

When one has developed quite a few iOS applications, one knows that it is not as simple as “develop-publish on App Store-get users to use your app”. The “publish” part might have a few hiccups. It has happened to us recently at Moqod and I couldn’t help but share the story of how it was unfolded and how we fixed it.

当人们开发了许多iOS应用程序时 ,就知道这并不像“在App Store上开发-发布-让用户使用您的应用程序”那样简单。 “发布”部分可能会有一些问题。 最近在Moqod发生了这件事,我忍不住分享了它如何展开以及如何解决的故事。

Our client, Palladio Groep B.V., is an interim and consulting agency in the field of the management and control of organizations, programs, and large projects. They work with companies where they provide consulting services and temporary management: what to implement, what to anchor, and what to leave behind. There is a lot of learning involved for everybody in the process, so the need for the mobile application was growing stronger.

我们的客户Palladio Groep BV是组织,计划和大型项目的管理和控制领域的临时和咨询机构。 他们与提供咨询服务和临时管理的公司合作:实施什么,锚定什么以及留下什么。 在此过程中,每个人都需要学习很多东西,因此对移动应用程序的需求越来越强。

Moqod’s team developed an application for the learning and certification of employees and their clients. The Palladio’s case was classical for B2B apps: one needs to send a direct link to download the application to the clients without third parties involved, and they would have immediate access to it.

Moqod的团队开发了一种用于员工及其客户的学习和认证的应用程序。 Palladio的案例对于B2B应用程序是经典的 :一个人需要发送直接链接以将应用程序下载到客户端,而无需第三方参与,他们将可以立即访问它。

The problem started when one of Palladio’s clients requested having the application on the official marketplaces due to their internal security requirements. Google Play accepted the first version right away. The App Store wasn’t so welcoming though.

当Palladio的一位客户由于内部安全要求而要求在正式市场上出售该应用程序时,问题就开始了。 Google Play立即接受了第一个版本。 App Store并不那么受欢迎。

Uploading the application was a part of my role as the project manager, so I sent the application for review to the App Store. Further, I’ll describe the issues and address how we solved it.

上载应用程序是我作为项目经理的一部分,因此我将应用程序发送给App Store进行审查。 此外,我将描述问题并解决我们如何解决它。

宝贝,这是B2B应用 (It’s B2B app, babe)

The aim of the app was not aimed to be found organically on the AppStore, but to be sent directly. Thus, the first and only image was the screenshot of the login screen. For the rest, the administrator would provide the user with the login and password information.

该应用程序的目的不是要在AppStore上自然找到,而是要直接发送。 因此,第一个也是唯一的图像是登录屏幕的屏幕截图。 对于其他情况,管理员将向用户提供登录名和密码信息。

After a few days of uploading the app, the App Store requested extra information from us to continue with the review of the app. They needed the following answers:

上载应用程式几天后,App Store要求我们提供更多资讯,以继续进行应用程式审查。 他们需要以下答案:

  1. Who is the target audience of the app?

  2. How do the users get an account?

  3. Where will the distribution of the application take place: within our own company, within the company of one target client, or among multiple target client’s companies?

  4. In which countries will the app be distributed?

  5. If the application is for internal distribution only, will both internal and external partners have access to it? Or it will be exclusive to internal employees only?

    如果该应用程序仅用于内部分发,内部和外部合作伙伴都可以访问吗? 还是只限于内部员工?

If I wanted them to keep reviewing the application, I had to give them answers, which I did immediately:


  1. The target audience of the app is people who attend training courses by Palladio Groep.

    该应用程序的目标受众是参加Palladio Groep培训课程的人员。
  2. A course supervisor creates a unique account for each user. The user then gets a generated password via email.

    课程主管为每个用户创建一个唯一的帐户。 然后,用户通过电子邮件获得生成的密码。
  3. The application will be distributed among Palladio Groep’s clients.

    该应用程序将在Palladio Groep的客户中分发。
  4. The application distribution is limited to the Netherlands only.

  5. The application is intended for the use by Palladio Groep and its partners.

    该应用程序仅供Palladio Groep及其合作伙伴使用。
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Required info for the AppStore review.

Good and clear answers, aren’t they?


The same day, after receiving the answers, the App Store rejected the first version of the app.

同一天,在收到答案后,App Store拒绝了该应用程序的第一个版本。

The explanation for the rejection was the following:


The business application was designed for a certain business and its clients but not for general distribution on the App Store. According to App Store’s policies, B2B apps on their platform are meant to be used by external customers all over the world. Since our application wasn’t intended for general distribution, it couldn’t be made available on the App Store.

该业务应用程序是为特定业务及其客户设计的,而不是为在App Store上进行一般分发而设计的。 根据App Store的政策,其平台上的B2B应用旨在供全世界的外部客户使用。 由于我们的应用程序不适合一般发行,因此无法在App Store上使用。

They followed with generics on reviewing how to distribute the application in a different way or to revise the existing one to make it available to external clients around the world. If we did the latter, we were advised to consult the App Store Review Guidelines and the Business App Distributionon Apple’s website.

他们紧随其后的是泛型,探讨了如何以其他方式分发应用程序或修改现有应用程序以使其可用于世界各地的外部客户。 如果要进行后者,则建议我们查阅Apple网站上的App Store审查指南Business App Distribution

One of the options in the App Store Review Guidelines was to make the application offer Mobile Device Management (point 5.5. in the guidelines) services. In this case, the app can be offered by companies and institutions, with a clear declaration of what user data will be collected prior to any actions. However, our client rejected this idea because of their policies.

《 App Store审查指南》中的一种选择是使该应用程序提供“移动设备管理”(指南中的第5.5点)服务。 在这种情况下,可以由公司和机构提供该应用程序,并明确声明在执行任何操作之前将收集哪些用户数据。 但是,由于他们的政策,我们的客户拒绝了这个想法。

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Response from the AppStore review team.

We decided to work on the functionalities.


调音 (Tuning)

I carefully read into Other Business Model Issues (point 3.2.) and general guidelines (Introduction and Before You Submit). Right then I decided that we could fit our application into this model.

我仔细阅读了《其他业务模型问题》(第3.2点)和《一般准则》(简介和提交之前)。 当时,我决定可以将我们的应用程序适合此模型。

We would add the possibility to register in Palladio Groep’s application for everybody. They would have access to a demo version of the app as a result, and then they could buy a full course. To purchase real Palladio courses they would simply need to contact Palladio Groep. Recent events with the Fortnite game indicates that it is illegal to purchase functionality bypassing in-app purchases.

我们将为每个人增加在Palladio Groep的应用程序中注册的可能性。 结果,他们将可以访问该应用程序的演示版本,然后他们可以购买一门完整的课程。 要购买真正的Palladio课程,他们只需联系Palladio Groep。 Fortnite游戏的最新事件表明,绕过应用程序内购买来购买功能是非法的。

Registration and authentication of any user are one of the first features you develop when you build an application for a wide audience. Adding our own requirements to the app after the login part was our way to go around the restrictions.

为广泛的用户构建应用程序时,对任何用户的注册和身份验证都是您开发的首批功能之一。 在登录部分之后向应用程序添加我们自己的要求是解决限制的方法。

I suggested this solution to our client and got their approval. We’ve designed a user story and as a result, we added the following to the application:

我向我们的客户建议了该解决方案,并获得了他们的认可。 我们设计了一个用户案例,因此,我们在应用程序中添加了以下内容:

  • Possibility to register in the app

  • Password recovery option

  • Demo quiz for self-registered users

  • Display of preliminary quiz results

  • Contact form (after the quiz) with one single field and a note that “The administrator will have access to your email and your name. You can add additional contact information”

    联系表格(测验之后),其中包含一个字段和一个备注:“管理员将有权访问您的电子邮件和您的姓名。 您可以添加其他联系信息”
  • Link to privacy policies


We added the following to the admin panel:


  • A separate page with self-registered users (default group)

  • Possibility to place the users from the default group to the permanent group if the user will participate in the real course offered by our client

  • Default quiz for default users

  • Possibility to send the email with the contact for to the administrator via backend


The new version was good to go, and we sent it for review to the App Store.

新版本很不错,我们已将其发送给App Store进行审查。

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Keep sending my reviews to the AppStore.

The first reply I received in three days was very unoriginal. It was just like the first reply — the application is not intended for general distribution.

我在三天内收到的第一封信是非常原始的。 就像第一个答复一样-该应用程序不适合一般发行。

算法背后的人 (A human behind the algorithm)

Realizing they simply copy-pasted their initial reason for rejection of the first version, I decided to give a more thorough explanation of what has changed since. After all, people who review the applications for the App Store are just as human as us. I decided not to show them that I did the research.

意识到他们只是简单地复制粘贴了拒绝第一个版本的最初原因,所以我决定对此后的变化进行更彻底的解释。 毕竟,审查App Store应用程序的人和我们一样人。 我决定不向他们展示我做了这项研究。

The same day, I wrote to the App Store that according to their recommendations given, we have integrated the following:

当天,我写信给App Store,根据他们的建议,我们整合了以下内容:

  • Registration

  • Password recovery

  • Demo functionality to represent app purpose


I wrote that these functionalities imply a wide audience of the application and make it available to all the users. I emphasized that I didn’t find a single mismatch in App Store Review Guidelines and particularly in point 3.2. If ever there were more issues in the app, I asked for specific recommendations to follow to comply with the guidelines.

我写道,这些功能意味着该应用程序的广泛受众,并使所有用户都可以使用它。 我强调,在《 App Store审查指南》中,尤其是在第3.2点中,我没有发现任何不匹配之处。 如果应用程序中存在更多问题,我要求遵循以下具体建议以遵循准则。

My explanation remained unanswered for several days. In a week I decided to click on “Appeal” and detailed the situation one more time in the appeal. The App Store replied right away and this time I got two messages. The first one confirmed they would continue the review of the Palladio Groep’s application with the new information provided. The second one stated that the appeal had been received and was being evaluated. Oh, good, at least the process was kept rolling.

我的解释几天没有得到答复。 在一周的时间里,我决定单击“上诉”,并在上诉中再次详细说明了这种情况。 App Store立即回复了,这次我收到了两条消息。 第一个确认他们将通过提供的新信息继续审核Palladio Groep的应用程序。 第二个人说,上诉已经收到,正在评估中。 哦,很好,至少这个过程一直在进行。

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Finally got my app approved by the AppStore team review.

On my side, I had to wait for the decision. They would notify whether the rejection issue was still valid or not after the improvements. They would also communicate on the new possible issues if there were any.

在我这一边,我不得不等待这个决定。 改进后,他们将通知拒绝问题是否仍然有效。 他们还将就可能出现的新问题进行沟通。

Two weeks of complete silence have passed, and I decided it was time for a reminder. I politely asked whether the application was still under review or if they needed more information on my side. The very same day they followed up with a very basic answer but… also, I finally got the “happy mail”! Bingo!

两个星期的完全沉默已经过去了,我认为是时候提醒一下了。 我礼貌地询问该申请是否仍在审核中,或者他们是否需要我这方面的更多信息。 就在同一天,他们给出了一个非常基本的答案,但是……而且,我终于收到了“开心邮件”! 答对了!

美好结局 (Happy ending)

It took us almost two months and we got there. Our client, his clients, App Store, and Moqod got the result we had all been looking for.

我们花了将近两个月的时间才到达那里。 我们的客户,他的客户,App Store和Moqod得到了我们一直在寻找的结果。

The moral of the story?


  • Policies, guidelines, and “how-to” have not been written to annoy the reader and skip them. They actually come in handy when used!

    尚未编写政策,指南和“操作方法”来惹恼读者并跳过它们。 使用时它们实际上派上了用场!
  • “No” is not an acceptable answer when it comes to your business.

  • The more you are passionate about getting a “yes”, the more human factor plays a role.

  • Show them you did the research, be reasonable.

  • Never settle for a copy-pasted reply.


With experience, you will have more and more ideas on how to make something work, as long as you keep doing your research and test your ideas. Rejections have happened to us before and without a doubt, they will happen in the future. What they have taught us is that there is always a way to turn a “no” into a “yes”.

随着经验的积累,只要您继续进行研究和测试您的想法,您将对如何使某件事起作用的想法越来越多。 毫无疑问,我们曾经发生过拒绝,将来还会发生。 他们告诉我们的是,总有办法将“不”变成“是”。

Sergey Zahvatkin for Moqod.com

Sergey Zahvatkin for Moqod.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/@moqod_development/how-to-defeat-the-appstore-and-upload-a-b2b-application-383938ffd646


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