

We all have been in some engineering project related to work or school where the process, requirements and results — all part of a project lifecycle — are attempted to be defined before the project is off the starting blocks.


You can recognize these situations when you hear people often say things like:


“Let’s define the requirements as complete as possible”


“We need more details before we begin”


“I have done this before, let’s..”


We call it waterfall thinking when a team assumes that they can only start with the next project phase when they have finished the previous phase in an all-encompassing way. Whether it was the nature of the assignment to do so or a fellow group member convinced your team into following this lifecycle approach, it will ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶l̶y̶ definitely result into a failure-prone process. Which we don’t want!

当团队假设他们只能以无所不包的方式完成上一个阶段时,我们只能将其称为下一个项目阶段。 无论是分配的天性如此还是老乡组成员确信你的团队到以下这个生命周期方法,它很可能会造成一定成易出故障的过程。 我们不想要的!

I will provide you with the scientific details in a bit.


Luckily there is an alternative method where your project lifecycle is organized into a series of mini-projects that we call iterations. Each iteration has its own phases and delivers an evolving end-product. Happy team members and scientifically proven better deliverables as a result.

幸运的是,有另一种方法可以将您的项目生命周期组织为一系列称为迭代的小型项目。 每次迭代都有其自己的阶段,并提供不断发展的最终产品。 结果,团队成员快乐,科学证明了更好的交付成果。

Sounds interesting right?


象征性地潜入瀑布 (A dive into the Waterfall, figuratively)

The waterfall approach assumes that a project has a set of lineair sequential phases where each phase fundamentals are pre-defined and are building on the results of the previous phase.


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Typical waterfall for a software project

Teams that follow this project lifecycle are tempted to define all the requirements they can think of in the very beginning because the subsequent project phases are stacking up and are based on this requirements foundation. As a result of this approach the requirements are ‘freezed’ during the first phase. This makes the project vulnerable to false assumptions and time-consuming discussions when the requirements needs altering later on in the process.

遵循此项目生命周期的团队很容易定义他们一开始就能想到的所有需求,因为随后的项目阶段正在堆积并且基于此需求基础。 这种方法的结果是在第一阶段“冻结”了需求。 当需求在流程的后期需要更改时,这会使项目容易遭受错误的假设和耗时的讨论。

Studies reveal¹ that 45% of the pre-defined requirement features in waterfall projects are not used at all and that 19% of these requirement features are rarely used in the final product. That seems to be a substantial waste of time and resources!

研究表明¹在瀑布项目中根本没有使用45%的预定义需求特征,而在最终产品中很少使用这些需求特征的19%。 这似乎是在浪费时间和资源!

Let that sink in. Almost 65% of pre-defined requirement features will be barely used.


Waterfall practices were cited as the number one contributing factor for project failure in 82% of the cases in a major software projects study².


But why are waterfall projects so prone to fail?


In a lot of (software) engineering projects the responsible development team assumes that the requirements can be easily predicted and defined at the beginning of the project. But it turns out that most projects are subject to change. Requirements change rates can spike from 35% up to 50% during development³. It is safe to say that change is one of the constant factors in an engineering project lifecycle.

在许多(软件)工程项目中,负责任的开发团队认为,可以在项目开始时轻松预测和定义需求。 但是事实证明,大多数项目都可能会发生变化 。 在开发期间,需求变更率可以从35%飙升至50%。 可以肯定地说,变更是工程项目生命周期中的恒定因素之一。

However, I don’t imply that you should start developing on your project right away without defining some necessary starting requirements. But in order to work successfully with the expected change rates we need a different approach. A project lifecycle that implements an iterative cycle and evolving requirements may just be the right answer!

但是,我并不是说您应该立即开始开发您的项目,而无需定义一些必要的启动要求。 但是,为了成功地以预期的变化率工作,我们需要一种不同的方法。 实现迭代周期和不断发展的需求的项目生命周期可能是正确的答案!

让我们迭代! (Let’s Iterate!)

An iteration is basically a repetition of a process cycle. When applied to (software) engineering projects, iterating means that you repeat the project lifecycle multiple times in a fixed short-period of time. So instead of a long time gap between the build process end the end-product with the waterfall approach, you are constantly delivering an evolving end-product at the end of each iteration. We call this evolutionary development.

迭代基本上是一个处理周期的重复。 应用于(软件)工程项目时,迭代意味着您可以在固定的短时间内多次重复项目生命周期。 因此,您可以在每次迭代结束时不断交付不断发展的最终产品,而不是在构建过程最终产品与瀑布式方法之间花费很长时间。 我们称这种进化为发展

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Typical iterative approach for a software project

Let’s breakdown the iteration lifecycle.


As you can see in the illustration, the first stage is the (initial) planning stage where the necessary requirements for that iteration are mapped out as well as the planning for the subsequent stages. Note that the iteration should be a fixed time-period. This is also the stage where you define the necessary requirements.

正如您在图中所看到的,第一阶段是(初始)计划阶段,其中计划了该迭代的必要要求以及后续阶段的计划。 请注意,迭代应该是固定的时间段。 这也是定义必要需求的阶段。

In software development, a three-week period is often used as timeframe for the iteration and is called a Sprint.


Then a requirements analysis is performed to make sure that all the necessary business logic for the specific iteration is incorporated. Depending on the analysis results, you can come to the conclusion that you have to adjust some requirements. No problem, make your adjustments!

然后执行需求分析,以确保合并了特定迭代的所有必要业务逻辑。 根据分析结果,您可以得出必须调整某些要求的结论。 没问题,请您进行调整!

When the requirements are established, the design phase is where the possible implementation solutions are narrowed down to a few options to determine the most effective way to construct the product.


The implementation phase is what you probably expect from this phase; the actual building of the product according to the analyzed requirements and the design.

实现阶段是您可能期望从该阶段开始的; 根据分析的要求和设计来设计产品的实际结构。

After the implementation, the product must complete testing procedures to identify any issues and to check if the new product version satisfies the common product standards.


Finally, it is time for the evaluation phase. Team members, clients and other stakeholders examine the product and give feedback on its current status and performance. Once again you can come to the conclusion that your current product version lacks some requirements. That’s the fun of it, you have valuable feedback now. This feedback is in turn the input for a new iteration and further evolutionary development.

最后,是评估阶段的时候了。 团队成员,客户和其他利益相关者检查产品并提供有关其当前状态和性能的反馈。 再一次可以得出结论,您当前的产品版本缺少某些要求。 这很有趣,您现在已经获得了宝贵的反馈。 该反馈反过来又是新迭代和进一步进化开发的输入。

The next thing you will be saying in a project:


“Veni, Vidi, Iteratis”

“ Veni,Vidi,Iteratis”

I came, I saw, I iterated


Now you can iterate as often as it is necessary to deliver and deploy your product. The iterative approach challenges teams to evaluate a series of good ideas and implement them altogether along the road, as they see fit in relation to the current status of the product. The whole approach reminds a bit of The Marshmallow Challenge where iterative thinking is discussed as one of the main success factors in well performing teams.

现在,您可以根据需要交付和部署产品的次数进行迭代。 迭代方法向团队提出挑战,要求他们评估一系列好的想法,并在他们认为与产品当前状态相关的情况下完全实施。 整个方法让我们想起了棉花糖挑战赛 ,其中迭代思维被认为是表现出色的团队成功的主要因素之一。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

Why is the iterative approach so successful?


The iterative approach is successful because the project lifecycle can handle the occurence of change. There is also room for trial and error. Fundamental flaws which are not apparent from the start can be dealt with in the next iteration. With each iteration, the project evolves and becomes better and completer. It also enables us to monitor and evaluate the whole project per iteration and make important choices along the road. Consider giving it a try in your next project!

迭代方法是成功的,因为项目生命周期可以处理更改的发生。 还有尝试和错误的余地。 从一开始就不明显的基本缺陷可以在下一次迭代中解决。 每次迭代,项目都会发展并变得更好更完整。 它还使我们能够每次迭代监视和评估整个项目,并在沿途做出重要选择。 考虑在您的下一个项目中尝试一下!

Good luck iterating.


My name is Wolf Marcuse. I am a Software Engineer and Solution Architect passionate about sharing Tech Savvy stories. Checkout my stories and feel free to reach out if you have anything that comes to your mind.

我叫沃尔夫·马尔库塞。 我是一位软件工程师和解决方案架构师,热衷于分享Tech Savvy的故事。 结帐我的 故事 ,并随时 伸手 ,如果您有任何涉及到你的头脑。

[1] : Johnson, J. 2002. ROI — It’s Your Job, XP 2002, Sardinia, Italy.[2]: Thomas, M. 2001. IT Projects Sink or Swim. British Computer Society Review.[3]: Jones, C., 1997. Applied Software Measurement. NY, NY.: McGraw-Hill

[1]:Johnson,J.,2002年。《投资回报率》,这是您的工作,XP,2002年,意大利撒丁岛。[2]:Thomas,M.,2001年。IT项目接收器或游泳。 英国计算机学会评论 。[3]:Jones,C.,1997。 应用软件测量。 纽约州:麦格劳-希尔

翻译自: https://medium.com/boilercode/stop-with-waterfall-thinking-and-start-iterating-9be9c9bf5bcf






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