

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” — Unknown

“我们的技术已经超越了人类,这一点非常明显” –未知

The 21st century came with thousands of brilliant ideas that have revolutionized our minds and world. From robots that can replace human activity to well-designed devices that can build a house, a building, or even something bigger.

进入21世纪以来,成千上万的绝妙想法彻底改变了我们的思维和世界。 从可以代替人类活动​​的机器人到设计合理的设备,它们可以建造房屋,建筑物甚至更大的物体。

With time, we have figured out that we can develop the construction market in becoming more efficient and which requires less time. The technology is our power that helps to overcome different situations.

随着时间的流逝,我们发现我们可以通过提高建筑效率和减少时间来开发建筑市场 。 技术是我们的力量,有助于克服不同的情况。

Over the years, technology has developed so much that we are amazed. We discover devices that can help in our everyday life and to make our work easier. But this idea has caught my attention. Printing a house or a buiding using a 3d printer.

多年来,技术发展如此之快,令我们惊讶。 我们发现可以帮助我们的日常生活并简化工作的设备。 但是这个想法引起了我的注意。 使用3D打印机打印房屋或建筑物。

We all heard about 3d printers and their massive expansion in the last years. They are programmed to transform a sketch, a design into an object, or even something on a massive scale.

我们都听说过3d打印机及其在过去几年中的大规模扩展。 它们经过编程,可以将草图,设计转换为对象,甚至大规模转换。

Since 2015 the construction industry has implemented modernist elements to ease the process. The traditional method takes a lot of time and financial resources. Building a house with a 3d printer leads to better and efficient methods.

自2015年以来,建筑业采用了现代元素来简化流程。 传统方法需要大量时间和财力。 使用3D打印机建造房屋可以带来更好,更有效的方法。

选择这种技术的优势 (Advantages for choosing this type of technology)

# It’s inexpensive


The costs are lower than building a house using traditional methods.


Comparing the two construction methods, reveals that the costs of materials used in 3d printing are lower than those use in traditional one. Costs range are from $ 2 to $ 70 per kg depending on the material chosen, from nylon pellets to filament coils or resin.

比较这两种构造方法,可以发现3d打印中使用的材料成本低于传统方法中使用的材料。 成本范围从每公斤2美元到70美元 不等,具体取决于所选择的材料, 从尼龙颗粒到长丝线圈或树脂。

When it comes to the costs of building such a house, they can drop a lot, even up to $ 10k. It depends on the size and complexity of the project. Those who will choose this type of construction will save a lot of money. Just imagine how much money can be saved to use this technology for industrial purposes.

说到建造这样一所房子的成本,它们可能会下降很多,甚至高达1万美元 。 这取决于项目的规模和复杂性。 那些选择这种结构的人将节省很多钱。 试想一下,将这种技术用于工业用途可以节省多少钱。

# Environmentally friendly


The 3d printer can use raw soil and natural waste from rice production as a base material for printing.


The manufacturing methods that 3d printers are using are based on a minimum of material needed to build a piece. The printer doesn’t waste, instead, it uses the exact amount. Most materials that are used are raw that can be recycled and reused in other builds.

3d打印机使用的制造方法基于制造一件物品所需的最少材料。 打印机不会浪费,而是使用准确的数量。 使用的大多数材料都是原始材料,可以在其他版本中进行回收和再利用。

DUS company has managed to build a structure using only bio-plastic made from 80% vegetable oil.


We have to be careful and use our imagination to find better ways to use more sustainable materials.


3d printing = very little waste


# Shorter construction periods


Traditional construction has several rules to follow before actually finish a piece. Building a house in this manner can take up to eight months. Compare to 3d printing, a house can be up in only one day. Just imagine this advances technology that helps the buyer and the designer to finish a house in 24 hours.

传统建筑在实际完成之前要遵循几个规则。 以这种方式建造房屋最多需要八个月的时间。 与3D打印相比,一间房子只能在一天内建成。 试想一下,这种先进的技术可以帮助买家和设计师在24小时内完成房子的建造。

# Strength and durability


It is a saying among people that 3d structures are less resistant. But, 3d printing has proved that the construction process imposed fewer stress points which mean that a building is stronger.

人们之间的一句话是3D结构的抵抗力较低。 但是,3D打印已证明, 施工过程所施加的应力点较小,这意味着建筑物更坚固

# Flexibility of design and shapes


3d printers can generate dynamic shapes and angles to generate an interesting building. Using traditional methods for constructing different shapes leads to high costs.

3d打印机可以生成动态形状和角度以生成有趣的建筑物。 使用传统方法构造不同形状会导致高成本。

# Labor costs


Being a robot that used parameters to design the piece doesn’t need workers to help in the construction process. The requirement for this device to work is a programer who will build the design and a person who will be in charge of observing and surveilling the process. By all means, the costs are reduced drastically.

作为使用参数来设计零件的机器人,不需要工人在施工过程中提供帮助。 该设备工作的要求是由程序员负责设计并负责观察和监视过程。 绝对可以大大降低成本。

# Otherworldly potential


The technology that used a 3d printer can be easily transported anywhere, even outer space. NASA already has plans for transporting a 3d printer to planet Mars.

使用3d打印机的技术可以轻松地运输到任何地方,甚至是外太空。 NASA已经计划将3D打印机运送到火星。

3D打印机成功的示例 (Examples of 3d printer successes)

# DFAB House


The DFAB House is the result of Zurich’s ETH University. They launched the first inhabited house which served for different reactivity experiments to different external factors. The project was built using robots and 3d printers and was released last year.

DFAB之家是苏黎世联邦理工大学的成果。 他们推出了第一所有人居住的房子 ,该房子可以针对不同的外部因素进行不同的React性实验。 该项目是使用机器人和3D打印机构建的,并于去年发布。



The idea for this construction was combining sustainability and natural rice waste from the surroundings for low-cost material use.


Their design avoids the need for heating or air conditioning systems throughout the year.


# Villa in China


Image for post
Photo source: 3dprintingindustry.com

This printed on-site villa was completed in 45 days and has been tested for a level eight of earthquake resistance. This means that is more durable than a traditional construction which could have been done in three months.

这座印刷的现场别墅在45天内完成,并经过了8级抗震测试。 这意味着它比传统的结构要耐用,而传统结构可以在三个月内完成。

# 3d Public Restrooms in China


The project was completed in only a month. The entire emplacement was 3d printed, from the underground infrastructure to the exterior walls and interior. Even the decorations are all printed.

该项目仅用一个月就完成了。 从地下基础设施到外墙和内部,整个安置都是3d打印的 。 连装饰品都印了。

All the elements were printed off-site and transported to the actual area to be assembled.


# Apis Cor

#Apis Cor

The 38 square meters Russian project has been fabricated on site within 24 hours and cost only 10k $ to fully create.

38平方米的俄罗斯项目已在24小时内在现场制作完成,仅花费10,000美元 即可完全​​制作。

# Office Building in Dubai


Image for post
Photo source: 3dprint.com

This out of this world office was printed in Shanghai and transported in Dubai to be assembled. This project aims to streamline working time and labor costs.

这个世界各地的办公室在上海印刷,然后运往迪拜组装。 该项目旨在简化工作时间和人工成本。

The length of the printing process was seventeen days and only two days for assembling.


# Philippines Hotel


The Lewis Grand Hotel in the North of Manilla has been extended. The extension was 3d printed and took only 120 hours to get it done. The printed part was 130 square meters.

位于马尼拉北部的刘易斯大酒店得到了扩展。 该扩展程序是3d打印的, 仅需120个小时即可完成。 印刷部分为130平方米。

# Urban Cabin


This urban retreat in Amsterdam is a model for sustainability. The project is focusing on the urban environment and compact building. The small cabin which measures 25 metric cubes, it is a one window and one door building.

阿姆斯特丹的这座城市度假胜地是可持续发展的典范。 该项目的重点是城市环境和紧凑型建筑 。 小木屋可测量25公尺,是一扇窗户和一扇门的建筑物。

The facade is made from a bio-based filament, which contains linseed oil.


# Apartment building in Jiangsu


In 2014 the Chinese developed a project to use a 3d printer to build the walls and structural elements of an apartment block.


The elements were printed off-site and assembled on site. The materials that they used are recycled which proved to be very good isolation, and also earthquakes resistant.

这些元素在现场印刷并现场组装。 他们使用的材料被回收利用,这证明是很好的隔离性,并且还具有抗震性。

The costs were reduced by 80% by not using workers to build it, and also the time, which halved the time.


Analyzing all these factors and examples has come to my mind that technology is a lifesaver. We create robots to reduce our chores and make them more efficient. Sometimes, the robot beats reality, but we are in charge to change it. This is what evolution means, to overcome the human conditions and to let the machine do it for us.

通过分析所有这些因素和示例,我想到了技术是救生员。 我们创造了机器人来减少我们的琐事,并使他们更有效率。 有时,机器人击败了现实,但我们负责改变现实。 这就是进化的意义,它要克服人类的条件并让机器为我们做这件事。

3D printing technology will evolve to a larger scale. This is only the beginning of this journey of this computerized era. We will learn to live with the thought that technology will replace many of our human activities. Maybe this will be better because there will be fewer errors and more effectiveness.

3D打印技术将发展到更大的规模。 这仅仅是这个计算机时代的旅程的开始。 我们将学习生活,认为技术将取代我们的许多人类活动。 也许会更好,因为将减少错误并提高有效性。

In the future, there will be more people who will think it is a bigger advantage to choose to build a house using a 3d printer. You do not have to limit yourself to a big budget, there will be no human errors in the construction process, and you do not have to wait months to get it done. Everything will be done by a robot, programmed to build your home as you like it.

将来会有更多的人认为使用3d打印机建造房屋有更大的优势。 您不必将自己限制在大笔预算上,在施工过程中不会出现人为错误,也不必等待数月即可完成 。 一切都将由机器人完成,并对其进行编程以根据需要建造房屋。

This is the future and we have to follow its course.


Around with A


翻译自: https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/build-for-the-future-with-3d-printers-b1ccb5b5ab63






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