

By Mark Gurman

马克·高曼(Mark Gurman)

Apple Inc. is readying a series of bundles that will let customers subscribe to several of the company’s digital services at a lower monthly price, according to people with knowledge of the effort.


The bundles, dubbed “Apple One” inside the Cupertino, California-based technology giant, are planned to launch as early as October alongside the next iPhone line, the people said. The bundles are designed to encourage customers to subscribe to more Apple services, which will generate more recurring revenue.

知情人士说,这批捆绑包被称为“ Apple One”,位于加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺(Cupertino)的科技巨头内部,计划于10月初与下一款iPhone系列一起推出。 这些捆绑包旨在鼓励客户订购更多Apple服务,这将产生更多的经常性收入。

There will be different tiers, according to the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private plans. A basic package will include Apple Music and Apple TV+, while a more expensive variation will have those two services and the Apple Arcade gaming service. The next tier will add Apple News+, followed by a pricier bundle with extra iCloud storage for files and photos.

知情人士说,他们将有不同的等级,他们要求不透露身份讨论私人计划。 基本软件包将包括Apple Music和Apple TV +,而更昂贵的版本将提供这两项服务和Apple Arcade游戏服务。 下一层将添加Apple News +,随后是价格更高的捆绑包,其中包含用于文件和照片的额外iCloud存储。

Apple’s plans, and the structure of the bundles, may change. But the goal is to offer groups of services at lower prices than would be charged if consumers subscribed to each offering individually. An Apple spokesman declined to comment.

苹果的计划以及捆绑包的结构可能会发生变化。 但是,目标是以比消费者单独订阅每项服务所收取的价格更低的价格提供服务组。 苹果发言人拒绝置评。

The initiative is a major bid by Apple to achieve the same loyalty that Inc. has won with its Prime program, which combines free shipping with video streaming and many other services for an annual or monthly fee. This bundle is the bedrock of Amazon’s success and has been mimicked by other companies before with mixed results.

该计划是苹果公司的一项重要出价,旨在获得与 Inc.通过其Prime计划赢得的忠诚度相同的忠诚度,该计划将免费送货与视频流以及许多其他服务相结合,每年或每月收取费用。 这个捆绑包是亚马逊成功的基石,之前被其他公司模仿,结果不一。

Apple has no e-commerce delivery and warehouse network like Amazon’s, however it has hundreds of millions of ardent hardware customers who have already embraced some of its digital subscriptions. The iPhone and iPad will suggest different packages to users based on which Apple apps and services they already use. This feature will come later this year as part of iOS 14, the next software update for Apple’s devices.

苹果没有像亚马逊那样的电子商务交付和仓库网络,但是它拥有数亿热情的硬件客户,他们已经接受了一些数字订阅。 iPhone和iPad将根据用户已经使用的Apple应用程序和服务向他们建议不同的软件包。 此功能将在今年晚些时候作为iOS 14(苹果设备的下一个软件更新)的一部分出现。

The company is also developing a new subscription for virtual fitness classes that can be used via an app for the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV, the people said. That service will be offered in a higher-end bundle with the rest of Apple’s services. Codenamed “Seymour,” the workout package would rival virtual classes offered by companies including Peloton Interactive Inc. and Nike Inc., according to the people.

知情人士说,该公司还为虚拟健身课程开发了新的订阅,可以通过iPhone,iPad和Apple TV的应用程序使用。 这项服务将与Apple的其他服务捆绑在一个高端产品中。 知情人士说,代号为“ Seymour”的健身包将与Peloton Interactive Inc.和Nike Inc.等公司提供的虚拟课程相媲美。

Peloton shares slipped in premarket trading Thursday following the announcement, but gained about 1% to $65.02 after the market opened. Apple rose 1.5%.

消息发布后,Peloton股价周四在盘前交易中下跌,但在开盘后上涨约1%,至65.02美元。 苹果上涨1.5%。

The new bundles will be geared toward families, meaning they will work with Apple’s Family Sharing system that provides access to as many as six people for each service. The offerings are designed to save consumers about $2 to upwards of $5 a month, depending on the package chosen. For example, if a family subscribes today to all of Apple’s major services plus the highest iCloud storage tier, that would cost about $45 a month. A new bundle could knock more than $5 off that.

新的捆绑产品将面向家庭,这意味着它们将与Apple的家庭共享系统一起使用,该系统可为每个服务提供多达6个人的访问权限。 这些产品旨在为消费者每月节省约2美元到5美元以上,具体取决于所选择的套餐。 例如,如果一个家庭今天订阅了Apple的所有主要服务以及最高的iCloud存储层,则每月费用约为45美元。 一个新的捆绑包可以使价格降低5美元以上。

This approach is likely to be applauded by Wall Street, which craves businesses that generate reliable revenue streams. However, there’s also a risk of confusing consumers with multiple subscription choices. This hampered the launch of the HBO Max streaming service, which was introduced this year alongside existing offerings HBO Go and HBO Now.

华尔街很可能赞扬这种方法,因为它渴望产生可靠收入来源的企业。 但是,也存在使消费者混淆多种订阅选择的风险。 这阻碍了HBO Max流媒体服务的推出,该服务于今年与现有产品HBO Go和HBO Now一起推出。

The initiative is being spearheaded by Peter Stern, a top lieutenant to Eddy Cue, Apple’s longtime services chief. Bloomberg News reported last year that Apple was targeting a bundles launch in 2020.

该计划由苹果公司长期服务负责人埃迪·库伊(Eddy Cue)的副手彼得·斯特恩(Peter Stern)牵头。 彭博新闻去年报道称,苹果的目标是在2020年推出捆绑销售产品。

At first, Apple doesn’t plan to integrate the bundles with services such as AppleCare support or monthly payment plans for hardware like the iPhone or Mac. Earlier this year, as part of the Apple Card, Apple started offering monthly payments with no interest for several of its devices.

最初,苹果不打算将捆绑软件与AppleCare支持服务或iPhone或Mac等硬件的每月付款计划进行集成。 今年早些时候,作为Apple Card的一部分,Apple开始提供月付款,其中几款设备不计利息。

In addition to the services bundles, Apple is planning new software and hardware bundles, including giving buyers of the Apple TV set-top box a free year of Apple Arcade. That would follow a free year of TV+ offered to those purchasing new Apple devices.

除了这些服务捆绑包外,Apple还计划推出新的软件和硬件捆绑包,包括向Apple TV机顶盒的购买者免费提供Apple Arcade一年。 那将是为购买新Apple设备的用户免费提供TV +的一年。

Apple tested the waters with a subscription bundle last year, offering students free access to TV+ with a subscription to Apple Music, though it has never confirmed plans for a wide-ranging bundle for all of its major paid services.

苹果去年通过订阅套餐对水域进行了测试 ,为学生提供了订阅Apple Music的免费电视节目,尽管它从未确认过为其所有主要付费服务提供广泛套餐的计划。

The company signaled the possibility though when it included a provision in deals with publishers participating in News+ that said the service could eventually be bundled with other services.

该公司暗示了可能性,但是当它在与参与News +的发行商的交易中包含一项条款时表示,该服务最终可能会与其他服务捆绑在一起。

For years, analysts and investors have called for Apple to mimic Amazon’s Prime approach. Some of Apple’s newer services, including News+ and TV+, have started slowly. By bundling them at a discount with more popular services, usage and subscriptions could increase.

多年来,分析师和投资者一直在呼吁苹果模仿亚马逊的Prime方法。 苹果的一些较新的服务,包括新闻+和电视+,已经开始缓慢发展。 通过以折扣价将它们与更流行的服务捆绑在一起,使用量和订阅量可能会增加。

Apple’s services segment is one of the company’s fastest growth areas and has become a $50 billion-a-year business. While services like those for advertising and AppleCare were down in recent quarters due to the impact of Covid-19, digital offerings like the App Store, iCloud and video products set records.

苹果的服务部门是该公司增长最快的领域之一,现已成为年产值500亿美元的业务。 尽管由于Covid-19的影响,诸如广告和AppleCare之类的服务在最近几个季度有所下降,但App Store,iCloud和视频产品等数字产品创造了记录。







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