三星 苹果手表_苹果和三星濒临新事物

三星 苹果手表

重点(Top highlight)

Mobile processors in recent years have become, for a lack of a better word, stupid fast. So fast in fact that the iPad Pro from 2018 has benchmark scores that in some cases out compete for full-blown laptops like the entry-level MacBook Air.

近年来,由于缺乏更好的说法,移动处理器变得非常愚蠢。 实际上如此之快,以至于2018年的iPad Pro拥有基准分数,在某些情况下甚至可以与入门级MacBook Air等成熟的笔记本电脑竞争。

That’s a crazy amount of performance on a device that's both super light and also passively cooled. And while that’s great, it got me thinking about what the future of computing might be.

在既超轻又被动冷却的设备上,这真是疯狂的性能 尽管那很棒,但它让我思考了计算的未来。

For a while now we’ve had incremental changes on the same devices. Phones, laptops, computers have all been improving but they haven’t fundamentally changed in design or in the way we use them. Phones of course have seen huge improvements in areas like photography but it seems that things have recently started to stagnate a little.

一段时间以来,我们在相同设备上进行了增量更改。 手机,笔记本电脑和计算机都在进步,但是它们在设计或使用方式上没有根本改变。 当然,电话在摄影等领域已经取得了巨大的进步,但是最近似乎开始停滞不前。

But there is evidence that we might be going in a completely new direction.


我们在哪里 (Where we’re at)

It’s pretty obvious that right now devices like the iPad Pro, despite its insane power, simply don't have the app support or the user base to make it a real professional device.

很明显,尽管iPad Pro拥有强大的功能,但现在它们之类的设备根本没有应用程序支持或用户基础,无法使其成为真正的专业设备。

Don’t get me wrong though, it can be the perfect device for a very specific professional. The iPad Pro has extremely powerful apps like LumaFusion for video editing and Shapr3D for 3D modeling. There’s even supposed to be a full version of Photoshop releasing some time soon if it hasn’t already.

不过请不要误会我的意思,对于特定专业人士而言,它可能是理想的设备 iPad Pro具有功能强大的应用程序,例如用于视频编辑的LumaFusion和用于3D建模的Shapr3D。 甚至应该有一个完整版的Photoshop,如果尚未发布的话,很快就会发布。

That being said, real professionals usually work in a team, with other people on a platform or stack that is more or less out of their control. So for a freelancer, the iPad might be all they need.

话虽这么说,真正的专业人员通常是团队合作,而其他人则在或多或少无法控制的平台或堆栈上工作。 因此,对于自由职业者来说,iPad可能就是他们所需要的。

But for someone working in the industry, it may only be a supplement. And that all has to do with the operating system of iOS. Fundamentally iOS, in a lot of ways makes the iPad more than a computer because of how easy it is to use. On the other hand, it hampers its potential simply because it lacks the support for so many of the key features of a normal desktop operating system like macOS or Windows.

但是对于从事该行业的人来说,这可能只是补充。 而这一切都与iOS的操作系统有关。 从根本上讲,由于iOS的易用性,它在很多方面使iPad胜于计算机。 另一方面,它由于缺乏对普通桌面操作系统(如macOS或Windows)的许多关键功能的支持而限制了其潜力。

But we’ve seen apple understand that they have something amazing here and they’ve (slowly) been giving the iPad more and more functionality.


iPadOS (iOS 13) being the biggest change to the iPad, giving it proper mouse support and a pretty solid folder management system among other features.

iPadOS(iOS 13)是iPad的最大变化,除其他功能外,它还提供了适当的鼠标支持和强大的文件夹管理系统。

That being said it still has a long way to go before it can come close to being a desktop replacement. For the iPad to be appealing to a more broad audience of professionals it needs to have support for key-features like multi-window support, multi-display support, and access to an even more feature-rich file management system.

话虽这么说,它距离成为台式机替代品还有很长的路要走。 为了使iPad吸引更多的专业人士,它需要​​支持关键功能,例如多窗口支持,多显示器支持以及访问功能更丰富的文件管理系统。

Not only that. The biggest issue with using the iPad as a desktop replacement is that it lacks native support for many of the applications that professionals actually use.

不仅。 使用iPad替代台式机的最大问题是,它缺乏对专业人员实际使用的许多应用程序的本地支持。

Simply put, most of the feature-rich apps developed in the past decade have been for the x86 architecture that basically run on Intel and AMD. ARM-based chips like the A13 or the Qualcomm 865+ can’t run many of these apps properly.

简而言之,在过去十年中开发的大多数功能丰富的应用都是针对x86架构的,这些架构基本上运行在Intel和AMD上。 诸如A13或Qualcomm 865+之类的基于ARM的芯片无法正常运行其中的许多应用程序。

This was made very apparent when Microsoft released its Surface Pro X. The ARM chip powering the device was unable to emulate the x86 architecture well enough to make large apps like Photoshop usable.

当Microsoft发布其Surface Pro X时,这一点变得非常明显。为设备供电的ARM芯片无法很好地模拟x86架构,无法使大型应用程序(如Photoshop)可用。

But I think that Apple (and Samsung) are tackling bridging the gap between desktop and mobile from two different angles and they may pave the way for a shift in what a computer could be.


苹果策略 (The Apple Strategy)

In June of 2020, Apple began sending out mac dev kits to developers with their new beta operating system and the A12Z Bionic chip. The same chip that’s currently in the iPad Pro.

2020年6月,苹果公司开始向其开发人员提供带有新Beta测试版操作系统和A12Z Bionic芯片的Mac开发套件。 与iPad Pro中当前使用的芯片相同。

If you don’t know already, Apple is moving away from Intel and is planning to release new macs and MacBooks with their own custom CPUs. The reason most people believe Apple has decided to go with their own chipset is because Intel hasn’t been producing chips that fit their requirements and have only had marginal improvements these past couple of years. Additionally, moving to their own silicon means that Apple will have better control over their own supply chain

如果您还不了解,Apple将会远离Intel,并计划发布带有自己的自定义CPU的新Mac和MacBook。 大多数人认为苹果决定采用自己的芯片组的原因是,英特尔一直没有生产出满足其要求的芯片,而在过去的几年中仅进行了少量改进。 此外,转向自己的芯片意味着苹果将更好地控制自己的供应链

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MacRumors MacRumors

A side effect of moving to their own ARM-based chip is that their new MacBooks and iMacs will natively support iOS apps. This is great because iOS has a lot of apps that are free to use and work really well. Seeing them come to the MacBook will be a huge value add for consumers.

转向他们自己的基于ARM的芯片的副作用是,他们的新MacBook和iMac将本地支持iOS应用。 这很棒,因为iOS拥有许多免费的应用程序,并且运行良好。 看到它们进入MacBook将为消费者带来巨大的附加值。

But there is another more overlooked side effect of moving to their own SoC’s.


Developers will begin moving their desktop-level apps to run natively on ARM chips.


This side effect is even more interesting. Remember when I said that the iPad is a super-powerful machine that lacked all those pro-level apps? Well, now all of sudden all those pro-level apps can potentially be ported over to iOS with either very little work or almost none at all.

这种副作用更加有趣。 还记得我说过iPad是一台超级强大的机器,它缺少所有那些专业级应用程序吗? 好吧,现在所有这些专业级别的应用程序突然之间都可能只需很少的工作就可以移植到iOS上,或者几乎完全没有。

The implications of this extend past just the iPad however. These applications could potentially be ported to any ARM-based device like the iPhone or even onto Android phones (with a little bit of work for other reasons).

但是,这种含义已经超出了iPad。 这些应用程序可能会移植到iPhone等任何基于ARM的设备上,甚至移植到Android手机上(由于其他原因,需要一点点工作)。

But this opens up a whole host of possibilities of what might be possible and to have a peek at what might be in store, we’ll need to look at what Samsung is doing on Android.


三星战略 (The Samsung Strategy)

I recently picked up the Note 20 Ultra (great phone btw) and as is typical Samsung, the device is brimming with top of the line features. But one feature, in particular, stuck out to me.

我最近拿起了Note 20 Ultra(很棒的手机),和典型的三星一样,该设备充满了顶级功能。 但是,其中一项功能特别引人注意。

Samsung Dex.


If you don’t know what Samsung Dex is, it’s basically a gimmicky piece of software that lets you plug your phone into a display or computer and it’ll give you this Chromebook / Windows interface to use your phone on. Recently, they added the ability to let you connect to a display wirelessly.

如果您不知道Samsung Dex是什么,那么它基本上是一款花哨的软件,可让您将手机插入显示器或计算机,并为您提供此Chromebook / Windows界面以在您的手机上使用。 最近,他们增加了使您可以无线连接显示器的功能。

And I’m not gonna lie when I first saw it, I thought that it was a gimmick. But then I got my phone. And my suspicions were confirmed. It’s definitely a gimmick…. right now.

当我第一次看到它的时候我不会撒谎,我以为那是mm头。 但是后来我接到了电话。 我的怀疑得到了证实。 绝对是gi头……。 马上。

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Samsung 三星

But that doesn’t mean that this gimmick doesn't have some serious potential.


Let me set the stage for how impressed I was by this “gimmick”.

让我为这个“ gi头”给我留下深刻印象打下基础。

I sat down at my sofa in my living room. Pulled down the notification panel and clicked on Dex. Then I selected my smart TV and in an instant, I see a full fledge desktop on my TV. I look down at my phone though and it’s still a normal phone. The interface didn’t change at all on my phone even though it was casting to my tv. I can still open apps on my phone and it didn’t affect what was on the TV. I had the option though to control this ghost operating system on my TV through by my phone by using at as a trackpad.

我坐在客厅的沙发上。 拉下通知面板,然后单击“ Dex”。 然后,我选择了智能电视,转眼间,我在电视上看到了完整的绒毛桌面。 我看不起手机,但它仍然是普通手机。 即使将其投射到电视上,该界面在我的手机上也没有任何改变。 我仍然可以在手机上打开应用程序,但这并没有影响电视上的内容。 我可以选择使用at作为触控板,通过手机控制电视上的这个鬼操作系统。

Effectively I had a phone and a desktop all powered from my one phone. I could put multiple apps in their own windows and use them separately. It was almost like using a windows computer or something but I still full access to my phone for regular Reddit checking.

实际上,我有一部电话和一部台式机全部由一部电话供电。 我可以将多个应用程序放在自己的窗口中,然后分别使用。 这几乎就像使用Windows计算机之类的东西,但是我仍然可以完全访问手机以进行定期Reddit检查。

And that’s when I understood what the future might be like if we had full desktop-level applications.


下一代计算 (Next-Generation Computing)

Now I think you probably know what I’m getting at.


Imagine waking up one morning, getting dressed, and heading to work. On your way to work maybe you decide to catch up on your emails and listen to some music on your phone as you normally would.

想象一下,有一天早上醒来,穿好衣服,然后去上班。 在上班的路上,也许您决定像往常一样赶上电子邮件并在手机上听一些音乐。

You get to work and place your phone on the table. All of sudden your phone detects that your keyboard, mouse, and monitor are in proximity and you see your monitor turn on and display an OS similar to macOS or Windows but with all the contents of your phone.

您开始工作并将手机放在桌子上。 手机突然发现您的键盘,鼠标和显示器都在附近,您会看到显示器打开并显示与macOS或Windows类似的OS,但其中包含手机的所有内容。

You open up a few native desktop-level apps like photoshop, or adobe premiere and get some work done for the next few hours.

您打开了一些本地桌面级应用程序,例如photoshop或Adobe Premiere,并在接下来的几个小时内完成了一些工作。

After work, you head back home maybe unfold your phone into a small tablet and watch a show.


Then when you feel like you want to spin up the new Call of Duty. You dock your phone into an e-GPU and again in just a moment, your TV is now a full-fledged game console. The possibilities are endless.

然后,当您感觉要启动新的《使命召唤》时。 您将手机停靠在e-GPU中,然后再过一会儿,电视便成为了功能完善的游戏机。 可能性是无止境。

Your phone will power everything you do and instead of having to maintain a laptop, tablet, desktop, and phone, you’ll only need to maintain and upgrade just one part, the phone.


Now there are obvious flaws with having one device for everything. The first one will be the battery. Unless battery technology really sees some new advancements in the next couple of years, odds are we’ll need to dock it and have it charge while it powers your screen.

现在,使用一台设备来处理所有问题都有明显的缺陷。 第一个是电池。 除非电池技术在未来几年中真正看到新的进步,否则很有可能我们需要将其停靠并在为屏幕供电时对其充电。

The next issue is power. We might be able to get mid-range laptop performance from next-generation smartphone CPU’s in the future, chances are it still won’t be ideal for really intensive CPU bound tasks and desktops still might be necessary.

下一个问题是力量。 将来,我们也许可以从下一代智能手机CPU获得中端笔记本电脑的性能,但对于真正密集的CPU绑定任务来说,它仍然不是理想的选择,并且仍然有必要使用台式机。

But for the vast majority of people, it might end up still being more than enough, and at the very least seeing technology like this


But that being said it would be amazing to see such cool technology start to emerge. I remember a few years ago Razer released a laptop shell that could be connected to your phone and be used to power the entire device.

话虽如此,看到如此酷的技术开始出现真是太神奇了。 我记得几年前Razer发布了一个笔记本电脑外壳,该外壳可以连接到手机并用于为整个设备供电。

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You’d just place your phone into where the trackpad normally resides and you’d have a fully functional laptop. Now, this design never took off because, in some regards, it may have just been ahead of its time and lacked the interface design, CPU power, and app support required to make it viable.

您只需将手机放入触控板通常所在的位置,然后便拥有一台功能齐全的笔记本电脑。 现在,这种设计从未实现过,因为在某些方面它可能已经领先于时代,并且缺乏使之可行所需的界面设计,CPU功能和应用程序支持。

But with what Apple and Samsung are doing in the mobile space it might be time to revisit such a design soon. The chassis could instead be used to house a giant battery and maybe even a dedicated GPU. Allowing you to work on all the things you normally would but with a huge increase to battery performance simply from the fact that there’s now a larger internal space for even more battery.

但是随着苹果和三星在移动领域的发展,也许是时候重新审视这种设计了。 相反,该机箱可以用来容纳一块巨大的电池,甚至可以容纳一个专用的GPU。 允许您从事正常情况下的所有工作,但是电池性能的巨大提高仅是因为现在的内部空间更大,可以容纳更多的电池。

It’ll be interesting to see what happens but I seriously believe that Apple’s move to go towards ARM-based chips on their machines could mean a huge shift in the kinds of software we’ll begin to see on mobile.


If you enjoyed this article, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments! I’d love to hear your thoughts! Do you think Apple would want everything to be powered by a single device or will the advancements in this space be pioneered by someone else like Samsung or even Microsoft?

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请随时在评论中留下您的想法! 我很想听听您的想法! 您是否认为苹果会希望所有东西都由单个设备提供动力,还是该领域的进步会被三星甚至微软等其他公司所开拓?

Also here are some more articles I think you might enjoy!


翻译自: https://medium.com/macoclock/apple-and-samsung-are-on-the-brink-of-something-new-5e614a1e3446

三星 苹果手表





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