应用软件 故障隔离_隔离软件工程师生命中的一天

应用软件 故障隔离

I always wanted to make one of those “a day in the life of a software engineer” videos, but since the office has been closed since March, I thought I would just write about what life has been like while working from home for over 6 months. If you want to know more about what life has been like for me at the office, check out my previous article here.

我一直想制作其中一个“软件工程师生活中的一天”视频,但是自从三月以来办公室关闭以来,我想我只想写一篇关于在家工作超过6年的生活的感受个月。 如果您想进一步了解办公室里我的生活,请在此处查看我的上一篇文章。

I never expected that I would end up working from home for a prolonged period of time in my career. I started working at Salesforce in January 2020, but then the Covid outbreak got worse that the office had to shut down in March. 3 months. That’s how long I was at the office. I thought that this outbreak would slow down and things would start to get better within a few months, but I was wrong. Covid has definitely changed our lives. Some companies have even allowed their employees to work from home forever, such as Twitter! As companies are starting to adjust to this “new normal”, I thought I would talk about how it has affected my work day as a software engineer.

我从没想到自己会在职业生涯中长时间呆在家里。 我于2020年1月开始在Salesforce工作,但后来Covid爆发变得更糟,以至于该办公室不得不在3月关闭。 3个月。 那就是我在办公室多久了。 我以为这次爆发会变慢,几个月后情况会开始好转,但是我错了。 Covid无疑改变了我们的生活。 有些公司甚至允许其员工永远在家里工作,例如Twitter ! 当公司开始适应这一“新常态”时,我想我会谈谈这对我作为软件工程师的工作产生了怎样的影响。

What I like about working from home is that I don’t have to wake up really early in order to think about my commute to work. Atlanta traffic can be one of the worst, so even though my office is only about 25 minutes away from home, it takes me up to an hour just to get there. Instead, I don’t have to think about that anymore. I just need to walk to my desk once I’m ready to work! Now let’s talk about a typical workday from home.

我喜欢在家工作的原因是,我不必真正地醒来就可以考虑上下班。 亚特兰大的交通状况可能是最糟糕的情况之一,因此,即使我的办公室离家只有25分钟路程,我也要花一个小时才能到达那里。 相反,我不必再考虑了。 准备工作后,我只需要步行到办公桌上即可! 现在,让我们谈谈在家中的典型工作日。

6:45 AM


This is the time that I wake up for one of the early morning prayers. As a Muslim, I pray 5 times a day, so this is the first prayer that happens before sunrise. Once I finish praying, I go back to bed and rest for just a little while longer before I get ready.

这是我醒来的其中一个清晨祈祷的时间。 作为穆斯林,我每天祈祷5次,所以这是日出前的第一次祈祷。 完成祈祷后,我会回到床上休息一会儿,然后再准备。

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

This is the time where I get out of bed, shower, get ready and eat breakfast. I sometimes listen to a mindful reminder in an app called Fabulous when I’m eating breakfast and self-reflect over everything I have in life.

这是我起床,冲凉,准备和吃早餐的时间。 当我吃早餐时,有时我会在一个名为Fabulous的应用程序中听到一个提醒,提醒自己对生活中一切的反思。

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9:00 AM

9:00 AM

The first thing I do right before I start working is that I work on a programming challenge that I will spend 15–20 minutes on. I love doing challenges on HackerRank, LeetCode, and Github. I spend no more than 20 minutes working on a problem. The reason why I do this is because it gets my brain wired into work mode and it’s a great warmup before I get into my work tasks. Think about it. Before you work out at the gym, you have to do stretches. I apply this same logic to work.

在开始工作之前,我要做的第一件事就是应对编程挑战,我将花费15至20分钟的时间。 我喜欢在HackerRank,LeetCode和Github上挑战。 我花了不超过20分钟的时间来解决问题。 我这样做的原因是因为它使我的大脑进入了工作模式,并且在进入工作任务之前这是一个很好的热身。 想一想。 在健身房锻炼之前,您需要做些伸展运动。 我将相同的逻辑应用于工作。

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9:30 AM


I open up my email, calendar and sprint board. A sprint board contains the tasks that I am currently working on. Once I check my email and calendar, I go ahead and start working on the work items on my sprint board. I open up my Pomodoro Timer that way I focus on the task I am working on for 25 minutes and then I give myself a 5 minute break after that.

我打开电子邮件,日历和冲刺板。 冲刺板包含我当前正在处理的任务。 检查完电子邮件和日历后,我便开始在sprint板上的工作项上工作。 我以这种方式打开Pomodoro计时器,专注于正在处理的任务25分钟,然后我给自己留了5分钟的休息时间。

11:30 AM


By this time, the team will meet up online and we talk about what we worked on the day before, what we plan on working on in the current day and whether we have anything that’s blocking us from completing some of our tasks.


12:00 PM

12:00 PM

This is the time I eat lunch nom nom nom 😋

这是我吃午餐的时间nom nom nom

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1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM, I work on my current tasks by using the Pomodoro timer where I take 5 minute breaks every 25 minutes. Meetings that are scheduled are within this timeframe and the second prayer of the day is also within this timeframe.

在1:00 PM和5:00 PM之间,我使用Pomodoro计时器来完成当前的任务,每25分钟休息5分钟。 预定的会议在此时间范围内,当天的第二次祷告也在此时间范围内。

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Once I finish my work, I put my laptop and work phone away in my backpack and pray the third prayer. The only time I will have my work phone with me is when I need to be on call. You may be wondering why I put my laptop and phone away in my backpack. The reason is because my brain will be out of that work mode. Working from home can get tiring on some days, so it is good practice to put your work items away once you are done for the day. I recommend that you try it if you haven’t already! 😀

完成工作后,我将笔记本电脑和办公电话放在背包中,并祈祷第三次祈祷。 我只有在需要通话时才会带上工作电话。 您可能想知道为什么我将笔记本电脑和手机放在背包里。 原因是因为我的大脑将无法工作。 在家工作有时会很累,因此,当您一天完成工作后,最好将工作物品收起来。 如果您还没有尝试,我建议您尝试一下! 😀

Once I finish the third prayer, I go to the gym and get my workouts done. I realized that after being in one place all day, I need to go out and get some exercise if I want to be in good health. I alternate my gym days with cardio days, so one day I will go to the gym and do weight training while I will do light cardio the next day such as taking a walk for 45 minutes. The best feeling is coming back home after a workout. It really gives me energy to do more activities in the evening.

完成第三次祈祷后,我便去健身房锻炼身体。 我意识到,整天待在一个地方后,如果要保持身体健康,就需要出去锻炼身体。 我将有氧运动时间与有氧运动时间交替使用,所以有一天我将去健身房锻炼体重,而第二天将进行轻度有氧运动,例如散步45分钟。 最好的感觉是锻炼后回到家。 这确实使我有精力在晚上做更多的活动。

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When I come back home, I have dinner and then I spend 25 minutes learning a new skill. Once those 25 minutes are up, I take a 5 minute break and then spend another 25 minutes learning another skill or keeping up-to-date with my programming skills.

回到家后,我共进晚餐,然后花25分钟学习新技能。 在这25分钟结束后,我休息了5分钟,然后又花了25分钟学习另一项技能或掌握最新的编程技能。

After my learning sessions are done, I spend at least 10 minutes meditating. Mind training is the most important thing that you can do for yourself. I have been meditating for over one month and it has done wonders for me. It makes me even more grateful for the things I have in life, it relaxes my body and it makes me focus on the present. It also makes me view everything in a positive light. I believe that in order to live a great life, you should include mental fitness as well. As Bob Marley said, “My home is in my head”. If your home is not doing well, how do you expect other things in life to go for you? Always take care of your mind.

学习结束后,我花了至少10分钟的时间进行冥想。 头脑训练是您自己可以做的最重要的事情。 我已经冥想了一个多月,它为我创造了奇迹。 它使我对生活中的事物更加感激,使我的身体放松,使我专注于当下。 这也使我以积极的眼光看待一切。 我相信,要过上美好的生活,您还应该包括心理健康。 正如鲍勃·马利(Bob Marley)所说:“我的家在我头上”。 如果您的房屋状况不佳,您对生活中的其他事情有什么期望? 始终要照顾好自己的心。

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Once my meditation session is over, I pray my fourth prayer which is after sunset and keep at least a few hours just to relax and spend time with my wife, play games, watch TV, read a book or write an article. I end the day with the last prayer and get ready to sleep.

冥想结束后,我祈祷日落之后的第四次祈祷,并至少保持几个小时,以便与妻子放松和消磨时光,玩游戏,看电视,读书或写文章。 我以最后的祈祷结束了这一天,并准备入睡。

Thank you so much for reading and I hope that you stay safe! Follow me on Twitter at retr0rafay.

非常感谢您的阅读,希望您安全! 在Twitter上的retr0rafay上关注我。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@rafaysyed/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-software-engineer-quarantine-edition-8054d6ec8f89

应用软件 故障隔离

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