


In October 2019 started my journey as a data scientist. Here I want to share my experience, tips, and things I wished I knew before to avoid you getting burned.

从2019年10月开始我作为数据科学家的旅程。 在这里,我想分享我的经验,技巧和我希望我以前知道的事情,以避免您被烫伤。

At the beginning of October, I will turn one year working as a data scientist at Evo. Creating awesome tools with cutting-edge technologies applied to the retail and supply chain industry.

10月初,我将在Evo担任数据科学家一年。 使用适用于零售和供应链行业的尖端技术创建出色的工具。

This year has been an incredible rollercoaster, I have learned a lot of things, and I consider myself very lucky to be part of an awesome team, which strives for perfection while being helpful, motivating, and competent.


You are the Average of the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With.


Well, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but if true I am definitely going for it.


One of the things that scared me the most was when the pandemic (and when the lockdown) hit: I was afraid I would not be able to deliver the same way as before, since the lack of the office environment, colleagues, and the possibility to ask for help to the colleague next to you simply disappeared from one day to another.


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cottonbro from cottonbro,来自 Pexels Pexels

Luckily, as often, it turned out it was just a matter of getting used to it. As often we are naturally scared of new things, however, once we fall into the water either we (try to) swim or we sink.

幸运的是,事实证明,这仅仅是适应它的问题。 通常,我们天生就害怕新事物,但是,一旦我们掉入水中,我们就会(尝试)游泳或下沉。

我希望我以前知道 (What I wished I knew before)

Doing Data Science outside the academia or, to be clear, in a professional environment has many differences that not always are taught or explained:


  • In a professional environment, you are not focusing on a single technology (eg. Python), rather you are in the middle of an ensemble of different technologies (SQL, Docker, R, Python, Bash…).


  • Sometimes the old spreadsheet is the way: managers are not always acquainted with development tools such as pandas, dplyr, or matplotlib.


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energepic.com from energepic.com,来自 Pexels Pexels
  • You have to be able to demonstrate and measure everything: sometimes you have tasks you need to work alone, and your teammates do not know much about the task, or even the technology you involved in solving the task. Be ready to write down results, and be able to deliver reports measuring the impact of your work.

    您必须能够演示衡量所有事情:有时您需要独自完成一些任务,而您的队友对任务甚至是解决任务所涉及的技术都不了解。 准备写下结果,并能够提供评估工作影响的报告。

  • Machine learning is not a black-box: if delivering a solution that includes some machine learning running in the back, you must able to explain and understand each prediction created by the model.


  • Everyone has its own opinions and points of view: be able to listen and respect other people’s views, and always be ready to change your mind.


  • Very often you need to take a step back: when working on a single feature of a product it is very easy to get overwhelmed and lose the focus on the project. This is very dangerous. Keep always in mind why you are working on a particular thing and consider it always as a piece of a puzzle. Not a standalone entity.

    很多时候,您需要退后一步:在处理产品的单个功能时,很容易感到不知所措,而失去了对项目的关注。 这是非常危险的。 请始终记住为什么要处理特定的事物,并始终将其视为难题。 不是独立的实体。

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Photo by Ivan Bertolazzi from Pexels
PexelsIvan Bertolazzi
  • Do not be a fanboy: we all have our favorite technologies, libraries, cloud providers, or frameworks, however sometimes, we won’t have the possibility to work with our beloved tools, hence be ready and embrace the situations in which you need to use (and learn from scratch) a different stack.


Remember, as a junior, you don’t have to know everything about a little, rather a little about everything!


  • You will very often need to do different operations using spreadsheets, last but not least: spreadsheets are (still) often the to-go reporting tool. Get comfortable with operations such as pivot tables, VLOOKUP , IF , creating (and formatting) charts.

    最后,您经常需要使用电子表格执行不同的操作:最后(但并非最不重要):电子表格经常是(仍)要使用的报告工具。 熟悉数据透视表, VLOOKUPIF ,创建(和格式化)图表等操作

  • SQL: I could not mention how important is to (at least) know the basics of SQL. Data is very often stored in databases meaning that being familiar with SQL is a must. Get comfortable with joins, select statements, group by with least one SQL flavor (MySQL, MSSQL, Redshift).

    SQL:我无法提及(至少)了解SQL基础的重要性。 数据通常存储在数据库中,这意味着必须熟悉SQL。 熟悉joinsselect语句,并按至少一种SQL风格(MySQL,MSSQL,Redshift)进行分组

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Source: Wikipedia
  • Understand how different technologies communicate with each other. While working on a task you might need to connect to a database to get the data, get comfortable with libraries to connect to databases in your to-go language.

    了解不同的技术如何相互通信。 在执行任务时,您可能需要连接到数据库以获取数据,并习惯使用库以使用多语言连接数据库。
  • Bash/Powershell scripting: there is a good chance you will encounter things such as CRONjobs. Familiarize yourself with the Linux and bash environment, and learn how to launch scripts using arguments from the terminal, this is how often scripts are launched.

    Bash / Powershell脚本:您很可能会遇到诸如CRON作业之类的事情。 熟悉Linux和bash环境,并学习如何使用终端中的参数启动脚本,这是脚本启动的频率。

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Docopt, you will definitely hear of that one day… Docopt ,您一定会听说这一天的...
  • Another very common situation is when data comes from an API, it is worth understanding how APIs works, more specific concepts such as token authentication, JSON, and HTTP codes.


  • If data is not stored on a database, or coming from an API there is a good chance you will work with Buckets, buckets are simple storage services provided by AWS where users can store different files such as .csv , images, and so on.

    如果数据未存储在数据库中或不是来自API,则很有可能您将使用Buckets ,bucket是AWS提供的简单存储服务,用户可以在其中存储.csv ,图像等不同文件。

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An example of how an S3 Bucket can be used.
  • Working with big data: while learning or at university we are taught how to read data from files such as .csv , we call a small function such as .read_csv and automagically we have our data ready for manipulation. In real life, often, you won’t be able at all to perform something like this. Data collections are too big to fit in memory, and different strategies, such as reading files in chunks, using technologies such as spark, or working on smaller samples of data.

    处理数据:在学习或上大学时,我们被教导如何从诸如.csv文件中读取数据,我们调用诸如.read_csv类的小函数,并自动将数据准备好进行操作。 在现实生活中,通常您根本无法执行类似的操作。 数据收集都太大,不适合在内存中,不同的策略,如阅读文件,使用的技术,如spark ,或更小的数据采样工作。

  • Docker: to keep the whole team on track, avoid dependencies issues between dev and production environment, or simply to avoid the infamous phrase “it works on my machine”, Docker provides and infrastructure to manage environments (called containers). I would advise to familiarize yourself with Docker and its basic commands such as docker-compose and docker-build and understand what a registry is. This will save you a lot of time.

    Docker:为了保持整个团队的正常运转,避免开发环境和生产环境之间的依赖性问题,或者只是为了避免使用臭名昭著的短语“它在我的机器上工作” ,Docker提供了管理环境的基础架构(称为容器)。 我建议您熟悉Docker及其基本命令(例如docker-composedocker-build并了解什么是注册表。 这样可以节省您很多时间。

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Source: RSAConference 2019
资料来源:RSAConference 2019

结论 (Conclusions)

As previously mentioned later, very often, it is just a matter of getting used to it. Do not be afraid to learn new things or getting your hands dirty, keep in mind to always accept critics and listen to others, and finally: do not be afraid to “break things”.

如后面所述,通常,这只是习惯。 不要害怕学习新事物或弄脏手,记住始终接受批评家听取他人意见,最后:不要害怕“破坏事物”。

Finally, I understand it is very easy to get overwhelmed when learning something new, there are thousands of resources, articles, videos, courses, and when the menu is too long choosing becomes harder and harder, however:


Remember that you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it started.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/what-i-learned-after-one-year-working-as-a-data-scientist-99773296de25


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