

微处理 (Microprocessing)

When Instagram introduced the option to “heart” direct messages in 2015, my personal experience of the platform began its slow, steady descent into hell.

当 Instagram在2015年引入“传递”直接信息的选项时,我对平台的个人经历开始缓慢而稳定地下降到地狱。

This nosedive accelerated in 2018 when Instagram introduced Quick Reactions to its Stories. Quick Reactions allow audiences to, yes, quickly react with one of eight emoji, including a clapping emoji, a fire emoji, and a crying emoji. These reactions show up in the direct messages folder, alongside actual thoughtful and considered responses to someone’s Story. Facebook introduced Messenger reactions in 2017, while Twitter released a similar feature for its direct messages at the beginning of 2020.

当Instagram在其Stories中引入Quick Reactions时,这种急剧下降在2018年加速了。 快速React使听众可以快速响应八个表情符号之一,包括鼓掌表情符号,火表情符号和哭泣的表情符号。 这些React会显示在直接消息文件夹中,同时还会显示对某人的故事的实际经过深思熟虑的React。 Facebook在2017年引入了Messenger的React,而Twitter在2020年初为其直接消息发布了类似的功能。

In theory, these private message likes and story reactions should expedite conversations and create clarity, not further confusion. But Quick Reactions are actually a scourge. They say next to nothing, and they’re confusing: If I send someone a DM and they don’t double-tap it, does this mean they hate me? One friend, confirming my paranoia, told me that if she doesn’t double-tap a message, it means she disagrees or doesn’t like it. Still, since this isn’t necessarily a widespread application of the feature, I have to guess who’s giving me the cold shoulder when they don’t heart my message.

从理论上讲,这些私人消息喜欢和故事的React应加快对话并创造清晰性,而不是造成进一步的混乱。 但是快速React实际上是祸害。 他们几乎什么也没说,这令人困惑:如果我给某人发送了DM,而他们又没有双击它,这是否意味着他们讨厌我? 一位确认我的偏执狂的朋友告诉我,如果她不双击消息,则表示她不同意或不喜欢它。 但是,由于这不一定是该功能的广泛应用,因此我不得不猜测,当他们不满意我的信息时,谁在冷漠我。

Research shows that a modicum of extra effort in online conversations goes a long way. We should be putting more effort into our conversations, not less, particularly when it isn’t that difficult to manually select and send an emoji or two, instead. Sending an emoji requires choosing one out of thousands of options and sending it, rather than quickly “reacting” from, at most, eight total choices. It’s a small difference but, in my mind, a significant one.

研究表明,在在线对话中付出一点额外的努力是很长的路要走的。 我们应该在对话中加倍努力,尤其是在手动选择并发送一两个表情符号并不困难的情况下。 发送表情符号需要从数千个选项中选择一个并发送,而不是最多从八个选项中快速“React”。 这是一个很小的差异,但是在我看来,是一个很大的差异。

Philip Mai, a researcher at the Ryerson University Social Media Lab in Toronto, says social media platforms introduced richer direct messaging because they sensed competition from private messaging apps like Viber and Line, which are popular in Europe and Asia. Instagram and Facebook “are built for public-facing [interactions],” he says. “For them, DM is an afterthought… [they probably have] internal data showing that, hey, more and more people are moseying over to their DMs and the DM sucks.”

多伦多瑞尔森大学社交媒体实验室的研究员Philip Mai表示,社交媒体平台引入了更丰富的直接消息传递,因为它们感觉到来自诸如Viber和Line等私人消息传递应用程序的竞争,这些应用程序在欧洲和亚洲很受欢迎。 他说,Instagram和Facebook“是为面向公众的[互动]而构建的”。 “对他们来说,DM是事后的想法……(他们可能有)内部数据表明,嘿,越来越多的人正在向他们的DM倾诉,而DM很烂。”

That said, some people I talked to for this piece really do like these features. They appreciate that it’s easy to end a conversation with a fraction of the effort required of sending an actual response. “I love them! They help me to acknowledge a message directly with an emotion, almost like body language, while a conversation continues,” says Abby Mahler, a photographer based in Los Angeles. “A React can be a nice way to finalize an interaction without always having to be the one to get in a last word or message.”

就是说,我与之交谈的某些人确实喜欢这些功能。 他们赞赏以发送实际响应所需的一小部分工作来结束对话很容易。 “我爱他们! 他们帮助我直接通过情感(几乎就像肢体语言)来确认信息,而对话仍在继续。”洛杉矶摄影师Abby Mahler说。 “ React可以是一种最终确定交互的好方法,而不必总是成为最后一个单词或消息的人。”

Reactions, in theory, act as a form of body language that’s desperately missing from online communication. Its absence, which I’ve written about before, is a real problem that is in dire need of a solution. But for most people, what researchers call “one-click communication” is not enough to fill in this gap. A 2016 study looked at how people react to different forms of communication on Facebook, and likes were the lowest of the low; most participants in the study barely even considered them an interaction at all. The study discovered that likes did not increase the likelihood that a Facebook user would feel closer or better connected to the person who sent it.

从理论上讲,React是一种肢体语言,在线交流中非常缺少这种React。 它的缺席,我已经写之前 ,是一个真正的问题是在一个解决方案的迫切需要。 但是对于大多数人来说,研究人员所谓的“一键式沟通”不足以填补这一空白。 2016年的一项研究着眼于人们如何对Facebook上不同形式的交流做出React,喜欢的程度最低。 大多数研究参与者甚至都根本没有考虑过他们之间的相互作用。 该研究发现,顶赞并没有增加Facebook用户与发送它的人之间更亲密或更好的联系的可能性。

Another 2016 study found that “targeted communication” such as comments increased people’s feelings of well-being and their sense of connection with the person who commented. One-click feedback, however, didn’t have any kind of positive effect. An earlier study from the same research team found similar results.

2016年的另一项研究发现,诸如评论之类的“有针对性的交流”增加了人们的幸福感以及与评论者的联系感。 但是,一键式反馈并没有产生任何积极效果。 同一研究小组的较早研究发现了相似的结果。

This research fully lines up with my own experience of likes versus comments. A heart in a direct message has no utility other than communicating that you’ve seen and feel neutral to positive about what someone just said, essentially acting as a read receipt with the unfortunate side effect of causing a notification for something that says nothing. A Quick Reaction at least has a bit more specificity, but even still, it’s disappointing to open up my direct messages, expecting to see an interesting, thoughtful, or funny response from a friend, and instead only see they responded with a half-hearted thumbs up.

这项研究完全符合我自己喜欢或不喜欢的经历。 直接传达信息的心,除了传达您已经看到的内容,而且对别人刚说的内容持中立态度外,没有任何其他用途,本质上是作为已读回执,但不幸的副作用是,该通知导致什么都不说的通知。 快速React至少具有更多的特异性,但即使如此,打开我的直接消息还是令人失望的,因为我希望看到朋友的有趣,体贴或有趣的回应,而只看到他们半心半意的回应竖起大拇指。

Nune Grigoryan, an assistant professor of communication at Cabrini University in Pennsylvania, says some people (like me) have more negative responses to likes, faves, and reactions as opposed to actual comments and messages because of our personalities and backgrounds. “If you look into how people with trauma and traumatic situations look at reactions, they really find that likes or reactions, in general, are not adequate for communication,” she says. One 2019 study found that when people on Facebook post negative news about traumatic life events, “weak ties” — meaning acquaintances and casual friends — are more likely to respond with one-click communication rather than a comment. The lack of effort required to react to someone’s sad Facebook post could imply to the poster that the responder doesn’t care about them. The reaction essentially backfires. Though the best response would be an actual comment expressing sincere sentiment (“I’m so sorry that happened to you. Sending ❤”), in lieu of that, it might be better to respond with nothing at all.

宾夕法尼亚州卡布里尼大学传播学助理教授Nune Grigoryan表示,由于我们的个性和背景,某些人(像我一样)对喜欢,喜爱和React的负面React较实际的评论和消息要多。 她说:“如果调查患有创伤和外伤情况的人如何看待React,他们真的会发现,通常来说,喜欢或React不足以进行交流。” 一项2019年的研究发现,当Facebook上的人们发布有关创伤性生活事件的负面消息时,“弱关系”(意味着熟人和休闲朋友)更有可能以一键式沟通而非评论。 对某人的悲伤的Facebook帖子做出React所需的精力不足可能暗示发帖者响应者不在乎他们。 React基本上适得其反。 尽管最好的回复是表达真诚态度的实际评论(“对不起,您很抱歉。发送❤”),但是最好还是不做任何回应。

Traumatized folks are not the only people walking around hating direct messages hearts and Instagram Story Quick Reactions. “Instagram Story Quick Reactions make me super uncomfortable. I turned them off because I feel like they make people feel obligated to react to a Story, and I feel extra weird if I share something social justice-oriented or similar and people clap for it,” says Cassandra Gonzalez, a health coach based in Amsterdam. “However, I also feel rude not reacting to other people’s Stories when they have the option up because I feel like they want the validation. It’s a mess all around!”

受过创伤的人并不是唯一讨厌直接消息之心和Instagram故事快速React的人。 “ Instagram故事快速React让我感到非常不适。 我之所以拒绝他们,是因为我觉得他们会让人们有义务对一个故事做出React,如果我分享一些面向社会正义或类似的东西而人们鼓掌,我会感到异常怪异。”阿姆斯特丹 “但是,当他们选择其他人的故事时,我也感到不礼貌,因为我觉得他们想要验证。 到处都是乱七八糟的东西!”

Reporter Julia Reinstein wrote the Instagram direct message fave “must be destroyed” in a 2018 BuzzFeed article. “In spite of its ostensible handiness (who hasn’t felt socially obligated to reply to a DM but had nothing of substance to say?), the heart’s easy tappability has led to countless social media horror stories,” she says, going on to chronicle such nightmarish incidents, like that of one woman who accidentally double-tapped an ex’s old DM. And in a 2018 piece for New York Magazine’s Intelligencer, Madison Kircher Malone wrote that “Instagram Quick Reactions Are Trying To Ruin My Life.” In the piece, Malone discusses how she accidentally reacted to a friend’s yoga-themed Instagram story with a crying reaction. “I’m right-handed and hold my phone while watching Instagram Stories in such a way that I frequently errantly send” the crying face reaction and the 100 reaction, both of which are on the right side of the Story screen.

记者Julia·莱因斯坦(Julia Reinstein)在2018年的BuzzFeed 文章中写道,Instagram直接信息最爱“必须销毁”。 她说:“尽管表面上看似方便(谁没有社交上的义务去回应DM,但无话可说?),但内心的轻触性却导致了无数社交媒体的恐怖故事,”她继续说道。记录这种噩梦般的事件,例如一名妇女不小心轻敲了一位前女友的老DM。 麦迪逊·基歇尔·马龙(Madison Kircher Malone)在2018年《纽约杂志 》的情报员撰写的文章中写道:“ Instagram快速React正在试图破坏我的生活。” 在文章中,马龙(Malone)讨论了她是如何意外地对朋友的瑜伽主题Instagram故事做出哭泣的React。 “我用右手并握着手机,一边观看Instagram故事,一边经常发错误的表情”和“ 100”,这两个故事都位于“故事”屏幕的右侧。

Grigoryan says these types of mistakes are one of the aspects of Instagram Stories most in need of improvement. It’s absurdly easy to accidentally react to someone’s Story, she says: “There are cases when people have just opened the story, and then there was a story about someone who passed away, and they accidentally clicked on the laughing emoji.” Further, Stories are public-facing, yet unlike with Instagram posts, reactions go to the poster’s DMs. “I don’t always want to get a DM from somebody who is reacting,” she says. “Because then I feel like I have a message, which is what I expect from the DM, and I’m going to talk to someone or I’m going to respond to something. And then you’re just like, ‘Oh, it was just a reaction.’” A separate folder, specifically for reactions, would solve this issue, she says.

Grigoryan说,这些类型的错误是Instagram故事中最需要改进的方面之一。 她说,意外地对某人的故事做出React非常容易,她说:“在某些情况下,人们只是打开了故事,然后有一个关于某人去世的故事,他们不小心点击了笑着的表情符号。” 此外,故事是面向公众的,但与Instagram帖子不同的是,发布者的DM会做出React。 她说:“我并不总是想从一个做出React的人那里得到一份工作证明。” “因为那样我就会收到一条消息,这是我对DM的期望,我将与某人交谈,或者我将对某件事做出回应。 然后,您就像,“哦,这只是一种React。””她说,一个专门用于React的单独文件夹可以解决此问题。

Mai thinks Instagram Story Reactions would be better if they were more customizable. Reactions are “now the new form of body language, in a way. But that’s why people feel that those reactions are a bit restrictive — because they don’t show the full gamut of available human emotion,” he says. “Here is a menu of choices, but you can create your own, mix and match. To me, that would be more interesting because even though I’m on the same platform, the way I personally use a platform might be different.” This customizability might be one reason why I find Memoji so delightful — even in their sticker form, which is similar to a reaction (though, crucially, less automatic and more effortful), I’m still getting a very personal, even cute response, even though it’s just an image and not a lengthy message.

麦认为,Instagram故事React如果可以自定义的话会更好。 在某种程度上,React是“现在是肢体语言的新形式。 但这就是为什么人们认为这些React有点局限性的原因-因为它们没有显示出人类情感的全部色域,”他说。 “这里是可供选择的菜单,但是您可以创建自己的菜单,进行搭配。 对我来说,这将更加有趣,因为即使我在同一平台上,我个人使用平台的方式也可能会有所不同。” 这种可自定义性可能是让我感到Memoji 如此令人愉快的原因之一-即使以其贴纸的形式,它类似于一种React(尽管,至关重要的是,自动化程度较低且更加省力),我仍然得到了非常个性化,甚至可爱的响应,即使只是图像而不是冗长的消息。

If a communicative device obscures rather than clarifies the tone or meaning in a message, it’s not worth employing. The very existence of DM hearts, in particular, heightens the level of uncertainty in our online conversations, and it’s simply unnecessary. If I have strong feelings about what you have to say, I will, as many adults coach their young children, “use my words.” Or, at the very least, I’ll send you a Memoji.

如果通信设备模糊而不是澄清消息中的语气或含义,则不值得使用。 尤其是DM心的存在,增加了我们在线对话中的不确定性,这完全没有必要。 如果我对您要说的话有强烈的感情,那么我将在许多成年人指导他们的幼儿时“用我的话语”。 或者,至少,我会给您发送一个Memoji。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/instagrams-reaction-buttons-are-a-scourge-b07754538d61






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