

To state that one railway station is “Good” can be done in different aspects. There are no absolute criteria and this ranges between scales. To a passenger, “Good” station is, perhaps, the one that is well lightened, clean, and have clear signage; or the one that has restaurants, convenience store, and safe. To the businessmen, “Good” station is the one that attracts most traffic as the probability for their purchase in the stations' increases. To the operators, the “Good” station is the one that delivers the most cash flow and has a low maintenance cost. There are many criteria for many actors for each has its own interests.

要说明一个火车站是“好”,可以在不同方面进行。 没有绝对标准,并且范围在刻度之间。 对于乘客来说,“好”站可能是个轻便,整洁,标牌清晰的站。 或拥有餐厅,便利店和保险箱的餐厅。 对于商人来说,“好”车站是吸引最多流量的车站,因为他们在车站购买的可能性增加。 对于运营商来说,“好”站是现金流量最多,维护成本低的站。 许多参与者都有很多标准,每个参与者都有自己的利益。

From the architectural/human scale, a good station perhaps is the one that holds enough capacity, has decent supporting facilities, and aesthetically pleasing. Taking it to a higher scale, urban design, one might look at the linkage and land use synergy supporting the station activity or being supported by the existence of the station.

从建筑/人的角度来看,一个好的车站也许是一个容量足够大,拥有体面的配套设施以及美观的车站。 将其扩展到更高的城市设计水平时,人们可能会考虑支持站点活动或站点存在的联系和土地利用协同作用。

定义好 (Defining Good)

Well, I like making it simple. Coming from Urban and Regional Planning background, in this essay, I am going to assess all stations in Jakarta City based on built environment quality. The attribute of a station is defined by the built environment surrounding the station by permeability; a good station has high permeability. Permeability is the ability of a substance to let others pass through it; in this context, a good station must serve a high amount of residents around it and allows the coming passengers to reach the furthest distance from the station by walking. To make this simple, I decide to assess the permeability by 2 criteria: pedestrian catchment area and total floor area served.

好吧,我喜欢使它变得简单。 基于城市和区域规划的背景,在本文中,我将基于建筑环境质量评估雅加达市的所有车站。 站点的属性由站点周围的构建环境(通过磁导率)定义; 一个好的车站渗透率高 。 渗透率是一种物质让他人通过的能力。 在这种情况下,一个好的车站必须为周围的大量居民提供服务,并允许即将到来的乘客通过步行到达距离车站最远的距离。 为简单起见, 我决定通过两个标准评估渗透率:行人集水区和服务的总建筑面积

The first criterion is the pedestrian catchment area. The formal Transit-Oriented Development local regulation states that an area with a radius of 700 m from a station can be designated as a Transit-Oriented Development region. This number is based on walkable distance burdened by the passengers as humans have limited stamina. Although the designated area is circular, the empirical walking route is not circular; pedestrian networks have turns and curves. This yields in a pedestrian distance range that is smaller than the designated 700 m radius area for each station, let’s say “Pedestrian Catchment Area”. A ‘good’ station has a wider pedestrian catchment area. A wider area allows people to reach further destinations and allows for the station to serve/reach more residents.

第一个标准是行人集水区。 正式的以交通为导向的发展地方法规规定,距离车站半径为700 m的区域可以指定为以交通为导向的发展区域。 这个数字是基于人的耐力有限而导致乘客负担的可步行距离。 尽管指定区域是圆形的,但经验步行路线不是圆形的; 行人网络具有转弯和弯曲。 这样得出的行人距离范围小于每个车站指定的700 m半径区域,即“行人集水区”。 “好”车站的行人服务区更广。 更大的区域使人们可以到达更远的目的地,并允许车站服务/到达更多的居民。

The second criterion is the total floor area served by the station. More floor area that is served is good for both the station and the community around the station. A region with more floor area means that the region may contain more people. These people are potential passengers and more passengers generate more traffic demand; cashflow for the rail operator. It also reduces the demand for private vehicles as trains become a substitute for more people. Put it into a scenario: a station is preferable to be built next to apartments rather than low density landed housings.

第二个标准是车站服务的总建筑面积。 服务的更多地面区域对车站和车站周围的社区都有利。 一个具有更多建筑面积的区域意味着该区域可能包含更多的人。 这些人是潜在的乘客,更多的乘客产生更多的交通需求; 铁路运营商的现金流量。 随着火车成为更多人的替代品,这也减少了对私家车的需求。 设想一下:最好在公寓旁边建一个车站,而不是低密度的有土地的房屋。

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Source) 来源 )

The second criterion (Total Floor Area Served) is dependent on the first criterion (Pedestrian Catchment Area). More pedestrian catchment area covers more total floor area served. Although the dependency is positively correlated for certain, it is not necessarily linear. The variance is also a key to explain the overall relationship but that is not the discussion of this essay.

第二个标准(服务的总建筑面积)取决于第一个标准(行人汇水面积)。 更多的行人集水区覆盖了服务的总建筑面积。 尽管依存关系肯定是正相关的,但不一定是线性的。 差异也是解释整体关系的关键,但这不是本文的讨论。

空间范围 (Spatial Extent)

The extent of this analysis covers all railway stations in Jakarta Province or known as DKI Jakarta. This includes regional railway stations such as Gambir, Senen, Jatinegara stations (operated by PT KAI, State-Owned Enterprise Railway Company); KRL (Jakarta Commuter Line, subsidiary of PT KAI); Newly built MRT, the first phase (PT Moda Raya Terpadu, Provincially-Owned Enterprise); LRT serving from the Velodrome to Kelapa Gading (Operated by Jakarta Property; Jakpro) and Cawang-Bekasi-Cibubur LRT (which has not yet been fully developed).

这种分析的范围涵盖了雅加达省或称为DKI雅加达的所有火车站。 其中包括Gambir,Seen,Jatinegara等地区性火车站 (由PT KAI,国有企业铁路公司运营); KRL (雅加达通勤线,PT KAI的子公司); 新建的捷运,第一阶段(PT Moda Raya Terpadu,省级企业); 轻轨从赛车场到卡拉巴加丁(雅加达财产承担; Jakpro)服务和Cawang,勿加泗,Cibubur LRT(还未被完全开发)。

评定 (Assessment)

Dividing the Total Area Served by Pedestrian Catchment Area for a station yields the average floor area ratio for the station. Comparing stations using average floor area ratio may result in bias: floor area ratio is not the total floor area. A station may have a high average floor area ratio, but low in total floor area served. The permeability is illustrated by plotting the Total Area Served and Pedestrian Catchment for each station. Plotting the variable also avoids reducing information into a summary that may lead to another bias.

将车站的行人集水区服务的总面积除以得出车站的平均占地面积。 使用平均建筑面积比的比较站可能会导致偏差:建筑面积比不是总建筑面积。 车站的平均建筑面积比率可能较高,但服务的总建筑面积却较低。 通过绘制每个站点的服务总面积和行人汇水面积来说明渗透率。 绘制变量也可以避免将信息简化为摘要,而这可能导致其他偏差。

分布 (The Distribution)

There are 73 observed stations scattered around Jakarta. Some of the 700m radii overlap with one another and each overlapping feature is accounted for each attributing station.

在雅加达附近有73个观测站。 700m半径中的某些相互重叠,并且每个重叠特征都用于每个归属站。

First, let’s look at the data’s distribution. Distribution tells us about our data and I’m going to use KDE Plot to examine. KDE Plot is a generalization of the histogram.

首先,让我们看一下数据的分布。 分布向我们介绍了我们的数据,我将使用KDE Plot进行检查。 KDE图是直方图的概括。

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Distribution for each variable (Source: Author’s analysis, 2020)

Here, I am treating the graphs like histograms; I only want to see the peaks, spread, and the skewness. The total floor area served seems to be skewed to the right; there are stations with significantly high FAR. There are 2 peaks for the catchment area; there are stations that have a low pedestrian catchment area. The catchment area also is skewed to the left. So, there are definitely some outliers. Makes me wonder: what are the cause of these outliers?

在这里,我将图形视为直方图。 我只想看到峰值,扩散和偏斜。 服务的总面积似乎偏向右侧; 有些车站的FAR很高。 集水区有2个高峰; 有些车站的行人集水区很小。 集水区也向左倾斜。 因此,肯定有一些异常值。 让我感到奇怪的是:这些离群值的原因是什么?

Another method to examine the distribution is by using a boxplot. Here, I use boxplot to deconstruct the distribution based on station types.

检查分布的另一种方法是使用箱线图。 在这里,我使用箱线图来解构基于站点类型的分布。

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Boxplot (Source: Author’s Analysis)

Some of the key features:


For the total floor area served, MRT Jakarta has the largest range and very skewed to the right. Although its median is close to KRL Commuter, its mean is way above.

就服务的总建筑面积而言,雅加达捷运系统的服务范围最大,并且偏向右侧。 尽管其中位数接近KRL Commuter,但其均值远高于KRL Commuter。

For the pedestrian catchment, LRT Jakpro (Kelapa Gading) has the lowest range. MRT has a low range also but there are 2 outliers. KRL has the highest range. MRT and LRT are dominants in the Pedestrian Catchment Area.

对于行人集水区,LRT Jakpro(Kelapa Gading)的射程最低。 MRT的范围也很短,但是有2个离群值。 KRL的射程最高。 捷运和轻轨是行人集水区的主导。

散点图分析 (The Scatter Plot Analysis)

As mentioned, a good station is defined as a station that has a high total floor area served and a high pedestrian catchment area, which is high permeability. Moving on to the scatter plot to overview the relationship.

如前所述,好的车站被定义为服务的总建筑面积高,行人集水区高,通透性高的车站。 继续散点图以概述关系。

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The Scatter Plot (Source: Author’s Analysis, 2020)

The horizontal and vertical lines are the averages for both axes. As you can see, both variables covary, and in this case quite linearly. Although the variables covary, the plots are scattered by variance. To decide one is high or low, an arbitrary standard must be set. In this case, the average is the set standard. Plotting the averages for each variable produces quadrants for the graph, we can use these quadrants to attribute the stations.

水平线和垂直线是两个轴的平均值。 如您所见,两个变量都是线性变化的,在这种情况下是线性变化的。 尽管变量是可变的,但图是通过方差分散的。 要确定一个高或低,必须设置一个任意标准。 在这种情况下,平均值是设定的标准。 绘制每个变量的平均值会生成该图的象限,我们可以使用这些象限来对测站进行属性划分。

I highlighted the stations by putting labels. Good stations lay in The first quadrant. Setiabudi, Bendungan Hilir, Dukuh Atas, and Istora are among the highest of all stations. If you are familiar with Jakarta, these “good” stations are first phase MRT stations. These stations are located in the CBD area where skyscrapers and high buildings are built. So organically, stations in this area are good without even trying.

我通过贴标签突出显示了电台。 良好的车站位于第一象限。 Setiabudi,Bendungan Hilir,Dukuh Atas和Istora是所有车站中最高的。 如果您熟悉雅加达,那么这些“好”车站就是捷运第一阶段的车站。 这些车站位于CBD地区,那里建造了摩天大楼和高层建筑。 因此,有机地,该区域的站点即使没有尝试也很好。

I also highlighted Gang Sentiong station because this station is interesting. its pedestrian catchment is the highest, it belongs to the previously mentioned good MRT stations group. But it has a significantly low total floor area served. With the current pedestrian network, its catchment is already high. I can say that this station has the potential to be densified because of the low price to develop the network.

我还突出了Gang Sentiong站,因为该站很有趣。 它的行人流域是最高的,它属于前面提到的优秀地铁站组。 但是它所服务的总建筑面积非常低。 在当前的行人网络中,其流域已经很高。 我可以说,由于开发网络的价格低廉,该站有可能被致密化。

Cakung Station has a very low total floor area served but a high pedestrian catchment. This is because Cakung Station is located near the boundary of Jakarta and the pedestrian catchment area covers outside of the boundary. There is no floor area data.

Cakung站的总建筑面积非常低,但行人集水量却很高。 这是因为Cakung站位于雅加达边界附近,而行人集水区则覆盖边界之外。 没有建筑面积数据。

On the other hand, some of the “not so good” stations are Halim and Kampung Rambutan. Kampung Rambutan is the future LRT station so I understand the reason for the low values, the area around the station is not yet built. There is also a wide motorway next to the station and this wide motorway is lowering the pedestrian catchment. The calculation might differ if there is a pedestrian bridge connecting Kampung Rambutan Station and the settlement across the motorway. Halim station is the High-Speed Rail station and it is also in the developing process. Looking at the KDE Plots, I can deem that these stations are the outliers.

另一方面,一些“不太好”的车站是哈里姆和甘榜红毛丹。 甘榜红毛丹是未来的轻轨站,因此我了解低值的原因,车站周围的区域尚未建成。 车站旁边还有一条宽阔的高速公路,这条宽阔的高速公路降低了行人集水区。 如果有一条人行天桥连接甘榜红毛丹站和高速公路上的居民点,则计算结果可能会有所不同。 哈里姆站是高铁站,它也在发展中。 查看KDE图,我可以认为这些测站是异常值。

结论 (Conclusion)

There are many ways to decide whether a station is good or not. In this essay, stations in Jakarta are assessed by the built environment variables of permeability: total floor area served and pedestrian catchment area.

有很多方法可以确定工作站是否良好。 在这篇文章中,雅加达的车站通过构建的渗透性环境变量进行评估:服务的总建筑面积和行人集水区。

Using a scatter plot, the relationship between both variables is overviewed and stations can be compared. The top “good” (permeable) stations are the MRT stations: Setiabudi, Bendungan Hilir, Dukuh Atas, and Istora. While these stations are deemed good, it is because the stations are compared to the average of the other stations.

使用散点图,可以概述两个变量之间的关系,并可以比较测站。 顶部的“好”(可渗透)车站是地铁站:Setiabudi,Bendungan Hilir,Dukuh Atas和Istora。 这些站点被认为是良好的,这是因为将这些站点与其他站点的平均值进行比较。

There are some outliers in the data. The outliers are stations that are not yet built, both for the stations and the surrounding area. Perhaps accounting for the urban design plan as an existing built environment might change the outcome for these stations. Well, if there is none, then the urban design plan must improve the mentioned variables (pedestrian network and compact development).

数据中有一些异常值。 离群值是尚未针对站点和周围区域建立的站点。 也许将城市设计计划解释为现有的建筑环境可能会改变这些车站的结果。 好吧,如果没有,那么城市设计计划必须改善上述变量(人行网络和紧凑型开发)。

关于数据的一些说明 (Some Remarks About Data)

Accounting more variables such as land use, traffic, demography, loading factor, and so on produce a more robust assessment. Sadly, I expect more quality from the existing data to be included.

核算更多变量,例如土地使用,交通,人口,装载系数等,可以得出更可靠的评估。 可悲的是,我希望从现有数据中获得更高的质量。

The most detailed demography data is consolidated to the lowest level of the administrative government unit. Spatially continuous demography data is needed for this analysis to be executed, which is supposed to be a raster data instead of discrete data on the administrative boundary level. Urban activities often neglect administrative boundaries. The population also changes depending on the time of the day. In the working hour, some areas might be more concentrated and in the evening, the areas are vacant.

最详细的人口统计数据被合并到行政管理部门的最低级别。 要执行此分析,需要空间连续的人口统计数据,该数据应该是栅格数据,而不是行政边界级别的离散数据。 城市活动常常忽略了行政界限。 人口也根据一天中的时间而变化。 在工作时间,某些区域可能更集中,而在晚上,这些区域是空置的。

While land use is an essential element of a neighborhood, there are many problems on measuring land use especially in interpreting one. What we want is the measure of land use mix and deciding which mix is good is also the problem. Yet the relationship between land use and activity is not certain. One block may have residential use but if a resident is having house-shop or warung, this may alternate the economic activity and identity within the block. Moreover, our current data does not recognize vertical use.

虽然土地利用是邻里的基本要素,但在衡量土地利用方面存在许多问题,尤其是在解释土地利用方面。 我们想要的是土地利用组合的度量,并确定哪种组合是好的也是一个问题。 然而,土地利用与活动之间的关系尚不确定。 一个街区可能有住宅用途,但是如果居民正在购房或购物,这可能会改变街区中的经济活动和身份。 而且,我们当前的数据无法识别垂直用途。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/assessing-railway-stations-in-jakarta-based-on-neighbourhood-built-environment-f44f7d89c8bc


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