

Let’s talk about power. No, not whether you can lift me over your head with one arm- electrical power.

让我们谈谈权力。 不,不是你是否可以把我抱在你的头上有一个掰电力

First off, let’s admit that people have been doing without electrical power for the vast majority of recorded history. Can you simply go old school in the woods or during an emergency? Sure.

首先,让我们承认,在绝大多数已记录的历史中,人们一直在没有电。 您能在树林里还是在紧急情况下简单地上旧学校吗? 当然。

However, humans have invented, produced, and purchased countless items that rely on electricity for a reason- convenience. And those conveniences, if properly chosen, can sometimes equate to life or death in a crisis (e.g., GPS if you are lost in the woods).

但是,人类已经发明,生产和购买了无数依赖理由而依赖电力的物品。 如果选择适当的话,这些便利有时可能等同于危机中的生死攸关(例如,如果您迷失在森林中,则是GPS)。

There are so many ways to generate and store electrical power that it will almost surely make your head spin if you’re a newcomer to this arena.


You have grid power (the plugs in your wall that you pay a monthly bill for), solar power, wind power, hydro turbines, generators (diesel, gasoline, propane, natural gas, biofuel, etc.), batteries (lead-acid, lithium, nickel-cadmium, alkaline, etc.), inverters, even hand-crank items like weather radios or flashlights. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

您拥有电网电源(您需要每月支付费用的墙上插头),太阳能,风能,水轮机,发电机(柴油,汽油,丙​​烷,天然气,生物燃料等),电池(铅酸) ,锂,镍镉,碱等),逆变器,甚至是手摇物品,例如气象收音机或手电筒。 那只是冰山一角。

Maintaining electrical power during a crisis or simply when outdoors deserves many more articles, but today let’s hone in on one cheap, fast, and simple option that pretty much anyone can do.


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Ilya Plekhanov, CC BY-SA 3.0 Ilya Plekhanov ,CC BY-SA 3.0

您的“行李袋”或应急工具包应具有5V DC(USB)备用电池,以在断电时为手机或其他小型电子设备供电。 (Your “go bag” or emergency kit should have a 5V DC (USB) backup battery to power your cellphone or other small electronics in case of a power outage.)

That seems simple enough, right? Well, it can be. You can simply stop by any big-box retailer and pick up whichever one suits your budget. Boom, now you are a little more prepared than you were this morning.

这看起来很简单,对吧? 好吧,可以。 您可以简单地停在任何大型零售商那里,然后选择适合您预算的任何一家。 繁荣,现在您的准备比今天早上要多。

However… if you’re really trying to be prepared, you’ll want to ask yourself some questions.


  1. How long can I expect to be without power?

  2. What is the current and capacity of my phone and other devices?

  3. How many power (USB) ports will I reasonably need?


These all lead you to the main question: “How much power will I need?”

这些都会导致您遇到一个主要问题: “我需要多少电量?”

The answer to that is usually pretty simple. Since it is better to have power and not need it than to need it and not have it, you should purchase the best backup battery (or batteries) that you can afford.

答案通常很简单。 因为有电源而不需要电源要比不需要电源更好,所以您应该购买负担得起的最好的备用电池。

But for those who like to understand exactly what they are getting into, let’s go over some terminology.


Backup batteries designed for small electronics list their rated capacity in milliamp-hours (mAh). If you want to know all about amp-hours, you can visit this Wiki article, but suffice it to say that the more mAh you see listed equals more power for your devices.

专为小型电子设备设计的备用电池以毫安小时(mAh)列出其额定容量。 如果您想了解所有有关安培小时的信息,可以访问此Wiki文章,但这足以说明您看到的列出的更多mAh等于设备的更多电量。

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Amazon.com Amazon.com上备用电池的技术规格

You should be able to find the mAh rating for your cellphone battery on your carrier’s or manufacturer’s website, as well as on the box it came in and on the battery itself (if you can get to it).


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Amazon.com Amazon.com上列出的手机的技术规格

Let me stop and mention here that you should not get hung up on manufacturer’s claims such as “60-Hour battery” unless it is accompanied by an exact description of the phone’s operational state during that sampling. Your usage will always vary from their estimates.

让我在这里停下来说,除非您在采样过程中对手机的工作状态有准确的描述,否则您不应该被制造商所称,例如“ 60小时电池”。 您的使用情况始终会与估算值有所不同。

Instead, use your own experience with your device. Do you normally have to charge it once a day? twice a day? every other day? That will tell you how much power you actually need. (Side note: your power usage will probably vary in an emergency, so plan accordingly.)

相反,请使用您自己的设备体验。 您通常每天需要充电一次吗? 一天两次? 每个另一天? 这将告诉您实际需要多少电量。 (旁注:您的电源使用情况在紧急情况下可能会有所不同,因此请进行相应的计划。)

So, taking the examples above, let’s say we’re working with a 5,000 mAh battery in our phone that needs to be charged up once a day during normal use. Let’s then say that much of our phone usage is chatting and surfing the web, which we think we’ll do less of during an emergency. So, we’ll estimate that we would only need to charge it every other day during a power outage.

因此,以上述示例为例,假设我们正在使用手机中的5,000 mAh电池,在正常使用期间每天需要对它充电一次。 然后,我们说大部分电话使用都是在聊天和浏览网络,我们认为在紧急情况下我们会做得更少。 因此,我们估计在停电期间我们仅需隔天就可以充电一次。

That leaves us needing 2,500 mAh per day (5,000 mAh / 2 days).

这就使我们每天需要2,500 mAh(5,000 mAh / 2天)。

The battery we looked at on Amazon claims to have 24,000 mAh. It is worth noting that different manufacturers rate their battery’s capacity in different ways, so you should probably knock 10%-15% off of that to be safe. That leaves us with around 20,400 mAh.

我们在亚马逊上看到的电池声称容量为24,000 mAh。 值得注意的是,不同的制造商以不同的方式对电池容量进行评估,因此为了安全起见,您可能应该将电池容量降低10%-15%。 剩下的电量约为20,400 mAh。

We then divide our supply (battery bank) capacity by our load (daily phone usage) requirement: [20,400 / 2,500] to get 8.16 days. This tells us that, if we tone down our phone usage, this battery bank should last us better than a week.

然后,我们将供应(电池组)容量除以负载(每日电话使用量)需求:[20,400 / 2,500],以获得8.16天。 这告诉我们,如果我们降低手机使用量,那么该电池组的使用寿命应该比一周更好。

You may easily want to go the other way on your power estimate. If you usually stream shows and movies on your TV but will use your phone for that instead during an outage, you may want to charge it twice a day. In which case, you’d want (5,000 mAh / .5 days) or 10,000 mAh/day, and the battery above would last approximately two days.

您可能很容易想在功率估算上采用其他方法。 如果您通常在电视上流式传输节目和电影,但在停电期间将使用手机代替它,则可能需要每天收费两次。 在这种情况下,您需要(5,000 mAh / .5天)或10,000 mAh /天,并且上面的电池将持续大约两天。

To estimate how long your backup battery will last:


1. Find the mAh rating (capacity) of the battery.


2. Estimate your daily cellphone usage by dividing the phone battery’s mAh by how often it needs to be recharged (you can adjust this up or down, depending on your projected usage).


3. Divide your usage into the battery’s capacity (Capacity ÷ Usage = Battery Life)


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Photo by Matt Wojtaś on Unsplash

既然我们掌握了基础知识,那么我们还想提供什么呢?(Now that we have the basics down, what else might we want to power?)

Some people buy generators to power all or a portion of their home’s normal usage. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that if you have the money and desire.

有些人购买发电机来为房屋的全部或部分正常使用供电。 如果您有金钱和欲望,那绝对没有错。

Assuming you are like me and live paycheck to paycheck, we’ll go at our prepping from a different angle. These days, you can accomplish a lot with just a little bit of power. Just think of what all you might need and there may be a solution for it.

假设您像我一样,以薪水支票支付,我们将从另一个角度进行准备。 如今,您只需一点点力量就可以完成很多工作。 只要考虑一下您可能需要的所有内容,便可以找到解决方案。

For example, I like listening to music, so I have a Bluetooth speaker in my bag. I live in the South where hurricane season intersects with 90°F temps, so I also have a couple of portable USB desk fans. I also picked up a USB light (normally meant for laptops) that puts out light similar to burning a candle. We have a cellular hotspot for internet at my house which we want to keep powered up during a storm. My wife even has a USB-powered humidifier that helps with her bronchial issues. Many medical appliances can even be run on 5V power. You can recharge the batteries for your flashlights and other small items using a USB charger.

例如,我喜欢听音乐,所以我的书包里有一个蓝牙扬声器。 我住在南部,飓风季节与90°F温度相交,所以我也有几个便携式USB台式风扇。 我还拿起了USB灯(通常用于笔记本电脑),熄灭了类似于燃烧蜡烛的灯。 我们家里有一个蜂窝网络热点,我们想在暴风雨期间保持通电。 我妻子甚至有一个USB供电的加湿器,可帮助解决支气管问题。 许多医疗设备甚至可以使用5V电源运行。 您可以使用USB充电器为手电筒和其他小物件充电。

The point is- instead of spending thousands of dollars trying to keep everything in your house on, you can spend a hundred or so to have basically everything you need to keep having a good time.


I even have a USB-powered disco light that bumps in time to the music streaming from my phone. I have USB-powered LED lights (like a string of Christmas lights) that light up the area around my recliner in style.

我什至有一个USB供电的迪斯科灯光,可以及时地从手机中播放音乐。 我有USB供电的LED灯(就像一串圣诞灯一样),以风格照亮了躺椅周围的区域。

Now, you are probably nowhere near as ridiculous as me, but the point is that you can add a little flair to your emergency plans so that you feel like you are doing more than just surviving when a crisis comes.


Figuring out how long you can use each of these things follows the same procedure as we used for the phone above. Just look at the power rating on the device (for example, my fan has a 5,000 mAh internal battery which will run the fan for 10 hours on the low setting) and add up how many charges it will need based on your expected usage.

弄清楚您可以使用多长时间,可以按照与上述手机相同的步骤进行操作。 只需查看设备的额定功率(例如,我的风扇有一个5,000 mAh的内置电池,它将在低设置下运行风扇10个小​​时),然后根据您的预期使用量累加多少电量。

I can keep all my music playing, watch Netflix, have light at night, and a fan next to me for about three days using three 20,000 mAh backup batteries and the internal batteries on the devices themselves.

我可以使用三个20,000 mAh备用电池和设备本身的内部电池,继续播放所有音乐,观看Netflix,在晚上照亮,并在我旁边的风扇呆三天。

Best of all, these devices have the benefit of being mobile. I can carry all of my power and devices in an attache case and be ready to stay home or go visiting in the same level of comfort.

最重要的是,这些设备具有移动性的优势。 我可以将所有的电源和设备放在公文包中,并准备以相同的舒适度呆在家中或去拜访。

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Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
布雷特·乔丹( Brett Jordan)Unsplash拍摄

The last thought I will add is whether to get one big battery or several small ones. You will have to decide what fits your needs best, but I have found several small ones to be the clear choice.

吨他最后一个念头,我会补充的是能否得到一个大的电池或几个小的。 您将必须决定最适合您的需求,但是我发现几个小选择是显而易见的选择。

For one thing, I can spend $40 here and there to pick up smaller battery packs much more easily than waiting until I can save up for a $450 battery unit (though those are nice to have!)

一方面,我可以在这里花$ 40,并在那里不是等到我存起来为$ 450更轻松地拿起较小的电池组的电池单元(虽然这些都是不错的!)

For another, instead of all my devices being tethered to one supply, I can have a ten-dollar 5,000 mAh battery powering my lights, a 10,000 mAh running my fan, and the larger ones in my bag to charge my smaller devices.

另外,我可以将十美元的5,000 mAh电池供灯使用,将10,000 mAh的风扇供风扇使用,而较大的则可以装在我的风扇袋中,以便为小型设备充电。

Having several batteries also means a plethora of ports. Another big benefit is the ease of rationing power. I can feel freer to run my speaker all day if I know I am not relying on that same battery to power my cellphone for emergency communications.

拥有几个电池也意味着过多的端口。 另一个很大的好处是易于分配功率。 如果我知道我不依靠同一块电池为手机供电进行紧急通信,则可以整天运行扬声器。

Perhaps the biggest practical benefit to having several small backups instead of one big one is recharge time. I can hop in my truck and charge five batteries at once while I drive. I can bring them in and keep charging them while I visit family. By the time I get back home, I am fully charged and ready to go.

拥有多个小备份而不是一个大备份的最大实际好处就是充电时间。 开车时,我可以跳上卡车,一次给五个电池充电。 我可以带他们去看望家人,并继续为他们充电。 当我回到家时,我已经充满电了,准备出发了。

If I were using one large bank, it could take 16 hours or more to recharge. That’s two-thirds of a day tethered to a power source! Of course, today we have options like portable solar arrays that can keep you going without a trip to town, but those comparisons will have to wait for another article.

如果我使用一家大银行,可能需要16个小时或更长时间才能充电。 一天三分之二的时间都束缚在电源上! 当然,今天我们有了诸如便携式太阳能电池板之类的选择,可以让您无需出门就可以出门,但这些比较将不得不等待另一篇文章。

Get to thinking about what you will really need during a disaster and you may find that being prepared is much easier you expect!


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不要忘记在Medium上关注LIFE HACKS ,并加入我们的Facebook组以获取更多很棒的提示和技巧!

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Ian Keefe on 伊恩·基夫( Unsplash Unan Splash)摄影

The shortlink for this story is bit.ly/stay-turned-on


翻译自: https://medium.com/survive-longer/staying-powered-up-during-disasters-c9b00bba7b


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