尚硅谷 硅谷外卖_关于多样性,硅谷未能想到与众不同

尚硅谷 硅谷外卖

By Shelly Banjo and Dina Bass


Quora Inc., which runs the eponymous questions and answers website, couldn’t figure this one out: Why were so many Black and Latinx college students rejecting its job offers or withdrawing from interviews? Last year, a recruiter suggested that the Silicon Valley company might seem more welcoming if it had dedicated groups of underrepresented employees for the candidates to consult. Higher-ups were initially skeptical, she says, whether the company even had enough diverse employees to do so. Quora says it’s in the process of creating such groups.

运行同名问答网站的Quora Inc.无法弄清楚这一点:为什么这么多黑人和拉丁裔大学生拒绝其工作机会或退出面试? 去年,一名招聘人员建议,如果硅谷公司有专门的代表性不足的员工小组供应聘者咨询,那么它似乎会更受欢迎。 她说,高层人士最初是持怀疑态度的,无论公司是否有足够的多元化员工来这样做。 Quora表示正在建立这样的小组。

Silicon Valley’s predominantly White, male workforce didn’t have to be this way. The wave of national unrest around ingrained racism has called attention to the dearth of people of color across corporate America. Yet if there’s one industry that should have been able to avoid these problems, it’s technology. Many of today’s biggest tech companies, which frequently use their corporate mission statements to espouse utopian harmony, didn’t exist a few decades ago. They didn’t inherit the same racial disparities entrenched at banks and other centuries-old institutions. Yet they’ve replicated the same rot.

硅谷主要由白人男性组成的劳动力不一定非要这样。 根深蒂固的种族主义引发的全国动荡浪潮,引起了人们对全美公司有色人种匮乏的关注。 但是,如果有一个行业应该能够避免这些问题,那就是技术。 几十年前,许多当今最大的科技公司不存在,它们经常使用公司使命宣言来支持乌托邦和谐。 他们没有继承银行和其他拥有数百年历史的机构中根深蒂固的种族差异。 但是他们复制了同样的烂话。

“Tech had started to take over our world, but as the industry added tens of thousands of jobs, it was ushering in the same systemic racism we’ve faced for 100 years,” says Joseph Bryant, who leads PushTech2020, an initiative of the Reverend Jesse Jackson. “It’s not just, ‘Don’t put your knee on my neck.’ It’s also, ‘Help me get a job and build wealth, because I’m qualified and you’re not even looking in my direction.’ ”

“科技已经开始占领我们的世界,但是随着行业增加数以万计的工作机会,它迎来了我们已经面临100年的系统种族主义,” PushTech2020倡议的负责人约瑟夫·布莱恩特(Joseph Bryant)说。杰西·杰克逊牧师。 “不只是,'别把膝盖放在我的脖子上。' 它还是“帮助我找到工作并积累财富,因为我有资格,而且您甚至都没有朝着我的方向前进。” ”

According to the Kapor Center for Social Impact, about 21% of computer science graduates are Black or Latinx, yet they represent only 10% of technical roles at the 20 top-grossing tech companies. More than 97% of tech startup founders and their venture capital backers are White or Asian.

根据Kapor社会影响中心的数据 ,约有21%的计算机科学专业的毕业生是黑人或拉丁裔,但在20个收入最高的科技公司中,他们仅占技术职位的10%。 超过97%的科技创业公司创始人及其风险投资支持者是白人或亚洲人。

Renewed vows in June by tech companies to diversify their workforces recall years of failure at Microsoft, Facebook, and Google. At those companies, Black employees make up 3.3%, 1.7%, and 2.4% of technical roles, respectively. Proxy statements show there was only one Black executive among the leadership teams at Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon.com last year. He was at Google, and he left in January.

科技公司在6月再次发誓要使他们的员工多样化,这回想起了微软,Facebook和Google多年来的失败。 在这些公司中,黑人员工分别占技术职位的3.3%,1.7%和2.4%。 委托书显示,去年微软,Facebook,谷歌,苹果和Amazon.com的领导团队中只有一位黑人高管。 他曾在Google工作,并于一月份离开

To truly make good on all these years of promises, tech companies must start by puncturing two pervasive Silicon Valley myths: that they’re meritocracies where everyone gets a fair shot, and that diversity is a pipeline problem. The reality is that Black employees are leaving faster than they’re being hired because, for people of color, many tech companies can be painful places to work. Getting through the door is one thing; staying and progressing up the ranks to a position of influence is another.

为了真正兑现这些许诺的承诺,科技公司必须首先突破两个普遍存在的硅谷神话:它们是人人都能得到公平对待的绩效评价体系,而多样性是一个管道问题。 现实情况是,黑人雇员离职的速度比他们被雇用的要快,因为对于有色人种,许多科技公司可能是痛苦的工作场所。 进门是一回事。 保持并提升自己的影响力是另一回事。

Often, Black employees are the only minorities on their teams. They receive salary offers that average $10,000 less than offers to White peers, according to recruitment marketplace Hired Inc., and take longer to get promoted. Many also incur what’s referred to as a “Black tax” — additional work such as representing the company at career fairs or conducting new-hire interviews, implicitly distorting how diverse the company is. That takes them away from their day job for no extra pay. Small wonder, then, that many tech companies lose more Black employees through attrition in a given year than they manage to hire. To have any meaningful change, tech companies will have to spend as much time — or more — retaining and promoting Black employees as getting them in the door.

通常,黑人员工是团队中唯一的少数群体。 根据招聘市场招聘公司Hired Inc.的数据,他们所获得的薪水平均比对白人同行的薪水低10,000美元,而且晋升所需的时间更长。 许多人还承担所谓的“黑税”,这是额外的工作,例如在职业展览会上代表公司或进行新员工面试,这会隐含扭曲公司的多元化。 这样一来,他们就无需支付任何额外的报酬就能摆脱日常工作。 因此,难怪很多科技公司在某一年内因流失而流失的黑人雇员多于设法雇用的黑人雇员。 为了进行有意义的改变,高科技公司将不得不花费更多的时间(甚至更多)来挽留和提升黑人员工。

And if they want smart people to speak up, they can’t penalize outspoken Black workers. “One of my managers used to call all the things I was doing around diversity ‘extracurriculars,’ ” says Bari Williams, a former Facebook Inc. lawyer who now heads legal at Human Interest Inc., a fintech company. “Leadership can talk about diversity all day long, but if the managers and people who implement it don’t buy in, it’s not going to happen.”

而且,如果他们想让聪明的人说出来,就不会对直言不讳的黑人工人进行惩罚。 “我的一位经理曾经称我围绕多样性所做的一切都是'课外活动',”前Facebook Inc.律师巴里·威廉姆斯(Bari Williams)说,他现在是金融科技公司Human Interest Inc.的法律负责人。 “领导层可以整天谈论多样性,但是如果管理者和实施多样性的人不接受,那就不会发生。”

Google came under fire in June after claims that its campus security policy, which encourages staffers to look at the ID badges of passersby to make sure they match the people’s faces, led to discrimination against Black and Latinx workers. Employees who said Black and Latinx workers were subject to disproportionately frequent checks complained to CEO Sundar Pichai, who committed to ending the practice. “It seems small, but over time it makes you feel like you don’t belong,” says one Black employee in the Bay Area, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution. It’s a signal that “this space wasn’t built and isn’t intended for us.”

谷歌声称其校园安全政策鼓励员工查看路人的身份证,以确保他们与人们的脸相符,从而导致对黑人和拉丁裔工人的歧视。 那些说黑人工人和拉丁工人受到频繁检查的员工向首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)抱怨,后者致力于终止这种做法 。 “似乎很小,但是随着时间的流逝,它会让您感到自己不属于自己,”海湾地区的一名黑人雇员说。他不愿透露姓名,但担心会受到报应。 这表明“这个空间不是建造的,也不适合我们使用。”

Black Googlers who speak out are criticized even as the company holds them up as examples of its commitment to diversity, according to Timnit Gebru, a Google researcher who uncovered how some facial-recognition programs mischaracterize darker-skinned women. She says co-workers and managers have tried to police her tone, make excuses for harassing or racist behavior, or ignore her concerns. When Google was considering having Gebru manage another employee, she says, her outspokenness on diversity issues was held against her, and concerns were raised about whether she could manage others if she was so unhappy. “People don’t know the extent of the issues that exist because you can’t talk about them, and the moment you do, you’re the problem,” she says.

黑色的Google谁讲出的批评,甚至为公司持有他们,作为其多元化的承诺的例子,根据Timnit Gebru,一个谷歌研究员谁发现了一些面部识别程序是如何mischaracterize深色皮肤的女性 。 她说,同事和经理们试图控制她的语气,为骚扰或种族主义行为找借口,或者无视她的担忧。 她说,当Google考虑让格布鲁(Gebru)管理另一名员工时,她对多样性问题的直言不讳对她不利,人们担心如果她不开心,她是否可以管理其他人。 她说:“人们不知道存在的问题的严重程度,因为您无法谈论这些问题,而当您这样做时,您就是问题所在。”

Google says it began paying closer attention to attrition rates in 2018, when it saw Black and Latinx workers leaving the company at faster-than-average rates. The company says its response efforts included hiring case managers to focus on trying to retain the employees. “Only a holistic approach to diversity will produce meaningful, sustainable change,” the company said in a statement.

谷歌表示,从2018年开始,它开始更加关注流失率,当时它看到黑人和拉丁裔工人以高于平均水平的速度离职。 该公司表示,其应对工作包括聘请案例经理,以专注于挽留员工。 该公司在一份声明中说:“只有采取整体的多元化方法才能产生有意义的,可持续的变化。”

The focus on diverse hiring has overshadowed failures to retain new Black and Latinx employees, pay them equally, and promote them. Tech companies’ leaky bucket syndrome makes it look as if their overall workforce diversification efforts are stagnant. That discourages other diverse hires from seeking similar jobs and creates a difficult cycle to break, according to Charlene Delapena, a former recruiter at Quora who now works for another startup and also runs URx Inc., a talent development organization.

对多元化招聘的关注掩盖了未能挽留黑人和拉丁裔新员工,给予同等报酬并晋升的失败。 科技公司的漏斗症候群使他们看起来整体员工队伍多元化工作停滞不前。 Quora的前招聘人员Charlene Delapena表示,这使其他多元化的员工不愿寻求类似的工作,并且很难打破这一循环。

Quora says no Black students rejected job offers during last fall’s recruiting season. “It is important to our mission and also to me personally that we provide an environment where people from all kinds of backgrounds can do their best work,” CEO Adam D’Angelo said in a statement.

Quora说,在去年秋天的招聘季节,没有黑人学生拒绝工作。 “对于我们的使命以及对我个人而言,重要的是我们提供一个环境,使来自不同背景的人们都能尽其所能,”首席执行官Adam D'Angelo在一份声明中说。

The push to diversify tech’s ranks can be traced to the 2013 disclosure by former Pinterest Inc. engineer Tracy Chou that women made up just 12% of the company’s engineering staff. Her declaration prompted women at other companies to speak out. “There’s no way we’d get systemic change if we weren’t even willing to release the basic numbers,” says Chou, who now runs Block Party, the maker of an anti-harassment app.

推动技术队伍多元化的努力可以追溯到前Pinterest公司的工程师Tracy Chou在2013年披露的信息中,女性仅占公司工程人员的12%。 她的声明促使其他公司的妇女大声疾呼。 “如果我们什至不愿意发布基本数字,我们就不可能进行系统的改变,”现任反骚扰应用程序制造商Block Party运营商的周说。

The next year, Reverend Jackson established PushTech2020 in San Francisco. He showed up at the annual shareholder meetings of Google, Microsoft, and Amazon and demanded they disclose their race and gender data. In 2015 members of the Congressional Black Caucus weighed in, meeting with Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook.

第二年,杰克逊牧师在旧金山成立了PushTech2020。 他出席了Google,微软和亚马逊的年度股东大会,并要求他们披露种族和性别数据。 2015年,国会黑人核心小组成员参加了会议,并与Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg和Apple Inc.首席执行官Tim Cook会面。

PushTech2020 aimed for 20% of people of color in Silicon Valley by 2020. “We won’t say they totally failed because this story hasn’t reached its endpoint,” says Bryant. “But they haven’t come close.” Top tech companies did begin to disclose their diversity stats and hire chief diversity officers, but five years on, not one such company has anything close to a 13% Black workforce, which would match the Black proportion of the U.S. population. Some companies have even tried to fudge figures by including temporary contractors and cafeteria workers, Bryant says, declining to name names.

PushTech2020的目标是到2020年硅谷有色人种达到20%。“我们不会说他们完全失败了,因为这个故事还没有达到终点,”科比说。 “但是他们还差得远。” 顶尖高科技公司的确开始披露其多样性统计数据,并聘请首席多样性官,但五年来,没有一家这样的公司拥有接近13%的黑人劳动力,这与美国黑人的比例相当。 科比说,有些公司甚至试图通过包括临时承包商和自助餐厅工作人员来捏造数字,但拒绝透露姓名。

Gwen Houston, Microsoft Corp.’s former head of diversity, says Black employees there would quickly become disillusioned by the “only-ness factor” that comes when few minorities are on a team. Promotion and hiring discussions regularly excluded Black employees under the banner of amorphous criteria, such as whether a candidate was considered a good “fit,” she says. When the employees leave, she says, Microsoft’s reputation among other Black job candidates naturally suffers. By the time Houston left Microsoft in late 2017, there had been some progress on increasing the number of women in leadership, but not much on the number of Black people. Twice-yearly talent reviews while she was at the company failed to elevate many Black executives because there were too few of them at a high enough level, she says.

微软公司前多元化负责人格温·休斯顿(Gwen Houston)表示,黑人员工很快就会对团队中只有少数族裔的“唯一因素”感到失望。 她说,晋升和聘用讨论会定期将黑人雇员排除在不确定标准的旗帜之下,例如候选人是否被认为是良好的“合适人选”。 她说,当员工离开时,微软在其他黑人应聘者中的声誉自然会受到损害。 到2017年底休斯顿离开微软时,在增加担任领导职务的女性人数方面取得了一些进展,但在黑人人数上却没有太大的进展。 她说,在公司任职期间,每年两次的人才审查未能提升许多黑人高管的水平,因为他们的水平太高了。

A company the size of Microsoft would need to hire 9,000 Black workers in the U.S. alone to achieve population parity, so losing Black staff stung. “I always used to say we need to be just as invested on the retention as we are on the recruiting because we have to manage this hemorrhaging effect,” Houston says. “Microsoft wasn’t keen on talking about turnover costs.”

一家像微软这样规模的公司仅在美国就需要雇用9,000名黑人工人,以实现人口均等,因此失去的黑人员工会感到刺痛。 休斯顿说:“我经常说我们需要在招聘方面与在招聘方面一样投入,因为我们必须处理这种出血效应。” “微软不愿谈论营业额成本。”

Pledges to double the number of Black employees in senior and leadership positions by 2025 will “hold us accountable for progress,” a Microsoft spokesperson said in a statement. “We need to ensure that our culture of inclusion is a top priority for everyone. We acknowledge that there is much more that we need to do to improve the lived experience of Black and African American employees at Microsoft and members of the community in society.”

微软发言人在一份声明中说,到2025年将黑人在高级和领导职位上的雇员人数增加一倍的承诺将“使我们对进步负责”。 “我们需要确保我们的包容文化是每个人的头等大事。 我们承认,我们还有很多工作要做,以改善Microsoft和社会上的黑人和黑人员工的生活经验。”

The opportunity to build a diverse workforce perhaps seemed more promising at a younger company such as Facebook Inc., which has added 42,000 employees globally over the past eight years. Facebook was founded in 2004, Microsoft in 1975. But according to company filings with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there were only 260 Black employees in Facebook’s 11,200-strong U.S. workforce in 2016. That count increased to more than 1,000 in 2018, but only after Facebook’s total workforce roughly tripled.

在像Facebook Inc.这样的年​​轻公司中,建立多元化劳动力的机会似乎更有希望,该公司在过去八年中在全球增加了42,000名员工。 Facebook于2004年成立,微软于1975年成立。但是根据向美国平等就业机会委员会提交的公司文件,2016年,在Facebook的11,200名美国员工中,只有260名黑人雇员。这一数字在2018年增加到1000多人,但是直到Facebook的员工总数增长了两倍左右。

Facebook has managed to increase the proportion of women among its technical employees to 24% in 2020, from 15% in 2014, the first year it published its diversity stats. In that time, however, it hasn’t managed to increase the share of Black U.S. employees in those roles by a single percentage point.

Facebook设法将女性在技术员工中的比例从2014年(公开发布多样性统计数据的第一年)的2014年的15%提高到2020年的24%。 但是,在那个时候,它还没有设法将美国黑人雇员在这些职位中的份额提高一个百分点。

Chief Diversity Officer Maxine Williams, who joined Facebook in 2013, says that failure doesn’t have a simple answer — improving retention will require systemic changes beyond what the company has managed so far, rather than “leaving it up to chance whether someone has a good manager.” Each team will need its own goals, she says. “It’s bloody hard to keep doing this hard work every day.”

首席多样性官Maxine Williams于2013年加入Facebook,他说失败没有一个简单的答案-改善保留率将需要系统的改变,超出公司目前的管理范围,而不是“让某人有机会拥有一个机会”。好经理。” 她说,每个团队都需要有自己的目标。 “每天继续辛勤工作真是太血腥了。”

In July, Facebook was accused of systemic discrimination by a Black employee in a complaint to federal civil rights authorities. Oscar Veneszee Jr., a decorated former U.S. Navy veteran, said he was denied promotions and stalled by middling evaluations, despite being good at his job. He had three managers in three years and was often the lone Black employee on his team. Veneszee said he was forced to apologize to a White Facebook recruiter after questioning why a list of potential schools where Facebook was actively recruiting only had one historically Black college or university on it. “If someone is being silenced over raising diversity concerns in recruiting, it means next time, someone like Oscar feels like they can’t speak up,” says Peter Romer-Friedman, a principal at Gupta Wessler PLLC who is representing Veneszee. Facebook has said it’s investigating the allegations; Williams declined to comment further.

今年7月,一名黑人雇员在向联邦民权当局的投诉中, 指控 Facebook进行系统歧视 。 小奥斯卡·韦内塞(Oscar Veneszee Jr.)是一位前美国海军老兵,他说,尽管他擅长工作,但他被拒绝晋升,并因中等评估而陷入僵局。 他在三年中有三位经理,通常是团队中唯一的黑人雇员。 韦内塞说,在质疑为什么Facebook正在积极招募的一系列潜在学校中只有一所历史悠久的黑人学院或大学之后,他被迫向一名白人Facebook招聘者道歉。 “如果有人因为在招聘方面提出多元化问题而保持沉默,那就意味着下一次,像奥斯卡这样的人会觉得自己无法说话,”代表Veneszee的Gupta Wessler PLLC负责人Peter Romer-Friedman说。 Facebook已经表示正在调查这些指控。 威廉姆斯拒绝进一步置评。

Facebook in 2013 found zero correlation between alma mater and performance, according to Adam Ward, a former recruiter for the company who now runs his own firm. Current and former Facebook staffers say that despite adding more schools to the recruiting lists, White managers continue to select from the same Ivy League and West Coast schools they’d attended. Many of these institutions act as another racial filter because Black students are often underrepresented. “Companies will give unfair weight to a school like Stanford, dipping down to the top 20% of students, but might pass on a student in the top 2% of their class at Penn State because of baked-in bias,” says Ward. Top roles are narrowly filled with people from other tech companies rather than Black or Latinx executives in more diverse sectors, he says.

根据该公司前招聘人员亚当·沃德(Adam Ward)的说法,Facebook在2013年发现母校与绩效之间的相关性为零。 Facebook的现任和前任员工表示,尽管在招聘名单上增加了更多的学校,但白人管理人员仍继续从他们曾参加过的常春藤盟校和西海岸学校中选择。 这些机构中的许多机构是种族隔离的另一个原因,因为黑人学生的人数通常不足。 沃德说:“公司会给斯坦福这样的学校施加不公平的影响,降到排名前20%的学生,但可能会因为偏见而把宾州州立大学排名前2%的学生录取下来。” 他说,高层职位几乎是来自其他科技公司的人才,而不是来自多元化领域的黑人或拉丁裔高管。

Experts say the coronavirus pandemic and global economic slowdown are hurting diversity efforts, too. Businesses are looking for ways to cut costs, and diversity and inclusion teams can be low-hanging fruit. Companies give chief diversity officers “little to no budget,” says Aubrey Blanche, the former diversity head at Atlassian Corp. “They’re trying to solve 400 years of structural oppression and, ‘Oh, by the way, they need to hit their target at the end of the quarter.’ ”

专家说, 冠状病毒大流行和全球经济放缓也正在损害多样性努力。 企业正在寻找削减成本的方法,而多元化和包容性团队将是轻而易举的事。 公司给首席多样性官“几乎没有预算”,Atlassian Corp的前多样性负责人奥布里·布兰奇(Aubrey Blanche)说。“他们正在努力解决400年的结构性压制,'哦,顺便说一下,他们需要努力目标是在季度末。” ”

With Alistair Barr

和Alistair Barr

© 2020 Bloomberg L.P.

©2020 Bloomberg LP

翻译自: https://medium.com/bloomberg-businessweek/on-diversity-silicon-valley-failed-to-think-different-2fcceae75796

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