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翻译 MLB经理和第九局谬论

Baseball managers have a crucial job, so as teams increase their quantification of player performance we turn the lens of Sabermetrics to the bench bosses. 棒球经理的工作至关重要,因此,随着球队增加对球员表现的量化,我们将Sabermetric...

2020-10-16 15:37:01 431

翻译 图像数据分析_图像分类的探索性数据分析思路

图像数据分析Exploratory data analysis comprises of brief analyses to describe a dataset to guide the modeling process and to answer preliminary questions. For classification problems, this might include loo...

2020-09-07 16:47:24 1359

翻译 python jupyter笔记本中数据科学的最佳实践

The Jupyter Notebook is a different type of IDE. It provides a lightweight interface that allows a user to create and interact with code in a neat and tidy way: the goal here being a report-style form...

2020-09-07 16:38:08 389

翻译 帆软bi 观远bi_与电源bi一起加入

帆软bi 观远biI’ve described the basics of joins in my first article. Hope you have found it helpful. In this article, I will show you how these joins can be done using Power BI’s Power Query and also in R...

2020-09-07 16:29:03 743

翻译 spotify文件下载路径_从计算机的音乐文件夹中自动执行Spotify上的播放列表

spotify文件下载路径In modern society music streaming platforms are gaining a lot of popularity compared to the old mechanisms like vinyl records, CDs, mp3, files, etc. That’s why most people are preferring ...

2020-09-07 16:19:35 4395

翻译 数据科学中的正则表达式

在字符串向量中查找正则表达式匹配 (Finding Regex Matches in String Vectors)The grep function takes your regex as the first argument, and the input vector as the second argument. If you pass value=FALSE or omit the v...

2020-09-07 16:09:36 149

翻译 如何衡量二次曲线的变化趋势_衡量变化

如何衡量二次曲线的变化趋势Let's do a think-experiment. Imagine that the world around you just froze. Nothing is changing. Everything is on a standstill. Is there anything, that is meaningful? Anything you can lear...

2020-09-07 15:59:50 1832

翻译 数据模型最佳实践_数据科学家应了解软件工程最佳实践

数据模型最佳实践 意见 (Opinion) 介绍 (Introduction)I have been eagerly researching, speaking to friends and testing some new ideas that will contribute to making me a more indispensable Data Scientist — Of cour...

2020-09-07 15:49:11 198

翻译 快速傅立叶变换fft_使用快速傅立叶变换fft从气候数据中提取季节性模式

快速傅立叶变换fftMeteorology students hardly experience smooth and expeditious data analysis. When comes to results, they oftentimes plunge to nebulous insights and vague conclusions. Despite how clearly the...

2020-09-07 15:39:19 1105

翻译 数学模型预测模型_改进著名的nfl预测模型

数学模型预测模型The NFL season is right around the corner. Players are nearing the end of training camp, and fans alike are eager to watch their favorite team play on Sunday again. How we got here has been un...

2020-09-07 15:29:25 9775

翻译 数位板时不时失控_当事情失控时进行网络分析

数位板时不时失控In the world of Data Science and Machine Learning, network analysis can be easily treated as a standalone domain. The depth of the field is so vast that nowadays lots of companies and industri...

2020-09-07 15:18:32 285

翻译 视觉传达_传达数据见解的3个简单步骤

视觉传达Working in People Analytics, I am constantly sending out data, especially in the form of dashboards. Dashboards are great because they can visually show a lot of information in a concise way. I lo...

2020-09-07 15:08:32 389

翻译 bigquery使用散列数据填充开发环境

介绍 (Introduction)A common dilemma I encounter when working on data engineering projects is coming up with a means to adequately test data processes in a development environment. This typically requi...

2020-09-07 14:58:45 173

翻译 数据告诉我们,为什么我们都应该关心好莱坞女导演的问题

Female directors in the film industry are underrepresented and even though ‘Hollywood’s female director problem’ has been the source of discussion over the past years, there have been no major changes...

2020-09-07 14:48:10 499

翻译 从独立模型到模型工厂的模型演变

In Part 1 of this series we examined the key differences between software and models and in Part 2 we explored the twelve traps of conflating models with software. Both these articles were focused on ...

2020-09-07 14:37:36 261

翻译 熊猫数据集_操纵熊猫数据框的7种方法

熊猫数据集Pandas is a very powerful and versatile Python data analysis library that expedites the data analysis and exploration process. One of the advantages of Pandas is that it provides a variety of fun...

2020-09-07 14:27:49 187

翻译 参考文献标注位置_位置参考

参考文献标注位置One of the first spatial concepts we learn when we are children is the relative position of an object, like above the table, under the bed, in front of me, behind my mom, next to the chair. Du...

2020-09-07 14:18:29 1020

翻译 hadoop核心组件_大数据技术入门1 hadoop核心组件

hadoop核心组件Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities. Safe to say you use at least a social media platform, be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Tiktok; the lis...

2020-09-07 14:08:45 747

翻译 数据科学家编程能力需要多好_每位数据科学家必须阅读的3本编程书籍

数据科学家编程能力需要多好Practical data science is more about programming than it is about math. Python is the language of choice for the majority, so it’s essential to master non-data-science aspects of the lang...

2020-09-07 13:59:11 229

翻译 机器学习预测结果评估展示_评估通用社区测试计划的性能并预测结果

机器学习预测结果评估展示Dr Catrina Ko (Twitter: @dr_CatKo)Hong Kong Global Connect (Twitter: @HKGlobalConnect) 高慧琳博士(Twitter:@dr_CatKo)香港环球通(Twitter:@HKGlobalConnect) 6th September 2020 2020年9月6日 抽象 (Abstract)...

2020-09-07 13:49:23 2286

翻译 ava图像美学数据集_通过人体工程学美学,使数据科学更加流畅

ava图像美学数据集Anyone who says aesthetics don’t impact work is deceiving themselves. 任何说美学不会影响作品的人都在自欺欺人。 Look at Apple: They built a dominant tech empire by applying artistic minimalism to every aspect o...

2020-09-07 13:39:20 701

翻译 价值工程 价值分析 pmp_价值和地点,您的理想城市离市场分析很远

价值工程 价值分析 pmpAbout three and a half years ago, as we were nearing the end of our fifth decade, my wife and I were discussing our retirement plans for the distant future. Indiana had been our home off ...

2020-09-07 13:29:52 291

翻译 投资组合分析的基础收益和亏损

In this story, we are going to do some basic portfolio returns analysis in python. 在这个故事中,我们将使用python做一些基本的投资组合收益分析。 When we analyze a stock, portfolio, or index’s performance, the first thing we loo...

2020-09-07 13:20:24 298

翻译 严重程度分数推导

When I made my U.S. Severity Dashboard for COVID-19, I was asked by several people: 当我为COVID-19制作美国严重性仪表板时,有几个人问我: “How did you come up with the Severity score Calculation for your COVID-19 Dashboard...

2020-09-07 13:10:17 504

翻译 预测不同时间序列模型的概述

When one wants to start predicting the future, it must come as no surprise that one must deal with time. This is the essence of time series modeling. A time series model can be thought of as a functio...

2020-09-07 13:00:16 512

翻译 大数据文件格式说明

介绍 (Introduction)For data lakes, in the Hadoop ecosystem, HDFS file system is used. However, most cloud providers have replaced it with their own deep storage system such as S3 or GCS. When using de...

2020-09-07 12:49:38 262

翻译 开关电源用什么开关管_电源开关中的安全点击技巧

开关电源用什么开关管Bookmarks are one of the most used features in Power BI. Personally, it’s one of my favorites, since they give you a possibility to create “app-like” Power BI reports and make them look more...

2020-09-07 12:39:20 153

翻译 gp数据库月份第一天_社会数据科学的第一天

gp数据库月份第一天Starting the first day of a graduate programme is different in the time of a pandemic. 在大流行期间,开始研究生课程的第一天有所不同。 Especially considering how lucky and fortunate one can be. Firstly, to be able...

2020-09-07 12:30:03 351

翻译 科学界最牛合影_如何在数据科学界赢得胜利

科学界最牛合影In 2019, LinkedIn ranked “Data Scientist” as the most promising profession in the US with 56% increase in job demand, and has consistently topped Glassdoor’s best jobs in America for three year...

2020-09-07 12:20:11 145

翻译 使用树状图和Cophenetic相关性在python中进行分层聚类

介绍 (Introduction)In this article, we will take a look at an alternative approach to K Means clustering, popularly known as the Hierarchical Clustering. The hierarchical Clustering technique differs ...

2020-09-07 12:09:17 2607

翻译 使用dabl自动化数据科学

数据科学 (Data Science)dabl stands for Data Analysis Baseline Library. The idea behind dabl is to make supervised learning automated for reducing boilerplate for common tasks. Meaning, while building an...

2020-09-07 11:59:42 857

翻译 Python中的Pearson相关

Correlation is the process of quantifying the relationship between two sets of values, and in this post I will be writing code in Python to calculate possibly the best-known type of correlation — the ...

2020-09-07 11:50:35 1091

翻译 数据科学统计

统计 (Statistics)Statistics refers to the mathematics and techniques with which we understand data. It is a rich, enormous field, more suited to a shelf (or room) in a library rather than a chapter in...

2020-09-07 11:39:57 391

翻译 数据 未来 可视化_未来数据可视化的样子

数据 未来 可视化The English language adage, “A picture is worth more than a thousand words,” holds ground even in 2020 and many more years to come. The human brain is programmed to decode data displayed grap...

2020-09-07 11:30:08 740

翻译 面向数据科学家的实用统计学_数据科学家必须了解业务x统计

面向数据科学家的实用统计学By definition, statistics is a science that deals with the collection, classification, analysis, and interpretation of data. The field is often supported by the usage of probabilistic mat...

2020-09-07 11:20:45 352

翻译 数据科学数据清理和可视化,适合使用python的初学者

In this article, I am discussing an educational project work in the fascinating field of Data Science while trying to learn the ropes of Data Science. This write-up intends to share the project journe...

2020-09-07 11:11:44 284

翻译 根据时间段生成重叠时间_重叠时间段问题

根据时间段生成重叠时间In data science world, people tend to think cleaning data is boring and desire more of machine learning and modeling challenges, but sometimes some problems might arise like a fun brain tea...

2020-09-07 11:00:57 830

翻译 wx 存储数据太大_当您的数据太大而无法存储时该怎么办

wx 存储数据太大When we are working on any data science project, one of the essential steps to take is to download some data from an API to the memory so we can process it. 当我们从事任何数据科学项目时,必须采取的基本步骤之一是将一些数据从A...

2020-09-07 10:51:46 687

翻译 玛雅人失去了在快速创业公司中进行数据科学的指南

A machine learning model is useful only if it’s put to production at the right time. 机器学习模型只有在正确的时间投入生产时才有用。 No kidding! 别开玩笑了! The quest is what are those key practices left unsaid while working in...

2020-09-07 10:42:45 70

翻译 奔驰绿色制造

Author’s Note: This is the Completion report for my appliedaicourse[1] Capstone Project. All work is original and feel free to use/expand upon/disseminate. [Numbers in brackets are citations to the so...

2020-09-07 10:32:48 526



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