幻想VII重制版》共享什么样的DNA。 我毫不怀疑,未来几个月我们将看到更多。

No release date was given and it’s impossible to know how far along the game was based on what we saw, though it was the only game shown that was said to have footage from PC, not PS5, so it seems still pretty early in development. The flex that I mentioned, however, was revealed at the very end of the trailer, stating that the game will be a console exclusive for PS5. That’s right, this one isn’t going to Xbox, it will be available on PC and PS5 only. This is a massive get for Sony and gives truth to the stories we’ve been hearing about the Japanese giant paying big bucks for exclusives this generation. I don’t think we will be playing this one before 2022, but stay tuned for more.

没有给出发布日期,并且不可能根据我们所看到的来知道游戏的进展情况,尽管据称这是唯一显示的是PC而非PS5镜头的游戏,所以它似乎仍处于开发初期。 但是,我提到的flex在预告片的最后被揭露了,表明该游戏将是PS5专用游戏机。 没错,这不是Xbox产品,只能在PC和PS5上使用。 对于索尼来说,这是一个巨大的收获,这使我们听到的关于日本巨人为这一代独家产品付出高昂代价的故事的真实性。 我认为我们不会在2022年之前玩这个游戏,但敬请期待。

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Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Source: Sony.
蜘蛛侠:迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯。 资料来源:索尼。

蜘蛛侠:迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯 (Spider-Man: Miles Morales)

The show rolled right along into what is sure to be the biggest PS5 launch window title, Marvel’s Spider-Man:Miles Morales. We got some great looking gameplay of what seemed to be an early part of the game, though it isn’t clear exactly when this chunk of goodness takes place. It showed a bit of cinematic and then a big fight on a bridge where things fall apart in spectacular fashion. The action looks just as smooth, fluid, and explosive as the first game, with Miles having some stuff at his disposal that Peter didn’t have before him.

该节目紧随其后进入了肯定是最大的PS5发行窗口标题,即Marvel的Spider-Man:Miles Morales 。 尽管尚不清楚何时会发生这种善良的感觉,但我们还是获得了一些很好看的游戏玩法,似乎这只是游戏的早期部分。 它展现了一些电影风格,然后在一座桥上进行了一场激烈的战斗,在那儿,事物以壮观的方式瓦解。 动作看起来像第一局一样流畅,流畅和爆炸性,Miles掌握着Peter之前没有的东西。

Miles showed off some electrical powers and area of effect attacks, as he defended himself and the citizens of the city against two new foes, Roxxon and the Underground. The second group is led by the apparent big bad for this game, The Tinkerer, who has some slick moves and powerful weapons at her disposal as well. Sony has confirmed this is a launch day title, and during the show they dropped additional details about two editions of the game. One will be just this game, and there will be an Ultimate Edition that will come packed in with a remastered version of the original game. And to think, this will be in our hands in just under 8 weeks.

迈尔斯展示了一些电力和特效攻击区,为他和城市居民抵御Roxxon和The Underground两种新敌人进行了防御。 第二组由该游戏的明显弊端领导,Tinkerer,她也有一些灵活的动作和强大的武器可供使用。 索尼已经确认这是一个发行日的头衔,在演出期间,他们放弃了有关该游戏两个版本的更多详细信息。 一个将只是这款游戏,并且将会有一个终极版,其中将包含原始游戏的重新制作版本。 想一想,这将在不到8周的时间内交付给我们。

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Hogwarts Legacy. Source: Sony.
霍格沃茨的遗产。 资料来源:索尼。

霍格沃茨遗产 (Hogwarts Legacy)

The long-awaited Harry Potter game, which was thought by many to be destined for vaporware infamy, was finally revealed! This was mainly a cinematic trailer with some possible gameplay rolled in, it was hard to tell for sure, but what was shown looks fantastic. The game is set in the late 1800s, where you will take the role of a student going through the famous school. The narration says that there is a world beyond the walls of the school, and hints at a plot of a fight against evil and a search for ancient knowledge and power.

终于,人们期待已久的“哈利·波特”游戏被揭露了! 这主要是一部电影预告片,并带有一些可能的游戏玩法,虽然很难确定,但显示的内容看起来很棒。 游戏设定在1800年代后期,您将扮演一名学生经历著名学校的角色。 旁白说,在学校的围墙之外,还有一个世界,暗示着一场与邪恶作斗争以及寻求古老知识和力量的阴谋。

Interestingly, the narration states that your power and skill will reveal your character and determine the legacy of Hogwarts. It seems the game will allow choices of what kind of wizard you will be, so it will be fascinating to see the depths of that system. Will it be a simple choice of good or evil, where you are locked into one or the other, or can you decide on a moment by moment basis? Will the choices you make really affect the story and allow for multiple endings? Is this the beginning of a new franchise of games based on Potter lore? This one is marked for 2021 release, so I expect we will see more once the system launches, as this will be hotly anticipated by the legions of HP fans around the world.

有趣的是,该叙述指出,您的能力和技巧将揭示您的性格并确定霍格沃茨的遗产。 看来游戏将允许您选择要使用的向导类型,因此查看该系统的深度将非常有趣。 是将您困在一个或另一个中,是对善与恶的简单选择,还是可以时时做出决定? 您做出的选择是否会真正影响故事并允许结局? 这是基于波特知识的新系列游戏的开始吗? 该标志着2021年的发布,因此我希望一旦该系统启动我们将看到更多,因为这将受到全球众多HP粉丝的热烈期待。

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Source: Activision Games Blog.
使命召唤:黑色行动冷战。 资料来源:动视游戏博客。

使命召唤:黑色行动冷战 (Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War)

Today’s showcase gave us the first glimpse of the campaign residing in the newest Black Ops game, and it looks beautiful and explodey and all things Call of Duty. The level shown was about the Iran Hostage Crisis, and of course, things didn’t go to plan, leading to a chase in a Jeep, lots of explosions, a giant cargo plane, and a really cool RC car bomb that you got to pilot and explode under the plane. The graphics and sound were suitably incredible, with the lighting effects really catching the eye (seriously, I’ve never seen a wet tarp look so beautiful).

今天的展示厅让我们第一眼看到了驻留在最新Black Ops游戏中的战役,它看起来美丽,爆炸性强,并且所有物品都属于Call of Duty 。 显示的级别是关于伊朗人质危机的,当然,事情没有按计划进行,导致了吉普车的追逐,大量爆炸,一架巨型货机和一辆非常酷的RC汽车炸弹。飞行员并在飞机下方爆炸。 图形和声音令人难以置信,其灯光效果确实引人注目(严重的是,我从未见过湿的篷布看起来如此漂亮)。

The game’s director came on to let us know that the game will have a zombie mode and next-gen multiplayer, which seems to be a 40-player Warzone-style setup. Surprisingly, they announced the Alpha version of the multiplayer is available for PS4 gamers starting Friday the 18th, so you CoD fans really don’t have long to wait for your headshot fix. Holiday 2020 is the given release date for this one, so even though it isn’t listed as a launch title, expect it to be ready to go when the system is.

游戏的导演继续让我们知道,游戏将具有僵尸模式和下一代多人游戏,这似乎是40人Warzone风格的设置。 令人惊讶的是,他们宣布多人游戏的Alpha版将从18日星期五开始提供给PS4游戏玩家,因此,您的CoD粉丝真的没有多久就可以等待爆头修复了。 2020年假期是该版本的给定发布日期,因此,即使未将其列为启动标题,也希望它在系统就绪时就可以使用。

拖车时间! (Trailer Time!)

I’m going to break my own rule here about going in order and summarize some trailer-only sneak peeks we got throughout the show. Resident Evil 8: Village had a new story trailer that picked up where the last one left off, not revealing much but the super creepy environment and monsters you’ll be fighting, and a 2021 release date. Oddworld Soulstorm got another trailer as well, revealing some of the characters that are back to inhabit the game and showing off a bit more of the game’s trademark humor and some huge levels that look like they will be a lot of fun. Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition got a trailer showing a bit of cinematics and gameplay, and it looks just like the PS4 release with a shiny coat of next-gen paint on it. This one will be available digitally at the system’s launch. The same setup was in store for Fortnite, which also got a brief trailer and gave us a reminder that you can play it on the day PS5 launches. Last but not least was a suitably creepy cinematic trailer for Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach. No release date was given for this one, so it’s likely a 2021 title.

在这里,我将打破自己的规律,总结一下整个演出过程中出现的一些仅限预告片的偷看情况。 《生化危机8》(Resident Evil 8:Village)有一个新故事的预告片,在最后一个遗留的地方收拾了下来,没有透露太多内容,但展示了您将要战斗的超级令人毛骨悚然的环境和怪物,以及2021年的发布日期。 Oddworld Soulstorm也获得了另一个预告片,展示了一些重新回到游戏中居住的角色,并展示了更多游戏的商标幽默和一些看起来很有趣的巨大关卡。 《 Devil May Cry 5:Special Edition》的预告片显示了一些电影和游戏玩法,看起来就像PS4发行版一样,上面涂着闪亮的下一代涂料。 该软件将在系统启动时以数字方式提供。 Fortnite也有相同的设置,它也有一个简短的预告片,并提醒我们您可以在PS5发行之日播放它。 最后但并非最不重要的是,《弗雷迪的五夜:安全突破》中一部令人毛骨悚然的电影预告片。 没有发布日期,因此可能是2021年的标题。

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Deathloop. Source: YouTube
死循环。 资料来源:YouTube

死亡循环 (Deathloop)

Back on track then, here we go. We were treated to an extensive new look at the fantastic looking Arkane Lyon game, introducing us to two of the killers who will attempt to take your character down in each 24-hour loop on the island. Egor Serling and Aleksis Dorsey are those killers, and we got to see a lot of fresh neck-snapping and head-shotting goodness while we learned about them both. The game’s protagonist, Colt, explained that even if he killed Egor, Aleksis was getting away with a party on the other side of the island. But if he could get to Egor’s location before he made a particular discovery, the loop would change and he could catch Egor and Aleksis together at the party, and kill “Two Birds With One Stone”, conveniently the name of this trailer.

然后回到正轨,我们开始。 我们在看似奇幻的Arkane Lyon游戏中获得了全新的面貌,向我们介绍了两个杀手,他们将在岛上的每个24小时循环中尝试将您的角色放倒。 Egor Serling和Aleksis Dorsey就是这些杀手,我们在了解了两者的同时,也看到了很多新鲜的捕捉脖子和猛击的优点。 游戏的主角柯尔特(Collt)解释说,即使他杀死了埃格(Egor),阿里克西斯(Aleksis)还是要逃离该岛另一边的一个聚会。 但是,如果他能在发现某个特定事件之前到达Egor的位置,循环将发生变化,并且他可以在聚会上将Egor和Aleksis抓到一起,并杀死“两鸟一石”,这是这个拖车的名字。

So what does all that mean? From what I can tell, it means there’s some Hitman and Dishonored inspiration here. It would seem you will have the ability to manipulate circumstances in order to affect where and how you can kill the baddies, which would be a fantastic thing to see in a fast-paced FPS like this. The game was recently delayed into 2021 due to COVID-related issues, but I’m in the crowd that believes delays only make games better. This was also revealed to be another PS5 console exclusive, only appearing on PC besides. We will be seeing a lot more as the calendar closes in on the new year, so keep those eyes peeled and stay out of time loops!

那是什么意思呢? 据我所知,这意味着这里有一些杀手耻辱的灵感。 看来您将具有处理环境的能力,以影响在何处以及如何杀死坏人,这在像这样的快节奏FPS中看到是一件很了不起的事情。 由于与COVID相关的问题,该游戏最近被推迟到2021年,但我在人群中认为,延迟只会使游戏变得更好。 这也被发现是另一个PS5主机独有,仅出现在PC上。 在新的一年日历关闭时,我们将看到更多,所以请睁大眼睛,避免时间循环!

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Demon’s Souls. Source: Sony.
恶魔之魂。 资料来源:索尼。

恶魔之魂 (Demon’s Souls)

One of the most anticipated titles we know about yet for PS5, Demon’s Souls is looking absolutely gorgeous in it’s remastered form. Blue Point Games is one of the best studios working right now, full stop, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to see Sony acquire them sometime soon. They appear to have done an incredible job with this one, as it looks to have all the, ahem, soul of the original game with a beautiful new look to boot.

作为PS5迄今为止我们所知最令人期待的游戏之一,《恶魔之魂》的改制版看起来绝对华丽。 蓝点游戏(Blue Point Games)是目前工作最出色的工作室之一,整站播放,看到索尼很快将其收购,我丝毫不感到惊讶。 他们似乎对这一游戏做了出色的工作,因为它看起来具有原始游戏的所有灵魂,并具有漂亮的新外观。

This was the first gameplay we had seen, as the first PS5 reveal event had only a teaser trailer to offer. The bosses look mighty and the swords are flying with reckless abandon in the gameplay that was shown. And to remind us all that this is the original Soulsborne game, the player dies in the trailer. Lots of cinematic goodness and ray-traced fire effects followed, doubtless leaving all the fans panting for breath and counting the seconds until this one launches alongside the system this holiday.

这是我们见过的第一个游戏玩法,因为第一个PS5揭幕活动只提供预告片。 在所显示的游戏玩法中,老板看上去威武无比,而剑却在肆意地挥舞着。 并提醒我们所有人,这是原始的《灵魂堡垒》游戏,玩家死在预告片中。 随之而来的是许多电影般的美感和光线追踪的火焰效果,毫无疑问,所有粉丝都喘不过气来,数秒,直到这个假期与这个系统一起发射。

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PS Plus Collection. Source: Push Square.
PS Plus系列。 资料来源:Push Square。

PS Plus系列 (PS Plus Collection)

I doubt many saw this one coming, and its an attention-getter to say the least. Sony showed clips from several of their biggest blockbusters with the lead-in of “A New PlayStation Plus Benefit for PlayStation 5”. After the clips, the text reads “Enjoy a selection of generation-defining PS4 games. Access the entire collection on your PS5 at launch. Simply download games and start playing”. So basically, this appears to be a showcase of their backwards compatibility wrapped in with a Gamepass-style offering to get people moving off PS4 by assuring a nice library of titles to play for free on PS5 and helping sell PlayStation Plus subscriptions at the same time.

我怀疑很多人会看到这一趋势的到来,至少可以说吸引了人们的注意。 索尼以“ PlayStation 5的新PlayStation Plus优势”为首,展示了其几部大片的剪辑。 在剪辑之后,文字显示为“享受一系列定义世代的PS4游戏。 启动时在PS5上访问整个收藏集。 只需下载游戏并开始玩”。 因此,基本上,这似乎是他们向后兼容的展示,其中包含Gamepass风格的产品,可确保人们可以在PS5上免费玩一个不错的标题库,并帮助同时出售PlayStation Plus订阅,从而使人们摆脱PS4。 。

That’s a pretty slick move, but the immediate questions will come as to whether this will be a continuously updated library that will stay free, or the beginning of integrating PS Now with PS Plus, or something else entirely. You’ll never step wrong by giving away free games, but every gamer will see the value here differently based on whether they have already bought or played these games. Again, a great gesture from Sony that will be interesting to watch play out in the coming weeks. Here’s the list of titles included in the collection: God of War (2018), The Last of Us: Remastered, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Battlefield 1, Monster Hunter World, Fallout 4, Final Fantasy XV,The Last Guardian, Ratchet and Clank (2016), Infamous: Second Son, Days Gone, Bloodborne, Detroit: Become Human, Batman Arkham Knight, Mortal Kombat X, Persona 5, Until Dawn, Resident Evil: Biohazard.

这是一个非常明智的举动,但是紧迫的问题是这是否将是一个持续更新的库,它将保持免费状态,或者是开始将PS Now与PS Plus集成,还是完全其他。 赠送免费游戏绝对不会出错,但是每个游戏玩家根据已经购买还是玩过这些游戏,都会在这里看到不同的价值。 再次,索尼的好姿态将在接下来的几周内引起关注。 以下是该系列中所包含的头衔列表:战争之神(2018),《我们的最后:重制版》,《神秘海域4:小偷的终结》,《战地风云1》,《怪物猎人世界》,《辐射4》,《最终幻想XV》,《最后的守护者》,《棘齿》 and Clank(2016),臭名昭著:次子,逝去的日子,血腥的,底特律:成为人类,蝙蝠侠·阿卡姆·奈特,真人快打X,女神异闻录5,直到黎明,生化危机:生化危机

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God of War: Ragnarok. Source: Push Square.
战争之神:仙境传说。 资料来源:Push Square。

战争之神:仙境传说 (God of War: Ragnarok)

As Sony is wont to do these last couple years, they ended the show with a bang of epic proportions. After CEO Jim Ryan said a few words and displayed the prices we showed you at the top, he said he wanted to leave us with one more quick look. We are treated to a bit of snow on a black screen, then a voice intones “The time grows near”. The icy image you see above slowly traces itself across the screen, and the voice speaks again, saying “you must prepare yourself”. In true cinematic style, the letters flip quickly onto the screen, spelling out “Ragnarok Is Coming 2021”. Not much here, but these are truly 30 seconds that will be seen and heard around the world. God of War is one of Sony’s crown jewels, and the 2018 game was as big a hit as almost any other in their stable, so the sequel is going to be massive. I was pleasantly surprised to see the date, as I expected COVID to push it farther back. No arguments here though, now the wait for more details begins!

由于索尼在过去的几年中不愿意这样做,所以他们以史诗般的比例结束了演出。 首席执行官Jim Ryan讲了几句话并显示了我们在顶部显示的价格后,他说他想让我们再快速浏览一下。 在黑色屏幕上,我们被视雪了一下,然后发出声音,“时间临近了”。 您在上方看到的冰冷图像缓慢地在屏幕上移动,声音再次说话,说“您必须做好准备”。 这些字母以真正的电影风格Swift翻转到屏幕上,拼出“ Ragnarok即将到来2021”。 这里并不多,但实际上是30秒,将在世界范围内看到和听到。 《战神》是Sony的皇冠上的瑰宝之一,2018年的游戏在其稳定器中几乎与其他游戏一样受欢迎,因此续集将非常庞大。 我很高兴看到日期,因为我期望COVID将日期推得更远。 尽管这里没有争论,但现在开始等待更多细节!

The show wrapped up with another sizzle reel and then everyone sat back to catch their breath. We would be remiss if we didn’t talk for a moment about what we didn’t see here. Pre-order information was curiously absent, but Sony tweeted about it right after (see update in the price and release date section). We didn’t see any of the User Interface or menu of the system, which would have been easy enough to show if for nothing else than to give a wow factor from the boot-up speed. We also didn’t get any sign of a new Uncharted game, nor the long-rumoured Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered or long hoped for Resistance Trilogy Remastered. All in all though, this seems to be another great showing for Sony, and judging by the reaction on Twitter and the already sold-out retailers, it’s going to be a very bright holiday indeed for Sony.

演出结束时,又放了一个嘶嘶声,然后所有人都坐下来喘口气。 如果我们暂时不谈论在这里看不到的内容,我们将被解雇。 奇怪的是缺少预购信息,但索尼此后立即发布了推文(请参阅价格和发行日期部分的更新)。 我们没有看到系统的任何用户界面或菜单,这些菜单或菜单很容易显示出是否要从启动速度中获得惊喜。 我们也没有得到任何新的《神秘海域》游戏的迹象,也没有长期以来传闻重制的《质量效应三部曲》 ,也没有长期期待《抵抗三部曲》重制的希望。 总而言之,这似乎是索尼的又一次精彩展示,从Twitter和已经售罄的零售商的React来看,对于索尼来说,这确实是一个非常光明的假期。

Stay tuned for more great PlayStation 5 coverage as the release date draws ever nearer and keep it locked here to SUPERJUMP.

随着发布日期的临近,请继续关注PlayStation 5的更多功能,并将其锁定在SUPERJUMP位置


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