

The Tokyo Game Show will take place online this year, from Sept. 23–27, but there are still many exciting presentations on the agenda. Here is what we’re looking forward to seeing.

东京游戏展将于今年9月23日至27日在网上举行,但议程上仍有许多精彩的演讲。 这是我们期待看到的。

By K. Thor Jensen

K.Thor Jensen

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to shut down gatherings and events at home and abroad, making 2020 a deeply weird year for events. One of the larger casualties is the annual Tokyo Game Show, widely known as the best opportunity to get a peek at the next big things coming out of Japan’s gaming industry.

COVID-19大流行继续关闭国内外的聚会和活动,使2020年成为活动中非常不可思议的一年。 人数最多的伤亡之一是年度东京游戏展,它被广泛认为是窥视日本游戏产业未来发展的最佳机会。

This year’s show won’t be held at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba. Instead, like many other 2020 events, it will be entirely virtual, streamed to the computers of journalists and enthusiasts around the world. Spanning four days from Sept. 23–27, it’s crammed with reveals and information. Here are 10 things we’re most hyped about.

今年的演出将不在千叶县的幕张展览馆举行。 取而代之的是,与其他2020年的大型活动一样,它将完全虚拟化,流式传输到世界各地的新闻工作者和发烧友的计算机上。 从9月23日至27日为期四天的时间里,充满了揭露和信息。 这是我们最热衷的10件事。

真三国无双20周年 (Dynasty Warriors 20th Anniversary)

Koei’s long-running action series has weathered quite a few storms but continues to deliver over-the-top action in the Three Kingdoms period. If you haven’t played one, they let you hop into the shoes of a number of legendary historical warriors, hacking and slashing through battlefields choked with grunts before dueling with mighty generals.

Koei长期以来的动作系列经历了很多风风雨雨,但在“三国演义”时期仍继续发挥重要作用。 如果您还没有玩过,他们会让您跳入许多传奇的历史勇士的鞋子,在与强大的将军决斗之前,在gr满志的战场上砍伐和砍伐。

They’re formulaic but fun, and the company has partnered with Nintendo for the Warriors of Hyrule franchise that transplants the concept into the Zelda universe. Koei is promising a look back and a glimpse of the future with two new titles at TGS.

它们既公式化又有趣,并且该公司已与任天堂合作开发了Hyrule的Warriors系列,并将该概念移植到了《塞尔达传说》世界中。 Koei希望通过在TGS上获得两个新的奖项来回顾和展望未来。

赛博朋克2077夜城电线 (Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire)

One of the few non-Japanese properties with their own slot at TGS, CD Projekt’s Cyberpunk 2077 is expected to perform well on both sides of the Pacific when it releases in November. Japanese publisher Spike Chunsoft will debut a new installment in the Night City Wire showcase series, and these have been stuffed to the brim with new information and game footage. This new one also promises some behind-the-scenes development footage, which is always fun.

CD Projekt的《赛博朋克2077》是少数在TGS上拥有自己位置的非日本酒店之一,预计将于11月发行时在太平洋两岸表现良好。 日本发行商Spike Chunsoft将在Night City Wire展示系列中首次亮相,这些新内容已经充斥着新的信息和游戏画面。 这一新内容还承诺提供一些幕后开发素材,这总是很有趣的。

更多最终幻想VII重制 (More Final Fantasy VII Remake)

The release of the first chunk of Square Enix’s Final Fantasy VII Remake in March showed us that the company is not just putting out a graphically upscaled version of the PlayStation classic. Updated story elements, battle systems, and more transform it into a completely new game.

今年3月,Square Enix的《最终幻想VII重制版》第一部分的发布向我们表明,该公司不仅仅是推出PlayStation经典版的图形升级版。 更新的故事元素,战斗系统等将其转变为全新的游戏。

Although there’s nothing official on the schedule, there are rumors that a release date for the second installment might be revealed at TGS. Considering where the first game left off, the second part will feature the cast venturing out of Midgar to explore other locations. Any preview of what iconic spaces like Cosmo Canyon will look like in the new version of the game would be appreciated.

尽管时间表上没有任何正式资料,但有传言称第二批电影的发行日期可能会在TGS上透露。 考虑到第一场比赛的结束时间,第二部分将以演员阵容为例,从Midgar撤出,探索其他地点。 对于新版本游戏中Cosmo Canyon等标志性空间的任何预览,我们将不胜感激。

怪物猎人开关 (Monster Hunter Switch)

Nintendo always has a presence at the Tokyo Game Show, and even though it’s moved away from big shows to focus on Nintendo Direct, there’s still hope. The rumors swirling around this year center on a new installment of Capcom’s Monster Hunter series. We haven’t seen an installment for the Switch since 2018’s Generations: Ultimate, a more action-oriented spin-off.

任天堂在东京游戏展上一直都有存在,尽管它已经从大型表演转移到专注于Nintendo Direct,但仍有希望。 今年围绕Capcom的Monster Hunter系列新作的传言四处流传。 自从2018年的《世代:终极》以来,我们还没有看到Switch的分期付款。

Rumor has it that Capcom finally managed to make its proprietary RE Engine perform well on the Switch. This could ultimately mean a new next-gen Monster Hunter title for the Switch, which embraces the same quality-of-life upgrades from Monster Hunter: World, could be on the horizon. (It may also mean something completely different.)

有传言称,Capcom最终设法使其专有的RE Engine在Switch上表现良好。 最终,这可能意味着Switch有了一个新的下一代Monster Hunter头衔,其中包含了Monster Hunter:World相同的生活质量升级。 (这也可能意味着完全不同。)

寂静岭 (Silent Hill(s))

Konami has been remarkably closed-lipped on the content of its Sept. 26 presentation. Billed only as “Konami Info Show,” the hour-long event has sparked a number of rumors. One of the most believable involves the return of Silent Hill, the horror franchise that petered out after Hideo Kojima and director Guillermo del Toro’s next-gen reimagining of the series was cancelled.

Konami在其9月26日的演讲内容上表现出了明显的沉默。 这个长达一个小时的活动仅以“ Konami Info Show”的名义进行收费,引发了许多传言。 最令人信服的事情之一是《寂静岭》的回归,这是在小岛秀夫和导演吉列尔莫·德尔·托罗对系列的下一代重新构想被取消后逐渐消失的恐怖系列。

Insiders are speculating that the show will see two Silent Hill titles announced as PS5 exclusives, with one being a remaster and one being completely new. It would be a lot for them to keep secret until now, so consider our interest piqued.

业内人士猜测,该节目将宣布有两个《寂静岭》游戏头衔宣布为PS5独家发售,其中一个是Remaster,另一个是全新游戏。 对于他们来说,直到现在要保密很多,所以请考虑我们的兴趣。

高中电竞 (High School eSports)

One of the more interesting things on the calendar isn’t an upcoming game, but rather a presentation from Renaissance High School about their new eSports program. This online, technology-forward chain of schools is dedicated to helping kids find work in the new industries of the future, and the program trains prospective competitors in the critical thinking and communications skills that are necessary to go pro. Their Tokyo Game Show presentation will feature students facing off with top Japanese players.

日历上最有趣的事情之一不是即将推出的游戏,而是文艺复兴高中有关其新电子竞技计划的演示。 这个在线的,技术领先的学校链致力于帮助孩子们在未来的新兴行业中找到工作,该计划针对潜在的竞争对手培训专业人士必不可少的关键思维和沟通技巧。 他们在东京游戏展上的演讲将以与日本顶尖选手对峙的学生为特色。

Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139… (Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139…)

The unexpected success of NieR: Automata warmed our cold hearts as fans of Yoko Taro’s unusual, uncompromising body of work. But if you missed the first game, there’s hope. 2010’s NieR is coming back for modern platforms with the perplexing title Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139… Taking place thousands of years before the sequel, Replicant follows a man named Nier as he seeks the cure for a mysterious disease.

NieR的出乎意料的成功作为Yoko Taro异常,不妥协的作品的粉丝, Automata激起了我们的冷漠之心。 但是,如果您错过了第一场比赛,那就很有希望了。 2010年的NieR以令人迷惑的标题Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139回归现代平台……发生在续集的数千年前,Replicant跟随一个名叫Nier的男子,他寻求治愈一种神秘疾病的方法。

In keeping with other Square Enix remasters, this is more than just a new coat of paint. Replicant will feature all new voice recordings and more story elements. Taro describes it as “like adding toppings to the world’s best ramen.”

与其他Square Enix修复师保持一致,这不仅仅是一层新漆。 复制方将使用所有新的语音记录和更多故事元素。 芋头将其描述为“就像在世界上最好的拉面中添加浇头一样。”

世嘉60周年 (Sega 60th Anniversary)

The iconic developer and publisher has been in business for a staggeringly long time, and Sega has some plans for its 60th birthday. They’ll be hosting a stream on Sept. 25 that promises both new titles as well as a look back at the company’s past.

这位标志性的开发商和发行商已经有很长的一段历史了,世嘉公司已经为60岁生日制定了一些计划。 他们将在9月25日举办一场直播,向他们承诺新的头衔以及对公司过去的回顾。

One rumor that has been making the rounds is a new Virtua Fighter game. If this is the case, TGS would be the ideal place to break that news. Whatever it ends up showing, we’re sure that Sega won’t let the occasion pass without something big.

一直在传闻的传闻是一款新的《 Virtua Fighter》游戏。 如果是这种情况,TGS将是发布该新闻的理想场所。 无论最终显示什么,我们都可以确保世嘉公司在没有大事的情况下不会让这个场合过去。

生化危机村 (Resident Evil Village)

The title for the latest installment in Capcom’s long-running survival horror franchise has us scratching our heads, so hopefully TGS will lend some clarity to the situation. Continuing the story of Ethan Winters from RE7, the action moves to Europe and a mysterious town that hides secrets. We don’t know whether the game will continue the shift away from action that its predecessor started or whether or not it will also be played in first-person view. Hopefully the company will drip out a little more information.

Capcom长期运行的生存恐怖系列的最新一期标题使我们抓狂了,因此希望TGS能够为情况提供一些清晰的信息。 延续RE7的伊桑·温特斯(Ethan Winters)的故事,行动移至欧洲和一个隐藏秘密的神秘小镇。 我们不知道游戏是否会继续从其前身开始的动作转变,或者是否也会以第一人称视角进行游戏。 希望公司能提供更多信息。

巴比伦的秋天 (Babylon’s Fall)

It’s sort of cheating that we have three games from Square Enix’s presentation on here, but it’s definitely leading the pack with exclusives and announcements. All we know so far about Babylon’s Fall is that it’s being developed by the action geniuses at Platinum Games, the studio behind Bayonetta and Astral Chain, and it’s a PS4 exclusive. Early gameplay footage shows it leaning into what the company does best, but we’d like to see more than a minute and change of the game.

我们在这里从Square Enix的演讲中获得了三款游戏,这有点作弊,但它肯定会在独家和公告方面领先整个游戏。 到目前为止,我们对巴比伦的堕落了解最多的是它是由白金游戏公司(Platinum Games),Bayonetta和Astral Chain背后的工作室的动作天才开发的,并且是PS4独家产品。 早期的游戏画面显示,它倾向于公司最擅长的领域,但我们希望看到一分钟以上的时间和游戏的变化。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.


翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/10-things-we-want-to-see-at-the-online-tokyo-game-show-b654524ac0e6






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