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翻译 将您的私有Docker注册表部署为kubernetes中的Pod

Docker Registry is an application that helps you in storing and distributing container images. The most popular container registry is DockerHub, which is the standard public registry for Docker and Ku...

2020-09-18 04:07:17 333

翻译 c入门教程_C入门

c入门教程C++ is a cross-platform language that can be used to create applications. It’s an extension of C language. It’s a middle-level language rendering its advantage of programming low-level and high-l...

2020-09-18 03:56:48 869

翻译 飞猪签到里程python_python里程碑基本中级高级和专家

飞猪签到里程pythonisFine = input('Are you mentally healthy, my friend?')if not isFine: print("Please take care of yourself.Nothing in the world is more important than you. Do things you like, ...

2020-09-18 03:47:35 529

翻译 django crud_在我们的Django应用程序中实施Crud

django crud 第14部分 (Part-14)Moving back to our blogapp, we had defined some views as follows 回到我们的Blogapp,我们定义了一些视图,如下所示 def home(request): content={'posts':Post.objects.all()} return render(re...

2020-09-18 03:37:51 153

翻译 自编码器和变分自编码器_学习编码的8种方式使孩子们在学校变得更聪明

自编码器和变分自编码器Picture this scenario, a parent walks in the door tired from work and immediately notices their child’s school bag tossed on the sofa. They walk through the house and find the kid playing a...

2020-09-18 03:27:45 390

翻译 java 类加载 解析_在Java中加载和解析资源的便捷方法

java 类加载 解析I am working at Elasticsearch expert company and in my daily life, I see a lot of JSON: requests, responses, mappings, settings, etc. In 90% of cases, the functionality of software we make ...

2020-09-18 03:18:29 112

翻译 c语言cin和cout_不要在c中使用cin和cout

c语言cin和coutThis is the case for competitive programming. In competitive, the cin and cout command tends to take more execution time than its counterparts scanf and printf. 竞争性编程就是这种情况。 在竞争中,cin和cout命令...

2020-09-18 03:08:03 4174

翻译 aws lambda使用_使用AWS Lambda 1设置

aws lambda使用Before getting started with lambda setup lets take a look at our use case and how we landed on serverless as a solution to our problem . 在开始使用lambda设置之前,让我们看一下用例以及如何使用无服务器作为解决问题的方法。 Probl...

2020-09-18 02:57:44 651

翻译 spring 中使用tdd_在Android中的tdd

spring 中使用tddTest Driven Development is a controversial topic among software engineers and it is not rare to find very strong opinions in favour and against it. I am on the side of the ones in favour ...

2020-09-15 15:21:49 89

翻译 评估通用社区测试计划的性能并预测结果

Dr Catrina Ko (Twitter: @dr_CatKo)Hong Kong Global Connect (Twitter: @HKGlobalConnect) 高慧琳博士(Twitter:@dr_CatKo)香港环球通(Twitter:@HKGlobalConnect) 6th September 2020 2020年9月6日 抽象 (Abstract)Controversy...

2020-09-14 09:26:16 334

翻译 只有学历没有学位证的研究生_没有研究生学位就进入数据科学

只有学历没有学位证的研究生Back in 2017, I had taken a semester off of college to do an engineering co-op at ExxonMobil’s Beaumont Refinery. I vividly remember wearing my flame-retardant coveralls, steel-toed boots...

2020-09-14 09:16:26 363

翻译 不平衡分类_不平衡分类完整的路线图

不平衡分类The very interesting problem of imbalanced classification is quite famous in articles and academic papers. Most of the work focus is on one part of the big image where it addresses a specific dat...

2020-09-14 09:06:49 242

翻译 知识产权大数据平台_数据科学家的知识产权

知识产权大数据平台Data Scientists use software they didn’t write and data they don’t own pretty much all the time. It is only thanks to open source that they can use programming languages like Python and R, or...

2020-09-14 08:57:27 350

翻译 树立威信 古语_在数据科学领域树立品牌

树立威信 古语 苹果 | GOOGLE | 现货 | 其他 (APPLE | GOOGLE | SPOTIFY | OTHERS)Editor’s note: The Towards Data Science podcast’s “Climbing the Data Science Ladder” series is hosted by Jeremie Harris. Jeremie helps...

2020-09-14 08:38:11 147

翻译 abap文本元素标点符号_如何使用空白视觉元素之间的标点符号

abap文本元素标点符号This is the first in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. The next installment will apply some of these same principles to a vi...

2020-09-14 08:28:54 301

翻译 数据仓库的基本架构是什么_什么是数据仓库的基本架构

数据仓库的基本架构是什么A Data Warehouse is a component where your data is centralized, organized, and structured according to your organization's needs. It is used for data analysis and BI processes. 数据仓库是一个组件,可...

2020-09-14 08:19:35 688

翻译 用于时间序列的数据_20种简单而强大的功能,用于使用日期和时间的时间序列...

用于时间序列的数据Time series is nothing but a series of data points that are observed with respect to time. In data science, time series is mostly an independent variable and the goal is to predict the future...

2020-09-14 08:09:17 2414

翻译 数据科学家必须符合道德吗

Living in an age where big data has become an asset (also refereed to an organization’s unrefined gold) to organization and individuals. Data science has been a hot topic amidst organization’s with th...

2020-09-14 07:59:32 410

翻译 matplotlib 数据_使用matplotlib进行全面的数据探索

matplotlib 数据 简介 (Introduction)Data Visualization is one of the fundamental skills in the Data Scientist toolkit. Given the right data, Possessing the ability to tell compelling stories of data can u...

2020-09-14 07:48:39 716

翻译 如何开始使用数据科学

So, as the name gives it away, data science is all about data, processing it with scientific methods, algorithms, etc. It includes a lot of concepts and theories like Statistics, Probability, Advanced...

2020-09-14 07:37:47 72

翻译 nfl定理_NFL 2020预览与python冲

nfl定理NFL 2020 season is coming soon. For preview this season, I’m going to visualize some rushing data using 2019 dataset. NFL 2020赛季即将到来。 为了预览本季,我将使用2019年数据集可视化一些紧急数据。 Please see also my article abo...

2020-09-14 07:28:43 184

翻译 雅加达poi_社区环境评估雅加达火车站

雅加达poiTo state that one railway station is “Good” can be done in different aspects. There are no absolute criteria and this ranges between scales. To a passenger, “Good” station is, perhaps, the one t...

2020-09-14 07:19:06 436

翻译 用java讲述几种数据结构_数据故事讲述了一种人为的方法来影响和吸引观众的注意力...

用java讲述几种数据结构 数据可视化 (Data Visualization)Stories help to bring emotion to otherwise emotionless information, like data or numbers, allowing a person to visually and contextually understand your point,...

2020-09-14 07:08:15 126

翻译 算法训练营 重编码_编码训练营与大学

算法训练营 重编码Software engineering is a high demand job nowaday. There are currently about 1.5 million jobs for software engineers, and they are projected to grow by an astonishing 22% from 2019 to 2029 [1...

2020-09-14 06:58:09 235

翻译 airbnb机器学习模型_机器学习能否助您Airbnb业务增收

airbnb机器学习模型In this blog we will have a look at some basic approaches which are supposed to give us a clue and inspiration for using data science and machine learning techniques to improve an existing...

2020-09-14 06:47:59 358

翻译 游戏源代码是什么意思_什么是游戏

游戏源代码是什么意思Generalized additive models (GAMs) provide a general framework for extending a standard linear model by allowing nonlinear functions of each of the variables, while maintaining additivity. L...

2020-09-12 01:03:22 3236

翻译 初创公司怎么做销售数据分析_我在数据科学初创公司实习的第一周

初创公司怎么做销售数据分析There is no better teacher than experience. No matter how many stories a person hears or how many different scenarios they think about, He/She will find no substitute for real life experi...

2020-09-12 00:52:46 164

翻译 roc曲线 数据集_实用见解roc曲线和不平衡数据集

roc曲线 数据集The ROC curve is simply a graphical plot of the relationship between the False Positive Rate (FPR) and the True Positive Rate (TPR) when the discrimination threshold of a classifier is varied...

2020-09-12 00:42:13 1126

翻译 个性篮球队名_你的篮球个性是什么

个性篮球队名The game of basketball continues to evolve as time passes. It is hard to imagine, but the game began without dribbling and the three point shot is a ‘modern’ invention many people alive today ca...

2020-09-12 00:32:31 646

翻译 在R中使用ggplot2绘制数据

Being able to create visualizations or graphical representations of data at hand is a key step in being able to communicate information and findings to others from a non-technical background. 能够创建手头数据...

2020-09-12 00:23:20 712

翻译 数据中台是下一代大数据_下一代企业数据科学家

数据中台是下一代大数据We have all heard the term ‘Citizen Data Scientist’ made mainstream by Gartner since 2016. If you haven’t, then you may be in one of the ever-shrinking circle of industries that has yet to ...

2020-09-09 04:40:47 315

翻译 帆软连接动态数据集_了解一些数据集联接

帆软连接动态数据集Where ever you go, data is every where. Look at your car dashboard. It is a dashboard of data. It tells you your speed, mileage and gas in a few simple visuals. Go to a cash register and it t...

2020-09-09 04:30:49 1607

翻译 python中的sma_python中的sma短均线继续

python中的smaIn one of my previous posts, I talked about the SMA strategy and its application to the stock market. I showed the reader how to create the strategy in python, graph the results, as well as...

2020-09-09 04:21:00 221

翻译 回归分析假设_回归分析假设的最简单指南

回归分析假设The Linear Regression is the simplest non-trivial relationship. The biggest mistake one can make is to perform a regression analysis that violates one of its assumptions! So, it is important to ...

2020-09-09 04:11:01 668

翻译 rfm模型分析与客户细分_细分多伦多餐馆市场,向陷入困境的行业提供分析手

rfm模型分析与客户细分The Toronto restaurant landscape is a bustling set of culinary traditions that is as rich as it is diverse. No surprise for a city touted as the most multicultural in the world. It isn’t h...

2020-09-09 04:01:51 373

翻译 bigquery_bigquery解释了存储概述

bigqueryIn the previous post of BigQuery Explained series, we reviewed the high level architecture of BigQuery and showed how to get started with BigQuery. In this post, we will look at the BigQuery s...

2020-09-09 03:51:14 1384

翻译 中国气候分布矢量图_如何用30行代码构建气候图

中国气候分布矢量图Even if we do not need a lot of experience to do that kind of map let’s split the work and take some minutes to speak about the dataset. 即使我们不需要大量的经验来制作这种地图,我们也要分拆工作并花一些时间来谈论数据集。 0°)数据集 (0°...

2020-09-09 03:40:15 1101

翻译 辛普森悖论_辛普森悖论如何影响AB测试

辛普森悖论Simpson’s paradox occurs when we observe a certain trend in the aggregate data but not in the underlying segments that comprise the data. In the A/B testing domain, Simpson’s Paradox can occur wh...

2020-09-09 03:29:22 711

翻译 python 四分卫数_NFL 2020预览与Python四分卫

python 四分卫数NFL 2020 season is coming soon. For preview this season, I’m going to visualize some quarterbacks data using 2019 dataset. NFL 2020赛季即将到来。 为了预览本季,我将使用2019年数据集可视化一些四分卫数据。 1.概述 (1. Overview...

2020-09-06 00:26:08 248

翻译 数据库存储过程实现导出数据_使用云数据流将数据从存储导出到内存存储

数据库存储过程实现导出数据Recently, I got a chance to do an R&D on a requirement where I would need to read files stored in a Cloud Storage bucket, which would be processed and transformed in the desired forma...

2020-08-18 18:34:46 366



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