
Microsoft dropped a bombshell this Monday when it announced that it would be taking over ZeniMax Media, the parent company behind one of gaming’s biggest juggernauts, Bethesda Softworks. Doom, Wolfenstein, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Quake, Dishonoured, I could keep going. Iconic franchises that command an incredible technical pedigree in the gaming space. It’s certainly a big win for Team Xbox, but would Microsoft really skimp out on selling games to PlayStation and Nintendo fans? Losing potentially millions in game sales in order to shore up their exclusive lineup?

中号icrosoft下降了炸弹本周一,当它宣布将接管ZeniMax传媒,背后的游戏最大的神像之一,贝塞斯达软件公司的母公司。 厄运,德军总部,辐射,上古卷轴,地震,耻辱,我可以继续前进。 标志性的特许经营权在游戏领域拥有令人难以置信的技术血统。 对于Xbox Team来说,这无疑是一个巨大的胜利,但是微软真的会跳过向PlayStation和Nintendo粉丝出售游戏的步伐吗? 为了巩固独家阵容,可能会损失数百万的游戏销售?

I don’t think so.


Microsoft’s $7.5 billion nets them eight studios, a talented group of over 2300 developers known for creating acclaimed masterpieces. This bumps Xbox’s list of internal studies to 23 and fills a Bethesda-shaped hole against Sony’s onslaught of exclusive titles. Bethesda already has a history with Xbox, with its first console game The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind showing up on the original Xbox. In addition to future Bethesda games like Starfield hitting Xbox Game Pass on day one, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch for an exclusive game to show up on Microsoft’s platform of choice. As for Arkane’s Deathloop and Tango Gameworks’ Ghostwire: Tokyo, games announced as timed exclusives for Sony’s PlayStation 5 and PC, Microsoft stated that it will honor these deals.

微软以75亿美元的价格为他们提供了8个工作室,这是一个由2300多名开发人员组成的才华横溢的团队,以创造著名作品而闻名。 这使Xbox的内部研究列表增加到23个,并填补了Bethesda形的洞口,抵制了Sony对独家头衔的猛烈冲击。 贝塞斯达(Bethesda)在Xbox上已有悠久的历史,其首款主机游戏《上古卷轴III:晨风》出现在原始Xbox上。 除了像《星际争霸》这样的未来贝塞斯达游戏在第一天就获得Xbox Game Pass之外,独家游戏要出现在微软选择的平台上并没有多大的难度。 至于Arkane的Deathloop和Tango Gameworks的Ghostwire:Tokyo,这些游戏是索尼PlayStation 5和PC的定时独家发售,微软表示将兑现这些交易。

Microsoft publishing games exclusively for the PS5? 2020 sure is one for the books.

Microsoft专门为PS5发布游戏吗? 2020年肯定是一本好书。

Future games will come to non-Xbox platforms on a “case-by-case basis.” While this sounds like there’s room for discussion, here’s why there’s a good chance Microsoft will continue to support rival systems in the near future. Console wars have always been about little to no hardware margins and recouping losses with videogame sales. But with Microsoft’s focus on getting Xbox Game Pass to as many people as possible, they just might have the chance to have their cake and eat it too. A 50% jump in subscriber count over the past few months means that they’re already on the right track. Videogame sales would only deepen Microsoft’s wallet.

未来的游戏将“视情况而定”应用于非Xbox平台。 尽管这似乎有讨论的余地,但是这就是为什么微软很有可能在不久的将来继续支持竞争对手的系统的原因。 主机游戏大战几乎从来没有或几乎没有硬件利润,并且无法弥补视频游戏销售带来的损失。 但是,由于Microsoft致力于使Xbox Game Pass尽可能多地获得,他们可能也有机会吃蛋糕。 在过去的几个月中,订户数量激增50% ,这意味着他们已经步入正轨。 电子游戏的销售只会加深微软的钱包。

While Bethesda joining the Microsoft bandwagon might seem like a big win in the exclusives department, here’s why Microsoft stands to gain more from releasing upcoming Bethesda titles across platforms.


Xbox Microsoft Bethesda
Source: Microsoft.

人数优势 (Strength in numbers)

With over 30 million copies sold as of 2016, Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is among the top 20 best-selling videogames of all time. A good chunk of those sales came from the PC version, enabling it to have perhaps the best modding scene in the business. You know Skyrim’s modders are second to none when blogs have a top 100 list for its mods. From graphical showcases to new narratives, it opened a portal for fans to build on an already critically acclaimed game. You can thank them for keeping the game alive 9 years after its release.

拥有超过30万份作为2016年售出,Bethesda的上古卷轴5:天际是顶级的20最畅销的视频游戏中所有的时间。 这些销售额中有很大一部分来自PC版本,使其可能成为业务中最佳的改装场景。 您知道,当博客的mod排在前100名时, Skyrim的mod便首屈一指。 从图形展示到新的叙事,它为粉丝们打开了一个门户,使其可以在已经广受赞誉的游戏基础上发展。 您可以感谢他们在游戏发布9年后将其存活。

Bethesda’s foothold in the PC space is undeniable. Their connection to the rise of PC gaming grants them an enviable position in the minds of players. Just looking at the titles developed by Bethesda could give anyone a dose of nostalgia. While Fallout’s earlier iterations and The Elder Scrolls offered a hardcore role-playing experience, Doom and Wolfenstein pioneered the mechanics that would spawn the first-person shooter genre. A formula that still reaps success with games like Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Doom Eternal. Add to that the subscription-based format that The Elder Scrolls Online offers as well as successful mobile games like Fallout Shelter, Bethesda’s creations are solid bets for Microsoft. And Xbox Game Pass.

贝塞斯达在个人电脑领域的立足点是不可否认的。 他们与PC游戏兴起的联系使他们在玩家心目中的地位令人羡慕。 只看贝塞斯达(Bethesda)开发的游戏名称可能会给任何人以怀旧之情。 《辐射(Fallout)》的早期版本和《上古卷轴》提供了硬核角色扮演体验,而《毁灭战士》和《德军总部》则开创了产生第一人称射击类游戏的机制。 在《德军总部:Youngblood》和《 Doom Eternal》等游戏中仍能获得成功的公式。 此外, 《上古卷轴在线》提供的基于订阅的格式以及诸如Fallout Shelter之类的成功手机游戏,Bethesda的作品对微软来说是个不错的选择。 和Xbox Game Pass。

Versatility is the name of the game here. Be it Dishonoured’s masterful stealth elements or Prey’s haunting tale aboard a space station, Bethesda knows how to double down on effective mechanics, no matter how exotic the setting. Microsoft promises that Bethesda will retain its existing hierarchy of leadership, which means that they will continue working on ongoing projects destined for all leading platforms. Considering the fact that most of these projects have been in the making for years, it makes little sense for them to pull a 180 and abandon Sony and Nintendo versions of said games.

多功能性是这里游戏的名称。 不管是《耻辱》中精湛的隐形元素还是在太空站上《猎物》令人难忘的故事,贝塞斯达(Bethesda)都知道,无论环境如何奇特,都可以加倍努力。 微软承诺,贝塞斯达将保留其现有的领导层,这意味着他们将继续从事针对所有领先平台的正在进行的项目。 考虑到大多数这些项目已经酝酿了多年,因此他们放弃180并放弃索尼和任天堂的上述游戏版本意义不大。

And with the deal closing only by the second quarter of 2021, there isn’t a lot Microsoft can do to stop gears that have already been set in motion.


Xbox Microsoft Bethesda

微软有一个决定 (Microsoft has a decision to make)

Bethesda is no silver bullet. It isn’t magically going to solve the exclusives problem without gamers raising their pitchforks. Dropping support for platforms that Bethesda has worked with for years isn’t something that will go well with fans. Instead of going the route it did with Rare, it makes more sense for Microsoft to handle things the way they worked with Mojang on Minecraft: across every conceivable platform. They continue to rake in a fortune by holding on to its userbase of over 200 million players. It’s a recipe for success that Microsoft could replicate with Bethesda. After all, they’ve been moving in this consumer-friendly direction for years by cozying up with behemoths like Google.

贝塞斯达不是灵丹妙药。 没有游戏者举起干草叉,魔术般地解决排他性问题不是不可思议的。 放弃对贝塞斯达已经使用多年的平台的支持对于粉丝来说并不是一件好事。 对于微软来说,与其在Minecraft上与Mojang一起工作的方式处理事情,不如在Rare上做,而是在所有可能的平台上进行。 通过保持其超过2亿玩家的用户群,他们继续发财。 微软可以通过贝塞斯达复制成功的秘诀。 毕竟,多年来,他们通过与Google之类的庞然大物交往,朝着这个消费者友好的方向发展。

While Bethesda has had its share of fame and bountiful sales, their games are notorious when it comes to bugs. Case in point, Fallout 76.

尽管Bethesda享有声誉和丰厚的销售份额,但他们的游戏在bug方面却臭名昭著。 辐射76就是一个很好的例子。

It took Bethesda an embarrassing amount of time to fix a game that was beyond broken at launch. Even Skyrim is plagued with a glitchfest for a past. Whether this changes under Microsoft is something that remains to be seen. Nonetheless, they’ve still got the potential to raise the stakes when it comes to Microsoft’s lackluster first-party lineup. A game or two could help bolster its defenses, but I believe these will be brand-new efforts instead of entries into existing franchises, along the veins of Deathloop. This ensures that they maximize the sales from the current fanbase, padding Microsoft’s deep pockets for more bold experiments and purchases.

贝塞斯达花了令人费解的时间来修复一款在发行时就无法破解的游戏。 甚至《天际》也遭遇了过去的小故障。 在微软的领导下,这种变化是否还有待观察。 尽管如此,在微软乏善可陈的第一方阵容方面,他们仍然有潜力筹集资金。 一两个游戏可以帮助增强其防御能力,但我相信这将是全新的尝试,而不是像Deathloop那样加入现有的特许经营权。 这样可以确保他们最大限度地利用当前的粉丝群来销售产品,从而为进行更多大胆的实验和购买而充裕地利用Microsoft的财力。

Bethesda’s statement seems to indicate the same, despite the “case-by-case” clause:


“We’re still working on the same games we were yesterday, made by the same studios we’ve worked with for years, and those games will be published by us.”


Pete Hines, marketing head at Bethesda

贝塞斯达(Bethesda)营销主管Pete Hines

With Bethesda under its belt, Microsoft is in a pretty good place to take on the PlayStation 5. It’s their biggest gaming purchase yet, one that gives Microsoft a fighting chance against games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales and the God of War sequel. After the delay of Halo Infinite and a phenomenal showcase from Sony, the surprise announcement restores some faith in the Redmond giant. And with Xbox Series X and Series S preorders opening tomorrow, Microsoft’s acquisition is certain to have an effect on eager console buyers.

有了Bethesda的支持,Microsoft便是收购PlayStation 5的好地方。这是他们迄今为止最大的游戏购买,这使Microsoft有机会与《蜘蛛侠:迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯》和《战神》续集等战斗。 在Halo Infinite的延迟发布以及Sony出色的展示之后,这一令人惊讶的公告恢复了人们对Redmond巨头的信心。 而且,随着Xbox Series X和Series S的预购明天开始,微软的收购肯定会对渴望购买游戏机的买家产生影响。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/microsofts-bethesda-acquisition-doesn-t-necessarily-mean-more-xbox-exclusives-6a2ae38a753a





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