
When Notre Dame paused in-person learning on Aug. 17th, it was a response to an explosion of positive cases of COVID-19. I questioned how this move would affect the continuation of football activities if the campus was closed to students. Thankfully, after returning to in-person learning, the numbers on the Notre Dame dashboard show positive tests have fallen and remained stable. However, the threat of another cluster remains, especially as classes and football present a taste of normalcy. Other football powerhouses did not take such swift action. For example, the University of Alabama Tuscaloosa (aka Alabama) continued in person learning through a major cluster. The UA system released a report with some optimism on a drop of weekly cases. This is good news and hopefully that trend continues, however, 6.1% of the student population at Alabama has already tested positive. That’s a lot. The burning question to administrators of the school is what amount of positive tests are enough to shut campus?

当巴黎圣母院于8月17日暂停亲自学习时,这是对COVID-19阳性病例激增的回应。 我质疑如果校园不对学生开放,此举将如何影响足球活动的继续。 值得庆幸的是,在返回亲自学习后, 巴黎圣母院的数字显示积极的测试已经下降并保持稳定。 但是,仍然存在另一个集群的威胁,尤其是在上课和踢足球表现出常态的时候。 其他足球强国没有采取如此Swift的行动。 例如,阿拉巴马州塔斯卡卢萨大学(又名阿拉巴马州)通过一个主要群体继续进行个人学习。 UA系统发布了一份报告 ,对每周减少的案例感到有些乐观。 这是个好消息,希望这一趋势继续下去,但是,阿拉巴马州6.1%的学生人数已经测试为阳性。 好多啊。 学校管理员面临的一个紧迫问题是,多少正面测试足以关闭校园?

秋季学期后,阿拉巴马州(及其他州)将改用远程学习 (Alabama (and others) will switch to remote learning after the fall semester)

Alabama has already announced it is allowing 20% capacity at home football games. That’s over 20K people!! I believe many schools cannot justify hosting fans at football games, while students are restricted from campus and learning remotely. Therefore, schools will have two choices; remove fans from home games or regardless of outbreak size keep in person learning. Now which do you think school administrators will prefer?

阿拉巴马州已经宣布将允许20%的家庭足球比赛容量。 超过2万人!! 我相信,许多学校不能为足球比赛中的主持人辩护,而学生则被限制进入校园和远程学习。 因此,学校有两种选择。 从家庭游戏中移除粉丝,或者不管爆发的规模如何,都要亲自学习。 现在您认为学校管理人员会更喜欢哪个?

足球费用 (The costs of football)

The cost of coaches in college football has been increasing in step with increasing revenues. If students were required to pay football coaches salaries then at Alabama each student would shell out at least $441.38 per year. This number does not include the costs associated with other pieces of a program including stadium maintenance, other staff, travel, or scholarship costs.

随着收入的增加,大学橄榄球教练的费用一直在增加。 如果要求学生支付足球教练的薪水,那么在阿拉巴马州,每个学生每年至少要支付441.38美元。 该数字不包括与计划其他部分相关的成本,包括体育场维护,其他人员,差旅或奖学金费用。

Football is the lifeblood of many athletic departments and acts as a draw for many students as part of the campus experience. The costs associated with COVID are also a serious concern. While the deaths rate of college age demographics is low relative to the general population, COVID can have serious long term effects. About 15% of college athletes that contract COVID develop heart inflammation a potentially long term health disorder. How many students will develop similar conditions?

足球是许多体育系的命脉,是校园生活的一部分,吸引了许多学生。 与COVID相关的成本也是一个严重的问题。 尽管相对于普通人群,大学年龄人口的死亡率较低,但COVID可能会产生严重的长期影响。 患有COVID的大学生中约有15%会发展出心脏炎症,这可能是长期的健康疾病。 有多少学生会发展出类似的状况?

旅行的风险 (The risks of travel)

We know high risk activities such as air travel and well, football, increase the likelihood of contracting COVID. How many out-of conference and out-of state games are being played this season? This article creates networks using NetworkX to find out. The complete 2020 season schedule can be download from the api using the command below:

我们知道高风险的活动,例如航空旅行以及足球,会增加感染COVID的可能性。 这个赛季有多少场会议外状态比赛? 本文使用NetworkX创建网络来查找。 可以使用以下命令从 api下载完整的2020赛季时间表:

curl -X GET “" -H “accept: application/json”

The total number of FBS games this season is 413. There are 91 teams (including some FCS teams) participating in the FBS games. To build the networks, we use NetworkX and matplotlib. There are 322 conference games versus 91 non-conference games this season. Who are playing the non-conference games this season? To find out, we filter all in conference games than create a graph object and apply colors based on a team’s conference.

本赛季的FBS游戏总数为413。91支球队(包括一些FCS球队)参加FBS游戏。 为了构建网络,我们使用NetworkX和matplotlib。 本赛季有322场会议比赛,而91场非会议比赛 。 谁在本赛季参加非会议比赛? 为了找出答案,我们过滤了会议游戏中的所有内容,而不是创建图形对象并根据团队的会议应用颜色。

Image for post
Edges denote games between teams colored by conference. Image by author.
边缘表示按会议上色的团队之间的比赛。 图片由作者提供。

In the network above, the FBS Independent teams play the most out of conference games this year (no surprise there). Interestedly, Notre Dame is still classified as FBS Independent, despite playing an ACC schedule, making South Florida as the only non-conference contest.

在上面的网络中,FBS独立团队在今年的会议游戏中发挥最多(这并不奇怪)。 有趣的是,尽管播放了ACC时间表,但巴黎圣母院仍被归类为FBS独立选手,这使得南佛罗里达州成为唯一的非会议比赛。

Travel out of state is likely to be a huge issue this year as some state become hot beds of infection. How many games are played between teams of different states? It turns out 86.2% or 356 games require a team to cross state lines. We filter out games that occur between teams from the same state than create a graph object and apply colors based on a team’s region.

由于某些州成为感染的温床,今年外出州旅行可能是一个大问题。 不同州的球队之间打了多少场比赛? 事实证明,有86.2%或356场比赛需要团队越过州界。 我们过滤掉来自同一状态的团队之间发生的游戏,而不是创建图形对象并根据团队的区域应用颜色。

Image for post
An edge denotes a matchup between teams located in two different states. Image by author.
边缘表示位于两个不同状态的团队之间的比赛。 图片由作者提供。

There is a lot of travel happening between states. Which state has the most teams coming in from across state lines? That would be Florida, just eking out Texas, with teams from 16 different states coming to the sunshine state for a football game. All the code, data, and figures can be found on the project GitHub.

各州之间发生了很多旅行。 来自哪个州界的团队最多的是哪个州? 那将是佛罗里达州,刚刚离开德克萨斯州, 来自16个不同州的球队来到阳光州参加足球比赛。 所有代码,数据和图形都可以在项目GitHub上找到



The college football landscape is uncertain and the influx of fans, students, and players may spell COVID hot spots this Fall. I expect to see many colleges that are currently in person to go remote or hybrid after the football season. The cost of going to these models early would mean removing fans from home games. Some althetic departments and school administrators simply cannot lose out on football revenues to fund their coaching staffs yearly salaries some upwards of tens of millions of dollars. I believe COVID will cause many athletes to question the amateurism model as schools will appear to be valuing football dollars over student health. Here is hoping the season can continue without any significant outbreaks on teams or in student populations.

大学橄榄球的前景不确定,球迷,学生和球员的涌入可能会在今年秋天吸引COVID热点。 我希望看到许多大学在足球赛季结束后亲自去偏远或混合大学。 尽早使用这些模型的成本意味着要从家庭游戏中淘汰粉丝。 一些体育部门和学校管理人员根本不能从足球收入中亏损来为教练员提供每年数千万美元的薪水。 我相信COVID会引起许多运动员质疑业余模式,因为学校似乎看重足球对学生健康的重视。 希望本赛季能够继续进行,而不会在团队或学生人群中爆发任何重大疾病。

P.S. Bring back the NCAA Football video game!!!

PS带回NCAA Football电子游戏!!!

My name is Cody Glickman and I can be found on LinkedIn. Be sure to check out some of my other articles below:

我叫Cody Glickman,可以在LinkedIn上找到。 请务必查看下面的其他一些文章:


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