qt超级马里奥_探索《超级马里奥》 35周年选集


Reports have been circulating for months suggesting that Nintendo is on the cusp of revealing a massive 35th anniversary Mario collection. You could think of it like a sequel to Super Mario All-Stars, which debuted on the SNES in the ’90s, and contained the first three Super Mario Bros. games from the NES (along with The Lost Levels). In that version, the games were all “remastered” to feature shiny new 16-bit graphics. There is some evidence that Nintendo is working on a new anniversary collection, but folks have repeatedly predicted that it would be revealed in a Nintendo Direct that (as of writing this), hasn’t yet occurred. So who knows if it’s actually happening, or if Nintendo have other plans. Regardless, the sheer volume of reporting certainly suggests smoke (with or without associated fire).

[R 扩展端口已流传数月暗示任天堂上露出一个巨大的35周年马里奥合集的风口浪尖。 您可以将其看作是90年代在SNES上首次亮相的Super Mario All-Stars的续集,其中包含NES的前三场Super Mario Bros.游戏(以及The Lost Levels )。 在那个版本中,所有游戏都被“重新制作”以具有闪亮的新16位图形。 有证据表明 ,任天堂正在开发一个新的周年纪念系列,但人们反复预测,任天堂Direct系列中将发现尚未发生这种情况。 那么谁知道这是否真的在发生,或者任天堂是否还有其他计划。 无论如何, 报告的绝对数量肯定暗示着烟雾(有或没有伴随着火)。

Most of the reports so include the following games as being likely inclusions in the collection:


  • Super Mario 64


  • Super Mario Sunshine


  • Super Mario Galaxy


  • Super Mario 3D World


If such a collection is produced for the Nintendo Switch, it seems advisable not to expect complete remakes of any of these games. So, in the case of Super Mario 64, we might see an upscaled/higher-resolution image that also supports a 16:9 display. I doubt we’ll see any other significant enhancements (I know many folks would probably like to see an improved camera system in Super Mario 64, but I can’t see that being likely here).

如果为Nintendo Switch制作了这样的合集,那么似乎最好不要完全翻拍任何这些游戏。 因此,在Super Mario 64的情况下,我们可能会看到也支持16:9显示的放大/高分辨率图像。 我怀疑我们还会看到其他任何显着的增强功能(我知道许多人可能希望在Super Mario 64中看到改进的摄像头系统,但在这里看不到这种可能性)。

Although there are certainly other great candidates for inclusion in this collection, the above list is pretty solid. And if you are a more recent Mario fan (perhaps you didn’t grow up with a Nintendo 64 or even a GameCube), there’s a lot to discover here. Thankfully, all of these games still play well today. And I’d argue they all represent the absolute pinnacle of 3D platformers across the last (almost) thirty years.

尽管当然还有其他一些很棒的候选对象可以包含在此系列中,但是上面的列表非常可靠。 而且,如果您是马里奥(Mario)的较新迷(也许您不是与Nintendo 64甚至GameCube一起成长),在这里有很多发现。 值得庆幸的是,所有这些游戏今天仍然运行良好。 我认为它们都代表了过去(近)三十年来3D平台的绝对巅峰。

I thought it might be fun to take a brief look at the games in the list and consider what makes each one different and uniquely special.


超级马里奥64 (Super Mario 64)

Nintendo 64 (1996–1997)


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是什么使它成为重要游戏? (What makes it an important game?)

Super Mario 64 is the first 3D Mario game. That fact alone makes it special. But it’s not just that this was Mario’s first foray into 3D — Super Mario 64 became the benchmark for all 3D games in the mid-90s. There had certainly been games with polygon-based graphics before, but Super Mario 64 had full analogue 360 control as well as a moveable camera. Even game creators like Gabe Newell, head of Valve (creators of Half-Life and Portal) has said that Super Mario 64 was a major influence on other game designers over the years.

Super Mario 64是第一款3D Mario游戏。 单凭这一事实就使它变得特别。 但这不只是这是Mario首次涉足3D领域-Super Mario 64成为90年代中期所有 3D游戏的基准。 以前肯定有过带有基于多边形图形的游戏,但是Super Mario 64具有完全的模拟360控制以及可移动的摄像头。 甚至甚至是Valve(《 半条命》和《 传送门》创作者)负责人Gabe Newell这样的游戏创作者都说,多年来, Super Mario 64对其他游戏设计师产生了重大影响。

它在Mario家谱中的什么位置? (Where does it sit in the Mario family tree?)

Being the first 3D Mario game, Super Mario 64 really set the tone for what was to come. Although subsequent games are all remarkably different from each other, the core mechanics — especially around Mario’s movement — represent evolution, rather than revolution. Super Mario 64 set the standard, and its DNA is present across all 3D Mario games.

作为第一个3D Mario游戏, Super Mario 64确实为以后的发展定了基调。 尽管随后的游戏彼此之间都存在显着差异,但核心机制(尤其是围绕Mario的动作)代表了进化,而不是革命。 超级Mario 64设定了标准,其DNA出现在所有3D Mario游戏中。

我为什么要玩呢? (Why should I play it?)

One thing that’s truly awesome about Super Mario 64 is that even in 2020, it still plays well. Yes, the camera is a little wonky (in-game cameras have improved dramatically since the mid-90s), but the game still feels great. Moving Mario around is just as effortless now as it was back then. So you’re guaranteed to have fun, whether you like Mario games specifically or platformers in general. And if you haven’t played it, Super Mario 64 is one of the most important games ever made in terms of its impact on the industry — it’s a vital piece of history that shouldn’t be missed.

关于超级马里奥64真正令人敬畏的一件事是,即使在2020年,它的表现仍然不错。 是的,摄像头有点笨拙(自90年代中期以来,游戏中的摄像头已经有了显着改进),但是游戏的感觉还是不错的。 现在移动Mario就像那时一样轻松。 因此,无论您特别喜欢Mario游戏还是总体上喜欢平台游戏者,都可以确保您玩得开心。 如果您还没有玩过它,那么就其对整个行业的影响而言, Super Mario 64就是有史以来最重要的游戏之一-这是不容错过的重要历史。

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超级马里奥阳光 (Super Mario Sunshine)

Nintendo GameCube (2002)


是什么使它成为重要游戏? (What makes it an important game?)

There must be so many Super Mario 64 Part 2 experiments on the cutting room floor. A seven year gap between major Mario games is unheard of since Mario’s debut in the ’80s. There was no sequel to Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64 (although Banjo Kazooie certainly comes close), and the GameCube (which launched in 2001), didn’t feature a Mario game at launch (I’m not counting Luigi’s Mansion as a Mario platformer, despite being a brilliant game in its own right). It’s fair to say there was a lot of pressure on Super Mario Sunshine.

切割室地板上必须进行如此多的Super Mario 64 Part 2实验。 自从80年代马里奥(Mario)首次亮相以来,马里奥(Mario)主要游戏之间的七年差距是闻所未闻的。 Nintendo 64上没有Super Mario 64的续集(尽管Banjo Kazooie肯定很接近),而GameCube(于2001年推出)在发布时没有播放Mario游戏(我不认为Luigi's Mansion是一款Mario平台游戏,尽管本身就是一款出色的游戏)。 可以说, 超级马里奥阳光有很大的压力

它在马里奥家族树中的什么位置? (Where does it sit in the Mario family tree?)

Super Mario Sunshine is regarded — understandably — as the black sheep of the 3D Mario games. Why? Well, for one thing, it takes place in the colourful land of Isle Delfino (far removed from the more familiar Mushroom Kingdom). And, rather shockingly, Mario wields a weapon…in the form of an anthropomorphic water gun (known as “FLUDD”), which is used to clean up pollution in the form of paint splattered all around the world. Despite its relative oddness, Super Mario Sunshine still features sublime platforming action.

超级马里奥阳光被视为3D马里奥游戏的败笔,这是可以理解的。 为什么? 好吧,一方面,它发生在Isle Delfino多彩的土地上(与熟悉的蘑菇王国相去甚远)。 而且,相当令人震惊的是,马里奥以一种拟人化的水枪(被称为“ FLUDD”)的形式挥舞着武器……它被用来清理污染的油漆,这种油漆遍布世界各地。 尽管相对奇特,《 超级马里奥阳光》仍然具有出色的平台化动作。

我为什么要玩呢? (Why should I play it?)

It might be weird, and it might have a somewhat tarnished reputation…but let’s not kid ourselves: Super Mario Sunshine is still a Mario game. That means it’s still one of the best 3D platformers you’ll ever play. There are some aspects of Super Mario Sunshine that don’t sit well with me (a couple of levels in particular), but it’s still full of imagination, and the FLUDD mechanics are deeply incorporated into all aspects of the experience — for the most part, they work incredibly well.

这可能很奇怪,而且声誉可能有些受损。但是我们不要自欺欺人:《 超级马里奥阳光》仍然是一款《马里奥》游戏。 这意味着它仍然是您玩过的最好的3D平台游戏之一。 超级马里奥阳光 ( Super Mario Sunshine)的某些方面不太适合我(尤其是几个级别),但仍然充满想象力,并且FLUDD机理被深深地融入了体验的各个方面-在大多数情况下,他们的工作异常出色。

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超级马里奥银河 (Super Mario Galaxy)

Wii (2007)


是什么使它成为重要游戏? (What makes it an important game?)

Super Mario Galaxy may have been released in 2007, but it can trace its origins right back to the Super Mario 128 GameCube demo from the Space World trade show in 2000. In that demo, multiple Marios ran and bounded across a large disc that warped into a sphere. Super Mario Galaxy featured unique, spherical worlds. And although putting Mario in space was a novel idea for the franchise, Super Mario Galaxy was, in its own way, a “return” to pure 3D platforming.

超级马里奥银河(Super Mario Galaxy)可能已于2007年发布,但它的起源可以追溯到2000年太空世界贸易展上的超级马里奥128 GameCube演示。在该演示中,多个马里奥斯奔跑并跨过一张大盘,盘绕成一张一个球体。 超级马里奥银河拥有独特的球形世界。 尽管将Mario投入太空对于特许经营来说是一个新颖的主意,但Super Mario Galaxy以其自身的方式“回归”了纯3D平台。

它位于家谱中的什么位置? (Where does it sit in the family tree?)

As a Mario experience, Super Mario Galaxy is both extremely forward-thinking as well as being a product of its time. You can use the Wii Remote to control a star-shaped pointer on the screen to pick up gems and fire them at enemies. You’ll also need to “waggle” to perform certain actions. Fortunately, motion controls are largely optional or additive to the experience here — the core platforming gameplay is watertight.

作为Mario的经历, Super Mario Galaxy既具有超前的思维能力,又是其时代的产物。 您可以使用Wii遥控器控制屏幕上的星形指针,以拾取宝石并将其发射到敌人身上。 您还需要“摇晃”以执行某些操作。 幸运的是,运动控制在很大程度上是可选的,或者是此处体验的补充-核心平台游戏玩法是防水的。

我为什么要玩呢? (Why should I play it?)

Everyone will have a different opinion on this, of course, but for my money…Super Mario Galaxy is the best 3D Mario game since Super Mario 64, at least within this collection (strictly speaking, I think Super Mario Galaxy 2 is even better and the far more recent Super Mario Odyssey is a stunner). Even now, Super Mario Galaxy feels fresh and ambitious. A higher-res version of this beauty, played with Switch Joy-Cons, sounds sublime to me.

当然,每个人对此都会有不同的看法,但就我的钱而言…… Super Mario Galaxy是自Super Mario 64以来最好的3D Mario游戏,至少在该系列中是这样(严格地说,我认为Super Mario Galaxy 2更好,并且最近的《 超级马里奥奥德赛》令人震惊。 即使在现在, 超级马里奥银河 ( Super Mario Galaxy)仍然充满新鲜感和野心。 与Switch Joy-Cons一起播放的这种美的高分辨率版本听起来对我来说是崇高的。

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超级马里奥3D世界 (Super Mario 3D World)

Wii U (2013)

Wii U(2013)

是什么使它成为重要游戏? (What makes it an important game?)

This was the one and only 3D Mario game on the ill-fated Wii U console. Partly because the Wii U sold so poorly, relative to other Nintendo machines, I’d wager that Super Mario 3D World is probably the least-played 3D Mario game at this point. Which is a shame, because it provides yet another solid interpretation of what a 3D Mario game can be.

这是命运多Wi的Wii U控制台上唯一的3D Mario游戏。 相对于其他任天堂机器,部分原因是Wii U的销售如此差劲,我敢打赌, 超级马里奥3D世界可能是目前玩得最少的3D马里奥游戏。 真可惜,因为它为3D Mario游戏提供了另一种可靠的解释。

它位于家谱中的什么位置? (Where does it sit in the family tree?)

Super Mario 3D World is something of a cousin to Super Mario 3D Land on the 3DS. It borrows much from that (excellent) game, particularly the semi-overhead isometric perspective. But there are other things that make this Mario game particularly special — it supports four player cooperative (or, er, competitive) gameplay and you can access a wide range of suits (similar to Super Mario Bros. 3) that give Mario many unique abilities.

超级马里奥3D世界是3DS上超级马里奥3D土地的表亲。 它从(出色的)游戏中汲取了很多东西,特别是从半架空等距角度来看。 但是还有其他一些因素使此Mario游戏特别特别-它支持四人合作(或有竞争 )的游戏玩法,并且您可以使用各种各样的套装(类似于Super Mario Bros. 3 ),这赋予了Mario许多独特的能力。

我为什么要玩呢? (Why should I play it?)

Aside from being a great Mario game, Super Mario 3D World is particularly unique in the sense that you can play the entire experience cooperatively on the same screen. This was something Nintendo wanted to do for many years in a Mario game, but they struggled to nail the design. Super Mario 3D World largely gets it right. That cooperative element is likely to be especially at home on the Switch.

除了是一款出色的Mario游戏之外, Super Mario 3D World尤其独特,因为您可以在同一屏幕上协作玩整个体验。 这是任天堂在马里奥游戏中想做很多年的事情,但他们一直努力确定设计。 超级马里奥3D世界在很大程度上做到了正确。 该合作元素很可能特别是在Switch上。

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The idea that we might get some sort of Mario collection on Switch is pretty exciting. Even if these games (at least those prior to Super Mario 3D World) are only slightly improved to be a little sharper on modern TVs…I think that’ll be a pretty good outcome. We are used to playing and re-playing older 2D Mario games repeatedly across many platforms/devices, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to easily access the 3D Mario games in one place, on a modern TV. A new anthology would be a great way to preserve these classic video games, and to potentially introduce a whole new generation to these masterworks of game design.

我们可能会在Switch上获得某种Mario收藏的想法非常令人兴奋。 即使这些游戏(至少是Super Mario 3D World之前的游戏)仅稍作改进,在现代电视上也更加清晰……我认为这将是一个不错的结果。 我们习惯于在许多平台/设备上反复播放和重播较旧的2D Mario游戏,但是在现代电视上,一处轻松访问3D Mario游戏变得越来越困难。 新的选集将是保存这些经典视频游戏的好方法,并且可能将新一代的游戏设计引入这些游戏设计的杰作。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/exploring-super-marios-35th-anniversary-anthology-a3dc624c2555


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