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This week, Google announced new professional career certificates that can be completed in six months to help Americans obtain high growth job opportunities. They also signaled to jobseekers that they would treat these certificates, which require no prior experience of undergraduate credentials, as the equivalent of four-year degrees by their hiring managers.

Ť他本周,谷歌宣布在六个月内完成,以帮助美国人获得高速增长的就业机会,新的职业生涯的证书。 他们还向求职者发出信号,他们将把这些证书(不需要先有本科证书的经验)视为等同于其招聘经理四年制学位的待遇。

For the beleaguered education sector which was already experiencing dwindling enrollment, a sluggish pace in curriculum development, lack of distance learning adoption, and high costs, the move by Google and employers may be the harbinger of digital disruption that is long overdue.


Google的新认证计划 (Google‘s new certification programs)

On July 14th, Google launched new professional certification programs in data analysis, project management, and UX design, to be hosted on Coursera. Though the platform charges a monthly $49 fee, Google will provide 100,000 needs-based scholarships to cover costs and will be awarding over $10 million in grants to certain non-profits that partner with workforce development to women, veterans, and underrepresented Americans.

7月14日,Google在数据分析,项目管理和UX设计方面启动了新的专业认证计划,该计划将由Coursera托管。 尽管该平台每月收取49美元的费用,但Google会提供 10万个基于需求的奖学金来支付费用,并将向某些非营利性组织提供超过1000万美元的赠款,这些非营利性组织将为女性,退伍军人和代表性不足的美国人提供劳动力发展。

“In our own hiring, we will now treat these new career certificates as the equivalent of a four-year degree for related roles.” — Google

“在我们自己的招聘中,我们现在将这些新的职业证书视为相当于四年相关职位的学位。” - 谷歌

Google lists the median annual wage of each career track with a high of $93,000 for the project management program. According to Google, 80% of learners that complete the IT Support Specialist certification either landed a new job or earned a raise. Prior experience and higher education are not required as a prerequisite for the courses. And, once completed, typically in three-to-six months, participants may have a crack at a job with the tech giant.

Google列出了每个职业领域的年薪中位数,其中最高的项目管理计划为$ 93,000。 根据Google的说法,完成IT支持专家认证的学员中有80%要么找到了新工作,要么获得了加薪。 不需要先验经验和高等教育作为课程的前提。 而且,一旦完成(通常在三到六个月内),参与者可能会对这家科技巨头的工作有所分歧。

Kent Walker, Google senior vice president of corporate affairs announced via Twitter, that “in our own hiring, we will now treat these new career certificates as the equivalent of a four-year degree for related roles.”

Google公司事务高级副总裁肯特·沃克(Kent Walker)通过Twitter宣布:“在我们自己的招聘中,我们现在将这些新的职业证书视为四年相关职位的学位。”

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Tweet from Kent Walker, senior vice president Google, July 13th 2020 (Source: author screengrab)
Google高级副总裁肯特·沃克(Kent Walker)的推文,2020年7月13日(来源:作者screengrab)

Two weeks before the Google announcement, Microsoft launched a global initiative to uplift the professional skills of 25 million people per a blog post on June 30th. The target ambitions in light of the pandemic are strikingly similar to Google in supporting “genuinely inclusive recovery [with] programs to provide easier access to digital skills for people hardest hit by job losses, including those with lower incomes, women, and underrepresented minorities.”

在Google发布公告的两周前,微软于6月30日发起了一项全球计划,旨在通过每篇博客提高2500万个人的专业技能。 鉴于该流行病,其目标雄心与Google十分相似,即支持“真正具有包容性的恢复”计划,以便为受失业影响最重的人,包括收入较低,妇女和代表性不足的少数民族,更轻松地使用数字技能。 ”

The company will combine resources from LinkedIn, GitHub, and Microsoft to provide Microsoft Certifications along with $20 million in cash grants to help non-profit organizations. Twenty-five percent of that will be provided in cash grants to community-based non-profit organizations that are led by and serve communities of color in the United States. LinkedIn learning paths will be available for multiple roles through March 2021 (Software Developer, Sales Representative, IT Administrator, Data Analyst, Financial Analyst, Graphic Designer, and Project Manager).

该公司将整合来自LinkedIn,GitHub和Microsoft的资源,以提供Microsoft认证以及2000万美元的现金赠款,以帮助非营利组织。 其中25%将以现金赠款的形式提供给以社区为基础的非营利组织,这些组织由美国有色人种组织领导并服务于美国。 到2021年3月,LinkedIn的学习路径将适用于多个角色(软件开发人员,销售代表,IT管理员,数据分析师,财务分析师,图形设计师和项目经理)。

在线交付不是唯一的答案,也是内容 (Online delivery isn’t the only answer, it’s the content too)

Coursera raised another $130 million in funding this week and is now valued at $2.5 billion, as reported in Forbes. The Coursera service offers 4,500 MOOC courses with 160 university partners. The Harvard Business Review, in a piece co-authored by the CEO of Coursera, signals that Higher Ed Needs a Long-Term Plan for Virtual Learning. Undoubtedly, hardware, software, connectivity, and digital course catalog production are required by advanced institutions to succeed in education delivery for the new age.

根据《福布斯》的报道,Coursera本周又筹集了1.3亿美元的资金,目前的价值为25亿美元。 Coursera服务与160个大学合作伙伴提供4,500个MOOC课程。 由Coursera首席执行官合着的《 哈佛商业评论》暗示, 高等教育需要虚拟学习的长期计划 。 毫无疑问,先进机构需要硬件,软件,连接性和数字课程目录制作才能成功交付新时代的教育。

To be blunt, university degrees are only as valuable as the weight applied by company hiring managers, and Google has just signaled that a $300 certificate has parity with a diploma.

直言不讳,大学学位的价值仅与公司招聘经理所施加的权重一样重要,而Google刚刚表示,$ 300的证书与文凭相当。

But technology alone is not the salve. By focusing on the tools or pedagogy, the authors miss the workforce relevance of the course content. Higher education has had a challenge adapting curriculum with speed and agility to meet the needs of students and employers.

但是,仅凭技术并不能解决问题。 通过专注于工具或教学法,作者错过了与课程内容有关的劳动力方面的知识。 高等教育在快速,灵活地调整课程设置以满足学生和雇主的需求方面遇到了挑战。

According to Microsoft’s calculations, global unemployment in 2020 may reach a quarter of a billion people due to automation and pandemic-related disruption. However, they further estimate 149 million new technology-related jobs within the next five years with a majority in software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, and privacy protection.

根据微软的计算,由于自动化和大流行相关的干扰,2020年全球失业人数可能达到25亿的四分之一。 但是,他们进一步估计,未来五年内将有1.49亿个与新技术相关的工作,其中大部分是软件开发,数据分析,网络安全和隐私保护。

Coursera’s own growth metrics appear to be evidence that employers can wait no longer for skilled labor. Indeed, Coursera’s enterprise business accounts for twenty-five percent of their revenue with continuing education courses for 2,500 companies and has grown 70% year over year.

Coursera自己的增长指标似乎是雇主不再等待技术工人的证据。 的确,Coursera的企业业务为2500家公司提供的继续教育课程占其收入的25%,并且同比增长了70%。

大学录取率呈下降趋势 (College admissions have been on a downward spiral)

Though college enrollment was projected to be down as much as 20% for colleges this fall, they had been on the downward trend pre-pandemic. Harvard is facing a $415 million revenue drop this year and anticipates another $715 million for the next academic year, as reported in Bloomberg.

尽管预计今年秋天大学的入学率将下降多达20% ,但它们在大流行前处于下降趋势。 彭博社报道 ,哈佛大学今年的收入将面临4.15亿美元的下降,预计下一学年将再达到7.15亿美元。

At the end of last year, total US enrollments were already below 18 million, representing a decline of over 2 million from its peak in 2011, according to the Fall 2019 Current Term Enrollment Estimates report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Over the past eight years, nationwide enrollment has fallen about 11% across every sector: public state schools, community colleges, and private schools.

根据国家学生信息交换所研究中心发布的《 2019年秋季学期入学估算》报告,截至去年年底,美国的总入学率已经低于1800万 ,比2011年的峰值下降了200万以上。 在过去的八年中,公立学校,社区学院和私立学校在各个领域的全国入学率下降了约11%

A survey in April by high-ed research firm SimpsonScarborough, as reported by Business Insider, found that 10% of high school seniors would not be attending a four-year institution. Peeling back the detail revealed an additional disparity: 41% of minority high school students said they likely wouldn’t attend college in the fall, or it’s “too soon to tell,” as compared to 24% of white high school seniors who responded similarly.

据《商业内幕》(Business Insider) 报道 ,高等研究公司SimpsonScarborough在4月份进行的一项调查发现,高中毕业生的10%不会就读四年制大学。 对细节进行调查后发现了另外一个差异:41%的少数民族高中生表示,他们很可能在秋季不上大学,或者说“太早了”,而白人高中生中有24%的人回答类似。

Google hopes that low-cost certification programs that can be completed at a cost of $300 may be a solution to unequal access to education in certain fields. “While college degrees have tons of value, they are not accessible to everyone,” said Google vice president, Lisa Gevelber. According to a CNBC report, Google says that 58% of those who take its IT certificate identify as Black, Latino, female, or as a veteran and that 45% of enrollees make less than $30,000 per year.

Google希望能够以300美元的价格完成的低成本认证计划,可以解决某些领域的教育机会不平等的问题。 Google副总裁Lisa Gevelber 说: “虽然大学学位具有巨大价值,但并非所有人都能获得。” 根据CNBC的一份报告,谷歌说,拥有IT证书的人中有58%的人是黑人,拉丁裔,女性或退伍军人,而45%的参与者的年收入不足30,000美元。

Microsoft sees the problem as two-fold: a lack of training equity and opportunity for underrepresented populations, and the decline in employer investments in training over the past 20 years. According to Microsoft, on-the-job training is more than two times as prevalent among workers who are already in higher-skilled roles, leaving those in more automatable positions even more vulnerable to displacement.

微软认为这个问题有两个方面:缺乏培训公平性和代表性不足的机会,以及过去20年雇主在培训方面的投资减少。 根据微软的说法,在职培训是已经具有较高技能的工人的两倍,这使那些处于更自动化位置的工人更容易流离失所。

扰乱高等教育-如果不是现在,什么时候? (Disrupt higher education — if not now, when?)

Microsoft’s initiative goes a step beyond academic courseware. Their program includes free, real-time labor market data and skills insights to help governments, policymakers, and business leaders understand what’s happening in their local labor markets: what companies are hiring, the top jobs companies are hiring for, and the trending skills for those jobs.

微软的倡议超出了学术课件的范围。 他们的计划包括免费的实时劳动力市场数据和技能见解,以帮助政府,政策制定者和商业领袖了解当地劳动力市场的变化:公司正在招聘什么,公司正在招聘的最高职位以及正在发展的技能。这些工作。

It’s time for Hi-Ed to address the imperative to digitally transform and better prepare students for workforce readiness and the future labor market


One of the issues with traditional institutional curriculum is that by the time the degree has been granted, the market may have already changed. A sluggish pace to develop a curriculum may not be appropriately preparing students for the needs of employers. Do students still need to spend four years in class (either physically or virtually) only to find that the technology and market have changed once their degree has been earned?

传统机构课程的问题之一是,在授予学位后,市场可能已经发生了变化。 开发课程的步伐缓慢可能无法适当地为学生准备满足雇主需求的课程。 学生是否仍然需要花四年的时间(物理上或虚拟上课)才发现学位获得后技术和市场已经发生变化?

The challenge is that “academics are notoriously slow to change,” as argued by Dawn Lerman of Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business in Times Higher Education. In her piece “Could the coronavirus force positive change in higher education? “she notes the imperative for universities to institutionalize the culture to respond swiftly to the demands of the digital era and asks if not now, then when? Indeed, without disruption, higher education is under existential threat, and many may begin to question if a four-year degree is required.

我们面临的挑战是,“学者是出了名的慢变化,”如认为泰晤士报高等教育业务的Fordham大学的加贝利学校的黎明勒曼。 在她的文章“冠状病毒可以迫使高等教育发生积极变化吗? “她指出,大学必须将文化制度化,以Swift响应数字时代的需求,并询问是否现在,何时? 确实,在没有中断的情况下,高等教育受到生存威胁,许多人可能开始质疑是否需要四年制学位。

In the tech industry, there are several high-profile examples of leaders who dropped out and still achieved notable success: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Mark Zuckerberg. Beyond tech, there’s Oprah, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, Ralph Lauren, and Wolfgang Puck. Puck quit school at the age of fourteen to become a cooking apprentice at a hotel.

在科技行业中,有几位引人注目的领导者例子,他们退学了但仍然取得了显著成就:史蒂夫·乔布斯,比尔·盖茨,迈克尔·戴尔和马克·扎克伯格。 除技术外,还有奥普拉(Oprah),全食超市首席执行官约翰·麦基(John Mackey),拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)和沃尔夫冈·帕克(Wolfgang Puck)。 帕克(Puck)十四岁时就辍学,成为一家旅馆的徒弟。

Though these are extreme examples of extraordinarily successful leaders across industries, the lack of a university degree may no longer be the hurdle to skilled positions with economic opportunity. In Google’s report of their IT certification course, 61% did not have a four-year degree, typically complete the program in under six months, and earn a median annual wage of $54,760.

尽管这些都是在各个行业取得超凡成功的领导者的极端例子,但缺乏大学学位可能不再是拥有经济机会的熟练职位的障碍。 在Google的IT认证课程报告中,有61%的人没有四年制学位,通常在六个月内完成该计划,并且平均年薪为$ 54,760。

To be blunt, university degrees are only as valuable as the weight applied by company hiring managers, and Google has just signaled that a $300 certificate has parity with a diploma.

直言不讳,大学学位的价值仅与公司招聘经理所施加的权重一样重要,而Google刚刚表示,$ 300的证书与文凭相当。

Non-technical industries are getting the message too. The National Retail Federation (NRF) just launched a virtual education program with denim companies American Eagle Outfitters, Gap, and Levi Strauss aimed at young retail industry hopefuls. The eight-week program, called RISE, allows attendees to learn directly from the retail giants via recorded sessions, which will provide “professional development opportunities.”

非技术行业也正在传达信息。 全国零售联合会(NRF)刚刚与牛仔公司American Eagle Outfitters,Gap和Levi Strauss 发起了一项虚拟教育计划,旨在帮助有希望的年轻零售业。 这项名为RISE的为期八周的计划允许与会者通过录制的课程直接向零售巨头学习,这将提供“专业发展机会”。

As all other industries are undergoing digital disruption and reinvention, from retail to healthcare — perhaps it’s time for higher education to address the imperative to digitally transform and better prepare students for workforce readiness and the future labor market.


Perhaps it is time to rethink the notion of a four-year degree and how higher education can partner with industry associations and the tech giants to digitally disrupt while providing expanded access to communities — at the same time ensuring their own survival.


翻译自: https://medium.com/discourse/you-dont-need-college-anymore-says-google-102d4beec668






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