

Just to be clear from the very beginning, I love Grand Theft Auto V. I also enjoyed GTA Online for a while, but I haven’t properly played that in years. The single-player campaign was, and still is, an absolute joy to play. Now, it’s true that I do have some issues with the characters, the story and how it’s told, this post is by no means an attempt by me to turn anyone off by saying it’s a bad game. It’s a great game. In fact, other than Shadow Of The Colossus, it’s the only game I’ve purchased on three separate occasions.

ĴUST是不清楚一开始,我爱侠盗五,我也喜欢GTA在线了一段时间,但我还没有正常播放,在年。 单人游戏曾经是,现在仍然是绝对的乐趣。 现在,的确我确实在角色,故事以及如何讲述方面存在一些问题,这篇文章绝不是我试图通过说这是一场糟糕的游戏来关闭任何人。 这是一个很棒的游戏。 实际上,除了Shadow Of The Colossus以外 ,它是我在三个不同场合购买的唯一游戏。

When first playing the game way all the way back in 2013, my friends and I came to the similar conclusion that it was essentially a high definition remake of San Andreas, offering many of the same freedoms that the 2004 classic introduced into the series. Over the course of the three PS2-era games, the GTA series had been introducing more and more outlandish, over the top gameplay and story elements, culminating with the protagonist of San Andreas starting off as a street gangster, ending up managing a world-famous rapper who pulls off heists of Mafia-owned casinos.

2013年,当我第一次玩游戏时,我和我的朋友得出了类似的结论,即本质上是对San Andreas的高清翻拍,并提供了与2004年经典系列相同的许多自由。 在三款PS2时代的游戏过程中,《 侠盗猎车手》系列在顶级游戏玩法和故事元素上引入了越来越多的怪异,最终以圣安德烈亚斯的主角开始成为街头黑帮,最终管理了一个著名的说唱歌手,他开始掠夺黑手党拥有的赌场。

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GTA IV. Source: icoregames.
侠盗猎车手IV。 资料来源:icoregames。

Wedged somewhat awkwardly between these games is GTA IV, a game that removed all the silliness and the over-the-top escapades of its predecessors for a much more down-to-Earth tale told in one very grey and rather drab city of towering concrete. The story follows Niko Bellic, an Eastern European lured to Liberty City by the lies of his cousin, who was in debt to several criminal organizations due to his gambling addiction, dragging Niko back into a world of crime and violence that he had long left behind. What follows is a story of betrayal, loss, and revenge that felt much darker than anything seen in the GTA universe up to that point.

在这两款游戏之间有些尴尬地出现在《 侠盗猎车手IV》中 ,该游戏消除了其前辈的所有愚蠢和过分的逃避,以讲述一个更加真实的故事,在一个非常灰暗而单调的高耸混凝土城中讲述。 故事发生在东欧的尼科·贝里奇(Niko Bellic)的表哥的谎言之下,他的表哥因其赌博成瘾而欠了几个犯罪组织的债,使尼科回到了一个久违的犯罪和暴力世界。 接下来的故事是背叛,损失和复仇的故事,这比迄今为止在GTA宇宙中看到的任何事物都要黑暗得多。

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Facial expressions were pretty rough in 2008.

In the short term, people loved the game, and rightly so. It’s my personal favorite of the series, mainly due to the more realistic take on a familiar style of game. But over time, many fans began to voice their disappointment at the lack of “fun” available in the game. There were no VTOL planes to steal, no jet packs, no casinos to rob, and no city-wide riots to fight through. There’s just a rather fragile Eastern European man who flies through the car window if you crash too hard, and gets regular phone calls from his cousin who wants to go bowling. The story itself wasn’t a happy one and didn’t exactly end on a good note, serving only to teach us that revenge can and will consume a person, taking everything they care about and leaving nothing resolved.

在短期内,人们喜欢这款游戏,这是正确的。 这是我个人最喜欢的系列游戏,主要是因为对熟悉的游戏风格采取了更为现实的态度。 但是随着时间的流逝,许多粉丝开始对游戏中缺乏“乐趣”表示失望。 没有VTOL飞机可以偷,没有喷气背包,没有赌场可供抢劫,也没有全市范围的骚乱可抵抗。 如果您摔得太厉害,只有一个相当脆弱的东欧人会飞过车窗,并从想要打保龄球的堂兄那里接到定期电话。 这个故事本身不是一个快乐的故事,也没有以一个好的音符结尾,只是用来告诉我们,复仇可以而且将会消灭一个人,承担他们关心的一切并且什么也没有解决。

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Looking at it like this really emphasizes how much of an oddity GTA IV is in the series.
如此看待它确实强调了该系列中有多少怪异的GTA IV。

As you can see from the expertly crafted and incredibly scientific graph above, GTA IV doesn’t follow the pattern of the series in terms of tone and realism. But what if we were to consider other open-world, crime-based games that Rockstar Games have made to this graph? GTA IV was released in 2008, and two years later the world was graced with the masterpiece that is Red Dead Redemption. The game was sometimes referred to as Grand Theft Horse and other similarly hilarious names, but these comparisons were wholly justified. This was GTA in the desert, cars swapped with horses and bears and rattlesnakes keeping you alert in the wilderness. The story was similar to that of GTA IV, in that an ex-criminal is forced back into a life of crime to protect his family. This time, however, the government is holding protagonist John Marston’s family hostage until he can track down and kill his former gang members. The story ends with John being betrayed and killed by the same government agents that sent him on this task and ultimately results in his son starting down the same path of crime and violence that John had done his utmost to keep him from. Red Dead Redemption 2’s story wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs, either. Some early missions see you collecting debts from struggling families, with one such interaction resulting in protagonist Arthur Morgan catching tuberculosis. Towards the end of the game, the effects of the disease are tearing his body apart, mirroring the story beats of his gang, his family, tearing itself apart from the inside, leaving Arthur to make amends wherever he can before he drops dead. This games’ story was incredibly well-received, with particular praise being showered over Arthur’s characterization as having his deep loyalties pushed to the extreme.

从上面的专家制图和令人难以置信的科学图表中可以看出,《 侠盗猎车手4 》在音调和写实方面并没有遵循该系列的模式。 但是,如果我们要考虑Rockstar Games为这张图表制作的其他基于犯罪的开放世界游戏呢? 《侠盗猎车手4 》于2008年发布,两年后,《 红死神救赎》这部杰作令全世界赞叹不已。 该游戏有时被称为侠盗猎车手和其他类似的搞笑名字,但这些比较是完全合理的。 这是沙漠中的GTA ,汽车被马,熊和响尾蛇交换,使您在旷野保持警觉。 这个故事与《 侠盗猎车手IV 》中的故事相似,前罪犯被迫重返犯罪生活以保护其家人。 然而,这次政府将主角约翰·马斯顿的家人扣为人质,直到他能够追踪并杀死他的前帮派成员为止。 故事以约翰被出任这一任务的同一政府特工出卖和杀害而告终,最终导致他的儿子走上了约翰竭尽全力阻止他的犯罪和暴力之路。 Red Dead Redemption 2 故事也并非一a而就。 一些早期的任务会看到您从处境艰难的家庭那里收债,而其中的一种相互作用导致主角亚瑟·摩根(Arthur Morgan)患上了结核病。 在比赛快要结束时,疾病的影响正在使他的身体破裂,反映出他的帮派,他的家人的故事节拍,使自己从内部分裂开来,让亚瑟(Arthur)在他死前尽一切可能进行补救。 这场比赛的故事令人难以置信地广受好评,尤其是亚瑟的忠诚度被推到了极致,对此赞扬不已。

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Maybe he’s sad because he doesn’t have a jet pack?

When boiled down to very basic levels, the main stories of these three games feature reluctant criminals trying to protect their families, and ending up in a pretty bad place, whether that be literally dead or just dead on the inside.


Now let’s compare this story template to GTA V. Franklin is a gangster who wants to go straight, but ends up befriending an ex-criminal who pulls them both back into the life. Michael is said ex-criminal who is ultimately bored with nothing to do, acting on impulse after impulse to wrap him and his new friend into a dangerous lifestyle. And Trevor is a nutter who eats people. By the end of the game, despite being blackmailed into pulling heists for the US government and stealing trains with helicopters, the characters end up pretty much in the same place that they started. The story is just an excuse to do cool stuff, and the characters are just there so that the players have some way to interact with the cool stuff. Like I said at the start, there’s nothing wrong with that, and part of the charm of the game is that it doesn’t take itself seriously. But if you were to make a similar realism chart to the one above, and now only included GTA IV and V with Red Dead 1 and 2, suddenly GTA V is the massive spike away from realism and towards absurdity before RDR2 brings Rockstar back to its expected pattern.

现在,将这个故事模板与GTA V进行比较。 富兰克林(Franklin)是一个黑手党,他想直行,但最终结识了一名前犯罪分子,后者将他们俩都带回了生活。 据说迈克尔是前犯罪分子,他最终无所事事,一波又一波地把他和他的新朋友包装成危险的生活方式。 特雷弗(Trevor)是个吃人的小伙子。 到游戏结束时,尽管被勒索为美国政府拉动抢劫案,并偷窃了直升机,但这些角色最终还是和开始时的位置一样。 故事只是做酷游戏的借口,角色就在那儿,以便玩家可以与酷游戏互动。 就像我在开始时说的那样,这没什么不对的,并且游戏的部分魅力在于它没有认真对待自己。 但是,如果您要制作与上述图表类似的真实感图表,并且现在仅包括GTA IVV以及Red Dead 12那么GDR V突然是远离真实感和荒谬的巨大尖峰,然后RDR2将Rockstar带回到了它预期模式。

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So much realism was added to RDR2 it’s almost like they wanted to make up for the lack of it in GTA V.
RDR2中添加了如此多的真实感,几乎就像他们想弥补GTA V中缺乏的真实感一样。

It seems that Rockstar Games wanted to move away from the absurdity that they were embracing with San Andreas and bring their games back to a more grounded, realistic atmosphere. After all, the Saints Row series was quickly adopting a more comedic, over-the-top style to its games, and Rockstar didn’t get where they are today by following trends. It could be that GTA IV was their attempt to mature the series somewhat, which it arguably succeeded in doing, but this is not what the people wanted. People wanted San Andreas but with better graphics. People wanted a player character that cracks wise and says funny things. People wanted to fly military jets and beat people to death with giant dildos. From this perspective, the argument can be made that GTA V was a direct response to the criticisms of the previous game, and certainly feels more like a sequel to San Andreas than GTA IV.

似乎Rockstar Games希望摆脱他们与San Andreas拥抱的荒谬之处,并将其游戏带回到更加扎实,现实的氛围中。 毕竟, Saints Row系列游戏很快就采用了喜剧性的,过分的风格,而Rockstar却无法顺应潮流发展到今天。 可能是《 侠盗猎车手IV》是他们对该系列进行某种程度的成熟的尝试,可以说成功了,但这并不是人们想要的。 人们想要圣安地列斯,但具有更好的图形。 人们想要一个能够明智地表达有趣话语的玩家角色。 人们想乘坐军用飞机,并用巨大的假阳具把人打死。 从这个角度来看,可以说《 侠盗猎车手5》是对先前游戏批评的直接回应,当然,《 侠盗猎 车手5》比《 侠盗猎车手IV》更像是圣安德烈亚斯的续集。

Once again, this is not necessarily a bad thing, but it does raise the question as to whether this is the way Rockstar envisioned the series going when they started work on GTA IV. Do you think they ever predicted a future where they would be introducing flying cars and Tron motorcycles to their online mode?

再说一遍,这不一定是一件坏事,但这确实提出了一个问题,即Rockstar设想这是他们开始从事GTA IV时该系列作品的设想。 您认为他们曾经预测过将飞行汽车和Tron摩托车引入其在线模式的未来吗?

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I mean I suppose that COULD be Niko under that helmet…

Though I can’t help but wonder how GTA V would have looked like if they had continued down the path they started with GTA IV, or how Red Dead Redemption 2 might have turned out if people were clamoring for a more off-the-wall cowboy adventure.

尽管我忍不住想知道,如果GTA V继续沿他们从GTA IV开始的道路会是什么样子,或者如果人们热衷于要求更多的壁垒, 《荒野大镖客2》可能会变成什么样子?牛仔冒险。

Perhaps Rockstar will dial up the realism whenever they decide to finish the heavily-rumored, but as of yet, unannounced Grand Theft Auto VI.


翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/does-grand-theft-auto-have-an-identity-crisis-b6fedef5226f


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