

提示与建议 (Tips and Advice)

There are a few questions that are asked frequently by machine learning practitioners wishing to improve either their skills, career or their knowledge.


A few of the common questions are along the lines of:


“What can I do to learn deep learning?”


“What can I do to get a data science or machine learning job?”


“What can I do to progress in machine learning quickly?”


All of these questions have different answers, depending on who you ask. That been said, there’s one answer that applies to all the questions.

所有这些问题都有不同的答案,具体取决于您问谁。 话虽这么说,但所有问题都有一个答案。

And it is:


辅助项目。 (Side Projects.)

Or more accurately, the undertaking and completion of side projects.


There you have it, the solution to all your problems. So, why is there still a substantial content of the article left?

在那里,您可以解决所有问题。 那么,为什么还剩下大量文章呢?

Well, this article is written to hone in on the importance of side project within machine learning.


I would like you, the reader to understand how much of an impact taking on the appropriate side projects can have on your personal life and career.


You’ll find some personal anecdotes that I’ve included to illustrate the benefits of advice and tips mentioned in this article. And if my accounts do not convince you, don’t worry, I still have some more tricks up my sleeves.

您会发现一些个人轶事,其中包括一些说明本文中提到的建议和技巧的好处。 而且,如果我的账目不能说服您,请不用担心,我仍然有很多技巧。

Before we go any further, why should you even listen to me or read this article?


Allow me to introduce myself briefly.


介绍 (Introduction)

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Author’s introduction, Image by author

One thing about my career that is relevant to this article is that most of the roles I’ve taken were at least five years above my experience level.


I’ve been a lead web developer within a startup less than a year after graduating; I’ve taken contractual jobs that were meant for individuals with at least 10-year experience. And now I’m leading the computer vision initiative within a startup, in my first machine learning-based role outside of my MSc studies.

毕业不到一年,我就已经成为一家初创公司的首席Web开发人员。 我从事的合同工作是为具有至少10年经验的个人设计的。 现在,我在初创公司中领导计算机视觉计划,这是我在MSc研究之外的第一个基于机器学习的职位。

How could I have done all this?


It’s very simple.


Side Projects.


现在,引起您的注意,让我们进入本文的主要内容。 附带项目的重要性。 (Now that I’ve got your attention let’s get into the main content of this article. The importance of side projects.)

确保工作/技能发展 (Securing A Job / Skill Development)

A side project can assist you in securing your next role.


This is not new advice, you probably already heard this advice before.


What I actually mean to say is that: side projects can help you secure a job that requires a higher skill and level of experience than your current job.

我真正要说的是: 辅助项目可以帮助您获得比当前工作需要更高技能和经验水平的工作

But, then the headline of this section would be too long.


My first role after my Bsc was as a graduate front end developer. I built web pages with PHP(laravel), BackboneJS and JavaScript. After a typically long day battling with PHP, I arrive home and open up my laptop, to work on a side project that utilized NodeJS, Angular and MongoDB.

在获得Bsc之后,我的第一个角色是作为研究生的前端开发人员。 我用PHP ( laravel ), BackboneJSJavaScript构建了网页。 经过一整天PHP争斗,我回到家打开笔记本电脑,开始使用NodeJS,Angular和MongoDB的辅助项目。

My side project did not directly increase my knowledge at work, but I knew what the next role I wanted to undertake required.


With the information on the skills required for my next role, I started to work on these skills from day one in my current role, at the time.


In my interview for my second role after my undergraduate studies, I barely mentioned what I did in my actual day job. The main conversation and questions asked were all related to my side project.

在我完成本科学习之后的第二次面试中,我几乎没有提到我在日常工作中所做的事情。 主要对话和提出的问题都与我的副项目有关。

What was even more appealing to my employers at the time was the fact that I was able to find the motivation to pick up a new set of skills while keeping my sanity battling with PHP.


I leveraged the pattern of using my side projects to prepare me for my next role up until my most recent role as a Computer Vision Engineer. Within all the three offers I received, and even the positions I was rejected from, I only spoke about the skills and learning from my side project.

我利用利用副业的模式来为自己的下一个职位做好准备,直到我担任计算机视觉工程师为止。 在我收到的所有三个报价中,甚至在我被拒绝职位中 ,我只谈到了从副项目中获得的技能和学习经验。

行动 (Action)

Now how can you take my personal experience and apply it to your self?


Go online to any job site and search the requirements for a role you see yourself in the next 2–5 years. Do not be put off by the seniority of this role. Make a note of the skills and tools required.

在线访问任何工作站点,并搜索职位要求,以查找您在接下来的2至5年中所看到的职位。 不要被这个角色的资历推迟。 记下所需的技能和工具。

Next, start a side project using the skills your ideal role requires. It doesn’t matter how big or small. Just start.

接下来,使用理想角色所需的技能开始一个辅助项目。 大小无关紧要。 刚开始。

Here’s how I use this method currently.


I have aspirations of becoming a Principal Machine Learning Engineer within the next 2–5 years. Usually, individuals considered for this role have an extensive set of expertise and have 10–15 years of experience underneath their belt.

我渴望在未来的2至5年内成为一名首席机器学习工程师。 通常,被考虑担任这一职务的个人具有广泛的专业知识,并且在其领导下拥有10-15年的经验。

But that doesn’t put me off one bit.


Let me share with you below my method of ensuring I have the right skills and expertise. The tool I use to generate the page below is notion.so.

让我通过确保我拥有正确技能和专业知识的方法与您分享。 我用来生成下面页面的工具是notion.so

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My Personal skill and expertise tracker for my next role

The Image above is very personal, but isn’t that what we all love about Medium. The image depicts my skill tracker that contains tasks focused on gaining the expertise and skills required for my desired next role.

上面的图片非常个人化,但并不是所有人都喜欢Medium。 该图描绘了我的技能跟踪器,其中包含着重于获得我所需的下一个职位所需的专业知识和技能的任务。

I review this list weekly and work on the content of each task daily.


Feel free to use a similar structure. I would like to show what each task contains, but perhaps in another article, I can go into detail.

随意使用类似的结构。 我想展示每个任务包含的内容,但是也许在另一篇文章中,我可以详细介绍。

Do take into consideration that I am no expert(yet) and I’m just learner like you.


If you agree or disagree with the statement below leave a comment in the comment section of this article, I would like to know your thoughts on the matter.


The one mistake I see a lot of people make in the tech industry is that they correlate experience to number of years within a role. Whereas in reality there are individuals with a small number of experience in years and have put more hours into developing a skill than the average person does in three years.

我看到很多人在技术行业中犯的一个错误是,他们将经验与某个职位的年限相关联。 实际上,有些人几年来的经验很少,并且比普通人三年里投入的时间更多。

You need to become one of these individuals. And side projects are a proven and tested path.

您需要成为这些人之一。 附带项目是一个经过验证和测试的途径。

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Photo by Hello I’m Nik 🎞 on Unsplash
你好我是Nik🎞Unsplash上的 照片

加强学习 (Reinforcement Of Learning)

Side projects can assist with knowledge retention


Stating that there’s an unprecedented amount of information to be absorbed in Machine learning is an understatement.


Our job involves constant learning until the very day we retire.


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Photo by Timo Volz on Unsplash
Timo VolzUnsplash拍摄的照片

Like I said earlier, I’m still in the early years of my career, despite that, I still struggle to retain the information I learnt just days ago.


Those with a bit more experience will tell you that success within a machine learning role is not explicitly determined by how much you can remember, but rather your ability to find and implement solutions to meet a specified requirement.


Nonetheless, you need a method of knowledge retention to keep your mind sharp and have the mindset to be able to approach any task, regardless of familiarity.


And yet again, side projects can help with this.


Within my role, I utilize the TensorFlow framework extensively. I use TensorFlow to build machine learning pipelines to train and evaluate models daily. Yet, I still find myself referring to StackOverflow or documentations to complete tasks I’ve done many times over.

在我的职责范围内,我广泛使用了TensorFlow框架 。 我使用TensorFlow构建机器学习管道以每天训练和评估模型。 但是,我仍然发现自己引用了StackOverflow或文档来完成我已经完成多次的任务。

The solution to this problem is obvious. You would probably tell me to keep understanding and practising until it becomes second nature. And you are correct.

这个问题的解决方案是显而易见的。 您可能会告诉我保持理解和练习,直到它成为第二天性。 你是正确的。

That’s why I decided to extend the process of repeating and practising skills I learn within my roles in my side projects.


My thinking here is simple. If I use TensorFlow at work and after work hours, I’ll spend more time repeating processes over and over again till they become second nature.

我的想法很简单。 如果我在工作中和下班后使用TensorFlow,我将花费更多时间一遍又一遍地重复流程,直到它们成为第二自然。

It’s also vital that you have a foundational level of understanding of whichever method you are trying to learn.


行动 (Action)

Find aspects within processes that you are failing to internalize and practice them after work hours within your side projects.


This simple technique aids with knowledge retention through the principle of consistent practice.


您自己的公司 (Your Own Company)

Side projects can be the start of something grand


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Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash
Mario GoghUnsplash拍摄的照片

How many side projects have we heard of that turn into multi-billion dollar companies?


Most of the apps and tools we all use today are a product of side projects.


Facebook started as a side project.


In this short interview that included Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, Priscilla refers to Facebook as just one of Mark’s project. Her exact words were:

在这次简短的采访中 ,马克·扎克伯格和Priscilla Chan都将Priscilla提到Facebook只是Mark的项目之一。 她的确切话是:

“No one in their wildest dream would imagine that this is what would happen…it was his next project”


Hey, I’m not saying that your next side project is going to turn into a billion-dollar company.


What I am saying is that people are willing to place a monetary value on good products that solve significant problems. And your side project could be a worthy investment.

我的意思是,人们愿意为能够解决重大问题的优质产品设定货币价值。 您的附带项目可能是值得的投资。

In my late teens and early twenties, I partied a lot. I attended so much event I needed a system to recommend the events that were worth my time. So I developed a web application that used multiple event website APIs and made a comparison algorithm that weighted event location, prices and attendees to provide a single event recommendation.

在我的十几岁和二十年代初,我参加了很多。 我参加了如此多的活动,因此我需要一个系统来推荐值得我度过的活动。 因此,我开发了一个使用多个事件网站API的Web应用程序,并制定了一种比较算法,该算法对事件的位置,价格和参与者进行加权,以提供单个事件推荐。

This side project didn’t turn into a multi-billion-dollar company. Still, it did turn into a company, that my brother and I worked on for a couple of years and won startup competitions with.

这个副项目并没有变成一个数十亿美元的公司。 尽管如此,它的确变成了一家公司,我和我的兄弟工作了几年,并赢得了初创公司的竞争。

And all I wanted to do was party…more efficiently.


Currently, my next side project is centred around limiting the chances of coronavirus infection. Can’t wait to share this soon.

目前,我的下一个项目是限制冠状病毒感染的机会。 迫不及待想尽快分享。

行动 (Action)

Solve pain points in your life with side projects.


You have a skill that enables you to create tools that can solve problems in people’s lives in creative and imaginative ways.


Look at aspects of your day and identify three things that could be made simpler with a machine learning solution.


Then implement these solutions and enjoy the ride.


No one can predict tomorrow, and your next side project could just be about as successful as Facebook.


And if it isn’t you still gain a ton of skills and experience.


你走之前 (Before You Go)

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Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
Danielle MacInnesUnsplash拍摄的照片

Honestly speaking, I simply try a lot of things in my life and if something yields a positive result, I put more effort into it.


I would encourage you to act on a few actions that I’ve included in this article. And if they don’t work for you, simply move on and try something that could work.

我鼓励您采取本文中包含的一些措施。 如果它们对您不起作用,只需继续前进并尝试一些可行的方法。

There are a couple of talking points that I purposefully did not include in this article that also showcases the benefit of side projects in machine learning, such as:


  • Extra Income


  • Building a personal brand


  • Building a community


I don’t have extensive experience in the omitted talking points mentioned above. But once I do gain invaluable experience, I will be sure to share.

我在上述省略的要点上没有丰富的经验。 但是一旦我获得了宝贵的经验,我一定会分享。

Don’t forget to begin a side project.


来自我的更多 (More From Me)

在我的文章发表时,您可以得到通知的一种方法是在Medium上关注我(One way you can get notified of my articles when they are published is by following me on Medium.)

另一种方法是通过注册我的每周时事通讯 ,其中将包含文章和与机器学习有关的内容。 (Another method is through signing up for my weekly newsletter that will contain articles and machine learning related content.)

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/the-importance-of-side-projects-in-machine-learning-edf9836bc93a






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