最佳算法的启蒙教育 pdf_算法和教育不是那么快

最佳算法的启蒙教育 pdf

One sector where the pandemic has accelerated the pace of digitalization is education, although as with so many others, this has not always been done as efficiently as might be hoped. Almost overnight, millions of students around the world were confined to their homes and forced to continue their education online, regardless of whether they had the appropriate infrastructure, with no training, and without even adapting teaching methodologies to the new channel.

大流行加快了数字化步伐的一个领域是教育,尽管与其他许多领域一样,这并不总是像希望的那样有效地完成。 几乎一夜之间,世界各地成千上万的学生被限制在家中,被迫继续在线学习,无论他们是否拥有适当的基础设施,没有培训,甚至没有使教学方法适应新的渠道。

And without doubt, the weakest link in the chain has been evaluation: last month, in England, hundreds of thousands of students were shocked by the unexpectedly low grades awarded by an algorithm in their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) after the summer exams were cancelled. The algorithm, created by Ofqual, the exams watchdog for England, standardized grades to avoid inflation, prompting mass protests by school students and their parents that forced the government to make a U-Turn and cancel the results and order a review of the entire process.

毫无疑问,评估链中最薄弱的环节是:上个月,在英格兰, 成千上万的学生对夏季考试后的中学普通教育证书(GCSE)中的算法所授予的低分意外感到震惊被取消了。 该算法由英国的考试监督机构Ofqual创建, 它对 成绩进行了标准化,以避免通货膨胀 ,引发了学生及其父母的大规模抗议活动,迫使政府进行掉头并取消结果并下令对整个过程进行审查。

Something similar had happened earlier in July in England with the International Baccalaureate: another algorithm replaced the demanding A Level exams that traditionally take place at the end of the academic year and downgraded students who were expecting higher marks, in many cases denying them a place at the university of their choice at a time when life-changing decisions have to be made quickly. Again, the government performed a U-Turn and cancelled the results, opting instead for an assessment based on their mock exams and teacher assessments, or allowing students to sit their exams later in the year.

类似的事情发生在7月初的英格兰国际文凭课程上 :另一种算法取代了传统上要求在学年结束时进行的要求严格的A Level考试,并且降低了希望获得更高分的学生的成绩, 在许多情况下,他们拒绝了在必须Swift做出改变人生的决定的时候,他们选择的大学 。 再次,政府进行了掉头并取消了结果,而是选择根据模拟考试和教师评估进行评估,或者允许学生在今年晚些时候参加考试。

My favorite example of the problem of using algorithms to assess students’ performance comes from the United States where a number of students in lockdown began to use an online platform, Edgenuity, to get the highest scores in their exams: they realized that the correction algorithm for essay-type exams actually only looked for certain keywords in the answers they had given, and began to include, as if they were hashtags, a series of generic words related to the answer. The algorithm duly detected them, assumed that the answer covered the topic it had to cover according to the subject, and awarded full marks.

关于使用算法评估学生表现的问题,我最喜欢的例子来自美国。在美国,许多处于锁定状态的学生开始使用在线平台Edgenuity 在考试中获得最高分 :他们意识到,校正算法对于作文类型的考试,实际上只在他们给出的答案中寻找某些关键字,并且开始像它们是标签一样包含与答案相关的一系列通用单词。 该算法适当地检测了它们,并假定答案涵盖了必须根据主题涵盖的主题,并获得满分。

Once again, the way that we assess students’ academic performance has been found wanting: an algorithm that standardizes or assigns grades fails to take into account many important aspects of a student’s abilities, while exams themselves merely measure factors such as how well young people are able to memorize “facts”, even though they may not have understood or assimilated what they’ve been taught. I’ve been a teacher for thirty years, and there’s nothing I hate more than the way we evaluate student work, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

再一次,我们发现我们评估学生学习成绩的方式很困难:标准化或分配成绩的算法无法考虑到学生能力的许多重要方面,而考试本身只能衡量诸如年轻人的水平如何等因素。能够记住“事实”,即使他们可能没有理解或吸收他们所教的内容。 我已经当了三十年的老师,除了评估学生工作的方式之外,我最讨厌的就是我,我敢肯定我并不孤单。

Every year, millions of students end up making forced decisions regarding their future conditioned by grades that, in many cases, do not reflect their true abilities or skills, and that need to be improved if we’re going to use them as a diagnostic tool. The shift to online education forced by the pandemic has starkly exposed these deficiencies. At the same time, blaming algorithms, which are nothing more than mathematical tools, would be a mistake. In this case, the culprit is to be found elsewhere.

每年,成千上万的学生最终会根据成绩决定他们的未来,在很多情况下,这些成绩并不能反映出他们的真正能力或技能,因此如果我们要使用它们作为诊断工具,则需要对其进行改进。 流行病导致的向在线教育的转移已彻底暴露了这些缺陷。 同时,无非是数学工具而怪罪算法。 在这种情况下,罪魁祸首将在其他地方找到。

This article was previously published on Forbes.


(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/algorithms-and-education-not-so-fast-988a1124805f

最佳算法的启蒙教育 pdf





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