

Practical data science is more about programming than it is about math. Python is the language of choice for the majority, so it’s essential to master non-data-science aspects of the language. Today we’ll talk about 3 essential books to do just that.

实用数据科学更多地是关于编程,而不是数学。 Python是大多数人选择的语言,因此掌握该语言的非数据科学方面至关重要。 今天,我们将讨论3本书。

But why is it important to master programming as a data scientist? Well, I’ll take my chances and say you’ll work for a company with other software developers, so it’s essential to know how your role fits into a bigger picture.

但是,以数据科学家的身份掌握编程为什么很重要? 好吧,我会抓住机会说您将与其他软件开发商一起在一家公司工作,因此了解您的角色如何适应更大的前景至关重要。

Let’s quickly elaborate on that.


Most data scientists work inside a company that offers some product/service, which is developed primarily by the software development team. The role of a data scientist is to extend the functionality of the mentioned product/service with, well, data analysis or predictive modeling of some sort.

大多数数据科学家都在提供某些产品/服务的公司内部工作,这些产品/服务主要由软件开发团队开发。 数据科学家的作用是通过某种形式的数据分析或预测建模来扩展上述产品/服务的功能。

Knowing how to train a machine learning model in a notebook just won’t make the cut. Also, knowing the basics of software development also isn’t enough for efficient work with the software development department.

知道如何在笔记本电脑上训练机器学习模型不会成功。 而且,仅了解软件开发的基础知识还不足以与软件开发部门进行有效的合作。

You need to know how to write simple, readable, and efficient code, and also know how to organize it in an optimal way.


That’s where more advanced programming concepts come into play — topics such as data structures, algorithms, design patterns, and interview questions — which aren’t necessarily tied just to interviews. But more on that later.

在那里,更高级的编程概念开始发挥作用-诸如数据结构算法设计模式面试问题之类的主题 -不一定只与面试相关。 但是稍后会更多。

Please keep in mind — in the article, you’ll find affiliate links to my top recommended books. That doesn’t mean anything to you, as the price is identical, but I’ll get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase. Also, I included only the books I’ve gone through personally and can guarantee 100% for the quality.

请记住-在文章中,您会找到我最推荐的书籍的会员链接。 这对您来说没有任何意义,因为价格相同,但是如果您决定购买,我将获得少量佣金。 另外,我只收录了我亲自看过的书,可以保证100%的质量。

Okay, let’s start with the first one.


使用Python的动手数据结构和算法 (Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Python)

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https://amzn.to/3hiEHW8 https://amzn.to/3hiEHW8

If you’re serious about your programming endeavors, learning data structures and algorithms is a must.


It’s one of those concepts for which you don’t understand the point at first, but once you go through the materials everything changes. You’ll learn just how elegant the code can be when written efficiently and also get introduced to answers on some of the most common interview questions.

这是您一开始不了解要点的那些概念之一,但是一旦您阅读了材料,一切都会改变。 您将学到有效编写代码后代码的优美程度,并了解一些最常见的面试问题的答案。

This is the go-to book for learning data structures and algorithms in the Python programming language, and it covers topics like built-in data types, data types from the collections module, singly and doubly linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and tree traversal, hash tables, graphs, searching and sorting algorithms, and much more.

这是一本学习Python编程语言中的数据结构和算法的入门书,它涵盖了诸如内置数据类型, 集合模块中的数据类型,单链和双链列表,堆栈,队列,树和树之类的主题。遍历,哈希表,图形,搜索和排序算法等等。

There are a lot of resources online to learn these topics, but I’ve found this book pretty good for the price. It’s about 400 pages long, so don’t expect to complete it any time soon. Devote at least 2 months to it, as the topics are fairly complex.

在线上有很多资源可以学习这些主题,但是我发现这本书价格合理。 它长约400页,所以不要指望很快完成它。 由于主题相当复杂,因此至少要花两个月的时间。

You can get the book here.


掌握Python设计模式 (Mastering Python Design Patterns)

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https://amzn.to/2ZulMBw https://amzn.to/2ZulMBw

Think of design patterns as a set of best practices you can use to solve a particular problem when designing an application.


This book will teach you how to structure your code. Staying inside notebooks isn’t a solution for production environments, so learning how to properly structure your code is a must — even if you’re not writing applications (in a traditional sense).

本书将教您如何构建代码。 留在笔记本电脑中并不是针对生产环境的解决方案,因此即使不编写应用程序(传统意义上),也必须学习如何正确构造代码。

The book covers a vast majority of design patterns, such as abstract factory pattern, builder pattern, adapter pattern, decorator pattern, bridge pattern, facade pattern, command pattern, observer pattern, and many more.


Those are divided into sections to make learning logical and easy, and the main sections are creational patterns, structural patterns, and behavioral patterns.


It’s only about 250 pages so it shouldn’t take you that long to finish. Once again, this is not the simplest of topics, so take your time and don’t rush things.

它只有250页左右,因此不需要花费那么长时间即可完成。 再一次,这不是最简单的主题,所以花点时间,不要着急。

You can get the book here.


Python编程面试的要素 (Elements of Programming Interviews In Python)

Image for post
https://amzn.to/3ivutTS https://amzn.to/3ivutTS

Yet another awesome book. If you’ve read the first one from the list — Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms With Python — you may find this one a bit similar. That’s not a bad thing at all. Let me elaborate.

另一本很棒的书。 如果您已阅读列表中的第一个内容- 动手数据结构和Python算法 -您可能会发现这有点相似。 这根本不是一件坏事。 让我详细说明。

You need to learn data structures and algorithms well, and repeating the concepts you’ve learned months ago is nothing but beneficial. Also, you should learn or at least skim over some of the most common coding interview questions.

您需要很好地学习数据结构和算法,重复几个月前学到的概念无非是有益的。 另外,您应该学习或至少略过一些最常见的编码面试问题。

Why? Because chances are some of these will occur during your job interview. You’re expected to know this stuff, even though it’s not directly tied to data science. It sucks, I know.

为什么? 因为有些机会是在求职面试中发生的。 即使它与数据科学没有直接联系,您也应该知道这些东西。 真烂,我知道。

That’s how things are with data science — a ton of prerequisites required by the interviewers, of which you’ll use 5% on the job. Maybe. But it is what it is.

数据科学就是这样-面试官需要大量的先决条件,而您将在其中使用5%的工作。 也许。 但是它就是这样啊。

You can get the book here.


你走之前 (Before you go)

Programming and software engineering is much broader than one might think. It’s not enough to learn how to write code, as we must aim for the simplest and the most efficient solution.

编程和软件工程的范围比人们想象的要广得多。 学习如何编写代码是不够的,因为我们必须以最简单,最有效的解决方案为目标。

These books are my recommended way to take your Python skills to the top level. If you’re a Python beginner, here’s an article you should read:

这些书是我推荐的将Python技能提高到最高水平的方法。 如果您是Python初学者,请阅读以下文章:

Thanks for reading, I hope you’ve liked it.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/3-programming-books-every-data-scientist-must-read-db1d3a1a284c


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