epic登录不上_Epic Games诱使苹果展开近期历史上规模最大的营销活动


The Fortnite maker, Epic Games surprised the whole gaming community by announcing a price drop for all V-Bucks, Fortnite’s real-money currency.

Fortnite制造商Epic Games 宣布 Fortnite的真实货币V-Bucks 降价 ,令整个游戏界感到惊讶。

For the uninitiated, Apple and Google take a 30% cut on apps that offer in-app purchases. This gatekeeper-like-tax policy set by the two leading mobile operating systems eats up a significant chunk of profit from businesses and also suppresses competitors.

对于初衷者,苹果和谷歌将提供应用内购买的应用削减30%。 由两个领先的移动操作系统制定的这种类似“看门人”的税收政策吞噬了企业的可观利润,也压制了竞争对手。

Apple, who doesn’t support sideloading apps, has been facing far more scrutiny than Google. Spotify and a bunch of other firms have openly criticized them by filing anti-trust complaints. A lot of it has to do with Apple’s uneven rules and selective exemptions of the 30% fee cut for apps like Amazon Prime and Netflix.

不支持侧面加载应用程序的苹果比Google面临的审查要严格得多。 Spotify和其他许多公司通过提出反托拉斯投诉公开批评了他们。 这很大程度上与苹果公司不规则的规则以及选择性免除亚马逊Prime和Netflix等应用程序30%的费用有关。

Coming back to Fortnite, they managed to circumvent the in-app purchase system through a server-side feature update that offers a direct purchase option(a clear violation of App Store policies):

回到Fortnite,他们设法通过提供直接购买选项的服务器端功能更新规避了应用程序内购买系统(明显违反了App Store政策):

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Within hours, Fortnite, by far the most popular game of the year was kicked out by Apple from their App Store. Subsequently, Google banned them as well.

数小时之内,Fortnite(迄今为止最流行的游戏)被Apple从其App Store推出。 随后,谷歌也禁止了它们。

For someone living under a rock, this might seem like a dumb move by Epic Games as the violation and consequences were rather obvious. One would wonder why would Fortnite risk losing customers and revenue worth millions?

对于生活在一块岩石下的人来说,这似乎是史诗般的愚蠢举动,因为违规行为和后果相当明显。 有人会怀疑为什么Fortnite冒着失去数百万客户和收入的风险?

Well, what transpired immediately shows that Epic Games was expecting a Fortnite ban. They baited Apple in order to pull off a marketing campaign that protests against big-tech monopoly.

好吧,所发生的一切立即表明Epic Games正期待Fortnite禁令。 他们诱使苹果公司发起了一场抗议大型高科技企业垄断的营销活动。

FortniteSwift嘲笑苹果标志性的1984年广告 (Fortnite Quickly Mocked Apple’s Iconic 1984 Ad)

Epic Games was prepared well in advance to combat and escalate this issue. They were quick to publish a short film mocking Apple’s iconic 1984 advertisement with a hilarious parody.

Epic Games已为应对和升级此问题做好了充分的准备。 他们很快发布了一部嘲笑苹果公司标志性的1984年广告的短片,模仿了搞笑。

Apple’s 1984 commercial was great for more than a few reasons. Besides being set in the backdrop of George Orwell’s dystopian novel, the ad managed to highlight IBMs monopolistic control over the market. Apple succeeded in creating a buzz for its Macintosh computers by delivering a succinct message.

苹果公司1984年的商业广告之所以出色,有几个原因。 除了以乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)的反乌托邦小说为背景之外,该广告还设法强调了IBM对市场的垄断控制。 苹果通过传达简洁的信息成功地为其Macintosh计算机创建了嗡嗡声。

Fast forward to 2020, Epic Games gave Apple a taste of their own medicine. The recreated advertisement titled as “Nineteen-Eighty Fortnite” depicts how the Cupertino tech giant has now become the Darth Vader it once used to fight against.

快进到2020年,Epic Games让苹果尝尝了自己的药。 的 重新制作的广告 标题为“十九个堡垒”的游戏描绘了库比蒂诺科技巨头如何成为曾经与之抗衡的达斯·维达(Darth Vader)。

Through this commercial, Epic Games succeeded in showcasing that tables have turned. Apple is the new evil empire that’s performing atrocities against the working class, eating their profits, and exercising too much control over the apps marketplace.

通过这则广告,Epic Games成功地展示了桌子已经翻转了。 苹果是一个新的邪恶帝国,它对工人阶级实施暴行,吞噬他们的利润,并对应用程序市场实施过多控制。

The beautifully crafted parody advertisement not only puts across the message of App Store monopoly but also urges other small businesses and indie developers to join Fortnite in its protest.

精心制作的模仿广告不仅传达了App Store垄断的信息,还敦促其他小型企业和独立开发商加入Fortnite进行抗议。

提起诉讼的Epic Games将把苹果置于后脚 (Epic Games Filing A Lawsuit Will Put Apple On The Backfoot)

Epic Games sued Apple and Google within hours with a lawsuit citing anti-trust violations and highlighting their monopolies. Alongside the brilliant short film, this only goes on to show that the Fortnite makers had a well-thought plan in advance.

Epic Games在数小时内起诉苹果和谷歌,理由是违反了反托拉斯法并突出了他们的垄断地位。 除了出色的短片,这还只是表明《堡垒之夜》的制造商事先有周密的计划。

While anti-trust lawsuits won’t do much (especially, not against Google who provides third-party app stores), Apple who managed to get away in the recent congressional hearing without much grilling will now certainly be feeling the heat.


Epic Games has been one of the most lucrative partners for Apple with Fortnite alone generating over a billion dollars from in-app purchases.

Epic Games一直是Apple最赚钱的合作伙伴之一,仅Fortnite就通过应用内购买产生了超过10亿美元的收入。

On the other hand, Microsoft and Google, whose cloud gaming services are denied on the App Store are openly criticizing Apple.

另一方面,在App Store上拒绝提供云游戏服务的微软和谷歌则公开批评苹果。

Now, with Epic Games, joining the gaming bandwagon, alongside Facebook as well, can potentially upheave the iOS ecosystem. Apple who has been lately disguising its restrictive and uneven policies as privacy has tough questions to answer now.

现在,借助Epic Games, 与Facebook一起加入游戏潮流可以潜在地改善iOS生态系统。 苹果最近因隐私权而掩饰其限制性和不均衡的政策,现在有很多难题需要回答。

The Cupertino tech giant might quickly throw in the towel and offer Fortnite a sweet deal(perhaps reducing the cut). But that would only bring more scrutiny.

库比蒂诺科技巨头可能会Swift投入毛巾,并为Fortnite提供一笔甜蜜的交易(也许会减少裁员)。 但这只会带来更多的审查。

结论 (Conclusion)

It’ll be interesting to see if Apple introspects its own policies to address concerns. Epic Games' response to Apple would now be all the more important.

看看苹果是否会反省自己的政策来解决问题将是很有趣的。 Epic Games对苹果的回应现在将变得更加重要。

Their CEO, Tim Sweeney has rather vocally called this campaign as a fight for freedom of all smartphone users and developers. In such a case, bending down to a settlement for Fortnite would make this a mere feud for increasing their own profits.

他们的首席执行官蒂姆·斯威尼(Tim Sweeney)口口声声地称此活动为争取所有智能手机用户和开发人员自由的斗争 。 在这种情况下,屈服于Fortnite的和解协议将使这仅仅是增加自己的利润的仇恨。

Epic Games have set a new precedent for combating big-tech monopoly through a brilliant marketing stunt. The world is on their side and the publicity they’d garner right now would certainly bring more Fortnite users when it returns on the smartphones.

Epic Games开创了新的先例,可通过出色的营销特技来对抗大型技术垄断。 世界站在他们一边,他们现在要获得的宣传肯定会在智能手机上回归时带来更多Fortnite用户。

Until then, they shouldn’t back down.


翻译自: https://medium.com/macoclock/epic-games-baits-apple-to-pull-off-the-biggest-marketing-campaign-in-recent-history-618f1b4790d9






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