appium真机测试app_使用Expo&Appium测试您的React Native App


At the start of July I decided to bite the bullet and take a run at building my own app. I had built a number of React Native apps for others but this was going to be all mine and so far it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience.

7月初,我决定硬着头皮,尝试构建自己的应用程序。 我为其他人构建了许多React Native应用程序,但这将是我的全部,到目前为止,这是一次令人难以置信的收获。

I started the project by doing some user research and then used that to build a series of mockups in Figma to carry out usability testing on the solution I felt delivered the most value to the user.

我通过进行一些用户研究来开始该项目,然后将其用作Figma中的模型 实体,以对我认为为用户带来最大价值的解决方案进行可用性测试

After I was happy that the app was usable and valuable I started turning those designs into React components using Storybook and Expo. This allowed me to quickly turn around the components, but there was one aspect missing.

在我对应用程序的实用性和价值感到高兴之后,我开始使用Storybook和Expo将这些设计转变为React组件。 这使我可以快速解决这些组件,但是缺少一个方面。

I wanted to be able to test the components on multiple levels during development. Unit tests can only do so much and can’t tell you if everything works on different devices, so I started looking at UI automation.

我希望能够在开发过程中在多个级别上测试组件。 单元测试只能做很多事情,并且不能告诉您一切是否可以在不同的设备上运行,因此我开始研究UI自动化。

I initially started looking at Detox as it allows you to get closer to the React Native runtime and this means you can check more of the inner workings of the app as opposed to a fully black-box solution.

我最初开始研究Detox,因为它可以让您更接近React Native运行时,这意味着您可以检查应用程序的更多内部工作原理,而不是使用完全黑盒解决方案。

Unfortunately Detox does not play well with Expo and even when I built a brand new React Native app from scratch I could never really get it to work so I retired that idea relatively quickly.

不幸的是,Detox在Expo上不能很好地发挥作用,即使我从头开始构建了一个全新的React Native应用程序,我也无法真正使它起作用,所以我很快就淘汰了这个想法。

The next tool I looked at was Appium which doesn’t state that it works with Expo. There are ways of making it play nice enough with the Expo Client to allow you to run your automation without the need to build the standalone binary.

我查看的下一个工具是Appium,它没有声明它可以与Expo一起使用。 有多种方法可以使其与Expo Client配合使用,从而无需构建独立的二进制文件即可运行自动化程序。

I’ll be covering how to run Appium against both the Expo Client and a standalone app as the only difference is the capabilities and the way to setup the client before running your tests.

我将介绍如何针对Expo Client和独立应用程序运行Appium,因为唯一的区别是运行测试之前设置客户端的功能和方式。

设置Appium (Setting Up Appium)

Compared to Detox, setting up Appium can feel a little daunting but the appium-doctor tool is a massive time saver as it’ll tell you if your environment is configured correctly.


I’m not going to cover how to install all the dependencies as that would be an article itself, but there are a number of blog posts kicking around the internet that help with this.


The main things you’ll want to focus on are getting Appium Desktop and either the Android emulator or iOS simulator running (I found the Android setup easier on both Linux and Mac so I’d advise starting there).

您需要重点关注的主要事情是让Appium Desktop以及运行Android模拟器或iOS模拟器(我发现Linux和Mac上的Android设置都更容易,因此建议从那里开始)。

Once you have Appium Desktop working with the emulator you can use the emulator to run the Expo Client & load your app at which point you can use Appium Desktop’s Session interface (use the capabilities below) to connect to the emulator and start seeing the structure of your app’s UI.

使Appium Desktop与仿真器一起使用后,您可以使用仿真器运行Expo Client并加载您的应用,此时您可以使用Appium Desktop的Session界面(使用下面的功能)连接到仿真器并开始查看其结构。您应用的用户界面。

"platformName": "android",
"deviceName": "[NAME OF YOUR EMULATOR]"

使用Appium自动化Expo Client (Automating the Expo Client with Appium)

There’s not much information on the internet about using Appium with the Expo Client but after you learn the ‘secret trick’ it’s actually pretty easy to get it working on different platforms.

互联网上没有太多关于将Appium与Expo Client一起使用的信息,但是在您学习了“秘密技巧”之后,实际上很容易就可以在不同平台上使用它。

When you launch the Expo Client you may notice that the Expo apps have a exp:// link and this link is what we’ll use to launch the app under test in the Expo Client.

当启动Expo Client时,您可能会注意到Expo应用程序具有一个exp://链接,而该链接正是我们用来在Expo Client中启动被测应用程序的链接。

There’s no easy cross-platform way to do this though as iOS requires a more convoluted approach than Android but if you abstract the logic out into functions you can build re-usable commands to handle all this.


The execution flow for launching the app in the Expo Client on Android looks like this:

在Android的Expo Client中启动应用程序的执行流程如下:

  1. Launch the Expo Client app

    启动Expo Client应用程序
  2. Close the Expo Client app

    关闭Expo Client应用程序
  3. Launch the Expo Client app again

    再次启动Expo Client应用程序
  4. Execute a mobile:deeplink to exp:// (or applicable hostname)

    执行到exp:// (或适用的主机名)

  5. Wait for an element on the first page of the app to be visible


Technically steps 2 and 3 could be replaced with sending the keycode 82 as that should trigger a Expo Client reload which is needed to ensure that the state of the app is reset.

从技术上讲,第2步和第3步可以替换为发送密钥代码82,因为这将触发Expo Client重新加载,这是确保重置应用程序状态所必需的。

For iOS there’s a bit more complexity:


  1. Launch Safari

  2. Enter exp:// (or applicable hostname) into the Safari address bar

    在Safari地址栏中输入exp:// (或适用的主机名)

  3. Accept the loading of the Expo Client (through automation or using the autoAcceptAlerts capability)

    接受Expo Client的加载(通过自动化或使用autoAcceptAlerts功能)

  4. Deal with the first run pop up if needed (press the ‘Got It’ button followed by the close button for the dev menu)

  5. Reload the Expo Client by sending a shake() command and pressing the ‘Reload’ button in the dev menu

    通过发送shake()命令并在开发菜单中按下“重新加载”按钮来重新加载Expo Client

  6. Wait for an element on the first page of the app to be visible


iOS is made even more awkward thanks to how Apple seem to change the behaviour of the Safari URL input between versions of iOS, for instance on iOS 13.3 the URL bar is a button that needs to be pressed before you can input anything but on iOS 13.6 it’s an auto-focused text field.

由于苹果似乎改变了iOS版本之间的Safari URL输入的行为,因此iOS变得更加尴尬,例如,在iOS 13.3上,除了在iOS 13.6上可以输入任何内容之前,必须先按下URL栏按钮这是一个自动聚焦的文本字段。

Once you’ve got the app under test loaded in the Expo Client and the Expo Client reloaded so the app state is reset then you can start the actual automation of your app.

将要测试的应用程序加载到Expo Client中并重新加载Expo Client以便重置应用程序状态后,您就可以启动应用程序的实际自动化了。

Here’s the capabilities and functions I’m using for Android


Calling launchExpoAndroid before the test gets the Android Emulator to load the Expo Client and makes it ready for automating
在测试使Android模拟器加载Expo Client并使其准备就绪以进行自动化之前,请调用launchExpoAndroid

And the capabilities and functions I’m using for iOS


iOS requires a little more work to get things ready but if you create functions for dealing with the differences in Safari’s behaviour across iOS versions it makes things a little easier to understand

自动化Expo生成的独立二进制文件 (Automating a standalone binary generated by Expo)

Luckily a standalone binary is a lot easier to get up and running as you can just use the capabilities to install the app and run it or have it boot an existing installation.


I’ve found the latter to be more reliable, at least on Android where I use adb install [PATH TO APK] to install the .apk on the emulator before running Appium with the following capabilities.

我发现后者更可靠,至少在Android上,我在运行具有以下功能的Appium之前使用adb install [PATH TO APK]在模拟器上安装.apk。

Without the need to get the Expo Client to load the app things are a little simpler
无需让Expo Client加载应用程序,事情就简单了一点

自动化Storybook React Native UI (Automating the Storybook React Native UI)

As I mentioned at the start of the article my use case for Expo at the moment is to build my component library up for the app I’ll be eventually building.


The are a few reasons I chose to automate the component library and not just use the automation in the main app.


  • I’m building the automation using the Atomic Design pattern so it makes sense to have my ‘atom’, ‘molecule’ and ‘organism’ page objects in the same code base as the ‘atom’, ‘molecule’ and ‘organism’ level components that make up my app’s UI

  • If I can catch automation issues in the component library I can prevent these from making it into the main app and fix them earlier

  • The component library is used to show off the different states that components can have so it’s an ideal candidate for building the page objects against

  • This leaves the main app’s code base to be concerned only with laying out screen & handling the app’s state and likewise, the automation at that level will model the ‘template’ and ‘page’ level page objects.


There’s only a couple actions that are needed to automate the storybook UI:

仅需执行几个操作即可使Storybook UI自动化:

  • We need to be able to select a story to load from the story list

  • We need to be able to load the preview for the selected story

  • We need to be able to search for a story, especially if the story list gets too long


Below is a snippet of a simple atomic structure for this:


You can see the different atomic levels and their responsibilities. The Storybook class coordinates the actions the user would take to go from the preview tab to the navigator tab, select the story, click it and then go back to the preview tab to interact with the components in that story
您可以看到不同的原子级及其职责。 Storybook类协调用户执行的操作,从预览选项卡转到导航器选项卡,选择故事,单击故事,然后返回到预览选项卡以与该故事中的组件进行交互

下一步:使用Appium自动化Android和iOS应用 (Next Steps: Automating Android and iOS apps with Appium)

Over the following weeks I’ll be posting about Appium and how I’m using it as well as any gotchas, architectural patterns and how to get it running in CI.


If you’re working with Appium or looking to start using it feel free to leave a comment below with any questions you may have and I’ll try to answer. Give me a follow if you want to read my next posts in this series.

如果您正在使用Appium或希望开始使用它,请在下面对您可能遇到的任何问题发表评论,我将尽力回答。 如果您想阅读本系列的下一篇文章,请给我一个关注。



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### 回答1: 安装 Appium 真机测试环境需要以下步骤: 1. 安装 JDK:Appium 是基于 Java 编写的,所以需要先安装 JDK。 2. 安装 Android SDK:Appium 需要 Android SDK 提供支持,因此需要先安装 Android SDK。 3. 配置环境变量:将 JDK 和 Android SDK 的 bin 目录添加到系统环境变量中。 4. 安装 Appium:可以通过 npm 安装 Appium,也可以下载 Appium 的可执行文件安装。 5. 安装 Appium Client 库:在使用 Appium 进行测试时需要用到相应的客户端库,例如 Java 客户端库。 6. 配置 Appium:启动 Appium 服务前,需要进行一些必要的配置,例如指定设备的 UDID、版本号等。 7. 连接设备:将测试设备通过 USB 连接到电脑上,并确保设备已经打开 USB 调试模式。 8. 启动 Appium:启动 Appium 服务后,就可以通过客户端库编写测试脚本,并在真机上进行测试。 以上是安装 Appium 真机测试环境的基本步骤,具体操作可以参考 Appium 官方文档或相关教程。 ### 回答2: Appium是一种开源的移动应用自动化测试框架,可用于在真实设备上进行应用程序测试。要在真机上安装Appium测试环境,需要完成以下步骤: 1. 安装Node.js:Appium是一个基于Node.js的框架,因此首先需要在计算机上安装Node.js。可以在Node.js官方网站上下载适合自己操作系统的安装文件,并按照安装向导进行安装。 2. 安装Appium:在安装完成Node.js后,使用npm命令安装Appium。打开命令行终端,运行以下命令:npm install -g appium 3. 安装Appium Doctor:Appium Doctor是一个检测和修复Appium环境依赖的工具。可以使用以下命令安装Appium Doctor:npm install -g appium-doctor 4. 连接真机设备:在安装完成Appium Doctor后,将真机设备通过USB线连接到计算机上,并确保设备已启用USB调试模式。 5. 配置Appium:在终端中运行appium-doctor命令,它将检查设备和环境的一致性,并向您提供修复建议。根据检查结果,根据需要进行环境配置。 6. 启动Appium Server:打开终端,输入appium命令并回车,Appium Server将启动并监听一个端口。 7. 配置测试脚本:使用Appium提供的API编写测试脚本,用于在真机上自动化执行各种测试操作。 8. 执行测试:保存和运行测试脚本,并观察测试结果。 通过按照以上步骤逐步安装和配置,可以在真机上搭建Appium测试环境,并使用它进行自动化移动应用程序测试。 ### 回答3: Appium是一种用于移动端测试的自动化测试工具。要安装Appium真机测试环境,需要经过以下步骤: 1. 安装Java开发工具包(JDK):首先,我们需要下载并安装Java开发工具包(JDK),可以从Oracle官方网站上下载适合自己操作系统的JDK版本。安装完成后,设置JAVA_HOME环境变量,将JDK的安装路径添加到系统的环境变量中。 2. 安装Android SDK:接下来,我们需要下载并安装Android SDK,可以从Google官方网站上下载适合自己操作系统的Android SDK版本。安装完成后,设置ANDROID_HOME环境变量,将Android SDK的安装路径添加到系统的环境变量中。 3. 安装Appium服务器:Appium是基于Node.js开发的,因此在安装Appium之前,我们需要先安装Node.js。打开Node.js官方网站,下载并安装适合自己操作系统的Node.js版本。安装完成后,打开命令行工具,使用npm命令安装Appium:npm install -g appium。等待安装完成后,输入appium -v命令,确认Appium已经正确安装。 4. 配置Appium环境:为了能够连接真机进行测试,我们需要在设备上安装Android驱动程序,可以使用Android SDK的Android Debug Bridge(ADB)工具来完成。首先,连接真机到电脑,并在手机的开发者选项中启用USB调试。然后,在命令行工具中输入adb devices命令,确认设备已被正确识别。最后,在Appium的相关配置文件中,将设备的UDID和其他相关信息配置正确。 5. 编写和执行测试脚本:使用Appium提供的API和方法,编写测试脚本,可以使用Java、Python等编程语言编写。将编写好的脚本保存,并使用Appium的命令行工具或者图形化界面工具执行脚本。 通过以上步骤,我们可以成功安装Appium真机测试环境,并开始进行移动端自动化测试。注意,确保所有的依赖以及相关配置信息都正确设置,以确保测试环境的稳定性。


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