java 中阿拉伯语_电子游戏中的阿拉伯代表

java 中阿拉伯语


Growing up in the Middle East, video games played a significant role in my life. During the summertime, the temperature outside can reach up to 122°F (50°C). Therefore, almost everybody I knew owned at least one gaming console.

G 中东划船了,视频游戏在我的生活中发挥了显著的作用。 在夏季,外面的温度最高可达50°C(122°F)。 因此,几乎我认识的每个人至少拥有一个游戏机。

As a kid, I must say it never bothered me that there were no Arab video game characters. Video games were there just to have fun and to enjoy the journey in an alternative universe — so to speak. But today, as games have become a far more pervasive form of entertainment, one cannot ignore the medium’s impact on culture and media at large.

小时候,我必须说,从来没有打扰过我没有阿拉伯电子游戏角色。 可以说,在那里玩电子游戏只是为了乐趣和享受在另类世界中的旅程。 但是今天,由于游戏已成为一种更加普遍的娱乐形式,因此人们不能忽视媒体对整个文化和媒体的影响。

In my late teen years, first-person shooters (FPS) started becoming very popular in the Middle East and among my friends. There were plenty of FPS games before (GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Doom, Wolfenstein, and many more). But now, we can play against each other on LAN networks. All of a sudden, LAN-Cafés popped up everywhere (and are still popular). I used to spend a lot of time there with my friends playing Counter-Strike and its contemporaries.

在我的青少年时代末期,第一人称射击游戏(FPS)在中东和我的朋友中开始变得非常流行。 之前有很多FPS游戏( GoldenEyePerfect DarkDoomWolfenstein等)。 但是现在,我们可以在局域网上相互竞争。 突然,局域网咖啡馆突然出现在各处(并且仍然很受欢迎)。 我过去经常和朋友们一起玩《反恐精英》及其同期作品。

In these FPS games, Arabs were mostly depicted as terrorists. My friends and I did not care for that at first. We just wanted to play.

在这些第一人称射击游戏中,阿拉伯人大多被描绘成恐怖分子。 我和我的朋友起初并不在意。 我们只是想玩。

New iterations of my beloved games kept on coming and were always the same — Arabs are the terrorists. It started to get annoying.

我心爱的游戏的新版本不断出现,而且总是一样的-阿拉伯人是恐怖分子。 它开始变得烦人。

بطل (بطل)



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Altair Ibn La Ahad. Source: The Virtual Victors.
Altair Ibn La Ahad。 资料来源:虚拟胜利者。

Then suddenly, with the release of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles, an Arab hero was presented to gaming audiences: Altair Ibn La Ahad, the main protagonist in Assassin’s Creed and the founding father of the modern Assassins brotherhood in the AC universe.

然后突然间,随着PlayStation 3和Xbox 360控制台的发布,一个阿拉伯英雄被呈现给游戏观众: Altair Ibn La Ahad刺客信条的主要主人公和现代AC刺客兄弟会的创始之父。

I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least. Regardless of the critical reception, I had to buy and play this game. Finally an Arab video game character existed who wasn’t merely a terrorist. Fortunately, Assassin’s Creed became a significant success, spawning many sequels and prequels in subsequent years. It was genuinely heartwarming to hear Arabic spoken within the game’s storyline — it made me feel proud.

至少可以说,我感到惊喜。 不管收到什么好评,我都必须购买并玩这款游戏。 最终,一个阿拉伯人的电子游戏角色不仅存在恐怖分子。 幸运的是, 刺客信条取得了巨大的成功,在随后的几年中催生了许多续集和前传。 听到游戏故事情节中说的阿拉伯语真是令人心动,这让我感到自豪。

To be clear, Altair isn’t the first Arab protagonist in a video game. Multiple early console games featured Arab protagonists, although they never broke into mainstream success (examples include Prince Ali from Beyond Oasis, and Shukran from Arabian Knights). One could even argue that Aladdin was an Arabic protagonist in the famous 16-bit video game/movie tie-in. However, Altair was by far the most iconic character with the most significant impact on broader video game culture. His backstory, legacy, and bloodline all contribute to the Assassin’s Creed universe right up to today. He is truly cemented in video game culture and will never be forgotten. Ubisoft, I’m grateful to you for presenting this character to gamers worldwide.

需要明确的是,Altair并不是电子游戏中的第一位阿拉伯主角。 多个早期的主机游戏以阿拉伯主角为特色,尽管它们从未取得过主流成功(例如, Beyond Oasis的 Prince Ali和阿拉伯骑士的 Shukran)。 甚至可以说,阿拉丁是著名的16位视频游戏/电影搭配中的阿拉伯主人公。 但是,Altair迄今为止是最具标志性的角色,对更广泛的视频游戏文化具有最重大的影响。 直到今天,他的背景故事,遗产和血统都为刺客信条世界做出了贡献。 他是视频游戏文化中的坚定者,永远不会被遗忘。 育碧,感谢您向全球游戏玩家介绍这个角色。

Altair’s success as a character prompted other developers to introduce Arab characters as well. Faridah Malik from Deus Ex Human Revolution is a good example.

Altair作为角色的成功促使其他开发人员也引入了阿拉伯字符。 Deus Ex Human Revolution的 Faridah Malik是一个很好的例子。

فيكلمكان (في كل مكان)



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Malik. Source:
马利克 资料来源。

Malik isn’t a playable character; she’s an Arab-American pilot from Michigan. A skilled pilot, Malik can fly anything she gets her hands on. Although she isn’t playable, Malik is a central character with great importance to the story.

马利克不是一个好玩的角色; 她是密歇根州的一名阿拉伯裔飞行员。 马利克是一名技术娴熟的飞行员,可以把手上的任何东西飞翔。 尽管马利克(Malik)不可玩,但她是故事中的重要角色。

Then there’s Tekken and Street Fighter, franchises that also rode on the Assassin’s Creed coattails by introducing their own Arab characters. Tekken 6 introduced Zafina, Tekken 7 welcomed Shaheen, while Street Fighter V brought us Rashid (actually, Street Fighter EX — released in 1996 — also included an Arab character: Pullum Purna). I believe fighting games are a great fit for Arab characters.

接下来是《 铁拳》和《 街头霸王》 ,它们的特许经营权也通过介绍他们自己的阿拉伯字符来乘着刺客信条的长袍。 《铁拳》 6推出了Zafina,《 铁拳7》欢迎了Shaheen,而《 街头霸王5》给我们带来了拉希德(实际上,1996年发布的《 街头霸王EX》也包括阿拉伯角色:普鲁姆·普纳)。 我认为格斗游戏非常适合阿拉伯角色。

I can’t leave BioWare out of the discussion here, either. Games based on the distant future — where humans are now colonising space — are logical places to include characters with a wide range of backgrounds. The Mass Effect series leaned into this idea with characters like Khalisah Al-Jilahni, the famous TV reporter from the franchise. She interviews Shepard at various points in the games, and her news reports are often heard in the background while playing. Another character you may encounter in Mass Effect is David Al Talaqani on Feros (I should note that while David isn’t an Arabic name, Al Talaqani certainly is).

我也不能不在这里讨论BioWare。 基于遥远未来的游戏-人类现在正在太空中殖民-是合乎逻辑的地方,其中包含具有广泛背景的角色。 “ 质量效应 ”( Mass Effect)系列采用了这个想法,其中包括来自该系列的著名电视记者Khalisah Al-Jilahni。 她在游戏的各个阶段采访了谢泼德(Shepard),她的新闻报道经常在比赛过程中在后台听到。 您可能会在《 质量效应》中遇到的另一个角色是Feros上的David Al Talaqani(我应该注意,尽管David不是阿拉伯名字,但Al Talaqani确实是)。

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Lord Saladin. Source: Rolling Stone.
萨拉丁勋爵。 资料来源:滚石。

My final example her is Bungie’s Destiny. No, it doesn’t include any Arab characters per se — but a major NCP in the game does have a historically significant Arab name. Lord Saladin is one of the two last surviving Iron Lords. He oversees the Iron Banner PVP event, which occurs monthly, and where only the very strongest can survive.

我最后的例子是邦吉的命运 。 不,它本身不包含任何阿拉伯字符-但是游戏中的主要NCP确实具有历史悠久的阿拉伯名称。 萨拉丁勋爵是最后两个幸存的钢铁勋章之一。 他负责监督Iron Banner PVP事件,该事件每月发生一次,只有最强者才能幸存。

Historically, Saladin is a Muslim military leader who fought the crusaders and freed the Middle East and North Africa (especially Jerusalem) from said crusaders. He’s of Kurdish ethnicity and is considered a hero by many young Arabs and Muslims. Seeing that his name plays a significant part in a major video game is valuable, and it’s an important act of inclusivity by Bungie.

从历史上看,萨拉丁是穆斯林的军事领导人,曾与十字军作战,并从所述十字军中解放了中东和北非(特别是耶路撒冷)。 他是库尔德人,被许多年轻的阿拉伯人和穆斯林视为英雄。 看到他的名字在主要的视频游戏中起着重要的作用,这是很有价值的,而且这是邦吉的包容性的重要举动。

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Many other games are increasingly including Arabs in their rosters now. So far I have discussed the most iconic video games that do this. But it’s great to see the trend continuing and growing. The latest release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, for example, includes Farah, a playable protagonist of Arab ethnicity.

现在,许多其他游戏也越来越多地包括阿拉伯人。 到目前为止,我已经讨论了最具标志性的视频游戏。 但是,很高兴看到这种趋势持续发展。 例如,《 使命召唤:现代战争 》的最新版本包括阿拉伯裔可玩的主角法拉。

It makes sense that we’re seeing the trend continue, with Arabs and Arabic culture being increasingly incorporated into video games. Developers must surely have noticed the growing numbers of gamers in the Arab world, and it therefore makes sense to create characters that are relatable and representative of the audience. There is much discussion around games that fail to do a better job of representation, so I think it’s valuable to call out the games that are doing this well, and to point out that the trend is generally moving in the right direction. Both for other Arab players and myself as well, it’s great to see that we’re finally being represented in video games beyond two-dimensional villains. We’re gamers too, with games being massive part of our lives in many cases.

可以预见的是,随着阿拉伯人和阿拉伯文化越来越多地融入视频游戏,我们看到了这种趋势还在继续。 开发人员一定会注意到阿拉伯世界中越来越多的游戏玩家,因此,创建具有相关性并代表观众的角色是有意义的。 关于游戏的许多讨论未能更好地表现出来,因此,我认为有必要指出做得好的游戏,并指出趋势通常朝着正确的方向发展,这是很有价值的。 对于其他阿拉伯玩家和我自己,很高兴看到我们终于在二维游戏中超越了二维反派。 我们也是游戏玩家,在许多情况下,游戏是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。

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Walid Al Otaibi -WAO- works at an engineering company in Germany as a Project Manager. He manages mainly sustainable energy projects.

Walid Al Otaibi- WAO-在德国的一家工程公司担任项目经理。 他主要管理可持续能源项目。

He comes from a multicultural background and is located in Germany since 2003. He is writing about Arab Culture, Multiculturalism, Finance, and Trending topics.


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Teddy Guerrier on Teddy GuerrierUnsplash. Unsplash上的封面图片。


java 中阿拉伯语

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