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翻译 概述struts_进行概述

概述strutsGoogle Engineers — Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer and Ken Thompson — began the process of designing a statically typed programming language, in 2007, with the goal of creating a simplistic syntax ...

2020-10-16 00:55:36 277

翻译 准入控制_Kubernetes动态准入控制示例

准入控制A walk-through for creating a webhook for Kubernetes dynamic admission control.为Kubernetes动态准入控制创建Webhook的演练。While spending time becoming acquainted with Polaris, I began to notice some of its li...

2020-10-16 00:44:37 1163

翻译 github 学生aws_github动作的官方AWS

github 学生awsI am a sucker for CI/CD pipelines. I pretty much build those out before I build any other project, to be honest. Ever since Github came out with workflow and actions I have been all over i...

2020-10-13 00:58:32 341

翻译 cloudflare_在天蓝色和cloudflare上使用水平分割DNS对无服务器mongodb副本集进行地形化...

cloudflareOccasionally, some scenarios require non-orthodox deployments, whether it’s due to a temporary state of a system such as moving from an on-prem deployment to the cloud, or as convenient way ...

2020-10-13 00:47:36 282

翻译 搭建ftp如何设置身份验证_搭建干净的ddd Web应用程序第2部分:身份验证和身份...

搭建ftp如何设置身份验证Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay该图片由PublicDomainPictures在Pixabay上发布介绍(Introduction)In my previous blog entry we left off with a Web API project that doesn’t really do anything...

2020-10-13 00:37:21 701

翻译 从头开始构建cloudformation堆栈

What is AWS CloudFormation什么是AWS CloudFormationCloudFormation(CF) is a service, which allows you to set up and manage AWS resources via a template. This allows you to spend more time in developing yo...

2020-10-13 00:26:53 724

翻译 桌面上的软件图标是白板_是时候结束对软件工程师的白板采访了

桌面上的软件图标是白板In 2017, prominent software engineers took to Twitter to confess that they would fail a whiteboard interview. A popular way to evaluate programmers of all experience levels, “whiteboarding”...

2020-10-13 00:17:29 623

翻译 apache druid_我们如何使用Apache Druid实时分析为Kidtech提供强大的支持

apache druidCo-authored with Saydul Bashar与Saydul Bashar合着Here at SuperAwesome, our mission is to make the internet safer for kids; to help accomplish this goal, our products power over 12 billion ki...

2020-10-13 00:07:56 539

翻译 terraform_terraform如何使用条件创建动态资源

terraformAs you (probably) know, Terraform doesn’t support if statements.Luckily we can achieve the same result by using a specific parameter called count.如您所知(可能),Terraform不支持​​if语句。幸运的是,我们可以通过使用称为co...

2020-10-12 23:57:08 906

翻译 kafka在蔚蓝kubernetes服务第2部分

Calling it Part2, but this is indeed the third post in our series of running Kafka on AKS, or any flavor of Kubernetes:称之为Part2,但这确实是我们在AKS或任何风味的Kubernetes上运行Kafka的系列文章中的第三篇:Blog Post One— Running Ka...

2020-10-12 23:47:44 319

翻译 terraform_有关使用terraform优化云成本的权威指南

terraformThis article was cross-published on the HashiCorp Blog.本文是在HashiCorp博客上交叉发布的。The Problem — An Engineers New Role Cloud “Financial Controller” 问题—工程师的新角色云“财务控制器”If you’re reading this, chanc...

2020-10-12 23:37:02 976

翻译 软件后台板块流程图_如何在软件开发中保持板块旋转

软件后台板块流程图Imagine you have seven plates spinning on top of sticks in front of you. Each is precious and it’s up to you to keep them from toppling over. The last thing you want is a floor full of broken...

2020-10-12 23:27:08 249

翻译 python中的正则表达式

介绍 (Introduction)Regular expressions or regex are a sequence of characters used to check whether a pattern exists in each text (string) or not, for example, to find out if “123” exists in “Practical...

2020-09-20 05:37:52 69

翻译 蓝牙通话音频 媒体音频_音频首先成为社交媒体的下一个参与者

蓝牙通话音频 媒体音频Last week, Product Tienda welcomed Midas Kwant, founder of Rodeo, an audio-first social app. In this piece, we captured that conversation while zooming out to cover the recent rise of audio...

2020-09-09 10:32:17 1054

翻译 aws 数据库迁移_将您的sql数据库迁移到云AWS和Azure

aws 数据库迁移When migrating your SQL databases to the cloud you need to make your choice carefully. Migration is time-consuming and can be costly, in terms of resources, support, and downtime. You don’t w...

2020-09-04 04:49:54 446

翻译 axios超过延迟_如何超过15分钟的延迟限制

axios超过延迟问题(Problem)Building a task scheduler is a common problem. Some use cases from my work include:构建任务计划程序是一个常见问题。 我工作中的一些用例包括:Notifications - Scheduling emails, push, and SMS notifications to ...

2020-09-04 04:40:34 880

翻译 数据工程师工作规划_如何获得数据工程师的工作

数据工程师工作规划Data engineering is a fascinating field. You get to work with a variety of interesting data, cutting-edge technologies, as well as with diverse teams of data professionals and domain experts....

2020-09-04 04:30:17 1230

翻译 bitbucket_缓存如何节省Bitbucket管道中的构建时间

bitbucketIn this post I will help you learn how to properly set up caching in Bitbucket Pipelines. This will help you to speed up the build time of your pipelines, so you can deliver faster and spend ...

2020-09-04 04:20:49 262

翻译 c++ 容器 容器适配器_kubernetes学习适配器容器模式

c++ 容器 容器适配器重点(Top highlight)Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. A pod is the basic building b...

2020-09-04 04:10:23 317

翻译 一个带有redis的简单主动被动集群实现

We, as developers, want our applications to be up all the time. This is actually a common mission where redundancy and horizontal scalability is in place; so we have just decided to distribute the sam...

2020-09-04 03:59:58 86

翻译 rxjs 状态超时_没有rxjs的角度状态管理实验

rxjs 状态超时Implementing a state management in modern web Angular applications can be tricky.在现代Web Angular应用程序中实现状态管理可能很棘手。There are many libraries, such Ngrx, ngxs, Akita, which can be integrated to m...

2020-09-04 03:50:44 237

翻译 你的第一个无家可归的盒子

Virtual Machines, or VMs for short, are fairly popular in the Software industry and among developers. And for good reason — who would mind a disposable OS, within an OS! Right? They are fairly easy to...

2020-09-04 03:39:47 81

翻译 在Mac上具有vagrant和virtualbox的kubernetes生产集群

For development purposes, it would be great to have a Kubernetes Production Cluster locally, and with this article, I am going through the basic setup in order to start using a good one.出于开发目的,最好在本地拥有...

2020-09-04 03:29:30 148

翻译 微观平台_不再受到微观管理

微观平台Organisations spend vast amounts of time and resources on hiring smart, talented and self-motivated individuals — people who show passion and commitment to their own growth and to success of the o...

2020-09-04 03:19:45 611

翻译 女人拉屎故事_一个敏锐的女性下午的故事

女人拉屎故事A while back I wrote about the first phase of my career. When I made the move from software engineer to product manager and “never looked back”. I’m writing to come clean and admit that I have f...

2020-09-01 18:53:38 10827

翻译 软件工程师论云_软件工程师的控制论指南

软件工程师论云重点(Top highlight)Before ‘cyber’ was a prefix for everything internet and computers, it was how mathematicians were going to conquer the world.在“网络”成为所有互联网和计算机的前缀之前,这就是数学家征服世界的方式。I first encoun...

2020-09-01 18:44:27 168

翻译 ios ui自动化测试_改善ios ui测试

ios ui自动化测试Expedia Group Technology —软件(EXPEDIA GROUP TECHNOLOGY — SOFTWARE)介绍(Introduction)In 2018 we started writing user interface (UI) tests for the Vrbo™️ iOS app. UI tests are incredibly valua...

2020-09-01 18:33:53 423

翻译 应用软件 故障隔离_隔离软件工程师生命中的一天

应用软件 故障隔离I always wanted to make one of those “a day in the life of a software engineer” videos, but since the office has been closed since March, I thought I would just write about what life has been...

2020-09-01 18:23:10 245

翻译 ecshop 贝宝_贝宝商务平台为中小型商户提供了简化的体验

ecshop 贝宝With over 100 core product offerings and solution capabilities, PayPal has no dearth of products for small and medium businesses (SMB). We have such a diverse portfolio that a merchant can ru...

2020-09-01 18:12:58 152

翻译 oauth0 oauth2_进行中的oauth 2 0

oauth0 oauth2Access secure HTTP Services in Go在Go中访问安全的HTTP服务OAuth 2.0 is how a third party application accesses user data in the cloud. The spec describes it this way: “The OAuth 2.0 authorization f...

2020-09-01 18:02:28 947

翻译 异步调用案例_异步案例研究

异步调用案例In March 2020 our work related world changed drastically due to COVID-19. Previously our teams were mostly on-site and co-located. At the beginning of the lockdown in Germany though this all cha...

2020-09-01 17:52:08 1729

翻译 scrum项目协作是什么_Scrum如何促进团队中的协作学习

scrum项目协作是什么有意识和无意识的学习(Conscious and Unconscious Learning)Did you ever take an important exam?您参加过重要的考试吗?Preparing for a big test demands learning and learning takes real cognitive effort. We take u...

2020-09-01 17:42:44 352

翻译 机器学习 训练较快的模型_通过心理模型更快地学习软件,第1部分

机器学习 训练较快的模型什么是心理模型?(What Are Mental Models?)The easiest way to describe them is that they’re patterns. You learn the patterns once, and then you can apply them to various other scenarios and topics ...

2020-09-01 17:33:05 164

翻译 神经网络激活函数对数函数_神经网络中的激活函数

神经网络激活函数对数函数 什么是激活功能? (What are Activation Functions?)Activation functions in neural networks are used to define the output of the neuron given the set of inputs. These are applied to the weighted su...

2020-08-18 15:15:38 430

翻译 数学模型预测模型_改进著名的nfl预测模型

数学模型预测模型The NFL season is right around the corner. Players are nearing the end of training camp, and fans alike are eager to watch their favorite team play on Sunday again. How we got here has been un...

2020-08-18 13:26:33 3430

翻译 跳板机传数据rz_没有跳板数据科学的职业道路不会给您数据科学的职业

跳板机传数据rzSo, you’re here because you really care about spending your money and wanted an honest review about the Springboard’s bootcamp offerings. 因此,您之所以来到这里,是因为您真的很在乎花钱,并且希望对Springboard的训练营产品进行诚实的评论。...

2020-08-11 07:14:47 96



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