软件开发主管 职责权限_软件开发主管如何应对压力?

软件开发主管 职责权限

As a leader, you have to set the right expectations. I repeat the ability to SET THE RIGHT EXPECTATIONS is the difference between a leader who is consistently stressed out and one who confidently manages their workload. I would argue the ability to set the right expectations is what companies are truly looking for when the job req says, “communicates and collaborates effectively with internal stakeholders.”

作为领导者,您必须设定正确的期望。 我再说一次,要树立正确的期望的能力就是不断受到压力的领导者与自信地管理工作量的领导者之间的区别。 我认为,设定正确期望的能力是公司在工作要求中所说的“与内部利益相关者进行有效沟通和协作”时真正寻找的东西。

I’m sure you’re thinking, it’s not that simple. Your right, but it plays a significant role in your work-life balance. Most people aren’t able to turn off work-related stress by simply clocking out at the end of the day. I recently read some major contributing factors to burnout were workload and lack of control.

我敢肯定你在想,这不是那么简单。 您的权利,但在您的工作与生活平衡中起着重要作用。 大多数人无法在一天结束时简单地超时来消除与工作有关的压力。 我最近读到一些导致倦怠的主要因素是工作量和缺乏控制。

If proactive and managed correctly you can use the control you do have to prevent ridiculous deadlines and pressure. I’m only going to focus on three areas right now. Addressing the below bullets should help balance or at least minimize your workload so you can focus on what really matters.

如果积极主动地进行正确的管理,则可以使用控件来避免不必要的期限和压力。 我现在只专注于三个领域。 处理以下项目符号应有助于平衡或至少减轻您的工作量,以便您可以专注于真正重要的事情。

  • Mitigate risks

  • Manage change request

  • Right tools at the right time


减轻风险 (Mitigate Risks)

By implementing frequent releases this ensures that the design moves forward. Running 2 week sprints gives the team a chance to identify and correct mistakes quickly. As an engineering leader, it can be hard to vocalize what your team is working on and the challenges they are facing. It’s challenging because often someone outside of software development may not understand the effort involved to complete said work. They are often quietly working in the background. It’s easy for outsiders to assume your team has more resources than what’s actually available since they don’t physically see the work being done.

通过实施频繁发布,可以确保设计向前发展。 运行2周的冲刺使团队有机会快速发现并纠正错误。 作为工程主管,很难表达您的团队正在做什么以及他们面临的挑战。 之所以具有挑战性,是因为软件开发以外的人员通常可能不了解完成上述工作所涉及的工作。 他们通常在后台安静地工作。 局外人很容易假设您的团队拥有比实际可用资源更多的资源,因为他们实际上看不到正在完成的工作。

Frequent releases allow internal stakeholders to see work being closed out. Completing work in smaller packages encourages faster follow-ups and is easier for external leaders to follow and understand.

频繁发布使内部利益相关者可以看到工作被关闭。 用较小的包装完成工作可以鼓励更快的跟进工作,并使外部领导者更容易理解和理解。

For the sake of simplicity, here are a couple of benefits:


  • It’s easier to manage requirements. Confusion is cleared up quickly and allows leaders to be impact-driven.

    管理需求更加容易。 混乱可以很快得到消除,并使领导者受到影响。

  • Transparency ensures alignment and forces the focus to be on work that helps the organization achieve its goals.


  • Improves quality by being able to identify mistakes and address mistakes quickly.


  • Spend less time in meetings providing updates since there will be continuous communication.


  • Gives leaders the ability to manage resources more effectively.


管理变更请求 (Manage Change Request)

The trick to managing the unexpected is to set up a process for how a change request will be evaluated and implemented. This helps the stakeholders understand why the changes were made and the impact it brings. Everyone values and appreciates knowing what to expect.

管理意外情况的技巧是建立一个流程,以评估和实施变更请求。 这有助于利益相关者了解进行更改的原因及其带来的影响。 每个人都珍视和欣赏知道期待什么

I’ll admit, I’m guilty of requesting sudden changes. Just last week I reached out to my CTO to discuss a potential sudden feature for customer acquisition. As a sales professional, I know that my request would impact their current workload. We know our request could delay existing work. Will that stop me from asking? No. Do I understand why it might not be possible? Yes.

我承认,我要求突如其来的改变是有罪的。 就在上周,我联系了我的CTO,讨论了潜在的突发事件以吸引客户。 作为销售专业人员,我知道我的要求会影响他们当前的工作量。 我们知道我们的要求可能会延迟现有工作。 那会阻止我发问吗? 不。我知道为什么不可能这样做吗? 是。

If you don’t already have a process that involves all the stakeholders in the initial decision-making process you are asking for surprises and ridiculous deadlines. It’s your job to protect your team, just like it’s my job to speak for the customers. The easiest way to build strong effective relationships with internal stakeholders is through transparency.

如果您还没有一个将所有利益相关者都参与到初始决策过程中的过程,那么您将需要惊喜和荒谬的截止日期。 保护您的团队是您的工作,就像为客户说话是我的工作。 与内部利益相关者建立牢固有效关系的最简单方法是透明度。

  • Alignment- Involving stakeholders in the decision-making process ensures the best decisions are made and accountability falls on the team instead of one department.

    协调一致 -让利益相关者参与决策过程可确保做出最佳决策,并且责任由团队而非一个部门负责。

  • Prioritize- Understand where your focus should be by discussing the impact vs. the effort required with all stakeholders. You can’t be the bad guy/girl if everyone agrees on whether a release is or isn’t worth the effort required.

    优先排序 -通过与所有利益相关者讨论影响和所需的努力,了解您的关注重点。 如果每个人都同意发布是否值得付出努力,那么您就不可能成为坏人。

  • Reframe- Instead of saying no all the time, respond back with a question that suggests they offer a solution. This prevents people from avoiding you and being on the defense. For example, instead of saying no say, “If we switch our focus to providing a new integration, that will delay improving user experience. We all agreed to focus on user experiences for these reasons (include reasons). Is it worth making this a priority over improving our user experience? Do you have a plan for maintaining customer satisfaction during the time we won’t be able to work on that? We simply don't have the resources to do both.”

    重新构架 -而不是一直说“不”,而是回答一个建议他们提供解决方案的问题。 这样可以防止人们避开您并处于防御状态。 例如,不要拒绝说:“如果我们将重点转移到提供新的集成,那将延迟改善用户体验。 由于这些原因(包括原因),我们都同意专注于用户体验。 在改善我们的用户体验上是否值得将此作为优先事项? 您是否有计划在我们无法为此工作期间保持客户满意度? 我们根本没有资源做这两者。”

在正确的时间正确的工具 (Right tools at the right time)

How many times have you heard,


  • “Why is it taking so long?”

  • “It didn’t take this long before.”

  • “Can you make it happen?”


Sometimes you can’t take on new work because you have restraints such as team size or lack of appropriate tools. Most teams have too many tools as it is. Instead of reaping the benefits of all these tools, you become paralyzed. You need a solution, but you don’t have the time it takes to become an expert in all the tools you have. You definitely don’t have the time it would take to manage them all, so what do you do?

有时由于团队规模或缺少适当工具等限制而无法从事新工作。 大多数团队都拥有太多工具。 您没有从所有这些工具中受益,反而瘫痪了。 您需要一个解决方案,但是您没有时间成为拥有所有工具的专家。 您绝对没有时间来管理所有这些,那么您该怎么办?

Bite the bullet and set up a tool review to identify tools that aren’t being used, aren’t necessary, or could be combined. Instead of going rogue out of frustration and making your own spreadsheet to manage your progress, identify what you need to be successful. Match existing & new tools with your overall goals.

硬着头皮,设置工具审查,以识别未使用,不必要或可以组合的工具。 确定成功所需的条件,而不是无奈地失败并制作自己的电子表格来管理进度。 使现有和新工具与您的总体目标相匹配。

  1. Simplify your stack, it’s hard for teams to collaborate effectively when information can’t be consolidated. See if any tools can be used for multiple purposes. For instance, tools such as Azure DevOps or Gitlab allow you to manage both PM and Code Source activity in one tool.

    简化您的堆栈 ,当无法合并信息时,团队很难进行有效的协作。 查看是否有任何工具可以用于多种用途。 例如,诸如Azure DevOps之类的工具 Gitlab允许您在一个工具中管理PM和代码源活动。

  2. Right tools. Save time by finding a tool that can organize data across multiple tools and make it easily accessible and understood. A good example of this is Allstacks. They combine data from PM, code, build & communications tools. They use existing data and machine learning to help you understand your process health.

    正确的工具 。 寻找一种可以跨多个工具组织数据并使之易于访问和理解的工具,以节省时间。 一个很好的例子是 所有堆栈 。 他们结合了PM,代码,构建和通信工具中的数据。 他们使用现有数据和机器学习来帮助您了解过程的运行状况。

  3. Right time. Save time by maximizing the usage of existing tools. Reduce the number of meetings, back and forth, confusion, and unnecessary tasks by utilizing the right communication tools. For example, Slack can be used to collaborate and track releases. Set up a channel to ensure all communication regarding releases is transparent.

    正确的时间 。 通过最大限度地利用现有工具来节省时间。 通过使用正确的通信工具,减少会议,来回,混乱和不必要的任务的数量。 例如, 松弛 可用于协作和跟踪发布。 设置一个渠道,以确保有关版本的所有通信都是透明的。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@barnes.rebekah/how-can-software-development-leaders-manage-the-pressure-38813c786a1a

软件开发主管 职责权限





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