
When looking at Tesla’s stocks, investors look at the technology besides the financial indicators. Tesla has promising innovations that have not been matched by legacy automakers, in terms of development. The old automakers are more used to mass producing vehicles for the retail market, but they don’t quite have the EV(Electric Vehicle) line that Tesla has. The full vertical integration within the Tesla production line allows them to compete proving to be their comparative advantage, though as Tesla realized, they had to go through a production hell process in building the Model 3. It was actually a good learning experience since Tesla also built some new equipment along the way.

在查看特斯拉 股票时,投资者不仅关注财务指标,还关注该技术。 特斯拉在发展方面具有前车制造商无法比拟的有希望的创新。 老式汽车制造商更习惯于为零售市场批量生产汽车,但是他们却没有特斯拉拥有的EV(电动汽车)产品线。 特斯拉生产线内部的完整垂直整合使他们能够竞争证明是他们的比较优势,尽管正如特斯拉意识到的那样,他们必须经历生产地狱过程才能构建Model3。这实际上是一次很好的学习经历,因为特斯拉沿途建造了一些新设备

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The Tesla Cybertruck (Source Tesla)

The next big target for EV is the pickup truck market. The interest is growing based on data gathered from social media (e.g. Twitter). The Cybertruck would be the electric answer to the Ford F-150 or Dodge Ram. The latter have become iconic staples to modern life, especially for those who have a great utility for driving a pickup. Your typical pickup owner needs it for loading and transporting heavy loads, like a small truck. The Cybertruck, from its look and design, doesn’t seem to offer that but its selling point are its capabilities and features. Tesla was supposed to deliver a modern version of the pickup, but critics have to look away from its design in order to appreciate it. So far they have this market without a close competitor in sight … until 2020.

电动汽车的下一个大目标是皮卡市场。 基于从社交媒体(例如Twitter)收集的数据, 人们兴趣正在增长赛博卡车将是福特F-150或道奇公羊的电动答案。 后者已成为现代生活的标志性主食,特别是对于那些对驾驶皮卡车有巨大效用的人们而言。 您的典型皮卡拥有者需要它来装载和运输重物,例如小型卡车。 从外观和设计上看,Cyber​​truck似乎没有提供,但其卖点是功能和特性。 特斯拉原本应该提供现代版的皮卡,但批评家们不得不将目光投向它的设计,以便欣赏它。 到目前为止,直到2020年,他们在这个市场中都没有竞争对手。

里维安 (The Rivian)

Now comes Rivian, another EV automaker from California (Southern California). They are going to enter this market with their own line of electric pickup trucks. The most noticeable difference with Tesla is the exterior design. Rather than an unconventional look, Rivian looks like your traditional pickup truck. From a consumer price point, the Rivian follows the same strategy Tesla used with the Model 3. You pre-order for $1,000 and pay the rest later. The final retail cost is a bit pricey ($69,000.00 USD) compared to traditional pickup trucks. That factors in the cost of the EV production, with the benefit of saving the costs for gas or diesel. The price is about right when compared to Tesla, but the Cybertruck has lower cost tiers for its single and dual motor models. The higher end Cybertruck is a tri-motor AWD model.

现在是来自加利福尼亚州(南加州)的另一家电动汽车制造商Rivian 。 他们将用自己的电动卡车系列进入这个市场。 与特斯拉最明显的区别是外观设计。 里维安(Rivian)看起来像您的传统皮卡车,而不是非常规的外观。 从消费者价格的角度来看,Rivian遵循特斯拉与Model 3所采用的相同策略。您需要预购1,000美元,然后再付款。 与传统的皮卡车相比,最终零售成本有点高(69,000.00美元)。 这是电动汽车生产成本的因素,其好处是节省了汽油或柴油的成本。 与特斯拉相比,价格大约是正确的,但是赛博卡车的单和双电机型号的成本较低。 高端的Cyber​​truck是三马达AWD模型。

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The R1T (Source Rivian)

The Rivian’s pickup truck line R1T, introduce quad-motor all wheel terrain with independent air suspension and hydraulic roll control. It has a high capacity 180 kWh battery which was developed in-house. It has got a maximum towing capacity of 11,000 lbs., which actually still falls behind more powerful gas engine pickup trucks. The Ram Heavy Duty 3500, named Motortrend 2020 Truck of the Year, can tow 35,100 lbs, with a Hemi V8 engine. The best for towing though is the Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD which can tow up to 35,500 lbs. with a Duramax diesel V8 engine. The Rivian units are still in prototype and expected for delivery around June 2021. That is plenty of time for things to develop and also for more competition.

Rivian的皮卡生产线R1T引入了四电机全轮地形,具有独立的空气悬架和液压侧倾控制。 它具有内部开发的高容量180 kWh电池。 它的最大牵引能力为11,000磅,实际上仍然落后于功能更强大的汽油发动机皮卡车Ram Heavy Duty 3500被命名为“ Motortrend 2020年度卡车” ,可搭载Hemi V8发动机,可牵引35,100磅。 最适合拖曳的是雪佛兰Silverado 3500HD ,可拖曳最大35,500磅。 配备了Duramax柴油V8发动机。 Rivian部队仍处于原型阶段,预计将于2021年6月左右交付 。 事情有足够的时间发展,也有更多的竞争。

Rivian is also making the R1S which is an SUV. It is the counterpart to the Model X, though it seems that R1S is more capable of heavy duty action. This is the market Rivian wants to capture as well, though there are already competing electric and hybrid SUV in the market from the likes of Audi and Jaguar. A full electric model though, is more the advantage of Tesla since the other automakers have released hybrids. This is what the R1S will be up against.

Rivian也使得R 18这是一个SUV。 它与X型相对应,尽管R1S似乎更有能力执行重型任务。 尽管市场上已经有来自奥迪和捷豹等电动和混合动力SUV的竞争,Rivian也想抓住这个市场。 不过,由于其他汽车制造商已经发布了混合动力车,因此全电动模型更是特斯拉的优势。 这就是R1S所要面对的。

电池 (The Battery)

We cannot talk about EV without discussing the battery. It’s well known that Tesla has the best proven battery technology for EV. They have a sophisticated cooling and management system BMS (Battery Management System), that is standard on Tesla’s models. While some automaker’s overheat, Tesla production units have performed very well. Tesla has plans for its “Million Mile Battery” which could further disrupt the auto industry as it pushes for more efficient battery design that can increase the range of existing batteries with less charging times.

我们不讨论电池就不能谈论电动汽车。 众所周知,特斯拉拥有最先进的电动汽车电池技术。 他们拥有先进的冷却和管理系统BMS(电池管理系统) ,这是特斯拉模型的标准配置。 尽管有些汽车制造商过热 ,但特斯拉的生产部门表现非常出色。 特斯拉已经计划推出“百万英里电池”,这可能会进一步扰乱汽车行业,因为它推动了更高效的电池设计 ,从而可以在更短的充电时间内增加现有电池的使用寿命

Rivian’s battery uses a BMS to optimize cell performance and extend battery life. This would implement a form of machine learning model to allow the BMS software to learn how driver’s use and charge the pickup. They also place emphasis on all terrain driving by providing a proprietary underbody protection for the battery to prevent damage. This is a feature that will appeal to pickup truck enthusiasts because at times they drive off-road on rough terrain. This is your typical scenario on a ranch, farm or country road where a pickup truck is preferred because of its utility.

Rivian的电池使用BMS来优化电池性能并延长电池寿命。 这将实现一种形式的机器学习模型,以允许BMS软件学习驾驶员的使用方式并为皮卡充电。 它们还通过为电池提供专有的车身底部保护来防止损坏,从而着重于所有地形行驶。 该功能将吸引皮卡车爱好者,因为他们有时会在崎terrain的地形上越野行驶。 这是您在牧场,农场或乡村道路上的典型场景,由于其实用性,皮卡车是首选。

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Rivian’s battery pack (Source Rivian)

The 180 kWh battery can provide significant range. On Rivian’s website, the claim is a 400+ mile range for their battery. That is about 55.5 miles/ 25 kWh at a 400 mile range. Compared to the Cybertruck, which has a 250+ mile range. The superior range is advertising at best, but in reality there are many factors that can affect or limit the range. 400+ miles does give an idea of what the battery’s highest range is capable of. Anxiety range has been one reason car buyers reconsidered purchasing an EV, but now batteries are providing longer ranges and more availability of charging stations.

180 kWh电池可以提供很大的范围。 在Rivian的网站上,声称电池续航里程超过400英里。 在400英里范围内,约为55.5英里/ 25 kWh。 相较于射程超过250英里的赛博卡车。 最好的范围充其量是广告,但实际上有很多因素会影响或限制范围。 400英里以上的确可以确定电池的最大续航能力。 焦虑范围一直是购车者重新考虑购买电动汽车的原因之一,但是现在电池提供的续航里程更长,并且充电站的可用性更高。

充电站 (Charging Stations)

The good thing about Tesla is they provide an international charging network for their customers. Rivian does not have that robust infrastructure yet, which they are still developing. They will have time before the 2021 launch to start building, because this is an essential part of an EV system. Rivian owners will not likely be able to charge at Tesla’s charging facilities because there is a difference between their models. They don’t follow a “plug-and-charge” standard quite yet or maybe never.

特斯拉的好处是,他们为客户提供了国际充电网络。 Rivian还没有强大的基础架构,他们仍在开发中。 他们将在2021年发布之前有时间开始建造,因为这是EV系统的重要组成部分。 Rivian车主将不可能在特斯拉的充电设施充电,因为它们的型号有所不同。 他们尚未或可能从未遵循“即插即用”标准。

There are connector specifications for EV when it comes to chargers. Rivian uses CCS (Combined Charging System) for their EV, so it has a different connector from Tesla. It uses a Combo 1 and Combo 2 connector that can provide up to 350 kW for charging. Having the correct cables and connectors with a compatible charger is important for drivers to have, otherwise they won’t be able to charge their EV.

充电器涉及电动汽车的连接器规格。 Rivian的EV使用CCS(组合充电系统) ,因此它的连接器与Tesla不同。 它使用Combo 1Combo 2连接器,可提供高达350 kW的充电功率。 对于驾驶员来说,拥有正确的电缆和带有兼容充电器的连接器很重要,否则他们将无法为电动汽车充电。

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Combo 2 Charger Plug (Source BMW)
Combo 2充电器插头(来源BMW)

Rivian users can still charge their EV at home, but that takes longer than a fast charging station. Typically it would take hours using conventional AC outlets (110/120V). It gets a little faster at 220/240V, but is not as fast as that from a charging station. There are existing CCS charging stations Rivian owners can use, providing 150 kW to 350 kW in some places. At 150 kW charging, the battery can reach full at an estimated time of 1.2 hours. At 350 kW, the battery charging time is estimated at 30.8 minutes. Charging times do continue to improve with battery design, so these estimates can fall further.

Rivian用户仍然可以在家中为其EV充电,但这比快速充电站花费的时间更长。 通常,使用常规交流电源插座(110 / 120V)需要花费几个小时。 在220 / 240V电压下,它的速度要快一些,但不及充电站的速度。 Rivian业主可以使用现有的CCS充电站 ,在某些地方提供150 kW至350 kW。 充电150 kW时,电池预计可在1.2小时内充满电。 在350 kW时,电池充电时间估计为30.8分钟。 充电时间的确会随着电池设计的增加而不断改善,因此这些估计值可能会进一步下降。

自动驾驶功能 (Self-Driving Features)

When you think pickup trucks, what usually comes to mind is mean, lean, towing machine capable of heavy workloads and reliable performance. The new generation of electric pickups offer even more. It brings the digital lifestyle to the pickup truck as well. Tesla can offer limited self-driving features (upgradeable to full SAE Level 5) along with various intelligent sensors that traditional pickup trucks don’t use. The Autopilot is coming standard with the Cybertruck.

当您想到皮卡车时,通常会想到的是具有繁重工作量和可靠性能的轻型,牵引车。 新一代的电动拾音器提供了更多。 它还为皮卡车带来了数字生活方式。 特斯拉可以提供有限的自动驾驶功能(可升级到完整的SAE 5级),以及传统皮卡车不使用的各种智能传感器。 自动驾驶仪是Cyber​​truck的标准配置。

The Rivian provides SAE Level 3 self-driving features. It has yet to be tested in the real world. Tesla’s Autopilot is not itself error prone, since it has had its unfortunate taste of accidents and even fatalities. Level 3 allows an intelligent system to take control with “conditional automation”. That means the driver can override the system and take control when they need to. With Level 3, the car can actually drive itself so the driver can take their hands off the steering wheel. The driver can then take back control by placing their hand on the steering wheel.

Rivian提供了SAE 3级自动驾驶功能。 它尚未在现实​​世界中进行测试。 特斯拉的自动驾驶仪本身并不容易出错,因为它有不幸的事故甚至死亡的味道。 级别3允许智能系统通过“条件自动化”进行控制。 这意味着驱动程序可以覆盖系统并在需要时进行控制。 使用Level 3,汽车实际上可以自行驾驶,因此驾驶员可以将手从方向盘上移开。 然后,驾驶员可以将手放在方向盘上来收回控制权。

Rivian self-driving system is similar to Tesla, but more refined. Unlike Tesla, Rivian uses a sensor fusion that combines cameras, radar, GPS and ultrasonic sensors with LIDAR. Tesla does not use LIDAR on any of their line. The LIDAR allows the car to see in dark conditions using lasers. If Rivian proves their self-driving system meets the highest of standards in safety, then it reassures consumers.

Rivian自动驾驶系统类似于特斯拉,但更加精致。 与特斯拉不同,Rivian使用将相机,雷达,GPS和超声波传感器与LIDAR结合在一起的传感器融合技术。 特斯拉在任何生产线上均未使用LIDAR。 激光雷达可使汽车在黑暗条件下使用激光观察。 如果Rivian证明其自动驾驶系统符合安全性的最高标准,那么它将使消费者放心。

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Level 3 Autonomy using sensors like radar, ultrasonic and LIDAR (Source Rivian)

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

The appeal to your average pickup truck user is the simplicity of the Rivian design. It looks familiar and not out-of-this world like the Cybertruck. We must not forget that we cannot judge a car by its exterior alone. Both electric pickups have advanced features that bring the power of electric motors and a more digital electronic system to the pickup truck. However, they have a long way to go to match up against traditional pickup trucks in terms of towing capacity and utility. More serious car buyers who really need to use a pickup truck for work purposes may still stick to the gas or diesel engine variety until electric pickup trucks have proven their value.

Rivian设计的简单性吸引了普通卡车使用者。 它看起来很像世界,而不是像Cyber​​truck一样。 我们不能忘记,我们不能仅凭外观来判断汽车。 这两种电动皮卡均具有先进的功能,可将电动汽车的动力和更多数字化的电子系统带入皮卡。 但是,在牵引能力和实用性方面,它们与传统的皮卡车相距甚远。 确实需要在工作中使用皮卡车的更严肃的购车者可能仍会坚持使用汽油或柴油发动机,直到电动皮卡车证明其价值为止。

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The R1T could be more than for work, but also for play and recreation (Source Rivian)

The R1T looks better on paper compared to the Cybertruck. While the Cybertruck has that futuristic look going for it, under the hood the R1T has the better specifications. In terms of range and towing capacity, the R1T has the better overall data. That doesn’t mean the Cybertruck’s performance is sub-par. The Cybertruck’s approach angle (35 Degrees) may give it some advantage for off-road and rough terrain driving.

与Cyber​​truck相比,R1T在纸上看起来更好。 虽然Cyber​​truck的外观充满了未来感,但R1T的引擎盖具有更好的规格。 在航程和牵引能力方面,R1T具有更好的总体数据。 这并不意味着Cyber​​truck的表现不及标准。 Cyber​​truck的接近角(35度)可能为越野和崎terrain的地形驾驶提供一些优势。

There is no actual performance data available other than baseline tests. There are no benchmarks on actual performance since Rivian’s line, the R1T and R1S, have no proven track record. Pickup trucks like the F-150 and Ram have been around for decades so we know their reliability, there is just no comparison with Rivian. We have to see Rivian’s electric pickup in action to make an impression. Other automakers are coming after the heels of Rivian and Tesla, so the next few years should get more interesting in the electric pickup truck market.

除基准测试外,没有可用的实际性能数据。 由于Rivian的产品线R1T和R1S没有经过验证的记录,因此没有实际性能基准。 像F-150和Ram这样的皮卡车已经存在了几十年,所以我们知道它们的可靠性,这与Rivian几乎没有可比性。 我们必须看到Rivian的电动拾音器发挥作用,以给人留下深刻的印象。 其他汽车制造商紧随Rivian和Tesla之后,因此未来几年在电动皮卡车市场应该会变得更加有趣。

翻译自: https://medium.com/0xmachina/rivian-the-adventure-in-electric-pickups-just-got-interesting-ec1371a31ad5





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