

In the quest to solve a hundred problems, we have created a billion more.


Digital is a part of our lives no more. It now shapes humanity.

数字化不再是我们生活的一部分。 现在它塑造了人类。

In the early ages, life after dark was constrained. Candles and lamps were fraught with dangers. The world could be brighter and days could be longer. A series of light sources, down to the latest LED lights was built upon the invention of Alessandro Volta’s “Voltaic pile”. No one ever needed to ask the question — What would it do to our society?

在早期,天黑后的生活受到限制。 蜡烛和灯充满危险。 世界可能更美好,日子可能更长。 亚历山德罗·沃尔塔(Alessandro Volta)的“伏打桩”的发明建立了一系列光源,直至最新的LED灯。 从来没有人问过这个问题-它将对我们的社会产生什么影响?

It is only wishful thinking and beyond the wildest imagination that the world could ever be that simple. The world used to be fragmented by geography. The Internet made a bridge across oceans. The internet led to an unmanageable quantity of information floating around in limbo. Google helped catalog it.

这只是一厢情愿的想法,而且超出了最原始的想象,世界可能会如此简单。 过去,世界因地理而支离破碎。 互联网在海洋之间架起了一座桥梁。 互联网导致大量信息陷入困境。 Google对其进行了分类。

A single user can consume only so much digital content. How to increase the value of per minute of user consumption? Personalization was bred, born, and groomed.

一个用户只能消费那么多的数字内容。 如何增加每分钟用户消费的价值? 个性化被孕育,诞生和修饰。

The offer of personalization comes at cost of trespassing in your personal space, walking over your inherent preferences, and more dangerously shaping your thoughts and inclinations. It is primarily the way data is obtained, how and to what conclusions are drawn that bothers me. And the extreme lack of transparency.

提供个性化服务的代价是侵入您的个人空间,超越固有的偏好,更危险地塑造您的思想和倾向。 首要的问题是获取数据的方式,得出的结论以及如何得出结论。 而且极度缺乏透明度。

If Google were to advertise to me every day — “You should be a farmer” in different flavors, I might end up abandoning my Product Manager job to travel to a small island and take up farming. There are worse things to convince people of. Convincing an impressionable teenager, hailing from a low-income background, to purchase an iPhone 11 Pro almost sounds like a crime. So does influencing how you vote. Technology has accelerated, taken sharp and sharper turns, and is now intertwined and entangled in its own web.

如果Google每天都以不同的口味向我做广告-“您应该成为一个农民”,我可能最终会放弃我的产品经理工作,去一个小岛上从事农业。 有更糟糕的事情可以说服人们。 说服一个有印象的,来自低收入背景的青少年购买iPhone 11 Pro听起来像是犯罪。 影响您的投票方式也是如此。 技术已经加速发展,急转直下,如今已交织在一起并纠缠在自己的网络中。

It is imperative, for the well-being of our society, that we solve the following problems impacting us in big, small, and often unknown ways.


个性化,但无需跟踪 (Personalization, but without stalking)

Cell Phones are rapidly becoming importance-adjacent to food. Digital sustenance will be soon considered under the primary needs of humans.

手机正Swift变得与食物毗邻。 数字维持将很快在人类的基本需求下被考虑。

Hoards of products, companies vie every second for a moment of your attention. As consumers, the value derived is in terms of the customized offering, personalized discounts, and many more.

大量的产品,公司争夺您一时的注意力。 作为消费者,所获得的价值取决于定制产品,个性化折扣等等。

But a huge part of the population does not stop to think of the cost involved.


Every step we take, every click we make becomes a part of our profile.


Image for post

Most of the Products and services we consume lie in boxes 2 and 4.


Quadrant 1 would be ideal. If not, users should be provided an option to choose the amount of personalization they want.

象限1将是理想的。 如果没有,应向用户提供一个选择所需个性化数量的选项。

个性化和偏见是否一样? (Do personalization and bias feel the same?)

Recommending me a soap opera because I have watched 10 similar ones is personalization.


Recommending me a soap opera because I am a woman is a bias.


Things are rarely this simple, and non-offensive. The bias starts from the human-created data, continues to what the machines learned, and is then reflected in the personality of a product.

事情很少如此简单,无礼。 偏差从人工创建的数据开始,一直到机器学习到的结果,然后反映在产品的个性中。

There is a need to identify boundaries and ensure that our machines do not embed the harmful prejudices that humans have.


言论自由与仇恨言论 (Freedom of speech vs hate speech)

Hate speech and hate slogans have often been the precursor of violence and riots. Especially in the times of the internet where the speech is carried and distributed with the speed of light, its impact becomes more critical to gauge.

仇恨言论和仇恨口号通常是暴力和骚乱的先兆。 特别是在互联网以光速传播和传播语音的时代,对其影响的衡量变得更加关键。

But terminating the existence of hate speech from the media could be stepping over the personal freedom of speech.


The demarcation should be clear, transparent, and consistent across the globe.


减少滤泡的影响 (Reduce the impact of the filter bubble)

Another undesirable impact of all the personalization is being stuck in that filter bubble and never being able to step out.


Imagine a scenario. You have been purchasing cornflakes for 5 years. The entire internet thinks that you like cornflakes and shows you relevant ads, offers, etc. on cornflakes. But no one ever told you about this thing called Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms. And you spend your entire life not knowing the existence of both.

想象一个场景。 您购买玉米片已有5年了。 整个互联网都认为您喜欢玉米片,并向您显示有关玉米片的相关广告,优惠等。 但是没有人告诉过你这种叫做可可粉扑和幸运符的东西。 而且,您一生都不知道两者的存在。

Would that not be a less colorful life with many roads untaken?


The internet, as it is designed today, conspires to convince you further of something you already believe in. While this might be ideal for personalization, the impact on society and the world is adverse.


整合的用户体验 (Integrated user experience)

It is not easy for a typical consumer to consume 5–10 digital products every day and then keep abreast of the new ones.


Starting our day from 2–3 news Apps to consume our daily quota of news, through the day whiling away time on Facebook, to intermittently using shopping, networking apps, the product diet varies.


The constantly fragmenting attention has been leading to low user attention, reduced focus. While there might be not much to complain about from a daily experience perspective, the direction of evolution we are being led towards is worth thinking about.

注意力的不断分散导致用户注意力降低,焦点减少。 从日常体验的角度来看,虽然可能没有太多可抱怨的地方,但我们正在朝着进化的方向值得思考。

With the business landscape as it currently is, what I am talking about might not even be possible. Or, if it is, it could be accompanied by giants gaining size and power leading to obvious problems of concentration of power.

就目前的业务格局而言,我所谈论的甚至可能无法实现。 或者,如果是的话,它可能伴随着巨人获得规模和权力而导致明显的权力集中问题。

But setting the practical problems aside, this is still a problem worth solving.


Humanity has been evolving at an unprecedented pace. The question is if that progress is in the right direction. Walking through the current landscape in place, where would we land. Would this path lead us to Utopia or leave us stranded in a dark tunnel?

人类正在以前所未有的速度发展。 问题是进展是否朝着正确的方向发展。 漫步在当前的景观中,我们将在哪里着陆。 这条路会导致我们进入乌托邦还是让我们陷入黑暗的隧道?

This story was originally published at www.aditi-priya.com. Follow me on Twitter and connect with me on LinkedIn here.

这个故事最初发表在www.aditi-priya.com上 。 跟随我的Twitter的和我在LinkedIn连接在这里

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-5-most-pertinent-problems-in-tech-that-need-solving-post-2020-42cd86e03677






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