


Anyone who says aesthetics don’t impact work is deceiving themselves.


Look at Apple: They built a dominant tech empire by applying artistic minimalism to every aspect of their products, from physical design to user experience.


What word do we associate with iProducts? “Smooth”.

我们与iProducts关联什么词? “光滑”。

Curved edges: I can’t find a single sharp-cornered shape anywhere on the MacBook I’m writing this on.Clouded texture: Not blazing shiny like polished lacquer. Faded yet clean.

弯曲的边缘:我在MacBook上的任何地方都找不到单一的尖角形状混浊的纹理:没有像抛光的漆一样闪闪发亮。 褪色但干净。

The result of this is an experience I’d call “sleek”. The software defaults to flowing transitions rather than jarring jumps. Much effort is placed into ‘unifying’ cloud systems for storage and account-based sharing of content across devices.

这样的结果就是我称之为“时尚”的体验。 该软件默认为顺畅的过渡,而不是使跳跃无效。 在“统一”云系统上进行了大量工作,以便跨设备存储和基于帐户的内容共享。

Plenty of tech people use Mac environments instead of Windows, although there’s no shortage of arguments for why a Windows build is more powerful, customizable, price-efficient, etc. Why?


Ergonomics. If your tools make work feel better, you’ll do more work.

人机工程学。 如果您的工具使工作感觉更好,那么您将做更多的工作。

朱皮特 (Jupyter)

This is the reason I do most of my data science work in Jupyter. Notebooks allow you to write and run code in separate cells within the notebook environment.

这就是我在Jupyter从事大部分数据科学工作的原因。 笔记本允许您在笔记本环境中的单独单元中编写和运行代码。

This allows you to explore every aspect of your program in detail, and saves an unimaginable amount of time debugging (there’s even a nice debugger for JupyterLab). Cell output supports complex visual displays, as well as interactive graphs & input.

这使您可以详细探索程序的各个方面,并节省了难以想象的调试时间(对于JupyterLab甚至有一个不错的调试器 )。 单元格输出支持复杂的视觉显示以及交互式图形和输入。

Notebooks are incredibly popular for statistical analysis & machine learning alike, for a simple reason: modular execution lets you learn faster.


If you want to build something you’ve never done, you won’t fully understand all of the code you find in tutorials or books. So write a few lines, run the cell and see what happens. Change a few more things, run again. Keep running.

如果您想构建从未完成的工作,则不会完全理解在教程或书籍中找到的所有代码。 因此,写几行,运行单元格,看看会发生什么。 更改一些内容,然后再次运行。 继续跑。

That’s the experimental process, more or less. If you feel like you’re in over your head, exploring strange libraries and uncertain of what the next code block will do — you’re learning fast.

这或多或少是实验过程。 如果您觉得自己不知所措,正在探索奇怪的库并且不确定下一个代码块将做什么,那么您将很快学习。

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But how can we make the experience even smoother? That’s something I’ve occasionally asked myself since I started coding a year ago.

但是,如何使体验更加流畅? 自一年前开始编写代码以来,我偶尔会问自己这个问题。

I’ve tested various tricks to improve my work experience, and I’ve compiled my favorite addons, keyboard shortcuts & tips here — because I really care that much about ergonomics.


颜色编码 (Color Coding)

The most important addon I use is Kyle Dunovan’s Jupyter Themes. Change that bright white background to something easier on the eyes (and download a red light filtering app too, since we spend so much time staring at screens late at night).

我使用的最重要的插件是Kyle Dunovan的Jupyter Themes 。 将明亮的白色背景更改为眼睛上更容易的颜色(并下载红光过滤应用程序,因为我们花了很多时间在深夜盯着屏幕)。

Find a code color scheme that really speaks to you. What do you find more readable? What (no, really) do you find more relaxing to look at for hours?

找到真正与您说话的代码配色方案。 您发现什么更具可读性? 您会发现几个小时(真的,不是)更放松吗?

Here’s part of a cell from a bitcoin AI backtesting bot I’m working on. You’ll notice that I’m one of those people who uses dark mode in every application that has it enabled:

这是我正在研究的比特币AI回测机器人的一部分单元。 您会注意到,我是在每个启用了暗模式的应用程序中使用暗模式的人之一:

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I care so much about color coding. Your primate ancestors spent millions of years evolving complex retinas, diverse rods and cones because seeing colourful fruit or noticing striped orange tigers was quite important.

非常关心颜色编码。 您的灵长类祖先花费了数百万年的时间来发展复杂的视网膜,各种杆和视锥细胞,因为看到五颜六色的水果或注意到条纹的橙色老虎非常重要。

Color matters. Seeing red enhances simple detail-oriented performance, while being surrounded by blue made participants perform better at more complex and creative problems.

颜色很重要 。 看到红色增强了简单的面向细节的性能,而被蓝色包围则使参与者在处理更复杂和创造性的问题时表现更好。

Compared to someone who programmed COBOL on a black & white screen, I’m quite spoiled — I know this, but I seek harmonious coding environments all the same.


目录 (Table of Contents)

When you start to fill up a notebook, it can be a hassle to navigate from section to section. NotebookExtensions, specifically the table of contents, has saved me literal hours of scrolling through notes trying to see where I left the few lines I’m looking for.

当您开始装满笔记本时,在各个部分之间导航可能很麻烦。 NotebookExtensions (特别是目录)为我节省了数小时的滚动笔记,以查看我在寻找的那几行的位置。

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Simply prefix some markdown text with ‘#’ to write a header (or ‘##’ for sub-headers) and the ToC cell at the top does the rest. It automatically hyperlinks to the relevant section, so you can simply click the header you want to get back to. It even comes with an adjustable side ToC display, so you don’t have to scroll back to the top to realign.

只需在某些markdown文本前面加上'#'来编写标题(或对于子标题为'##'),顶部的ToC单元将完成其余工作。 它会自动超链接到相关部分,因此您只需单击想要返回的标题即可。 它甚至带有可调节的侧面ToC显示屏,因此您无需滚动到顶部即可重新对齐。

键盘快捷键 (Keyboard Shortcuts)

The best way to get your workflow to flow is more mastery over your tools. The small things add up — if you learn 5 tricks and write 10% faster, you’ll have more time to google error codes & read documentation.

使工作流顺畅运行的最佳方法是更熟练地使用工具。 这些小事加起来了-如果您学习5种技巧,并加快10%的编写速度,您将有更多时间搜索Google错误代码和阅读文档。

A full set of shortcuts can be found here, but I’ll list my favorites in no specific order.


Save time copying & pasting: Shift+M to merge the selected cell with the cell below. Ctrl+Shift+Minus to split a cell at your current position.

节省复制和粘贴的时间:Shift + M将选定的单元格与下面的单元格合并。 Ctrl + Shift +减号可在当前位置拆分一个单元格。

Tab-complete is fantastic for exploring new objects. Instantiate a new instance, then type object_name. and hit Tab to bring up a list of methods & properties built into that object.

制表符完成功能非常适合探索新对象。 实例化一个新实例,然后键入object_name. 并点击Tab键以显示该对象内置的方法和属性的列表。

文字导航和突出显示: (Text navigation and highlighting:)

|from htm.bindings.algorithms import SpatialPooler

Let’s say your position is at the | right before ‘from’. Hold down ALT & hit the right arrow key to jump your position to the end of the next word.

假设您的位置是| 就在“来自”之前。 按住ALT键,然后按向右箭头键,将您的位置跳到下一个单词的末尾。

from| htm.bindings.algorithms import SpatialPooler

Command (⌘) + Right will take you to the end of your current line.


from htm.bindings.algorithms import SpatialPooler|

And here’s the best trick: hold down Shift while doing any of the above, and you’ll highlight whatever section you move through. This is subtle but quite useful when you want to highlight a section of what you’ve just wrote to add parentheses (since Jupyter encloses the highlighted section in parentheses when you hit left/open parentheses).

这是最好的把戏:在执行上述任何一项操作时按住Shift键,然后您将突出显示所经历的任何部分。 当您要突出显示刚写的内容以添加括号的部分时,这是微妙的,但非常有用(因为当您单击左/打开括号时,Jupyter会将突出显示的部分括在括号中)。

You could also just hold Shift and hit the arrow keys one by one for more fine-grained highlight control, if double / triple clicking on text for word / line highlighting isn’t cutting it.


把事情简单化 (Keep it simple)

The goal of all of this is to make work smoother; to reduce the amount of times your train of thought is interrupted by the necessity of fiddling with a finicky piece of your software environment.

所有这一切的目的是使工作更顺畅。 减少因烦恼软件环境的复杂性而打断思路的次数。

Minimizing interruption leads to a more streamlined mind-state, in my experience. Think less about the mechanics of entering and executing your code and more about the insight behind it.

根据我的经验,将干扰降到最低会导致更简化的心态。 少考虑输入和执行代码的机制,而多考虑其背后的见识。

The singularity that this approaches, of course, is some kind of Brain-Computer-Interface where you control the mouse & keyboard by thinking. Whether or not we’d want to be fully plugged in is another question entirely, but until we can ask that question, you’ll see results by making work easier on yourself.

当然,这种方法的奇异之处在于某种大脑计算机接口,您可以通过思考来控制鼠标和键盘。 是否要完全插入电源完全是另一个问题,但是在我们提出该问题之前,您可以通过使自己的工作更加轻松来看到结果。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@mark.s.cleverley/smoother-data-science-through-ergonomic-aesthetics-bc7c134ddb6b






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