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翻译 上传appstore_如何打败appstore并上传b2b应用程序
上传appstoreWhen one has developed quite a few iOS applications, one knows that it is not as simple as “develop-publish on App Store-get users to use your app”. The “publish” part might have a few hiccu...
2020-09-06 04:52:38
翻译 ios swift 分享_iOS Swift Facebook分享
ios swift 分享Facebook Sharing SDK is a user friendly tools for sharing photos, videos and links easily through your app. User can share the media as a news feed or Story to Facebook app or as a direct ...
2020-09-06 04:43:25
翻译 在xcode中使用本地swift软件包而不使其成为git repos
情况 (The situation)At the time of writing, Xcode forces you to have a separate git repository for each Swift package if you want to add it as a dependency. It can reside on your hard drive, and you c...
2020-09-06 04:33:54
翻译 Swift使用dispatchsemaphore限制并发网络请求
In this article, we will learn how to limit the number of ongoing network requests using a DispatchSemaphore. 在本文中,我们将学习如何使用DispatchSemaphore限制正在进行的网络请求的数量。 Limiting resource-heavy operations allows ...
2020-09-06 04:24:46
翻译 ios 在标题栏添加按钮_在iOS中使您的标题栩栩如生
ios 在标题栏添加按钮We will be developing this in Swift using CoreText and AVKit. 我们将使用CoreText和AVKit在Swift中进行开发。 我们会怎么做? (What will we be doing?)AVKit uses an AVPlayerLayer instance to display video in a ...
2020-08-19 07:46:59
翻译 react 异步按钮_微互动异步按钮
react 异步按钮Welcome back! This week’s articles cover an assortment of SwiftUI micro-interactions that I’ve made for my apps. The benefits these interactions bring can really help make your app feel poli...
2020-08-19 07:26:32
翻译 修饰接口的修饰符_了解swiftui修饰符
修饰接口的修饰符A major paradigm shift is in progress in the Apple development world. For years, we were used to the imperative programming style of UIKit and AppKit. Even though there were many attempts by t...
2020-08-19 07:06:37
翻译 处理重复数据和uitableviewcell中的受影响单元格
As you know, UITableView really helps developers and designers to display the data simply. The main component of UITableView is the cell (UITableViewCell). All of your data will be displayed in the ta...
2020-08-19 06:46:32
翻译 swift 函数 数组指针_swift应该具有的简单数组函数
swift 函数 数组指针I really like Swift. It was my first real language and I am still with it today. But I feel like I write some functions in almost every project I do. So here are some of the extensions I ...
2020-08-11 16:12:05
翻译 pt1和pt2滤波_利用后台执行力pt 1
pt1和pt2滤波How to effectively distribute and defer work from the foreground to the background. 如何有效地分配工作并将工作从前台推迟到后台。 Last year Apple's Software Battery Life Team introduced in the WWDC the brand new B...
2020-08-11 16:02:55
翻译 pt850运行下载界面_利用后台执行功能pt 2
pt850运行下载界面How to effectively distribute and defer work from the foreground to the background. 如何有效地分配工作并将工作从前台推迟到后台。 Previously, we had a good overview of how the Background Execution is handled aft...
2020-08-11 15:53:21
翻译 swiftui_swiftui中的数据验证2 0
swiftuiA look at the code you need to fully validate some data input in SwiftUI 2.0 看一下需要完全验证SwiftUI 2.0中的某些数据输入的代码 Many of the earliest virus exploits relied on poor/no data validation, indeed the p...
2020-08-11 15:43:39
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