

By Jeff Beer

杰夫·比尔(Jeff Beer)

In the immortal words of the German philosopher Haddaway, what is love?

用德国哲学家哈达威(Haddaway)不朽的话来说, 爱是什么?

When it comes to the products we buy, how is that love established, built, and grown over time? For some, that expression is called the brand — that symbol, that idea that we find ourselves drawn to, or use to identify ourselves. It traps the heart through a combination of product, service, design, and corporate actions.

对于我们购买的产品,随着时间的流逝,爱情如何建立,建立和成长? 对于某些人来说,这种表达称为品牌-这种象征,是我们发现自己被吸引或用来识别自己的想法。 它通过产品,服务,设计和公司行为的组合来捕捉心脏。

Former Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Kevin Roberts went a step further in his 2004 book to say brands need to become “lovemarks,” a creation of products and experiences that establish long-term emotional relationships with consumers.

萨奇(Saatchi)和萨奇(Saatchi)前首席执行官凯文·罗伯茨(Kevin Roberts) 在2004年的著作中走得更远,他说品牌必须成为“爱情标志”,即创造与消费者建立长期情感关系的产品和体验。

Does just reading that make you dry heave a lil’ bit? Probably. But do you also ascribe to your favorite pair of Nikes and that new iPhone the kind of unconditional love typically reserved for children and puppies? Probably.

只是读书会使你干得有点点儿吗? 大概。 但是,您是否也将自己喜欢的一双耐克和新iPhone归因于通常为儿童和幼犬保留的那种无条件的爱? 大概。

When we think of these complicated commercial crushes, a handful of brands come immediately to mind: Apple, Nike, Adidas, Patagonia, Netflix, Harley-Davidson. These brands that are as much a part of culture as a reflection of it.

当我们想到这些复杂的商业问题时,立即想到了几个品牌:苹果,耐克,阿迪达斯,巴塔哥尼亚,Netflix,哈雷戴维森。 这些品牌既是文化的一部分,又是文化的一部分。

Now, what about Microsoft? Not so much. Respected? Sure. Admired? Maybe. But loved?

现在,微软呢? 没那么多。 受到尊重? 当然。 佩服吗 也许。 但是被爱了吗?

That was one of my first thoughts when, almost as soon as President Trump announced last weekend that he was thinking of banning TikTok in the United States amid security concerns surrounding its Chinese parent company ByteDance, Microsoft was in talks as a potential buyer. Late Thursday, Trump followed through on his previous musings and issued an executive order that would ban TikTok, but subsequent reporting clarified that Microsoft could still complete the deal.

这是我的第一个想法,当特朗普总统上周末宣布他正考虑在围绕其中国母公司ByteDance的安全性考虑在美国禁止TikTok时,微软正与潜在买家进行谈判。 周四晚些时候,特朗普遵循了他先前的想法,并发布了一项禁止TikTok的行政命令,但随后的报道澄清了微软仍然可以完成交易。

If Microsoft succeeds in acquiring TikTok, not only would this bring perhaps the most popular social app on the planet and its 100 million American users under the company’s umbrella, but it would immediately make it a contender in the social wars among Facebook, Twitter, Snap, Pinterest, and Reddit.

如果微软成功收购TikTok,这不仅可能将全球最受欢迎的社交应用及其1亿美国用户带入该公司的保护伞下,而且还将立即使其成为Facebook,Twitter,Snap的社会战争的竞争者。 ,Pinterest和Reddit。

But would it be enough to make the company loved?


Obviously, Microsoft is an incredibly successful company and brand, but it’s also one that has somehow eluded the kind of emotional and cultural fandom of competitors like Apple, Google, and even Amazon. This lack of brand magic isn’t for lack of trying, though. More than a decade ago, it hired Crispin Porter + Bogusky (the hottest American advertising agency at the time) to snazz up its image.

显然,微软是一家非常成功的公司和品牌,但它也以某种方式躲过了苹果,谷歌甚至亚马逊等竞争对手的情感和文化狂热。 不过,这种缺乏品牌魔力并不是因为缺乏尝试。 十多年前, 它聘请了Crispin Porter + Bogusky (当时最热门的美国广告公司)来树立自己的形象。

The immediate result was “I’m a PC,” a tardy retort to Apple’s insanely popular “I’m a Mac” ads that didn’t quite hit the mark. Despite its B2B-heavy image, Microsoft has long tried to use pop culture as a wooing device. Preceding its Bogusky makeover was a series of ads starring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld. Over the years it’s tossed a variety of darts at the zeitgeist board, from Madonna (Windows XP 2002) to alt-comedian Demetri Martin (Windows Vista) to Double Rainbow guy (Windows Live Photo Gallery 2010).

即时结果是“我是PC”,这是对苹果疯狂流行的“我是Mac”广告的反驳,但并未达到目标。 尽管拥有大量B2B图像,但Microsoft长期以来一直试图将流行文化用作吸引设备。 在Bogusky改头换面之前是由Bill Gates和Jerry Seinfeld主演的一系列广告。 多年来,它在zeitgeist板上扔了各种Dart,从麦当娜( Windows XP 2002 )到喜剧喜剧演员Demetri Martin( Windows Vista )到Double Rainbow家伙( Windows Live Photo Gallery 2010 )。

But it was never quite enough, was it? Even its big swing attempts have been played for laughs, like in Guardians of the Galaxy when the mere presence of a Zune was the joke.

但这还远远不够,不是吗? 甚至它的大摇杆尝试也都在笑,就像在《银河护卫队》中那样,Zune的存在仅仅是个玩笑。

Microsoft already owns other massively popular consumer platforms, notably Xbox and Minecraft. But these are rarely associated with their parent company, which is perhaps to their benefit.

微软已经拥有其他流行的消费平台,特别是Xbox和Minecraft。 但是这些很少与他们的母公司相关联,这也许对他们有利。

Of course, the same would likely happen with TikTok, but right now is when Microsoft is scoring huge brand points with millions of Americans, particularly TikTok’s younger users (who won’t be in the market for cloud computing business services for awhile yet, but their parents might be), as the savior of their favorite source of entertainment. Even if this acquisition does not actually become reality, all the recent news stories and speculation alone of Microsoft’s effort to prevent it from being banned in the United States will crown a massive halo on its brand.

当然,TikTok可能也会发生同样的情况,但是现在是微软在数以百万计的美国人,尤其是TikTok的年轻用户(他们暂时不在云计算业务服务市场中)赢得巨大品牌积分的时候。他们的父母可能),作为他们最喜欢的娱乐来源的救星。 即使这次收购实际上并未成为现实,仅微软最近的所有新闻报道和猜测,就微软为阻止其在美国被禁止所做的努力,都将在其品牌上产生巨大的光环。

Wall Street certainly thought so, as Microsoft added as much as $77 billion in market value after it confirmed that it was in talks to acquire TikTok’s U.S. operations. Given the blanket news coverage and the cries of short-form video junkies from all corners of the country, this may just be the free publicity bonanza of the year.

华尔街当然是这么认为的,因为微软确认正在就收购TikTok在美国的业务进行谈判之后,市值增加了770亿美元 。 鉴于新闻报道全面,全国各地的短片迷都在哭,这可能只是今年的免费宣传大财。

If the deal goes through, though, Microsoft should avoid pulling a credit-thirsty logo move à la its would-be rival Facebook.


Let’s face it: “TikTok . . . from Microsoft” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

让我们面对现实:“ TikTok。 。 。 来自微软”的说法并不尽相同。

翻译自: https://medium.com/fast-company/microsofts-bid-to-buy-tiktok-is-the-company-s-brilliant-plan-to-finally-make-you-love-it-306be0d5b013






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