
Professor Charles Francis Xavier is the Marvel comic character who first appeared in September 1963. His story can be summarized as something like being gifted with a powerful brain mutation that allows for, or perhaps forces him into, a direct neural connection to the global consciousness of humanity. What this means is that he can hear thoughts; he can zero in on conversations across the world; he can see hidden details; he can hear cries for help while visualizing their direct physical context.

查尔斯·弗朗西斯·泽维尔(Charles Francis Xavier)教授是1963年9 首次出现的漫威漫画人物。 他的故事可以概括为,就像是天生的强大大脑突变一样,可以使他或者迫使他进入与人类全球意识的直接神经联系。 这意味着他可以听到想法。 他可以集中精力进行世界各地的对话; 他可以看到隐藏的细节; 在可视化他们直接的物理环境时,他可以听到呼救声。

At first, his new powers were severely debilitating. With a new streaming connection to all of the emotional and physical activity of humanity, he could not focus. He was overpowered by human suffering. His prioritization engine broke down. The capacity of his native software was overwhelmed. Out of necessity, he did two things to cope.

起初,他的新能力严重削弱了他们的能力。 通过与人类所有情感和身体活动的全新流媒体连接,他无法集中精力。 他被人类的痛苦压倒了。 他的优先级排序引擎出现故障。 他的本机软件的能力不堪重负。 出于必要,他做了两件事来应对。

  1. He trained his brain and spirit, or in effect, he was forced to develop a new internal software to process the vast amount of information streaming through his brain.

  2. He built a supercomputer named Cerebro that allowed him to better focus his power while tapped into the streaming neural landscape of human consciousness.


Most recently the Professor X character was played by actor Patrick Stewart in the numerous Marvel movie adaptations of the original comic concepts. Patrick Stewart plays the character as a soft and patient, perhaps brilliant, yet eternally humbled and wheelchair-bound old man. He is the figurehead of a collective of mutants committed to positive change and respect for all people. The X-men collective are often in an existential battle against a distributed collective of mutant privateers whose personalities have been overwhelmed by negativity. Professor X is the elder of grand stature — and his story illustrates what we must quickly become as hyper-connected digital humans.

最近,由教授帕特里克·斯图尔特(Patrick Stewart)扮演的X教授角色在许多漫威电影中对原始漫画概念的改编。 帕特里克·斯图尔特(Patrick Stewart)扮演的角色是个温柔而耐心,也许是才华横溢,却永远谦卑而坐轮椅的老人。 他是一群致力于积极改变和尊重所有人的突变者的领袖。 X战警团体经常与一群变异性私有者进行生存斗争,这些人的个性已被消极情绪所压倒。 X教授是一个举足轻重的老者-他的故事阐明了我们必须Swift成为超级互联的数字人。

当我们“知道”一切时会发生什么? (What happens when we ‘know’ everything?)

In the very early 1990’s, the Internet was a place of exploration. Its penetration into the global telephony network was limited. We used “dial-up modems” to connect to the Internet. A fast data transfer rate at the time was around 56KB per second (if we were lucky). We paid by-the-minute to use the Internet. The Internet as a space was evolving rapidly.

在1990年代初期,互联网是一个探索的地方。 它对全球电话网络的渗透是有限的。 我们使用“拨号调制解调器”连接到Internet。 当时的快速数据传输速率约为每秒56KB(如果幸运的话)。 我们按分钟付费使用互联网。 互联网作为一个空间正在Swift发展。

In the very early 2000’s, the Internet was maturing quickly, yet it was still juvenile and exploratory.


In the very early 2010’s, the Internet had officially arrived and enmeshed itself into humanity. However, there was still a clear latency, or delay, between the production of information and its dissemination.

在2010年初,互联网正式进入并融入了人类。 但是,信息的产生与传播之间仍然存在明显的延迟或延迟。

In 2020, the average Internet connection speed in the United States is around 3-6 MB per second , depending on your math— almost 100x faster than a 56K modem.

到2020年,根据您的数学计算 ,美国的平均Internet连接速度约为3-6 MB /秒 ,几乎比56K调制解调器快100倍。

We are now fully able to play the game of hyper-connectivity. In effect, we now have the capacity as a human with an Internet connection to be so much closer to ‘knowing everything’ than we did 10 years ago. This comes with all of its beautiful and negative potential.

现在,我们完全有能力玩超级连接游戏。 实际上,与十年前相比,我们现在作为具有互联网连接的人的能力更加接近“了解一切”。 这具有其所有美好和消极的潜力。

Any question we have is just a query away. How amazing! Experts from all over the world share their insights and learnings that have taken a lifetime to distill. At the same time, we are inundated with a constant barrage of extremely biased micro-clips and snaps of digital narrative that we cannot quickly decode — from all realms: social, entertainment, science, health, news, and more.

我们有任何问题都只是查询而已。 多么惊人! 来自世界各地的专家分享了他们毕生汲取的见识和经验教训。 同时,我们被各种偏颇的微片段和数字叙事的持续不断的淹没所淹没,这些叙事无法从社会,娱乐,科学,健康,新闻等所有领域Swift解码。

We are now experiencing what it’s like to be connected to the firehose of human events, emotions, quips, deep thoughts, musings and more. We are as close as we have ever been to understanding Professor X.

现在,我们正在经历与人为事件,情绪,讽刺,深思熟虑,沉思和其他事物联系在一起的感觉。 我们与认识X教授的距离非常近。

2020年的数字新闻信息 (Digital news information in 2020)

As recent as 2010, the traditional media and knowledge system was primarily a ‘pull’ system with large latency, or time delay, between an event and its distribution. There was a massive backlog of potential things to focus on. Some were selected and addressed; the rest were deprioritized and fell out of the frame of focus.

直到2010年,传统的媒体和知识系统主要是一个“拉动”系统,在事件及其分发之间存在较大的延迟或时间延迟。 潜在的事情有很多待解决。 一些被选中并解决; 其余的则被取消优先级,并脱离了焦点范围。

  • something happened somewhere

  • someone had to expend a great deal of effort to obtain documentation of that something

  • someone had to piece that documentation together, reformat it, and present it concisely in order to provide an editorial lens to the event or new knowledge acquisition


That traditional ‘pull’ system was effectively a large filter for the local and global event-sphere; slowing down information that resulted in a manageable and consumable stream of data.

传统的“拉动”系统实际上是本地和全球事件领域的大型过滤器。 放慢信息速度,从而导致可管理的消耗性数据流。

That has changed. Today when we open the door (our mind) to the Internet in the many ways we do each day, we are taking a small gulp from a massive stream of unfiltered and accessible humanity. To say that this is overwhelming should be an understatement. We are seeing the dramatic effects of our inability to filter this much information. Perhaps we are like Professor X before he developed his mind and spirit.

那已经改变了。 如今,当我们以每天做的许多事情为互联网打开大门(我们的思维)时,我们正从一大批未经过滤和可访问的人类手中吞下一口水。 说这是压倒性的,应该轻描淡写。 我们看到无法过滤大量信息的巨大影响。 也许我们就像X教授在发展思想和精神之前一样。

We simultaneously open the gates to heaven and hell and we are assaulted with so much new information, faster than ever, and our prioritization and filtering software is out of date. Perhaps more accurately, the software for our new reality does not yet exist, and we are desperately trying to write lines of code into our being in real-time, as our new hyper-connected world evolves alongside us in real-time, conspiring against our new algorithms, functions, methods, protocols and frameworks.

我们同时打开了通往天堂和地狱的大门,我们受到了如此多的新信息的袭击,比以往任何时候都更快,而且我们的优先级排序和筛选软件已过时。 也许更准确地说,用于我们的新现实的软件尚不存在,并且我们拼命地试图将代码行实时地写入到我们的存在中,因为我们新的超连接世界与我们并肩实时地发展,并阴谋反对我们的新算法,功能,方法,协议和框架。

Image for post
https://ourworldindata.org/internet https://ourworldindata.org/internet

The Covid pandemic has introduced new players, stages, levels and dimensions into a game of hyper-connectivity that has been rapidly evolving since 2010. This new game has very quickly been overwhelmed by real-time citizen-generated content that seems to be piped through the dimensions of fear, social dynamics, conspiracy, and ideological and political violence. To be sure, within this stream of information there are myriad illustrations of truth, beauty, enlightenment, and more. However, history’s deepest thinkers have all keyed in on a single fact: humans have a powerful connection to fear and chaos—and our entire life may be well spent in a conscious battle against these two adversaries. Fear and chaos draw us in like the light of a campfire; a phenomenon that must continue to scare us into humility.

自2010年以来,Covid流行病已将高度参与性的游戏引入了新的玩家,阶段,级别和维度。自2010年以来,这种超级连接Swift发展。这种新游戏很快就被实时的公民生成内容淹没了,这些内容似乎可以通过管道传播恐惧,社会动态,阴谋以及意识形态和政治暴力的范围。 可以肯定的是,在这些信息流中,有无数关于真理,美丽,启蒙等等的插图。 但是,历史上最深刻的思想家都在一个事实上达成共识:人类与恐惧和混乱有很强的联系,而我们的整个生命可能都用在了与这两个对手的有意识斗争中。 恐惧和混乱像篝火一样吸引我们。 这种现象必须继续使我们感到谦卑。

As hyper-connected humans, when we sip on the firehose of aggregate human content generated on the Internet, we can receive instant confirmation of the fact that life can be dominated by irrationality, confusion, chaos and suffering. If that chaos does not have greater concepts against which to be weighed, the power of suffering and negativity takes over.

作为超级连接的人,当我们饮互联网上生成的人类合计内容的火水时,我们可以立即得到一个事实,即生活可能被非理性,混乱,混乱和痛苦所左右。 如果这种混乱没有更大的概念可衡量,那么苦难和消极的力量就会接管。

Quite simply, we are playing a dangerous psychological and biological game in real-time with incomplete and buggy software, and we need to slow down and rewrite our software before we fully engage with this new game.


我们的软件不完整 (Our software is incomplete)

What trends do we see that let us know that our software is incomplete?


  • As we gain access to infinitely more information, we are having more trouble distilling the truth. Furthermore, emotional truth can start to overwhelm and outweigh objective truth. We are realizing how much truth has gone unseen. This can be an enlightening and powerful exposure. Yet with so much new unfiltered information, it is not easily mapping onto our existing foundations of truth. We are overwhelming our database by trying to review and insert all of the rows of new data in real-time, i.e. we are trying to focus on everything, all the time. We are trying to create new buckets or database tables that give each new micro-insight the same priority as our existing stored data. We run out of CPU and storage capacity, then we start ‘lazy-filtering’ data into large buckets, saving what we are able and discarding the rest. Many of us are trying to pursue omniscience (all-knowing), with each atomic data point given full attention and importance up until the point that our operating system exceeds all available resources and crashes.

    随着我们获得无限多的信息,我们在提炼真相方面遇到了更多的麻烦。 此外,情感真相可能会开始淹没和超越客观真相。 我们正在意识到有多少真相是看不见的。 这可能是一个启发而强大的曝光。 然而,由于有太多新的未经过滤的信息,它很难轻易地映射到我们现有的真理基础上。 通过尝试实时查看和插入所有新数据行,我们使数据库不堪重负,也就是说,我们一直在努力关注所有内容。 我们正在尝试创建新的存储桶或数据库表,这些存储桶或数据库表为每个新的微观洞察赋予与我们现有存储数据相同的优先级。 我们用完了CPU和存储容量,然后开始将数据“延迟过滤”到大存储桶中,从而节省了我们的能力,并丢弃了其余的数据。 我们中的许多人都在尝试全知(全知),每个原子数据点都得到充分的关注和重视,直到我们的操作系统超出了所有可用资源并崩溃为止。

  • As we have become more connected to real-time information, we have become more negative (the references here are too many to count, but it’s worth a Google search). Our new reality seems to optimize for negativity over time, both in content and in its emotional manifestation inside of us.

    随着我们与实时信息的联系越来越紧密,我们也 越来越消极了 (这里的参考文献太多了,但是值得Google搜索)。 随着时间的流逝,我们的新现实似乎不断优化,无论是在内容还是在我们内心的情感体现上。

  • Meme culture has clearly crossed the chasm between digital life and real life. Ideas, concepts and social themes are now like matches lit in a field of ether. This is not new, per se, but with the addition of a new and mature real-time Internet, the speed and penetration of memes has never been more powerful. Because many of our emotional and mental systems are overwhelmed with too much real-time data, memes can act like a Trojan Horse or virus if we are not explicitly careful.

    米姆文化显然已经跨越了数字生活和现实生活之间的鸿沟。 想法,概念和社会主题现在就像在以太场上点燃的火柴一样。 从本质上讲,这并不是什么新鲜事物,但是随着新的和成熟的实时Internet的加入,模因的速度和渗透从未如此强大。 由于太多的实时数据使我们的许多情绪和精神系统不知所措,因此如果我们不特别注意的话,模因可以像特洛伊木马或病毒一样起作用。

我们如何实践X教授的模型? (How do we live out the model of Professor X?)

Now that we have a new way of ingesting the seeming infinitude of human chaos, suffering and negativity, we have to decide which is better:


  • to be a human with positive future potential, in spite of our historical negative potential

  • to be a human with infinitely negative historical potential, with limited and dubious future potential (based on our new ‘more real’ understanding of the totality of historical human error)


With the addition of our new powers obtained from being plugged into the firehose of human consciousness, if we focus on the irreparably negative aspects of life on this planet, it will overpower our will for positive bias. With our new powers, we can destroy just as quickly as we can improve—perhaps much faster.

通过插入人类意识的火力之中,我们获得了新的力量,如果我们专注于地球上不可挽回的负面生活方面,它将压倒我们的积极偏见。 借助我们的新能力,我们可以尽快摧毁,也可以不断改进,甚至可能更快。

Whichever lens we choose will become immediately powerful because we can now quickly overwhelm our filtering mechanisms with too much data. In short, if we decide that life on this planet is a grand and intricate conspiracy, as opposed to a universal battle against our individual negative potential, we can immediately and permanently confirm and accelerate such a bias.

我们选择的任何一个镜头都将立即变得强大,因为我们现在可以通过过多的数据Swift使我们的过滤机制不堪重负。 简而言之,如果我们认为地球上的生活是一场宏大而复杂的阴谋,而不是与我们的个人消极潜力进行全面斗争,那么我们可以立即,永久地确认并加速这种偏见。

Without care we may not realize that we have long-since overwhelmed the filtering capacity in our existing software. The scariest thing, is that by talking about our software, we are really talking about our mind and our heart—and of our life’s board of prioritization, filled with sticky notes that contain fragments of the mental, physical and emotional tasks that will shape our future potential. What if many of our prioritization boards only have enough space for negative sticky notes because our database is already full and our filtering system has broken down?

如果不加小心,我们可能不会意识到我们长期以来不堪重负现有软件中的过滤能力。 最可怕的是,通过谈论我们的软件,我们实际上是在谈论我们的思想和内心,以及我们一生中的优先事项委员会,里面充满了粘滞便笺,其中包含了将影响我们思想,身体和情感任务的片段未来的潜力。 如果我们的许多优先级评估板中只有足够的空间用于放置便笺,因为我们的数据库已满并且我们的过滤系统已损坏,该怎么办?

Before connecting to the information firehose, be careful. What outcomes are we seeing manifest within our minds and hearts? Is negativity overpowering our operating system? It’s ok to admit this, and to understand that our operating software may be old and insufficient—perhaps even unwritten.

在连接信息防火墙之前,请小心。 我们看到什么结果在我们的思想和内心显现? 否定性是否会使我们的操作系统无法承受? 可以接受这一点,并了解我们的操作软件可能过时且不足,甚至可能是未编写的,这是可以的。

我们必须放慢脚步 (We must SLOW DOWN)

We must re-introduce latency into our emotional weighting system, i.e. SLOW DOWN. STOP. Pause. Wait. Objectively evaluate. We must interrupt the data pipeline from ingestion (information consumption) to mapping. This mapping moves from optic/aural, to emotional, then physical. This is a scary idea. If our software is overwhelmed and biased toward negativity, the end result will naturally manifest itself in the physical world—perhaps in the form of poor mental and physical health, interpersonal problems, and ultimately violence. The new real-time Internet has the potential to purely reinforce an existing filtering defect in our software, because just a small bit of data out of the firehose is more than we can handle. In 2020, just consuming a single source of information can be an overwhelming full-time job. If that source (or a constellation of sources around it) cause negative manifestations in our lives, how would we know if our software is overwhelmed?

我们必须将潜伏期重新引入我们的情绪加权系统,即慢下来。 停。 暂停。 等待。 客观评价。 我们必须中断从摄取(信息消耗)到映射的数据管道。 这种映射从视觉/听觉到情感再到物理。 这是一个可怕的想法。 如果我们的软件不堪重负并且偏向否定性,那么最终结果自然会在物理世界中显现出来,可能表现为精神和身体健康状况不佳,人际关系问题以及最终的暴力行为。 新的实时Internet可能会纯粹增强我们软件中的现有过滤缺陷,因为从防火墙中提取的少量数据超出了我们的处理能力。 在2020年,仅消耗单一信息源将是一项繁重的全职工作。 如果该资源(或其周围的资源群)在我们的生活中造成负面表现,我们如何知道我们的软件不堪重负?

We must ‘pull’ from the firehose instead of allowing it to mainline information directly into our already overwhelmed emotions. In effect, we must be emotionally ready to consume from the new real-time firehose. Each new piece of information should neither darken our view of human potential, nor of our own potential on this planet.

我们必须从消防水带“拉”下来,而不是让它直接将信息主流化为我们已经不堪重负的情绪。 实际上,我们必须在情感上准备从新的实时Firehose消费。 每条新的信息都不应使我们对人的潜力的了解变暗,也不应使我们在这个星球上的潜力变暗。

There are many people experimenting with ideas of how to take a step back from the digital firehose, and they are noticing great positive benefits.


我们可能需要重新评估我们的价值体系 (We may need to re-evaluate our value systems)

We are all humans, fighting the infinite power of the universe and heading toward certain death. Most of our power on this planet is illusory in contrast to nature and the greater cluster of planets around us. We are all some parts beauty and beast. We are all constantly afraid. All of us.

我们都是人类,与宇宙的无限力量作斗争,走向死亡。 与大自然和我们周围更大的行星群相比,我们在这个星球上的大部分力量都是虚幻的。 我们都是美女和野兽的一部分。 我们都一直在害怕。 我们所有人

If we have a new and powerful source of potentially self-reinforcing negativity, have we dedicated time to review if there have been deep and lasting negative manifestations in our minds, hearts, emotions and interpersonal relationships? Many of us have not—because our software could be repeating an overwhelmed and incomplete program that tells us we are working just fine. Information comes in, is consumed and logged, and our emotional cycle repeats itself on cue each morning as we reach for our mobile device.

如果我们有了潜在的自我强化消极情绪的新的有力来源,我们是否有时间专门研究一下我们的思想,内心,情感和人际关系中是否存在着深刻而持久的消极表现? 我们中的许多人都没有,因为我们的软件可能在重复一个不堪重负且不完整的程序,该程序告诉我们我们工作得很好。 信息进入,被消耗并记录下来,我们的情感循环每天早上都会提示,直到我们到达移动设备。

Part of the way we’ve both run from, and continued our past, is by making intellectual knowledge and data the ultimate queen or king of the modern sophisticate. No different than with the sophisticated class from the years 500, 1000, 1700, or 1900, our ability to identify, label and classify things and people gives us power in our societies. However, in previous generations there was at least a facade of reasonable scope associated with the main buckets of culture, society and knowledge. We have now achieved infinite complexity through hyper-connectivity and access to data. We have now truly elevated the loaded mind to conceptual God status. There is nothing greater or more profound than our quest to know everything, all the time. We see just such a pursuit bending reality, morality, science and ethics each day. Sadly, many of us cannot see that our filtering systems are overwhelmed, causing these massive new streams of data to filter into the wrong buckets, being prioritized in all the wrong ways.

我们从过去开始并延续过去的部分方式是,使知识和数据成为现代尖端技术的最终女王或国王。 与500、1000、1700或1900年的先进阶级一样,我们对事物和人的识别,标记和分类的能力赋予了我们社会力量。 但是,在前几代人中,至少有一个合理范围的门面与主要的文化,社会和知识相关。 现在,我们已经通过超连通性和对数据的访问实现了无限的复杂性。 我们现在已经真正地将担负重任的思想提升到概念上的上帝地位。 没有什么比我们一直想要知道一切更伟大或更深刻的了。 我们看到这样的追求每天都在改变现实,道德,科学和道德。 可悲的是,我们许多人看不到我们的过滤系统不堪重负,导致这些庞大的新数据流被过滤到错误的存储桶中,并以所有错误的方式进行优先级排序。

In effect, many of us are becoming powerful mutants with a dark and misunderstood psyche.


所以… (And so…)

If we are feeling lost, perhaps a first step is to unplug for as long as it takes to cool down our brain and recalibrate our filtering systems. Perhaps a next step is to simplify our personal and interpersonal goals and ideals, and write them down on a real sheet of actual paper with an old-fashioned writing implement called a pen or pencil. Who do we want to be, in an overly simplified ideal form? Just a list of our highest-order interpersonal and familial values. Which are more important to us, family or media—parents or politics—children or ideology—accusation or understanding—listening or declaring—certainty or humility—patience or mania? We may find it surprising that so few, if any, of our real ideals are born manifest in our political sports class, TikTok, CNN, Fox, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Perhaps if we recalibrate our software, we can start use our new powers to accelerate positive and constructive learning (as opposed to negative and destructive learning), become more humble, deepen our interpersonal humane respect, increase our capacity to care for and uplift each other, and reinforce positive and sincere change. However, it is important to remind ourselves that if our new powers begin to skew in all the negative directions without conscious detection—we, as well as our peers, may become cloaked as part of a distributed collective overwhelmed by unconscious and hyper-connected darkness.

如果我们感到迷茫,也许第一步就是拔掉插头,直到冷却大脑并重新校准过滤系统。 也许下一步是简化我们的个人和人际目标和理想,并使用称为钢笔或铅笔的老式书写工具将它们写下在真实的纸上。 我们想要成为一个过于简化的理想形式的人吗? 仅列出我们最高级别的人际关系和家庭价值观。 对于我们,家庭或媒体-父母或政治–子女或意识形态–指责或理解–听或宣告–确定性或谦卑–耐心或躁狂,对我们而言,哪个更重要? 我们可能会感到惊讶的是,在我们的政治体育课(TikTok,CNN,Fox,Facebook,Twitter或Instagram)中,几乎没有真正的理想诞生。 也许,如果我们重新校准软件,我们就可以开始使用我们的新能力来加速积极和建设性的学习(相对于消极和破坏性的学习),变得更加谦虚,加深我们对人际关系的尊重,增强我们相互关心和相互促进的能力,并加强积极和真诚的变化。 但是,重要的是要提醒自己,如果我们的新能力在没有有意识的发现的情况下开始向所有负面方向倾斜,那么我们以及我们的同龄人可能会被隐藏在无意识和高度联系的黑暗中的分散集体的一部分所掩盖。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/zero-equals-false/now-we-must-all-become-professor-x-171b826f1303





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