volvo on road_沃尔沃在信息娱乐游戏中朝着正确的方向前进

volvo on road

Infotainment systems have been there in the market for more than 2 decades now. Like every other aspect of cars, each manufacturer does things a little bit differently in infotainment systems. From tiny non-responsive nightmares to tablet-sized, eye-catching graphic filled screens, they have come a long way from the initial units at the start of this millennium.

我 nfotainment系统已经出现在市场上超过二十年了。 就像汽车的其他各个方面一样,每个制造商在信息娱乐系统中所做的事情也有所不同。 从微小的无React的噩梦到平板电脑大小的醒目的图形填充屏幕,它们与本世纪初的初始设备相比已经有了很大的进步。

Tesla, BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Volvo, Peugeot, and many other car manufacturers have developed very responsive and relatively easy to use infotainment systems over the last decade. But no one has a universally well-received system just yet. Everyone seems to do something better than the other.

在过去的十年中,特斯拉,宝马,奥迪,梅赛德斯,沃尔沃,标致和其他许多汽车制造商已经开发了响应速度快且易于使用的信息娱乐系统。 但是,到目前为止,还没有人拥有一个普遍接受的系统。 每个人似乎都比别人做得更好。

In an era where smartphones have become as good as they could be, it is hard to see why infotainment systems still lagging behind them, as they are essentially smartphones within automobiles. It might be due to the fact that carmakers, until very recently tried to develop those systems on their own without any help from the experts of the software field such as Google or Apple.

在一个智能手机已经变得尽可能完善的时代,很难理解为什么信息娱乐系统仍然落后于它们,因为它们本质上是汽车中的智能手机。 可能是由于这样的事实, 直到最近 ,汽车制造商一直试图在没有Google或Apple之类的软件领域专家任何帮助的情况下自行开发这些系统。

Yes, they have come with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, which mirrors your smartphone into the car infotainment system. But it is not the same if one of them really gets into the field as well demonstrated by the Android Automotive software from Google. With the partnership with Volvo and Audi, Google has modified the well developed Android OS to suit a car, and it has the potential to be the best all-round infotainment system, than any other on the planet.

是的,它们随附了Android Auto和Apple CarPlay,可将您的智能手机镜像到汽车信息娱乐系统中。 但是,如果其中之一真正进入该领域并得到Google的Android Automotive软件的充分证明,那就不一样了。 通过与沃尔沃(Volvo)和奥迪(Audi)的合作,谷歌已经修改了开发完善的Android操作系统以适合汽车,并且它有可能成为全球最好的全方位信息娱乐系统。

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Image credit: VolvoCars

It’s not that Volvo didn’t have a good infotainment system in the first place. Their Sensus system is slick and responsive than the most systems in the market even in 2020. And also Volvo was one of the first brands to integrate the Android Auto and Apple CarPlay support in their infotainment systems.

并不是沃尔沃一开始就没有一个好的信息娱乐系统。 他们的Sensus系统 光滑和响应甚至比2020年还与沃尔沃在市场上大多数系统是第一品牌的一个整合了Android汽车,苹果CarPlay 在他们的信息娱乐系统中提供支持。

So why is Volvo going all Android when they already have a well-functioning system on their hands?


If you are a tech junkie like me, the infotainment system is as important as any other feature in a car. Tesla almost nailed it, BMW sure has a lot going for it, and Audi and Mercedes definitely are front runners in the race, but no one of them nails the most important aspect in an infotainment system in my opinion. That’s the ability to interact with the screen without disturbing our focus on the road.

如果您是像我这样的科技迷,那么信息娱乐系统与汽车中的其他功能一样重要。 特斯拉差点将其钉牢,宝马肯定有很多事情要做,而奥迪和梅赛德斯无疑是比赛的领先者,但我认为没有人钉钉在信息娱乐系统中最重要的方面。 这是与屏幕进行交互的能力,而不会影响我们对道路的关注。

Can you remember the first advice you get when you learn to drive a vehicle? “Don’t take your eyes off the road when you are driving!”. I have been reminded of this important advice several times due to my own experiences and in some of those situations, my non-responsive infotainment system was the culprit. Even if was responsive than it actually is, still taking eyes off the road is still bad enough to cause an accident if you are not careful enough.

您还记得在学习驾驶汽车时得到的第一个建议吗? “开车时别把视线从道路上移开!”。 由于我自己的经验,使我多次想起了这一重要建议,在某些情况下,我的无响应信息娱乐系统是罪魁祸首。 即使响应速度比实际响应速度快,但如果您不够小心,仍然将视线移开仍然会造成事故。

So what is the solution then? I think voice assistants in our infotainment systems are the way to go. Well, voice assistants are also not a novelty in this field. Almost all manufacturers have their own voice assistant with a fancy name and all. What is not fancy is their functionality. If you have used one you might know what I mean. But is it really necessary for car manufacturers to build a great voice assistant in the first place? That’s not their area of play. What car manufacturers have to do is to build a good looking, fun to drive car that we can rely on. So why they just don’t give experts in the software front to get involved with the infotainment systems?

那么,解决方案是什么? 我认为我们的信息娱乐系统中的语音助手是必经之路。 好吧,语音助手在这个领域也不是新鲜事物。 几乎所有制造商都拥有自己的语音助手,并带有精美的名称。 不花哨的是它们的功能。 如果您使用过一个,您可能会明白我的意思。 但是,汽车制造商真的有必要首先构建出色的语音助手吗? 那不是他们的工作范围。 汽车制造商要做的是制造出外观美观,有趣的驾驶汽车,我们可以依靠它。 那么,为什么他们只是不让软件领域的专家参与信息娱乐系统呢?

This is why I think the move from Volvo is a great one. Integrating custom versions of Android or even iOS would be a giant leap in making infotainment systems functional to a level that is fun and safe to use. The good news is that Google already has an operating system designed just for automobiles, named ‘Android Automotive’. Google has worked closely with automakers to design that OS with in-car touchscreens in mind.

这就是为什么我认为沃尔沃的举动是一个伟大的举动。 集成自定义版本的Android甚至是iOS,将是使信息娱乐系统的功能达到有趣且易于使用的巨大飞跃。 好消息是,谷歌已经有一个专门为汽车设计的操作系统,名为“ Android Automotive”。 Google 与汽车制造商紧密合作,在设计该操作系统时考虑了车载触摸屏。

If every carmaker is honest, they might see that Android with Google Assistant is a far better system right now than a system they could build in the next 5 years

如果每个汽车制造商都是诚实的,他们可能会发现,带有Google Assistant的Android现在是比他们在未来5年内可以制造的系统更好的系统

Google has already got a voice assistant and an operating system that is well beyond the reach of any car maker in the near future. Android and Google Assistant have come a long way in the last decade and with the application we experienced in Android Auto, it is clear that Google is more than capable of entering this game and conquering it. Well, it is not a game if every car maker comes on board with this. After all, everybody wants to give their customer the best experience, and if every carmaker is honest, they might see that Android with Google Assistant is a far better system right now than a system they could build in the next 5 years. If you have used Google assistant at least once, you would know how great it is.

Google已经有了语音助手和操作系统,这在不久的将来将远远超出任何汽车制造商的能力。 在过去的十年中,Android和Google Assistant取得了长足的发展,借助我们在Android Auto中体验到的应用程序,很明显,Google不仅具有进入并征服游戏的能力。 好吧,如果每个汽车制造商都参与其中,那不是一场比赛。 毕竟,每个人都希望为客户提供最好的体验,如果每个汽车制造商都是诚实的,他们可能会发现,带有Google Assistant的Android现在是比他们未来5年内可以制造的系统更好的系统。 如果您至少使用过一次Google助手,那么您会知道它的实用性。

And Android is not the only option as well. Apple is also has a great track record with Apple CarPlay and as a leading tech company with expertise in software, they also can be a force in this department. Siri is not Google’s assistant, but still, it is a very capable voice assistant of its own. But unfortunately, it is hard to think that Apple would allow any other party to use their software as they are also planning to enter the auto market.

Android也不是唯一的选择。 苹果在Apple CarPlay方面也有出色的往绩,作为一家在软件方面具有专业知识的领先科技公司,它们也可以成为该部门的一支力量。 Siri不是Google的助手,但它仍然是自己非常有能力的语音助手。 但是不幸的是,很难想象苹果会允许任何其他方使用他们的软件,因为他们也计划进入汽车市场

So Android is most probably the only way for car manufacturers to make things right in the small screen in the dashboard. Google assistant is already very much capable of handling almost everything need from your infotainment system. Wouldn’t it be fun to control climate settings, music player, navigation, and almost every other function by just using your voice? Voice assistants in cars already offer most of those functions, but they are not even 10% reliable and after initial interactions with them most of us get back to touch-based interactions again anyway.

因此,Android很可能是汽车制造商在仪表盘小屏幕上正确显示内容的唯一方法。 Google助手已经非常有能力处理您的信息娱乐系统的几乎所有需求。 仅使用声音来控制气候设置,音乐播放器,导航以及几乎所有其他功能是否会很有趣? 汽车中的语音助手已经提供了其中的大多数功能,但可靠性甚至达不到10%,在与他们进行最初的交互之后,我们大多数人还是会再次回到基于触摸的交互。

So, it is time. Every carmaker should give a chance to Android at least in one model they produce as a trial. It is great to see some other leading car makers such as Chrysler, Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, and even Audi might unveil cars with Google running in the dashboard.

所以,该是时候了。 每个汽车制造商都应至少在他们生产的一种模型中为Android提供机会。 很高兴看到其他一些领先的汽车制造商,例如克莱斯勒,雷诺-日产-三菱联盟,甚至奥迪也可能推出仪表盘上装有Google的汽车。

What is hard to believe is why most manufacturers aren’t doing it by now. Volvo did the right thing by giving the experts the chance to make an already good system to a great one. In the next few years, it will get even better and cars will get a few plus marks for just using Android in their infotainment systems. I wish everyone will get on board in the next few years with more and more electric vehicles hitting the market. It is always better late than never.

令人难以置信的是,为什么现在大多数制造商都没有这样做。 沃尔沃通过给专家们一个机会,使一个已经很好的系统成为一个优秀的系统,从而做了正确的事情。 在未来几年中,仅在其信息娱乐系统中使用Android的情况下,它将变得更好,汽车也将获得一些加分。 我希望在未来几年中,随着越来越多的电动汽车进入市场,每个人都将加入。 迟到总比不到好。


volvo on road





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