

As we look to the return to work after the summer break, it’s becoming clear we have little idea what awaits us and that there is little prospect of “returning to normal, or how things were before the pandemic.

当我们展望返回到暑假后的工作,它变得清晰,我们根本不知道有什么在等待着我们,并且有“的可能性微乎其微恢复正常 ”,或事物是如何前的流行病。

Firstly, the experts warn us that we can expect continued outbreaks over the autumn and winter as temperatures fall and more of us find ourselves once again in enclosed spaces. We now know a little more about the virus, but too many people have yet to understand the precautions we need to take to prevent its transmission and nor do they understand the concept of exponential growth, which means that infections continue to spread as soon as containment measures are relaxed.

首先,专家警告我们,我们有望继续爆发 在秋天和冬季,随着温度的下降,我们中的更多人再次陷入封闭的空间 。 现在,我们对病毒有了更多了解,但是太多的人尚未了解我们为防止其传播需要采取的预防措施 ,也不了解指数增长的概念,这意味着一旦遏制,感染就会继续传播措施放松了。

The virus is going to be with us for a long time to come, obliging us to redesign our world and our activities to take it into account. For the corporate world, this implies many changes: responding to the pandemic is like any other adoption process, requiring adaptation to a changing environment. There will be proactive companies that try to deal with these changes on their own initiative and that will set themselves apart from merely reactive companies that will limit themselves to simply complying with the law.

这种病毒将在很长一段时间内与我们同在,迫使我们必须重新设计我们的世界和我们的活动以考虑到它 。 对于企业界而言,这意味着许多变化:应对这种大流行就像任何其他采用过程一样,需要适应不断变化的环境。 将会有一些积极主动的公司尝试主动应对这些变化,这将使他们与仅将自己限制为仅遵守法律的被动型公司区分开。

How should companies prepare for the immediate future? Basically, by accepting that the current situation is no longer exceptional, no longer simply a response to a one-off emergency, but part of the way we are going to be living for a long time. This involves a series of steps, some of which are very similar to preparing for digital transformation process.

公司应如何为近期做好准备? 基本上,通过接受当前的状况不再是例外,不再仅仅是对一次性紧急情况的回应,而是我们将长期生存的一部分方式。 这涉及一系列步骤,其中一些步骤与准备数字转换过程非常相似。

  1. Process mapping: companies must carry out a detailed mapping of their production and administrative processes. Information flows, people in charge, dependencies, approval processes, etc. must be captured in a flow chart, reviewed, and approved by all those involved.

    流程映射 :公司必须对其生产和管理流程进行详细的映射。 信息流,负责人,依存关系,批准流程等必须记录在流程图中,并由所有相关人员进行审查和批准。

  2. Process redesign: Practically all those processes that involve face-to-face interactions or use paper, must be redesigned to avoid dependence on methodologies or technologies that cannot be digitized. In addition, this redesign should not focus on trying to preserve the essence of the previous processes, but should be approached aggressively to find optimization for a digital environment.

    流程重新设计 :几乎所有涉及面对面交互或使用纸张的流程都必须重新设计,以避免依赖无法数字化的方法或技术。 另外,这种重新设计不应只着眼于保持先前过程的本质,而应积极地寻求针对数字环境的优化。

  3. Focus on people: this is, in itself, a new role for people departments — wrongly called HR, as if people were just another resource — and means understanding the personality traits of everybody working in the organization, diagnosing their degree of comfort and adaptation to methodologies based on remote work, and assessing whether they have the equipment they need to be able to work from home or wherever. This will require the company to meet certain expenses, to agree on work schedules and timetables, and to adapt as far as possible to meet people’s needs.

    以人为本 :这本身就是人事部门的新角色-错误地称为HR,就好像人只是另一个资源一样-意味着要了解组织中每个工作人员的个性特征, 诊断他们的适应程度和适应程度基于远程工作的方法 ,并评估他们是否具备在家或在任何地方工作所需的设备。 这将要求公司承担一定的费用,就工作时间表和时间表达成协议,并尽可能地适应人们的需求。

  4. Training needs: today’s tools are increasingly simple, and companies need not necessarily spend too much time training people how to use them. But basic use is one thing, and shortcuts, advice or tactics used by people once they have acquired a good level of fluency are another. Developing and nurturing best practice communities is key. If we can get people in the organization to see these tools as an extension of themselves, we can greatly reduce the levels of frustration that result from working in a new environment.

    培训需求 :当今的工具越来越简单,公司不必花太多时间培训人们如何使用它们。 但是基本的使用是一回事,一旦人们获得了良好的流利度,人们所使用的捷径,建议或策略便是另一回事。 发展和培育最佳实践社区是关键。 如果我们可以让组织中的人员将这些工具视为自己的扩展,则可以极大地减少由于在新环境中工作而造成的挫败感。

  5. Redesign communication: a company designed for distributed work cannot depend on email or WhatsApp. Communication processes based on professional tools will need to be designed for a corporate environment, and above all, will need to be versatile, able to easily integrate other tools. Slack will be the obvious choice, but there are other options. Let’s not get bogged down in using this or that tool, but instead take into account use protocols: a single team member who doesn’t use Slack properly can drive the whole organization crazy.

    重新设计沟通 :专为分散工作而设计的公司不能依赖电子邮件或WhatsApp。 基于专业工具的通信流程将需要针对公司环境进行设计,最重要的是,它必须具有通用性,能够轻松集成其他工具。 松弛将是显而易见的选择 ,但还有其他选择。 我们不要因为使用该工具而陷入困境,而是要考虑使用协议 :一个没有正确使用Slack的团队成员会使整个组织疯狂。

  6. Security strategy: companies will need to rethink their security processes in accordance with the new routines and tools, but without making security a major challenge or turning it into a hassle. This would be the right time to adopt tools such as password managers or VPNs that enable a secure environment, as well as to train people in good security practices.

    安全策略:公司将需要根据新的例程和工具重新考虑其安全流程,但又要避免使安全成为主要挑战或将其变成麻烦 。 这将是采用诸如密码管理器VPN之类的工具来启用安全环境以及对人员进行良好安全实践培训的正确时机。

  7. Long-term strategy: it is essential to make it clear to the entire organization that, contrary to what happened at the beginning of the pandemic, this is no longer a temporary emergency, but rather a redesign of the way we will work in the future. This, in addition to reducing the level of uncertainty, can help many workers in their personal decision-making in important issues such as relocation: in the United States, for example, some moving companies have reported increases in activity in recent months of up to 160%, and about one in three people are considering a move within the next six months.

    长期战略:必须向整个组织明确,与大流行开始时发生的情况相反,这不再是暂时的紧急情况,而是对我们未来工作方式的重新设计。 这不仅可以减少不确定性的程度,还可以帮助许多工人在诸如搬迁等重要问题上做出个人决策:例如,在美国,一些搬家公司报告说,近几个月来的活动有所增加。 160%的人,大约三分之一的人正在考虑在未来六个月内采取行动。

  8. Redesigning offices and physical locations: making distributed work the first option does not mean doing away with offices, but it certainly means resizing and redesigning them. Offices will become a place for providing services to the team: equipment, facilities or installations that most people won’t have at home, as well as for socializing, for certain meetings or events, etc. The office where everyone goes to work every day has lost its meaning.

    重新设计办公室和实际位置 :将分布式工作作为第一选择并不意味着放弃办公室,而是一定要调整它们的大小并重新设计 。 办公室将成为向团队提供服务的场所:大多数人不会在家中使用的设备,设施或装置,以及社交,某些会议或活动等的社交场所。每个人每天都在上班的办公室已经失去了意义。

  9. Redesigning interaction: distributed working implies new rules of interaction. This will involve reducing the number of synchronous meetings and activities, and understanding that an email, a Slack thread or a shared document should not necessarily be understood as something that requires immediate response, and that people have their own pace and preferences when working. The initial impression we had at the beginning of the pandemic that we were now going to work all day, all the time is simply untenable, and it is important for the organization to understand this. The redesign of interaction also involves other things: how to encourage innovation, how to engage in virtual brainstormings… these are not necessarily obvious questions, and they might require some training.

    重新设计交互 :分布式工作意味着新的交互规则。 这将涉及减少同步会议和活动的数量,并理解电子邮件,Slack线程或共享文档不一定应理解为需要立即响应的内容,并且人们在工作时具有自己的节奏和偏好。 在大流行开始时,我们最初的印象是我们现在整天都在工作,这简直站不住脚,对于组织而言,理解这一点很重要。 交互的重新设计还涉及其他事项: 如何鼓励创新 ,如何进行虚拟头脑风暴 ……这些不一定是显而易见的问题,它们可能需要接受一些培训。

  10. Trust: distributed work only functions when companies are able to create an environment of trust with the workforce. If your managers are not capable of understanding this, they keep trying to micromanage and they even intend to install monitoring tools on their teams’ computers, don’t let them: it’s better to change managers.

    信任 :只有公司能够与员工建立信任环境时,分布式工作才起作用。 如果您的经理不了解这一点,那么他们会继续尝试进行微观管理,甚至打算在团队计算机上安装监视工具 ,但不要让他们:最好更换经理。

And finally: don’t try to judge the impact of these changes too quickly. It can take weeks or months for habits to be adopted and ingrained. If you try to evaluate things after a few days, it will be a disaster: processes that are still poorly prepared, workers are still skeptic, there will be people who insist on doing things the old way, many inefficient practices, etc. We’re talking about decades of conditioned habits and reflexes… you have to give the new processes time to consolidate properly.

最后:不要试图太快地判断这些变化的影响。 习惯和根深蒂固可能需要数周或数月的时间。 如果您尝试在几天后评估事情,那将是一场灾难:流程仍然准备不足,员工仍然持怀疑态度,会有人坚持用旧的方式做事,许多效率低下的做法等等。谈论数十年的习惯性习惯和反射……您必须给新流程一些时间以适当地巩固。

The world has changed, and these changes are here to stay. In the coming months we will see many aspects of life redefined, and work will be one of them. If you don’t grasp this and are simply hoping for things to return to the way they were in 2019, you’re going to have problems. Be proactive instead.

世界已经改变,这些改变将继续存在。 在接下来的几个月中,我们将看到生活的许多方面得到重新定义,工作将是其中之一。 如果您不了解这一点,只是希望事情恢复到2019年的状态,那么您将遇到问题。 积极主动。

This article was previously published on Forbes.


(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/proactive-vs-reactive-companies-and-distributed-work-ten-fundamental-points-58fbd8df40de






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