

Smart Homes


How our life in the future may look like? Let us look at one possible scenario.

我们未来的生活会是什么样子? 让我们看看一种可能的情况。

It’s Saturday morning, automatic window curtains open when your alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes and your voice assistant Amazon Alexa welcomes you and briefly summarizes your today’s schedule. Meantime a smart cafe machine starts preparing your favourite café Americano and a toast roaster heats two slices of bread for your breakfast. When you go under the digital shower the intelligent system remembers your preferred temperature, plays morning music in the background and later during teeth brushing a magic mirror displays emails you received overnight alongside with news highlights plus the current weather forecast.

这是星期六的早晨,闹钟响起时, 自动窗帘会打开。 您睁开眼睛,语音助手Amazon Alexa热情欢迎您,并简要总结了您今天的行程。 同时,一台智能咖啡机开始准备您最喜欢的咖啡店Americano,而烤面包机则将两片面包加热作为早餐。 当您进入数字淋浴间时 ,智能系统会记住您喜欢的温度,在后台播放早晨的音乐,然后在刷牙期间用魔术镜显示您隔夜收到的电子邮件以及新闻摘要和当前天气预报。

Because you planned some morning exercises a self-driving car brings you to the gym adjusting driving style and selecting motivational music. The same time it performs a self-check to find if any part needs a replacement or repair and if so, it finds and arranges a time slot in a car garage that fits your calendar.

因为您计划了一些早操,所以自动驾驶汽车将带您进入健身房,调整驾驶风格并选择励志音乐。 在执行自我检查的同时,查找是否需要更换或修理任何零件;如果需要,它会在适合您日历的车库中查找并安排一个时隙。

After you arrive at the gym, inside intelligent equipment remember your results from the last visit and after analyzing data from your smartphone how active you were meantime it will optimize today’s training plan accordingly. Thanks to various biomedical sensors installed in your clothing it will also check your health status to make sure you are fine.

到达体育馆后,内部智能设备将记住您上次访问的结果,并在分析了智能手机中的数据后,您会多么活跃,同时它会相应地优化今天的训练计划。 得益于衣服中安装的各种生物医学传感器,它还能检查您的健康状况,以确保身体健康。

If something is out of norms you will get a notification to your smartphone that you should consult a doctor. If you want you can upload him all data from all your systems beforehand: from gym equipment, intelligent clothes, smartphone and even from a coffee machine so he knows how much coffee you drink.

如果超出正常范围,您将收到智能手机的通知,告知您应咨询医生。 如果您愿意,可以事先从所有系统上载他的所有数据:健身房设备,智能衣服,智能手机甚至是咖啡机的数据,这样他就知道您喝了多少咖啡。

Finally, after you came back home you order a pizza that, still hot, within few minutes arrives at your house delivered by a drone. You chill out in front of a smart TV watching a movie that Netflix carefully selected for you. Your house goes into a cinema mode: curtain closes, lights are dimmed, their colour changes and your smartphone go automatically into “do not disturb” mode.

最后,回到家后,您订购了仍然很热的比萨饼,该比萨饼在几分钟之内到达了由无人机运送到您家中的比萨饼。 您会在智能电视前放松,观看Netflix为您精心挑选的电影。 您的房屋进入电影院模式:窗帘关闭,灯光变暗,颜色改变,并且您的智能手机自动进入“请勿打扰”模式。

Nice, isn’t it? And this is not so distant future. Most of these systems are currently available or under development. As you see all of them are based on nice and smooth cooperation between people and some kind of an intelligent system (like a smart home). And this intelligent system is possible thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). Simply speaking it is a network of various interconnected devices that exchange data to perform some more sophisticated action that each is unable to do separately.

很好,不是吗? 这不是遥不可及的未来。 这些系统大多数当前可用或正在开发中。 如您所见,所有这些都是基于人与某种智能系统(如智能家居)之间良好而顺畅的合作。 借助物联网(IoT),该智能系统成为可能。 简而言之,它是由各种相互连接的设备组成的网络,它们交换数据以执行一些更复杂的操作,而每个操作都无法单独执行。

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Photo by Ihor Saveliev on Unsplash
Ihor Saveliev摄于 Unsplash

But even now there are many devices connected, so what’s so special and different about IoT?


Currently, although the Internet indeed connects technically computers and smartphones it’s focused on connecting people more than devices. You have to write and send an email; request a delivery from an online shop, you have to check when they play the next Batman movie, in which cinema and if it fits your calendar. There is almost always some human interaction required. However, IoT is more about data that devices exchange automatically between themselves with no or minimum human interaction. Intelligent data analysis systems allow not only to simply automating tasks in form of “if-then” but to optimize processes on its own and take appropriate actions (e.g. selecting the best car’s route to work considering current traffic). Sure, they are ultimately created for people but this time with a minimal human effort required. Here thing like Big Data, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role.

当前,尽管Internet实际上确实在技术上连接了计算机和智能手机,但Internet的重点是连接设备而不是设备。 您必须编写并发送电子邮件; 如果要求在线商店提供送货服务,则您必须检查他们何时播放下一部蝙蝠侠电影,在哪部电影院放映以及是否适合您的日历。 几乎总是需要一些人机交互。 但是,物联网更多地是关于设备之间无需任何人工交互或最少进行人工交互即可自动交换的数据。 智能数据分析系统不仅允许以“如果-那么”的形式简单地自动化任务,而且可以自行优化流程并采取适当的行动(例如,考虑当前交通状况,选择最佳汽车的上班路线)。 当然,它们最终是为人们创建的,但这一次所需的人力却很少。 大数据,机器学习,强化学习和人工智能等在这里起着重要作用。

Smart Cities


IoT systems are not only intelligent houses or self-driving cars. These systems can be easily scaled up to the various sizes so they can, for example, encompass processes in the entire production company or integrate and optimize the functioning of a city (smart cities) or even a bigger region. In a city this can take a form of adapting speed limits and traffic lights, sending notifications about free parking spots. Cities like New York, London and Amsterdam started already the development of smart infrastructure. KPMG prepared a nice report about how IoT works in smart cities if you want to go a bit deeper into this topic.

物联网系统不仅是智能房屋或自动驾驶汽车。 这些系统可以轻松扩展到各种规模,因此它们可以例如包含整个生产公司中的流程,或者集成和优化城市( 智能城市 )甚至更大区域的功能。 在城市中,这可以采取适应限速和交通信号灯的形式,发送有关免费停车位的通知。 纽约, 伦敦阿姆斯特丹等城市已经开始开发智能基础设施。 毕马威(KPMG)编写了一份不错的报告,内容是有关物联网如何在智慧城市中运行的信息,如果您想更深入地了解这一主题的话。

For a bigger region, this can be monitoring, predicting and optimizing energy management by using the so-called Smart Grid system. It activates, deactivates or redirects electricity based on the current and future demand. This leads to reduced pollution and costs.

对于更大的区域,这可以通过使用所谓的智能电网系统来监视,预测和优化能源管理。 它根据当前和将来的需求激活,停用或重定向电力。 这导致减少的污染和成本。

Industry 4.0


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Photo by carlos aranda on Unsplash
Carlos ArandaUnsplash拍摄的照片

In the industry, IoT comes in a context of new technological revolution, so-called Revolution 4.0 (leading to Industry 4.0). It is something more than the automation of processes itself. It’s a new business opportunity. The speed at which companies must operate in a global economy is huge. Modern factories produce a massive volume of data and till now most of them had to be processed manually by employees. At some point, people are not able to or handle all of them on process them on time. IoT is crucial in tackling this problem.

在行业中,物联网是在新技术革命的背景下进行的,即所谓的革命4.0(导致工业4.0)。 这不仅仅是流程本身的自动化。 这是一个新的商机。 公司必须在全球经济中运作的速度非常快。 现代工厂产生大量数据,直到现在,大多数工厂必须由员工手动处理。 在某些时候,人们无法按时处理所有或全部处理。 物联网对于解决这个问题至关重要。

A modern production company with such a system may have all the machines, even in various locations, connected, to warehouses, a design office and various management systems. It will generate not only real-time KPIs and allow steering the entire process remotely. Smart manufacturing allows leveraging data to optimize the process. This not only reduces time wasted in the system but also allows shortening the product introduction lifecycle.

具有这种系统的现代生产公司可能会将所有机器(即使在各个位置)都连接到仓库,设计室和各种管理系统。 它不仅会生成实时KPI,还可以远程控制整个过程。 智能制造允许利用数据来优化流程。 这不仅减少了系统浪费的时间,而且缩短了产品引入生命周期。

For example, a German car manufacturer Volkswagen together with Amazon Web Services (AWS) is going to develop Volkswagen Industrial Cloud. This project aims to combine data from all manufacturing plants into one cloud-based intelligent system leading to significant improvements to the company’s processes, including production, logistics and sales.

例如,德国汽车制造商大众汽车与亚马逊网络服务(AWS)一起将开发大众汽车工业云。 该项目旨在将来自所有制造厂的数据组合到一个基于云的智能系统中,从而对公司的流程(包括生产,物流和销售)进行重大改进。

Not only huge corporations like VW can afford such an investment. Polish company Amica (a producer of household goods) is introducing IoT step-wise. The first step was the full automation of warehouses. The next steps are intelligent data platform for marketing, finance, logistics and finally automation of complex manufacturing processes.

不仅大众这样的大公司都能负担得起这样的投资。 波兰公司Amica(家庭用品生产商)正在逐步引入物联网。 第一步是仓库的完全自动化。 下一步是用于营销,财务,物流以及最终实现复杂制造过程自动化的智能数据平台。

IoT is not reserved only for manufacturing companies. transport and logistic ones, that operate a fleet of vehicles like trucks or planes, always try to minimise the time they are not in use. Every hour out of service is a loss for them. These companies can benefit from Predictive Maintenance. A Swedish trucks manufacturer Volvo introduced such a system for their products. Thanks to hundreds of sensors and machine learning algorithms they can predict when and what parts have to be repaired or replaced before a failure will occur during service.

物联网不仅限于制造公司。 运输和后勤运输公司,例如卡车或飞机,经常设法尽量减少不使用的时间。 每个小时的服务中断对他们来说都是一个损失。 这些公司可以从预测性维护中受益。 瑞典卡车制造商沃尔沃(Volvo)为其产品引入了这种系统 。 借助数百种传感器和机器学习算法,他们可以预测在维修期间发生故障之前何时以及需要维修或更换哪些零件。

In summary, intelligent manufacturing processes deliver to customers’ better products and services tailored to their needs (e.g. furniture size, personalized clothing, or car interiors). This gives a manufacturer an additional edge over the competition by increasing profitability and delivering to customers better products. This is why it is currently a hot topic overall in the industry.

总之,智能制造流程可为客户提供量身定制的更好的产品和服务(例如,家具尺寸,个性化服装或汽车内饰)。 通过提高利润率并向客户提供更好的产品,这使制造商在竞争中更具优势。 这就是为什么它成为当前整个行业的热门话题。



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Specna ArmsUnsplash拍摄的照片

The military sector is always interested in the newest technologies and is ready to spend a significant amount of money to develop them. Have you ever watched Ironman? Currently, a winner on a battlefield is not the one who has only more soldier but who has the better equipped, informed and coordinate. In a data-driven warfare ability to obtain and process data from the various dispersed system will give an army a significant advantage. Data coming from satellites, drones, radars and remote sensors allow reacting to enemy actions before they endanger our forces. These systems can save solders lives by for example detecting terrorist planting IEDs or preparing an ambush.

军事部门始终对最新技术感兴趣,并准备花费大量资金来开发它们。 你看过钢铁侠吗? 当前,战场上的胜利者不是拥有更多士兵的人,而是拥有更好装备,知识和协调能力的人。 在数据驱动的战争中,从各种分散的系统中获取和处理数据的能力将给陆军带来巨大的优势。 来自卫星,无人机,雷达和遥感器的数据可以在对敌人的行动造成威胁之前对其做出React。 这些系统可以通过例如检测恐怖分子植入的简易爆炸装置或准备伏击来挽救焊锡生命。

More details


How does IoT architecture look like? From components is it composed from and how can they be connected? How data can be acquired, processed and what used for? These questions I will answer in the upcoming articles.

物联网架构如何? 由组件组成,如何连接? 如何获取,处理数据以及将数据用作什么? 我将在接下来的文章中回答这些问题。







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