shopify 结账_是自我结账的机器邪恶化身

shopify 结账

Have you ever caught yourself uttering the words:


“I refuse to use self-checkouts. They take people’s jobs away!”

“我拒绝使用自我结帐。 他们带走了人们的工作!”

Or how about:


“I don’t work here. Why should I do the job for free?”

“我不在这里工作。 我为什么要免费做这项工作?”

If so, then you are not alone. I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard these comments over the years. There’s even a meme or two floating around the interwebs that people love to post, warning others about this dratted technology’s evils.

如果是这样,那么您并不孤单。 我无法告诉您这些年来我听过这些评论的次数。 人们喜欢在网上发布一个或两个模因,人们向他们发出警告,警告其他人有关这种技术落后的弊端。

As a self-checkout cashier with many years of experience, I’m here to tell you why you might want to rethink this negative stance.


Here are six reasons why self-checkout stations may not be as bad as you think they are:


1.自我结账并不是在偷人的工作。 (1. Self-checkouts are not stealing people’s jobs.)

I’ve been working in a grocery store for the last 16 years. For many of those years, I’ve been in charge of monitoring our store’s self-checkout area. These machines have been in our store since day one. I can assure you they are not replacing cashiers.

我过去16年一直在杂货店工作。 这些年来,我一直负责监视商店的自助结帐区域。 从第一天起,这些机器就已经在我们的商店中销售。 我可以向您保证,他们不会取代收银员。

I know what you’re thinking — if we got rid of them, there would be more jobs available for actual people.


Nope. Sorry. That’s not how reality works.

不。 抱歉。 事实并非如此。

If we suddenly decided to get rid of our self-scan machines, it would not magically open up six more jobs. Our department is only allotted so many labor hours per day to determine our staffing. Realistically, it would not change anything, except creating longer line-ups and more miserable customers.

如果我们突然决定放弃我们的自扫描仪,那将不会神奇地创造出另外六个工作。 我们部门每天只分配那么多工时来确定我们的人员配备。 实际上,除了创建更长的阵容和更痛苦的客户之外,它不会改变任何东西。

2.自助结帐正在为人们创造更多的工作。 (2. Self-checkouts are creating more jobs for people.)

If you’ve ever used one of these machines, you’ve most likely needed a staff member to step in and assist you at some point. “Please wait for cashier assistance” is a common refrain that people hear.

如果您曾经使用过其中一台机器,则很可能需要一名工作人员介入并在某个时候为您提供帮助。 人们经常听到“请稍等收银员的协助”

It’s rare for a customer to get through an entire order without requiring cashier intervention of some sort. Not because the customer is necessarily doing anything wrong, but because technology isn’t perfect. Inevitably, something will glitch. Machines will freeze, the debit machine will refuse to accept your card, or you’ll need to assure the computer that you “already placed the item in the bagging area!”

对于客户而言,无需某种形式的收银员干预就能完成整个订单的情况很少。 不是因为客户一定在做错什么,而是因为技术不是完美的。 不可避免地会出现故障。 机器将冻结,借记机将拒绝接受您的卡,或者您需要向计算机保证您“已将物品放入装箱区!”

As I frequently tell people, technology is terrific — when it works.


In my opinion, computers will not be replacing human cashiers any time soon. There will always need to be at least one cashier present at the self-checkout area to monitor and assist customers. So technically, self-checkouts are creating more jobs for people, not less.

我认为,计算机不会很快取代人类收银员。 自助结帐区始终需要至少有一个收银员在场,以监控和协助客户。 因此,从技术上讲,自助结账为人们创造了更多的工作,而不是更少。

3.自助结账可帮助需要修改职务的员工。 (3. Self-checkouts aid employees who require modified duties.)

Working in the self-checkout area has been a lifesaver for me as a person who lives with scoliosis and chronic back pain. Over the last several years, my pain issues have increased to the point where I can no longer physically run a regular cash lane.

作为一个患有脊柱侧弯和慢性背痛的人,在自我检查区域工作一直是我的救星。 在过去的几年中,我的痛苦问题变得越来越严重,以至于我无法再继续正常地使用现金了。

Being on self-scan is much easier for me, in the sense that I don’t have to lift anything or use the repetitive motions a standard checkout requires. It allows me to walk around and frequently stretch, instead of always standing in a stationary position. It also allows me to sit periodically when my pain gets to be too much.

对我来说,进行自我扫描要容易得多,因为我不必举起任何东西或使用标准结帐所要求的重复动作。 它使我可以四处走动并经常伸展,而不必总是站在静止的位置。 当我的疼痛变得太大时,它还允许我定期坐下。

This specific situation may be unique to me. Still, I’m certainly not the only cashier who requires some modifications to do their job effectively. Self-scan is an ideal solution for this issue. I’m not kidding when I tell people that if it weren’t for the self-checkout area, I would no longer be able to do my job. This technology allows me to keep working.

这种情况对我来说可能是独特的。 不过,我当然不是唯一需要进行一些修改才能有效完成工作的收银员。 自扫描是解决此问题的理想解决方案。 我告诉别人,如果不是自结帐区域,那我就开玩笑了。 这项技术使我可以继续工作。

How is that ever a bad thing?


4.老实说,您不会被迫使用自助结账机。 (4. You are honestly not being forced to use self-checkout machines.)

Another comment I hear quite frequently from customers is: “I hate being forced to use them.”

我经常听到客户的另一条评论是: “我讨厌被迫使用它们。”

First of all, no one is forcing you to use the self-scan machines.




We always have at least one regular lane open in addition to the self-checkout area. Not wanting to wait in a long line-up is not the same thing as being forced to ring your groceries in yourself. You can choose to wait in line, or you can choose to use the self-serve machines, but you DO have a choice in the matter — it just may not be a choice you like.

除了自助结帐区,我们始终至少有一条常规车道开放。 不想排长队与被迫在自己身上杂货一样。 您可以选择在排队等候,或者你可以选择使用自助服务机,但必须在这个问题上的选择-它只是可能不是一个选择,你喜欢。

5.自助结帐为您提供了一种方便的选择。 (5. Self-checkouts offer you a convenient alternative.)

One of the biggest complaints I hear from people is, “I don’t work here. Why should I do the job for free?” along with “I should get a discount for using these machines.” These arguments always make me irrationally angry. You are not an employee of the store, that is true. But you are also not exactly doing the same job as the cashiers by running your groceries through the machine yourself.

我听到的最大的抱怨之一是, “我不在这里工作。 我为什么要免费做这项工作?” 以及“使用这些机器应获得折扣”。 这些论点总是使我非理性地生气。 您不是商店的员工,是的。 但是,您也无法通过自己在机器上运行食品杂货来完成与收银员相同的工作。

We are offering you a convenient alternative option. Checking yourself out allows you to avoid awkward social interactions. It affords you privacy to keep whatever you’re buying to yourself. Sometimes, it even allows you to get out of the store faster.

我们为您提供方便的替代选择。 自我检查可以避免尴尬的社交互动。 它为您提供隐私权,让您可以将自己购买的任何东西都保留给自己。 有时,它甚至可以使您更快地离开商店。

But realistically, you’re doing a much-simplified version of the job. The machines are designed specifically to make things as easy as possible for you. And as I stated above, the chances of you getting through an entire transaction without requiring some form of employee assistance are pretty slim.

但实际上,您正在做一个简化的版本。 这些机器经过专门设计,使您的工作尽可能轻松。 如上所述,您无需任何形式的员工协助即可完成整个交易的机会很小。

So no, you shouldn’t get a discount for using the machines. It is your choice to do so, and they are merely there for your convenience.

因此,不,您不应该获得使用机器的折扣。 您可以选择这样做,它们只是为了您的方便。

6.如果您愿意,社会方面仍然存在。 (6. The social aspect is still there if you want it to be.)

Some people think that using self-checkout takes away the social experience of interacting with a human cashier. That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. I have several regular customers that I see on a weekly (and sometimes even daily) basis. We talk, laugh, and joke around every time they are in the store. We’ve developed a friendly rapport, and I look forward to seeing them each time they come shopping.

有人认为使用自动结帐会浪费与收银员互动的社交经验。 不一定是这种情况。 我每周(有时甚至每天)有几个固定客户。 每当他们进入商店时,我们都会谈论,大笑和开玩笑。 我们已经建立了友好的融洽关系,我希望他们每次购物时都能见到他们。

Using the self-checkout doesn’t have to be a joyless, humanity sucking experience. All you need to do is be friendly and strike up a conversation with the attendant.

使用自我结帐不一定非得是一种令人讨厌的人性化体验。 您需要做的就是友好并且与服务员进行对话。

Most of us are pretty receptive.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

There will always be people who remain adamantly against ever using the self-checkout stations under any circumstances. That’s okay. These machines are not for everyone. Other people will continue to use them while actively enjoying the experience — and that’s okay too.

在任何情况下,总会有人坚决反对使用自助结账站。 没关系。 这些机器并不适合所有人。 在积极享受体验的同时,其他人将继续使用它们-也可以。

There are pros and cons to the whole self-scan concept, but it’s not inherently evil like some people make it out to be. The next time you’re about to post those ranting memes on your social media accounts, perhaps you should pause to rethink your stance. Remember, there are people behind the machines who are only trying to make your experience easier.

整个自我扫描的概念各有利弊,但是它并不像某些人认为的那样固有邪恶。 下次您要在社交媒体帐户上发布那些模棱两可的模因时,也许您应该暂停一下以重新考虑自己的立场。 记住,机器背后的人只是想使您的体验更轻松。

Personally, I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue contributing to my company in a meaningful way. I hope we keep the self-checkout area around indefinitely.

就个人而言,我很高兴有机会继续以有意义的方式为我的公司做出贡献。 我希望我们可以将自助结帐区域无限期地保留。

What are your thoughts on self-checkout stations? Do you love them or hate them? Leave a note in the comments to share your opinion.

您对自助结帐站有何想法? 你爱他们还是恨他们? 在评论中留下笔记以分享您的观点。


shopify 结账





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