

In the twenty-first century, fax seems to have become a cliche or a pithy synonym for the outdated, mundane, and antiquated.


However, there was once a time, a time that existed for over 150 years, when fax machines were the height of technological innovation and communication.


To begin our brief history of the fax machine, we must travel back to 1836.


As discussed a couple of weeks ago, 1836 was a tremendous time for communication. Near the end of the decade, Samuel Morse and others invented the electrical telegraph. With the telegraph’s invention came an unprecedented level of communication, the fax machine built on the success and technology of the electric telegraph. As impressive as the telegraph was, it wasn’t intuitive, or available, to the average individual. The telegraph also limited communication to text, prohibiting the distribution of photographs.

正如几周前所讨论的,1836年是交流的宝贵时间。 十年末,塞缪尔·莫尔斯(Samuel Morse)和其他人发明了电报机。 电报机的发明带来了前所未有的通信水平, 传真机建立在电报机的成功和技术之上 。 与电报一样令人印象深刻,但对于普通人来说却不是直观的或可用的。 电报还限制了文字交流,禁止散发图片。

Less than ten years after the electrical telegraph was invented, and even before it reached mainstream use, Alexander Bain was on to the next big thing, the fax machine.

在电报发明之后不到十年,甚至在电报被广泛使用之前,亚历山大·贝恩(Alexander Bain)就开始研究下一个重要的东西,即传真机。

The concept behind the fax machine was simple: a machine took an image, transmitted it over electrical wire, then reformed the image on the other side. Even the name “fax” derives from its purpose, fax being short for “facsimile” which means to make similar in Latin (Cengage, “Fax Machine.”).

传真机背后的概念很简单:一台机器拍摄一张图像,然后通过电线传输它,然后在另一面重新形成图像。 甚至“传真”的名称也源于其用途,传真是“传真”的缩写,意在拉丁语中使用类似名称 (Cengage,“传真机”。)。

Bain’s machine employed two identical devices, one receiving and one sending. Each machine had a pendulum which swung across a metal typeface. When the pendulum swung over a raised letter a circuit was completed and an electrical signal was sent down the wire to the second device. A synchronized pendulum on the receiving end would swing over a special paper that would change color when an electrical current was applied (Garfinkel and Grunspan 48). Bain’s initial fax machine, patented under “improvements in producing and regulating electric currents and improvements in timepieces and in electric printing and signal telegraphs” (Bellis, “Alexander Bain…”), produced crude images and was plagued with problems. A common challenge involved timing the two pendulums.

贝恩的机器使用了两个相同的设备,一个接收和一个发送。 每台机器都有一个摆在金属字体上的摆锤。 当钟摆在凸起的字母上摆动时,电路完成,并且电信号沿着电线发送到第二个设备。 接收端的同步摆将摆放在特殊的纸上,该纸在施加电流时会改变颜色(Garfinkel和Grunspan 48)。 贝恩最初的传真机(在“产生和调节电流方面的改进以及时计,电子打印和信号电报的改进”)下获得了专利(贝利斯(Bellis),“亚历山大·贝恩(Alexander Bain)”),产生了粗糙的图像,并且遇到了问题。 一个共同的挑战涉及两个钟摆的计时。

Once Alexander Bain’s idea had been released to the world, competition took over to improve and market the device.

亚历山大·贝恩(Alexander Bain)的想法一经问世,就开始争夺改进和销售该设备的竞争。

Giovanni Caselli was the first to offer a major improvement and, incidentally, create the world’s first commercial fax system. Caselli’s system was similar, but much simpler. He used a rotating drum and both transmitting and receiving ends utilized a special paper in which the ink conducted electricity. Caselli called his system the pantelegraph, building a network between Paris and Lyon, France in 1865. Banks used the pantelegraph extensively (Garfinkel and Grunspan 48).

乔凡尼·卡塞利(Giovanni Caselli)是第一个进行重大改进的人,并且偶然地创造了世界上第一个商业传真系统。 Caselli的系统类似,但是简单得多。 他使用了一个旋转鼓,发送和接收端都使用了一种特殊的纸张,墨水在其中导电。 卡塞利(Caselli)将他的系统称为缩放仪,1865年在巴黎和法国里昂之间建立了一个网络。银行广泛使用了缩放仪(Garfinkel和Grunspan 48)。

The final major version of the fax machine came in 1881 when Shelford Bidwell used selenium cells to record an image of the document. Due to technical challenges, the first test came in 1904 when Dr. Arthur Korn transmitted an image, a photograph, between Berlin and Nuremberg, Germany (“Stars: Fax Machine.”). This was the first transmission of an image over wire! By 1907, newspapers throughout Europe were using the system to send and receive images in a process that now took only twelve minutes (“Stars: Fax Machine.”).

传真机的最终主要版本出现在1881年,当时谢尔福德·比德韦尔(Shelford Bidwell)使用Selenium池记录文档图像。 由于技术上的挑战,第一次测试是在1904年,当时Arthur Korn博士在柏林和德国纽伦堡之间传送了一张图像(一张照片)(“星星:传真机”)。 这是第一次通过电线传输图像! 到1907年,整个欧洲的报纸都在使用该系统发送和接收图像,而该过程现在只用了十二分钟(“星星:传真机”)。

Because selenium cells proved difficult to work with, many looked for an alternative (“Stars: Fax Machine.”).


The solution was photoelectric cells.


With my limited knowledge of physics, it’s best to summarize photoelectric cells as the method used to capture images for modern scanning, faxing, copying etc. The system essentially scans a document in lines, most documents contain 1,728 pixels per line (Cengage, “The Invention of…”). For each pixel, the photoelectric cell determines whether the pixel is light (white) or dark (black). For each white pixel, the photoelectric cell notes a binary “0” for each black pixel, the cell notes a “1” (Cengage, “The Invention of…”). Through this process, the document could be reduced to binary representation. Further processing would reduce consecutive 0s and 1s to special, shorter, binary codes. Once the binary codes were processed, a modem translated them to analog signals sent along electrical, or more recently, telephone lines. On the receiving end, another fax machine would print dark pixels where directed by the binary.

以我对物理的有限了解,最好将光电电池概括为用于捕获图像以进行现代扫描,传真,复印等的方法。该系统实质上是按行扫描文档,大多数文档每行包含1,728像素(Cengage,“发明……”)。 对于每个像素,光电电池确定像素是亮(白色)还是暗(黑色)。 对于每个白色像素,光电单元为每个黑色像素标注一个二进制“ 0”,该单元标注为“ 1”(参见“……的发明”)。 通过此过程,文档可以简化为二进制表示形式。 进一步的处理会将连续的0和1减少为特殊的,较短的二进制代码。 处理完二进制代码后,调制解调器将它们转换为沿电气线路或更近的电话线发送的模拟信号。 在接收端,另一台传真机将在二进制文件指示的位置打印暗像素。

Over time, the fax machine began to see a variety of uses. As already mentioned, it was primarily used in the news. For the first time, American readers could not only read a story about Europe, they could see Europe. However, with any technology, others began to see its potential. In World War I, the German military began to experiment with fax-based transmission of maps and important communication (“Stars: Fax Machine.”). Not only could text be transmitted without code (such as in Morse Code), but images could be sent and a hard copy could be generated hundreds of miles away. This proved an important development for many offices around the world, by the 1970s, the fax machine began to explode.

随着时间的流逝,传真机开始出现各种用途。 如前所述,它主要用于新闻中。 美国读者第一次不仅可以阅读有关欧洲的故事,还可以看到欧洲。 但是,有了任何技术,其他人开始看到它的潜力。 在第一次世界大战中,德国军方开始试验基于传真的地图传输和重要通信(“星:传真机”)。 不仅可以不用代码(例如摩尔斯电码)来发送文本,还可以发送图像,并且可以在数百英里之外生成纸质副本。 事实证明,这对全球许多办事处都是重要的发展,到1970年代,传真机开始爆炸。

In the year 1970, 25,000 fax machines were in use, by 1980 there were 250,000 fax machines. The numbers grew even faster, from 1985 to 1990 fax machine use grew from 500,000 devices to over 5 million (“Stars: Fax Machine.”)!

1970年,使用了25,000台传真机,到1980年,使用了250,000台传真机。 这个数字增长得更快,从1985年到1990年,传真机的使用从500,000台设备增加到超过500万台(“明星:传真机”)!

The office became the home of the fax machine. Communication was suddenly much faster and even more open. Given that the English language is the common language of commerce, telephones were often difficult for many non-native speakers. However, since many could read and write English better than they could speak it, the fax machine became the default method of communication (“Stars: Fax Machine.”).

办公室成了传真机的家。 沟通突然变得更快,甚至更加开放。 鉴于英语是商业通用语言,许多非母语人士通常很难打电话。 但是,由于许多人的英语读写能力胜于英语,因此传真机成为默认的通信方式(“星级:传真机”。)。

The fax machine also replaced couriers and message boys. Hard copies of documents could now be sent within minutes from remote locations to remote locations. As the price of fax machines dropped and features grew, many homes even added fax machines. The world had suddenly shrunk yet again.

传真机还取代了快递员和留言员。 现在可以在几分钟之内将文档的硬拷贝从远程位置发送到远程位置。 随着传真机价格下降和功能增加,许多家庭甚至增加了传真机。 世界突然又缩小了。

Unfortunately however, the fax machine is no longer the dominant communication method, even among more outdated offices. How did this happen? How did a device that reached its peak just over twenty years ago fall from its perch so quickly? Well, the answer is simple, but involves a few developments, the most important being personal computer use and email (“Stars: Fax Machine.”).

但是,不幸的是,即使在过时的办公室中,传真机也不再是主要的通信方法。 这怎么发生的? 二十多年前达到顶峰的设备是如何如此Swift地从高处跌落的呢? 答案很简单,但是涉及一些发展,最重要的是个人计算机的使用和电子邮件(“星号:传真机”。)。

In the 1970s and 1980s personal computer use was often restricted to executive use or perhaps secretary use. Although seen as powerful machines, computers were not yet prominent staples of the workplace. By the late 1980s, computers began to be seen on nearly every desk in America, and by the 1990s, computers were a given. Since everyone had computers, why was the office limited to communication via one singular device? Closely tied to computing and the development of the Internet was email. More informal communication could be commenced more conveniently from the privacy of one’s own desk.

在1970年代和1980年代,个人计算机的使用通常仅限于行政人员或秘书的使用。 尽管被视为功能强大的机器,但计算机仍不是工作场所中的主要钉书钉。 到1980年代后期,计算机几乎开始出现在美国的每张桌子上,到1990年代,已经有了计算机。 由于每个人都拥有计算机,为什么办公室仅限于通过一个单一的设备进行通信? 电子邮件与计算和Internet的发展紧密相关。 从自己办公桌的私密性可以更方便地开始更多非正式的交流。

On June 15, 1993, Adobe released the Portable Document Format (PDF) and even announced it would be free to use.


Suddenly, email, along with the ease of the PDF, became a faster way to send formal documents and share files. Once the shift to the Internet was complete, Internet faxing began to grow, however, pricing and competition didn’t set this new development up for success (Adobe, “Who Created…”).

突然之间,电子邮件以及PDF的简便性成为了发送正式文档和共享文件的更快方法。 一旦完成向互联网的转移,互联网传真便开始增长,但是,价格和竞争并没有为成功开发新的技术(Adobe,“ Who Created…”)。

Although fax machines still exist in nearly any office, they have disappeared from homes and even most business use. The rise of personal computing, the Internet, specifically email, and the advent of the PDF file format all colluded to kill the fax machine.

尽管传真机几乎仍然存在于任何办公室,但它们已经从家庭甚至大多数企业用途中消失了。 个人计算机,互联网(尤其是电子邮件)的兴起以及PDF文件格式的出现,共同扼杀了传真机。

As the fax machine quickly disappeared from mainstream use, it became a statement for much of the antiquated workplace and those not fully accepting of more modern technologies.


Still, despite this rather entertaining connotation, fax machines have been some of the most influential communication devices ever invented. Fax machines lead to digital versions such as scanning, copying, email, and PDFs.

尽管如此,尽管具有有趣的含义,传真机仍是有史以来最有影响力的通信设备之一。 传真机可生成数字版本,例如扫描,复印,电子邮件和PDF。

Fax machines, along with their long and brilliant legacy, are the eighteenth major milestone in the history of computing.


有关通信技术的更多信息: (More on Communication Technology:)

有关计算机历史的更多信息: (More on the History of Computers:)

参考文献 (Works Cited)

Bellis, Mary. “The Fax Machine Is Much Older Than You Think.” ThoughtCo,,laymen's%20terms%20a%20fax%20machine.

贝里斯,玛丽。 “传真机比您想象的要古老得多。” # :~: text=%20first%20fax%20machine%20 waslaymen's%20terms%20a%20fax%20machine。

Borth, David E. “Fax.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 18 Feb. 2020,

David E. Borth,“传真”。 不列颠百科全书,不列颠百科全书,Inc.,2020年2月18日,。

Cengage. “Fax Machine.”,, 15 July 2020,

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Cengage. “The Invention Of The Fax Machine.”,, 15 July 2020,

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Communications, Adobe Corporate. “Who Created the PDF?” Adobe Blog, Adobe, 18 June 2015,,in%20The%20Wall%20Street%20Journal.

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Garfinkel, Simson, and Rachel H. Grunspan. The Computer Book: from the Abacus to Artificial Intelligence, 250 Milestones in the History of Computer Science. Sterling, 2018.

Garfinkel,Simson和Rachel H. Grunspan。 计算机书籍:从算盘到人工智能,计算机科学史上的250个里程碑 。 斯特林,2018年。

“The History of Fax (from 1843 to Present Day).” Fax Authority,

“传真的历史(从1843年到今天)。” 传真授权 ,。

“Stars: Fax Machine.” IEEE Xplore Full-Text PDF:

“明星:传真机。” IEEE Xplore全文PDF: = 6926912。



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