

The objective of this article is to introduce virtual reality (VR) by describing and explaining the history around it. Examples of hardware and peripherals will be covered as well as applications of virtual reality in various settings beyond gaming. By the end, one will have a clear idea about this technology, the tools required for it and the many benefits of using VR in different environments and settings.

吨他的目标本文是通过描述和解释周围的历史,介绍虚拟现实(VR)。 除了游戏之外,还将介绍硬件和外围设备的示例以及虚拟现实在各种环境中的应用。 到最后,人们将对这项技术,所需的工具以及在不同环境和设置中使用VR的诸多好处有一个清晰的认识。

虚拟现实的定义和历史 (Definition and history of Virtual Reality)

Virtual reality can be described as a computer-generated virtual world that is three dimensional and can be explored by its user. The user can touch and move objects in this virtual world and become so immersed within it that it feels like real life.

虚拟现实可以描述为三维的计算机生成的虚拟世界,用户可以对其进行探索。 用户可以触摸和移动该虚拟世界中的对象,并沉浸在其中,以至于感觉像是现实生活。

Virtual reality first became possible in the 1950s by cinematographer Morton Heilig who built a single user console called Sensorama. This was basically the very first three-dimensional television. By the 1960’s computer scientists such as Jaron Lanier, Douglas Engelbart, and Ivan Sutherland were excited and keen to research and experiment with new forms of technology such as input devices, user interfaces, multimedia and 360 degrees user experience.

电影摄影师Morton Heilig在1950年代首次实现了虚拟现实,他建立了一个名为Sensorama的单一用户控制台 这基本上是第一台三维电视。 到1960年代,Jaron Lanier, Douglas Engelbart和Ivan Sutherland等计算机科学家对研究和试验新形式的技术(例如输入设备,用户界面,多媒体和360度用户体验)感到兴奋和热衷。

Due to increased interest in virtual worlds, further developments were made with Virtual Reality over time, combined improvements such as an increase in processing speed, improved graphics cards, advances in interactive technologies, and web 2.0. Improvements in the movie and television industries also contributed to developments in virtual reality. Virtual worlds such as ‘Second Life’ were now possible enabling the user to fully engage with these environments in ways which we had never previously considered.

由于对虚拟世界的兴趣不断增长,随着时间的流逝,虚拟现实技术得到了进一步的发展,包括诸如处理速度的提高,图形卡的改进,交互技术的进步以及Web 2.0的综合改进。 影视行业的进步也促进了虚拟现实的发展。 现在可以使用诸如“第二人生”之类的虚拟世界,使用户能够以我们以前从未考虑过的方式完全参与这些环境。

During the 1990s Nintendo made a large financial investment on VR hardware. They were working towards transmitting images to the gamer via a virtual reality headgear and the goal was to provide an affordable game console. The Nintendo Virtual Boy was released in 1995 at a cost of $180. It was unsuccessful and it was discontinued the following year because of the high-end hardware that is used.

在1990年代,任天堂在VR硬件上投入了大量资金。 他们正在努力通过虚拟现实头饰将图像传输给游戏玩家,目的是提供价格合理的游戏机。 Nintendo Virtual Boy于1995年发布,售价为180美元。 它没有成功,由于使用了高端硬件,因此于次年停产。

So it was back to the drawing board for Nintendo to invent a new generation in gaming, and in 2006 they launched the Wii. Nintendo claimed they were:

因此,任天堂发明了新一代游戏,回到了制图板上,并于2006年推出了Wii。 任天堂声称他们是:

“introducing a new generation in gaming, the Wii moves you with unprecedented gameplay experiences that take the fun to a whole new level.” - Nintendo

“ Wii引入了新一代的游戏,为您带来了前所未有的游戏体验,将娱乐带入了一个全新的高度。” -任天堂

The Nintendo Wii uses a handheld controller for the gamer to engage with objects on the game in front of them and as a result, change the interaction.

Nintendo Wii使用一个手持控制器,让玩家与游戏对象互动,从而改变他们之间的互动。

硬件和外设 (Hardware and peripherals)

The main difference between virtual reality tools of the past and the present is that the bulky looking gear which was uncomfortable and expensive, has, become more affordable, smaller, lighter and therefore more comfortable and easier to use. The bulky head-mounted display (HMD) has been replaced by lighter models which fit more comfortably over the eyes and face.

过去和现在的虚拟现实工具之间的主要区别在于,笨拙的齿轮既不舒适又昂贵,已经变得更实惠,更小,更轻便,因此更舒适,更易于使用。 笨重的头戴式显示器(HMD)已被更轻巧的型号取代,它们更舒适地贴在眼睛和面部上。

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Photo by Christine Sandu on Unsplash
克里斯汀·桑杜( Christine Sandu)Unsplash上的 照片

消费者虚拟现实和计算机游戏的新起点(A new beginning for consumer Virtual Reality and computer gaming)

The oculus rift has made a big impact since the consumer version got released in 2015. In a few short years, it has gone from strength to strength in its development. With Mark Zuckerberg’s recent $2 billion acquisition of the company, the stage is set for great things to happen in the form of virtual reality in movies and games.

自2015年发布消费版以来,oculus裂痕就产生了巨大的影响。在短短的几年中,它的发展日渐强大。 随着马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)最近以20亿美元的价格收购该公司,以电影和游戏中的虚拟现实形式发生的大事情已经准备就绪。

This technology could and probably will be, used in a wide range of industries with other companies as well, like Sony, with its version called “Morpheus” which is currently in development, The Virtual Reality stage will be set for the modern consumer. Oculus development started as a crowdfunding campaign at Kickstarter, where they were able to raise over $2 million. The money was then spent on design and manufacture of the “Development Kit 1”. The kit was aimed at software developers who create games for Virtual Reality or incorporate it into existing software solutions.

这项技术可能而且也将与其他公司一起在广泛的行业中使用,例如索尼(Sony)正在开发其名为“ Morpheus”的版本,虚拟现实阶段将为现代消费者提供。 Oculus的开发始于Kickstarter的众筹活动,在那里他们筹集了超过200万美元。 然后,这笔钱花在了“开发套件1”的设计和制造上。 该工具包面向为虚拟现实创建游戏或将其合并到现有软件解决方案中的软件开发人员。

In 2014 the “Development Kit 2” was released with enhanced features like “positional tracking” and “Low persistence OLED display”. Previous incarnations of Virtual Reality had many bugs in its system and created nausea with consumers. The visual quality was not good enough for the technology to reach the level of sales it had hoped for. It does seem like the time could be right for consumer Virtual Reality now.

2014年发布了“开发套件2”,具有增强的功能,例如“位置跟踪”和“低持久性OLED显示屏”。 虚拟现实的先前版本在其系统中存在许多错误,并引起了消费者的恶心。 视觉质量不足以使该技术达到其希望的销售水平。 看起来现在是消费者虚拟现实的合适时机。

The gaming industry will play a big part in the success of this Virtual Reality technology, and luckily many big games are being developed that will be Oculus Rift Compatible. Oculus will be the frontrunner provider of the Virtual Reality technology, while games developers like David Braben's “Frontier Developments” and Chris Roberts “Cloud Imperium Games” are working on the big space simulator games called “Elite Dangerous” and “Star Citizen”. These games place the player in the cockpits of Starfighter space ships, so with the incorporation of Virtual Reality technology like the Oculus Rift, the player will be able to have a full range of head movement around the cockpit, which will give the effect of actually being there.

游戏业将在这种虚拟现实技术的成功中扮演重要角色,幸运的是,正在开发许多与Oculus Rift兼容的大型游戏。 Oculus将成为虚拟现实技术的领先提供商,而像David Braben的“ Frontier Developments”和Chris Roberts的“ Cloud Imperium Games”这样的游戏开发商正在开发名为“ Elite Dangerous”和“ Star Citizen”的大型太空模拟器游戏。 这些游戏将玩家放置在Starfighter太空飞船的驾驶舱中,因此,通过整合虚拟现实技术(如Oculus Rift),玩家将能够在驾驶舱内进行全方位的头部运动,从而获得真正的效果。在那里。

Space Sims are perfect for Virtual Reality as the player is sitting at their desk playing on the computer controlling a character that is also sitting down in the cockpit. This will give the effect of realism and immerse the player into the game more and making the whole experience more believable.

Space Sims非常适合虚拟现实,因为玩家坐在他们的办公桌前,在计算机上控制着也坐在驾驶舱里的角色。 这将产生逼真的效果,并使玩家更多地沉浸在游戏中,并使整个体验更加可信。

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Iggy Pi from Iggy PiPixabay Pixabay上发布

Star Citizen is the biggest crowdfunded computer games project in history raising over $300 million to this point and still rising. This game will be “Rift Compatible” and will be a showcase example of how virtual reality can be used in a computer game. Chris Roberts, the developer of Star Citizen has always produced games that push computer technology to its limits. That is why his games are always visually impressive. Combine that with the freedom of movement that Virtual Reality can bring and result will be an impressive, fun experience for the consumer. This game is also going to allow walking around starships and hangers, which should also make good use of VR technology.

Star Citizen是有史以来最大的众筹计算机游戏项目,迄今为止筹集了超过3亿美元的资金,并且仍在上升。 该游戏将是“与Rift兼容的”游戏,并且将是在计算机游戏中如何使用虚拟现实的展示示例。 《星际公民》的开发商克里斯·罗伯茨( Chris Roberts)一直生产将计算机技术推向极限的游戏。 这就是为什么他的比赛在视觉上总是令人印象深刻的原因。 结合虚拟现实可以带来的行动自由和结果,这将为消费者带来令人印象深刻且有趣的体验。 该游戏还将允许在星际飞船和衣架上四处走动,这也应充分利用VR技术。

Hopefully, the development will continue and more and more games and software get developed for Oculus and its competitors so that the technology that is VR finally finds a permanent place in the lives of the modern average consumer, as opposed to the false starts that have happened in the past.


数据手套 (Data gloves)

Data Gloves
Photo by XR Expo on Unsplash
XR ExpoUnsplash上的 照片

Gloves have always been a part of Virtual Reality equipment from the very start, although they were not developed for this initially. It can be said, however, that data gloves can be used in many working environments as well as gaming now. AnthroTronix, for example, developed the glove with the U.S. Department of Defense for robotic control.

手套从一开始就一直是虚拟现实设备的一部分,尽管最初并不是为此而开发的。 可以说,数据手套现在可以用于许多工作环境以及游戏中。 例如,AnthroTronix与美国国防部共同开发了用于机器人控制的手套。

Quite how data gloves work however can differ. Some gloves measure finger extension through the use of fibre-optic cables and light which passes through the cables through to the sensor. Depending on how the user moves, holds and curves his fingers determines the amount of light that makes it to the sensor. If the user makes a fist, for example, less light will make it to the sensor, which in turn sends the data to the Virtual Reality processing unit.

但是,数据手套的工作原理可能会有所不同。 一些手套通过使用光纤电缆和穿过电缆直达传感器的来测量手指的伸直。 根据用户的移动,握住和弯曲手指的方式,确定进入传感器的光量。 例如,如果用户握紧拳头,则将较少的光线照射到传感器上,该传感器会将数据发送到虚拟现实处理单元。

A cheaper option is the gloves that use strips of flexible material coated in an electrically conductive ink to measure a user’s hand and finger positions. As the user moves their fingers it changes the electrical resistance along the strips accordingly. Although these gloves are not as accurate than fibre-optic gloves, they are still very effective and are much more affordable.

较便宜的选择是使用涂有导电墨水的柔性材料条来测量用户的手和手指位置的手套。 当用户移动其手指时,其沿条带相应地改变电阻。 尽管这些手套的准确性不如光纤手套,但它们仍然非常有效,而且价格更便宜。

If a user needs the most accurate and responsive glove on the market, a dexterous hand master (DHM) comes recommended as the best. This data glove attaches to the user’s finger joints with mechanical links, rather like an endoskeleton. Attached to each of these links are sensors, measuring each finger joint’s movement. These gloves are bulky and cumbersome however they are more accurate than either fibre-optic gloves or those using an electrically conductive material.

如果用户需要市场上最准确,React最快的手套,则建议最好使用灵巧的手托(DHM)。 这种数据手套通过机械链接附在用户的手指关节上,就像骨骼一样。 每个链接都连接有传感器,用于测量每个手指关节的运动。 这些手套笨重且笨重,但是它们比光纤手套或使用导电材料的手套更精确。

触觉 (Haptics)

Haptics technology is defined as:


“the science of applying the touch sensation and control to interaction with computer applications. By using specific devices (joysticks, data gloves, for example), users can receive feedback from computer applications in the form of felt sensations in the hand or other parts of the body” - WhatIs.com

“将触摸感应和控制应用于与计算机应用程序交互的科学。 通过使用特定的设备(例如操纵杆,数据手套),用户可以以手或身体其他部位的感觉形式从计算机应用程序接收反馈。”- WhatIs.com

In combination with a virtual reality scene, haptics technology can be used to train people for tasks that require fine hand-eye coordination, such as surgery and learning to become a fighter pilot. It can also be used for games in which you feel interactions with the images.

结合虚拟现实场景,触觉技术可用于培训人员完成需要良好手眼协调的任务,例如手术和学习成为战斗机飞行员。 它也可以用于您感觉与图像互动的游戏。

Many of the earliest haptic feedback devises on the market used electromagnetic technologies such as vibratory motors. A vibrating alert in a mobile phone or a voice coil in a speaker is an example of such where a central mass is moved by an applied magnetic field. Now, in the fourth generation of haptics development, many technology companies are researching pressure-sensitive technology.

市场上许多最早的触觉反馈都采用了电磁技术,例如振动电机。 移动电话中的振动警报或扬声器中的音圈就是这样的例子,其中,中心质量通过施加的磁场而移动。 现在,在第四代触觉技术的发展中,许多技术公司正在研究压敏技术。

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Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash
Minh PhamUnsplash拍摄的照片

谷歌眼镜(Google glass)

A few years back, Google released Google Glass. The purpose of Google Glass is to augment your reality, but as Google experiment and research their new product, there is a strong possibility that a virtual reality contact lens could be invented.

几年前,谷歌发布了谷歌眼镜。 Google Glass的目的是增强您的真实感,但是随着Google对新产品进行实验和研究时,很可能会发明出虚拟现实隐形眼镜。

The Google Glass is a piece of prism-shaped glass which can project images on top of your existing vision. It is operated by voice commands, a touchscreen, and head movements. It is attached to a headset similar to a spectacle frame with only a square glass positioned in front of one eye.

Google眼镜是一块棱镜形的玻璃,可以将图像投射到您现有的视觉上。 它通过语音命令,触摸屏和头部移动来操作。 它连接到类似于眼镜架的头戴式耳机,只将一只方形玻璃放在一只眼睛的前面。

虚拟现实的应用 (Applications of Virtual Reality)

The list of applications for Virtual Reality is endless and it is proving to be useful in ways which had never been thought possible. Virtual reality provides enormous benefits to us. These can include for example:

虚拟现实的应用程序列表不胜枚举,并且它以从未被认为可能的方式证明是有用的。 虚拟现实为我们带来了巨大的利益。 这些可以包括例如:

  • Medicine

  • The Military

  • Architecture

  • Art and Design

  • The Entertainment Industry

  • Education and schooling

  • Business and Finance

  • The media

  • Sport

  • The treatment and study of phobias

  • Visualisations, e.g. astronomy

  • The study and treatment of addictions

  • Forecasting weather

  • Historical, e.g. re-creating ancient civilisations

  • Data analysis


军事中的虚拟现实(Virtual Reality in the military)

A successful fully immersive virtual simulation training programme for American Soldiers was used at Fort Bragg. The Dismounted Soldier Training System is still available for the military to practice and improve their Soldiers’ training in a fully immersive, virtual reality environment. This system allows the users to engage in dangerous military tasks in a timely, safe and more cost-effective manner.

布拉格堡成功地为美国士兵使用了完全沉浸式虚拟仿真训练程序。 军人仍然可以使用“下装士兵训练系统”,以在完全身临其境的虚拟现实环境中练习和改善士兵的训练。 该系统使用户能够及时,安全且更具成本效益的方式从事危险的军事任务。

“I can see us in the future using this system to conduct rehearsals,” said Sgt. Charles Haywood, team leader, 1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division.

Sgt说:“我将来会看到我们使用此系统进行排练。” 查尔斯·海伍德( Charles Haywood) ,第505降落伞步兵团第1营团长,第82空降师第3旅战斗队。

The British Military (army, navy and air force) have also found virtual reality training to be of great benefit. It is used for training purposes for dangerous warfare, flight simulation and other areas of combat training without the risk of death, or injury to persons. Soldiers can practise scenes such as engaging the enemy in a particular environment, enabling them to become more accurate and confident. Another added benefit of Virtual Reality training is that is a far cheaper method, freeing up funds for other areas of the military budget.

英国军方(陆军,海军和空军)也发现虚拟现实培训非常有用。 它用于危险战争,飞行模拟和其他战斗训练领域的训练目的,而没有死亡或人身伤害的危险。 士兵可以练习场景,例如在特定环境中与敌人交战,从而使他们变得更加准确和自信。 虚拟现实培训的另一个额外好处是,这种方法便宜得多,可以为军事预算的其他领域腾出资金。

医疗保健中的虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality in healthcare)

Virtual reality in health care is the most exciting and useful tool in all areas of medicine, surgery and psychiatry. Surgical simulations can allow trainee surgeons to learn and practice surgery in a safe environment. Virtual reality can be used to treat psychological illnesses too such as post-traumatic stress disorder and phobias. A person suffering from agoraphobia can learn how to deal with their symptoms in a less threatening environment. The virtual reality treatment exposes the stressors for their condition which is gradually increased. This has the effect of increasing their ability to cope with new or unexpected situations.

卫生保健中的虚拟现实是医学,外科和精神病学所有领域中最令人兴奋和最有用的工具。 手术模拟可以使实习医生在安全的环境中学习和实践手术。 虚拟现实也可以用于治疗心理疾病,例如创伤后应激障碍和恐惧症。 患有恐惧症的人可以学习如何在威胁较小的环境中应对症状。 虚拟现实治疗使压力源暴露于逐渐增加的状况。 这具有增强他们应对新的或意外情况的能力的效果。

Medical experts in the UK and USA support the use of VR technologies and this usage has been divided into four application areas:


  • Surgery, including surgical navigation and robot-assisted surgery


  • Medical Data Visualization, including, advanced image reconstruction (in 2, and 4 dimensions). Pre-operative planning and advanced analytical software tools

    医学数据可视化,包括高级图像重建(2维和4维)。 术前计划和高级分析软件工具

  • Education and training, including virtual surgical simulators and simulators for medical procedures


  • Rehabilitation and therapy, including pain management, behavioural therapy, psychological therapy, physical rehabilitation, and motor skills training.


The clinical benefits to all areas of healthcare using virtual reality technology are numerous. They can include improved patient outcomes through a reduction in medical errors, improvements with the minimally invasive surgical (MIS) technique, improved diagnosis, and vast improvements with psychological and motor rehabilitation.

使用虚拟现实技术对医疗保健所有领域的临床益处都是无数的。 它们可以包括通过减少医疗错误来改善患者的预后,通过微创外科手术(MIS)技术进行的改善,改善的诊断以及在心理和运动康复方面的巨大改善。

虚拟现实和医疗保健的更多示例 (More examples of Virtual Reality and healthcare)

  • Virtual reality in dentistry

  • Virtual reality in nursing

  • Virtual reality therapies

  • Virtual reality treatment for autism

  • Virtual reality for the disabled

  • The HumanSim system

  • Virtual reality diagnostics


虚拟现实与天文学(Virtual reality and Astronomy)

The use of virtual reality in educating astronomy students is priceless. In the past, astronomers have struggled to elucidate the three-dimensional character of the Universe and probably the greatest value of Virtual Reality in astronomy is its power to allow users to visualise it. Astronomers can physically engage within the solar system, move planets, touch stars, observe comets and generally experiment with the Milky Way. Therefore they can gain a deeper understanding of how the solar system exists and how to manage catastrophes such as a comet heading towards earth.

在教育天文学的学生中使用虚拟现实是无价的。 过去,天文学家一直在努力阐明宇宙的三维特征,而虚拟现实在天文学中的最大价值可能是其使用户可视化的能力。 天文学家可以在太阳系中进行物理活动,移动行星,触摸恒星,观察彗星并通常对银河系进行实验。 因此,他们可以更深入地了解太阳系的存在方式以及如何管理诸如彗星向地球这样的灾难。

结论 (Conclusion)

Since its very first inventions in the 1950s, virtual reality has enabled us to push boundaries in many areas of everyday life. After more than 60 years of development in areas such as computer processors, graphics cards, web 2.0, film, television and the media, virtual reality experiences are becoming far more lifelike and equipment is becoming smaller and more affordable. Virtual Reality can now provide a safe environment for training and treating personnel, which can cut the costs of human lives and financial budgets.

自1950年代首次发明以来,虚拟现实技术使我们能够突破日常生活的许多领域。 经过在计算机处理器,图形卡,Web 2.0,电影,电视和媒体等领域的60多年发展之后,虚拟现实体验变得更加栩栩如生,设备变得更小且更便宜。 虚拟现实现在可以为人员的培训和治疗提供安全的环境,从而可以减少人命和财务预算。

It also helps us to improve our learning more than ever before in areas such as astronomy. Personal Computers and console games have improved at a fast rate and offer gamers excellent fun and close to real-life experiences. As scientist and inventors work further with this science (for example Oculus in California USA) there is hope that Virtual Reality equipment and experiences can become even more accessible with equipment becoming cheaper and smaller. Who knows how this technology will alter our loves over the next decade, but it will definitely be for the better.

它还可以帮助我们在天文学等领域比以往任何时候都提高学习水平。 个人计算机和控制台游戏已得到快速改进,并为游戏玩家提供了绝佳的乐趣和接近真实的体验。 随着科学家和发明家进一步研究这门科学(例如美国加利福尼亚的Oculus),人们希望随着设备变得越来越便宜和越来越小,虚拟现实设备和体验将变得更加容易获得。 谁知道该技术将如何在未来十年改变我们的爱情,但这绝对会变得更好。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/what-is-virtual-reality-exactly-2e9d435c8051


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